Exopa Terra by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Four


April 8, 8:00 A.M. PST

3 Days before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

At 8:00 A.M. Kirkman picks up a phone and dials the President's office, “It is Kirkman. Okay, I will hold.”

The President comes on the line, “Good morning Kirkman.”

Kirkman and Brandon both greet the President, “Good morning.”

“What are your thoughts about this after you had a chance to sleep on it,” The President asks.

“We have to fight it out. If we stop any part of the attack it will just likely delay the action of the terrorist,” Brandon replies.

“I agree,” the President responds, “The military guys agree. The CIA agrees and even the NSA agrees. The FBI agrees, but is hesitant probably because they were beat up so much over the 911 attacks.”

“I want you to talk with Davis. He does respect your opinion” the President continues, “He is waiting for your call in his office.”

Kirkman and the professor hang up the phone.

“Four out of five isn’t bad professor,” Kirkman says, “I would say you are more than half way there at this point.”

The professor picks up the phone and dials Director Davis, “It’s Harris.”

“I have been expecting you,” Director Davis responds on the other end of the line.

“I just got off the phone with Dick,” Brandon says.

“I think we need to use everything you have and what we have and try to stop this,” Davis urges.

“There isn't time to stop it,” Brandon argues. “Besides it is so international it would take weeks to even get appointments to talk to folks.”

“What about going public?” Davis replies.

“You would just delay the action,” Brandon persists. “The terrorists would lay low and wait to fight another day.”

“But we could buy time and get the systems more secure,” Director Davis says standing his ground.

“We have been working on that for years and still are nowhere close to secure systems,” Brandon says refusing to give up his argument.

“What can you tell us that can make a real time defensive response more viable?” Director Davis asks.

“I will fax you some lists we put together,” Brandon replies. “We can set up a video link and brief your task force right in the briefing room.”

“When?” Davis inquires.

“We can fax the stuff within minutes,” Brandon says. “You can get copies distributed and we can start in an hour.”

“The NSA, CIA, and DoD will need a tie into that video conference,” Brandon continues. “How do you feel about that?”

Director Davis gives in, “We might as well all be on the same page.”

“Good,” Brandon replies, “Did you find Tonya?”

“No,” Director Davis replies, “Some folks think she is coming here to see you.”

“That was a set up I am afraid,” Brandon confesses.

“I know, I knew all of the time,” Director Davis says. “But I had to let Brenda focus on something.”

“How is she?” Brandon asks.

“She is holding up,” Director Davis says. “She takes after her mother.”

“How are you two getting along?” Brandon continues.

“We are working at it,” Director Davis asserts.

“Neither one of us have been very fair with her,” Brandon admits.

“Let's do this later,” Director Davis urges. “Call tech support and they will set up your video link.”

“See you in an hour,” Brandon says as he hangs up the phone.

“One hour to show time,” Brandon announces.

“I will handle the faxes,” Razer says.

“I will handle tech support,” jumping steps up Rabbit says. “Give me their number.”

“Professor do you want another diversion yet?” Blaster asks. “And should I keep the Tonya thing going?”

“Keep Tonya active,” Brandon directs. “But hold on the new diversion.”

“Do you want a map for a back drop?” Germ asks.

“Just like Dan Rather,” Brandon agrees.

“What can I do?” Spinx asks.

“Stand by,” Brandon requests, “I may need some research on the fly during the briefing.”

Kirkman announces, “Food is ready.”

“I am really hungry,” Lucy says.

“I am starving,” Spinx says as Germ and Rabbit laugh a bit.


April 8, 11:30 A.M. EST

3 Days before the Expected Attack

The Office of Director Davis at FBI HQ, Washington, D.C.

Davis is sitting at his desk. Agent Brenda Packston knocks on the door. “Come in,” he says.

“Good morning,” Brenda says. “You wanted to see me?”

“Have a seat,” Director Davis replies. “In an about half an hour we are going to have briefing with Professor Harris and his team. The CIA, NSA, DoD and others will also be in on the briefing.”

“I just heard,” Brenda says. “Have you talked with him?”

“Just a few minutes ago,” Director Davis says. “Right after I spoke with the President.”

“Are those calls related in some way?” Brenda asks.

“Seems that the professor has a research team working to find out when a suspected cyber attack would occur, and to determine if High-tech Tonya is involved,” Director Davis informs her.

“And what did he find out?” Brenda asks.

“He has considerable evidence,” Director Davis replies. “Or so he claims. He is faxing stuff to us now for the briefing.”

“Do you know where he is?” Brenda asks.

“No. I don't want to know,” Director Davis replies. “He is working directly for the President on this.”

“Is that what he wanted me to do?” Brenda inquires. “Is that why he told me about the bugs and files on the web server?”

“Probably,” Director Davis replies.

“I wonder why he didn't tell me what he was doing?” Brenda asks.

“Brenda he couldn't do that,” Director Davis asserts. “I don't like the way he handle things with you. But I have to respect him for not telling you. He is doing his job.”

“I have such mixed feelings about all of this.” Brenda confesses.

“Other than how he confronted you the other night how has he treated you while you lived with him?” Director Davis asks.

“He always treated me wonderfully,” Brenda affirms. “Every time he was taking a trip he always did something special with me before he left. He always brought presents. He respected me and treated me like an intelligent person.”

“And you hate him for this?” Director Davis asks.

“No, I hate him because I fell in love,” Brenda admits. “That was not supposed to happen.”

“Brenda you did your job,” Director Davis assures his daughter. “There is nothing wrong with what happened.”

“Thanks for the encouragement,” Brenda says.

“Are you going to be okay at the briefing?” Director Davis asks.

“I will be fine. Thanks for asking,” Brenda says. “We did not part on bad terms, we were both in a strange situation. Now that I know what he is doing and that he has been working for the President, I actually feel more relieved.”

Brenda thinks for a few seconds, “I am going to go get ready now.”

A few minutes later the FBI task force is assembled in the briefing room.

Director Davis enters and calls the group to order, “In a few minutes we are going to have a video conference briefing with Professor Harris and his research team. They claim to have evidence of a planned cyber attack, when it will occur, how it will occur, and some of the probably locations from where the attack will be launched.”

Mumbling around the room.

“Is the professor joining this task force?” Agent Sharon Lawler asks.

“The professor has been carrying out research under the direct oversight of the President of the United States,” Director Davis responds.

“Why did the President assign another team to cover this work?” Agent Moore asks in a critical tone.

“Agent Moore, the professor can work with a lot more flexibility than we can,” an irritated Director Davis responds. “The President is concerned about the country, not our egos. And I don't want anybody's ego in the way. Not today, not ever.”

An Agent enters the room and passes out copies of the exhibits that Professor Harris sent. The projection screen lights up. The technicians start checking their connections.


April 8, 9:00 A.M. PST

3 Days before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California.

“We have a connection with the FBI,” Rabbit reports. “NSA is in, the others should be connected in a few minutes.”

The team takes up positions at various computers. Rabbit points at Brandon.

“Are we ready to begin?” Brandon asks.

“Yes, professor please proceed,” Director Davis affirms.

“Good morning everyone,” Brandon says. “I will be referring to the sheets we faxed you earlier.”

“We have them,” Director Davis informs Brandon.

“A few days ago I took a team to Japan to find the girl friend of the Japanese cyber terrorist called Kaikara,” Brandon continues. ”We covered her activity during your briefing last week. We were successful.”

“Is she with you now?” Director Davis asks.

“Yes, and she has been a tremendous help to our research,” Brandon affirms. “She had been living in a warehouse coop with a number of hackers, and software pirates. Some of which were working under contract to steal software for unknown organizations. There were also a few electronic engineers in the group.”

“We should have been in the loop on this,” Terrence Long from the State Department asserts. “Did you have the cooperation of Japanese authorities in this?”

“Not officially,” Brandon admits. “But we need to focus on the task at hand, after the attacks are over you can take up any issues about my operations with the President.”

“Enough,” Director Davis says in an angry tone. “Focus on the briefing.”

“There were several results from the Japan exercise,” Brandon continues, “We added a key person to our team. We also brought back several computers and a network storage server as well as a variety of electronics.”

“Can we get access to the technology?” Leo Cummings from the NSA requests.

“Unless anyone objects we can put it on a plane and you will have it in a few hours,” Brandon replies. “I do suggest that you set up an interagency team for review. The NSA has the best labs for the job but we all need to share the data.”

“No problem here,” Director Davis says.

“Now to the findings from the technology review,” Brandon continues. “First we determined that the group in Tokyo had stolen lots of software and not just the routine stuff that pirates like to sell. They have manufacturing control software, transportation system management packages, telecommunications control utilities, and more.”

“Please summarize the implications on this,” Leo Cummings from the NSA requests.”

“Basically there are people that can now probably access, control, and utilize software that can, if used improperly, do considerable damage to infrastructure systems,” Brandon continues. “That means they can shut down operations, clog up transportation, etc. this could very well cause deaths, it will certainly cause considerably economic disruption if used in an attack.”

“But since you took this equipment somebody knows that we may know something about what is going on,” Terrence Long asserts.

“Not necessarily,” Brandon replies. “The facility we took the material from was torched within an hour after we were there.”

“Who did that?” Terrence Longs asks.

“I am not sure, but I think a group within the Japanese government was responsible,” Brandon replies.

“Do you have any idea who is in possession of the software?” Dennis Young of the CIA asks.

“That is exhibit 9 that we sent you,” Brandon continues. “We know that it has been sent to the PRC, England, South Korea, Malaysia, the United States, and Singapore. We also know that much of it was transferred to a Japanese military installation in the south of Japan.”

“So the attack you are predicting can come from many different locations?” Agent Sandra Sparks of the FBI asks.

“The distributed attack approach is the most reasonable to achieve success,” Brandon affirms.

“Do you know who uses these software packages and where those organizations are located?” FBI Agent Samuel Thompson asks.

“Of course those companies are all around the world,” Brandon reports. “We focused on the mass transit software and found several cities in the United States with San Francisco, New York, and Atlanta being the largest. We also found high-density use of some of the manufacturing control software in those areas.

“If you were going to narrow it where would you predict the attack will be focused?” Director Davis asks.

“We went through a lot of steps on this one and think that it is San Francisco,” Brandon replies. “However, there maybe other cities attacked during the process as well.”

“What is your prediction as to when the attacks will take place?” Director Davis asks.

“This is where the urgency comes in,” Brandon continues. “We are predicting April 11th, 411.”

“Oh shit!” Terrence Long exclaims.

“This is not good,” FBI Agent Larry Moore says.

“How certain are you about this?” Director Davis asks.

“We have lots of pointers but the terrorists have not called us up to make an appointment,” Brandon replies.

“You mentioned other electronics,” Leo Cummings of the NSA says. “Any implications there?”

“Unfortunately yes,” Brandon replies. “We have some cell phones that are capable of sending a signal that can disrupt wireless local area networks and the equipment attached to the networks. The phones can be preprogrammed to turn themselves on at a specific date and time and start transmitting.”

“A lot of people say that can't be done,” Leo Cummings of the NSA says. “What makes you believe these things can work the way you think the do?”

“We did a field test at 38,000 feet,” Brandon explains. “They work. We also found some of the devices that were already programmed to turn on and transmit on 411.”

“Any evidence of how many of these may be in existence?” Leo Cummings asks.

“May I enter the fray here?” General Madison of DoD requests.

“Of course General,” Brandon says.

“If we let this attack proceed and do nothing to warn people what are our chances of catching the terrorist in action and what do we do if we catch them?” General Madison of DoD asks.

“You know as well as I do that it will take the resources of all of the organizations on this call to respond.” Brandon responds.

“But even if we find out where they are attacking from we still need to work with governments around the world to intervene,” Terrence Long interrupts.

“Not necessarily,” General Madison of DoD states.

“Not at all necessary in fact,” Dennis Young of the CIA affirms. “We already have agreements with our allies to move quickly, we have put many marginal countries on notice that if the United States is attacked we are going to take action first and ask permission second.”

“You guys are going to create an international diplomatic nightmare,” Terrence Long says. “And the State Department is going to have to clean it up.”

“I agree with the General and Agent Young,” Brandon asserts. “I have and still contend that once we locate cyber attackers, that we immediately need to either capture or kill them regardless of the international implications.”

“You have no idea what you are getting us into,” Terrence Long snaps, “This is careless at best.”

“We have enough agreements in place and can operate quickly in all of the places you listed except the PRC,” General Madison says defending his position.

“Any other questions?” Brandon asks.

“Not at this time,” Director Davis responds. “We need to go over this material and formulate our own opinion and course of action.”

“Same here,” Leo Cummings says.

“We are prepared to move at any time,” General Madison assures the teams.

“Can we schedule another briefing for tomorrow morning if necessary?” Director Davis requests.

“Just lets us know,” Brandon says. “Do not use email. Use the fax number we sent you this morning.”

“There is one other thing,” Brandon says. “We believe that this attack is code named ExopaTerra. So please keep a look out for the use of that term.”

The video conference ends.

Brandon turns to the team in the warehouse, “Comments?”

“I am really concerned about the ability of the government guys to deal with the attack while it is in progress,” Germ says.

“I share that concern,” Rabbit says.

“I think they are better than you give them credit for. The NSA has already dealt with attacks in progress,” Lucy says.

“But obviously nothing on this scale,” Blaster says.

“But nothing on this scale has ever happened before. Has it?” Spinx asks.

“No, I know,” Brandon says. “Welcome to the 21st century.”

“What will we be doing?” Razer asks.

“The same thing we have been doing,” Brandon says. “We need to give the government guys as much help as possible. When there is something they can’t handle we will handle it.”

“You mean we are going to do the illegal stuff necessary to fight this battle while the government guys are so confused that they don’t know what to next!” Razer continues.

“Will we be relocating?” Kirkman asks.

“No,” Brandon says. “Let's plan on staying here, but also be ready to move out fast.”

“I will start packing the stuff up for the NSA,” Germ says.

“Kirkman,” Brandon directs. “Find Andrews and tell him to be ready to go in an hour.”

“Got it,” Kirkman says on his way out the door.

“I will help with the packing,” Rabbit says. “And let’s put these cell phones in a Tempest box.”

“I will get the van ready,” Razer says as she walks off.

“I want to stay here,” Spinx says. “Andrews can handle the flight back.”

“My thoughts as well,” Brandon affirms. “Let's reassemble after the plane is off the ground. We may have some more news by then.”


April 8, 6:00 P.M. EST

3 Days before the Expected Attack

The Georgetown Apartment of Professor Brandon L. Harris

Brenda and Sharon are having dinner.

“How are you feeling about today's briefing?” Sharon asks.

“I thought it went pretty well,” Brenda replies. “It sure is a complex situation though.”

“What I really meant to ask you was how are you feeling about the professor?” Sharon continues.

“Well I do feel better knowing that he is on our side,” Brenda replies. “But I have decided that no matter what happens that our relationship, at the least the relationship we had, is over. I can't live with him again even if he asked me to.”

“I am glad you are there,” Sharon assures Brenda.

“There is more,” Brenda continues, “He impressed me today, he has in the past many times, but today he was cool, calm, and analytical. It makes me feel better for having fallen in love with him.”

“I think that is really good,” Sharon supports Brenda. “Relationships that end bad suck, it makes you wonder why you ever got involved in the first place.”

“Thanks for the support,” Brenda says. “It has really been helpful.”

“Anything else from Tonya?” Sharon asks.

“Nothing,” Brenda replies, “In fact I think the whole thing was a ploy.”

“So do I. Will you stay over?” Brenda continues.

“I was hoping you would ask,” Sharon says. “Yes I would like that.”


April 8, 3:00 P.M. PST

3 Days before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The professor sat alone. Germ, Rabbit, and Razor had were taking Major Andrews and the computers to the airport. Kirkman and Blaster were out shopping. Lulu and Lucy had gone swimming.

“How are you doing professor?” Spinx asks. “You have been kind of quiet.”

“Thinking,” Brandon replies. “This is going to be messy. It is already messy.”

“How will we handle things here?” Spinx asks.

“We need to be here, awake, early in the morning on the 11th. A few at 3:30 A.M. The rest by 5:00 A.M.” He replies.

“We will need to make sure we take breaks and nap on occasion,” Brandon continues. “We need to work through the day on the 11th and I suspect even through the 13th maybe 14th before we can wrap everything up.”

“The gang all knows the routine,” Brandon continues. “Lucy will fill Lulu in I am sure.”

“After this is over what do we do?” Spinx asks.

“Take a long vacation,” Brandon replies. “A really long vacation.”

“How can we prepare?” Spinx asks.

“We need to know everything we can about San Francisco,” Brandon replies. “We also need to have information at our finger tips about the host countries.”

“I can handle a lot of that,” Spinx assures Brandon.

Germ, Rabbit, and Razer, return from the airport. Kirkman and Blaster come in immediately after.

“We have lot’s of food,” Kirkman says. “We need help unloading.” Germ, Rabbit, Razer, and Spinx go to help.

Lucy and Lulu return from their swim.

Brandon calls the team together, “Okay, work a while on getting ready, but let's have a leisure evening.”

The team starts to work.

The phone rings, Lucy answers, Professor it is for you” as she hands him the phone.

“This is Harris,” Brandon says.

“Can we talk about the MIT and London School of Economics situation?” Director Davis asks. “You say that software was sent to these locations in your notes.”

“Yes. I suspect that some students in those schools are involved in ExopaTerra and they will use the school's computers to help launch the attack,” Brandon explains. “It should be easy enough to track traffic out of the networks and determine where it is coming from.”

“We will have teams at both locations,” Director Davis assures Brandon. “Hopefully we can catch them in the act.”

“If you can take them alive it would be helpful,” Brandon affirms. “We need more information and will need it fast.”

“We can take them alive as long as they do not start shooting,” Director Davis continues. “We can also start immediate interrogation.”

“Anything you left out of the briefing?” Director Davis asks.

“Like what?” Brandon replies, “Like where Tonya is?”

“Yes,” Director Davis says bluntly.

“I do not know where she is,” Brandon assures him. “But I sure would like to have her on our side.”

“How about a different topic?” Brandon asks.

“Brenda is doing pretty well,” Director Davis reports. “I suspect she is starting up a relationship with Agent Lawler.”

“Good for them,” Brandon says. “But how do you feel about that.”

“What choice is there?” Director Davis replies. “My daughter can have a relationship with somebody she spied on for a year who chases terrorists and writes cyber attack scenarios or she can have a relationship with another female FBI Agent.”

“She is a good person,” Brandon assures him. “Don't push her away because of her relationship with a woman.”

“The world has changed too much for me,” Director Davis says. “I do love my daughter and at this point my goal is to keep her close, the relationship with Lawler is okay with me. I will talk to you tomorrow.”

The professor hangs up the phone.

The team surrounds the professor. “The systems are all ready, I think we are set for a good day of research tomorrow,” Blaster says.

“What's the plan?” Razer asks.

“You know the plan,” Brandon responds.

“The Tonya plan pretty boy!” Razer says.

“I don't know,” Brandon says. “She sent us some interesting information this morning. She said she has not sided with the terrorists.”

“That's fine with me,” Blaster says. “You know I miss her. But I think you need to open up to the others in this.”

“Last night at the restaurant and again this morning I spoke with Tonya,” Brandon confesses.

“We all know that part,” Blaster says. “What we want to know is what you are going to do.”

“She may come here to help on this gig,” Brandon says.

“So let's see how this stacks up,” Spinx says. “Your old ex girl friend, the most wanted cyber terrorist in the world, who hates our government because the FBI hounded her girl friend into suicide, the one she left you for, is going to come and help save the world? Do I have that so far?”

“Accurate,” Brandon affirms. “But there is more to it. Tonya and Mary were lovers in high school and their friend Chan, who Mary married while Tonya was at Stanford, was killed in an automobile accident. The young man is the son of a very rich investment banker. The passenger in his car was the daughter of a United States Senator. They were both under 21 and had been drinking and doing drugs. There was an extensive cover up. Tonya probably feels that justice was not done. Charges were never brought. Mary was despondent. Tonya brought her up north to live with her.”

“That helps,” Lucy says. “But let me see if I can fill in a few blanks. Your most recent ex girl friend who you lived with for about a year, was an undercover FBI Agent spying on you, so they could catch High-tech Tonya, the most wanted cyber terrorist in the world. And now the new ex girl friend is on the task force that we are working with to find the terrorists and kill them when the attack starts. Do I have that right?”

“You left out the part about the new ex girl friend's father being the FBI director who is heading up said task force,” Brandon add.

“You are work of artistic humanity,” Lucy adds.

“I have a few things to add,” Lulu joins in. “Your old ex girl friend was on the PJ1 team with my ex girl friend, who was killed by the Japanese police when they were working to stop the PJ1 team. Is that all correct?”

“Yes that is correct,” Brandon affirms.

“I can help round this out a bit,” Razer says. “You have had sex with every woman here, most of us several times. Now you want to bring your old ex girl friend to work with us. Do I have that straight?”

“Yes,” Brandon says. “But you all have also had sex with each other, some of you with Tonya, all of you with Germ and Rabbit. So why would sex be an issue?”

“Obviously it is not for us,” Razer adds. “But what about the old ex girl friend?”

“Didn't somebody find the novel in progress?” Brandon inquires. “The Sex Life of High-tech Tonya, I suppose you have all read that by now.”

“Late at night,” Germ says. “Out loud, and we loved it.”

“Do you have anything to add Germ?” Brandon asks.

“Well is seems to me that Kirkman may have some issues. Why didn't you include him in this chat?” Germ says.

“He is leaving,” Blaster says. “The rest of us will be around for a long time. It is up to us to say if we have a problem with this, not Kirkman.”

“So if Tonya does come,” Rabbit asks. “Will she be free to participate in the fun and games?”

“Tonya does, and has always done anything she wants,” Brandon replies.

“Any other questions? Does anybody have a problem with this?” Brandon asks.

“Not me,” Blaster says. “I just wanted you to be honest.”

“I like having sex with Tonya,” Razer says. “And I am looking forward to seeing her.”

“I don't have any problems,” Germ says. “She is brilliant and we could use her on the team.”

“Fine with me,” Lucy says.

“I want to meet her,” Lulu says.

“I am fine with it,” Rabbit says.

“I wouldn't miss this for the world,” Spinx says. “Especially if the new ex girl friend shows up with her FBI gun. Oh sorry, it was her badge you popped out of the bag and showed after you had sex. Do I have that right?”