Exopa Terra by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Five


April 9, 9:00 A.M. PST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The team had all arrived except Brandon. They are working away and eating the food that Kirkman fixed. They had been preparing large maps of the San Francisco bay area that shows major railroad yards, pipelines, BART tracks, and traffic flow patterns.

Tonya and Brandon arrive and the team gathers around them. “You have all met Tonya,” Brandon says, “I need you to bring her up to speed and start integrating her into the process.”

“We all said hello yesterday afternoon,” Blaster says. “We are glad you are here Tonya.” The rest of the team nods in agreement.

“Thanks,” Tonya says. “Let's go over the stuff I sent and see if you have any questions.”

“I need to go talk to Kirkman,” Brandon says as he walks off.

“What's up professor?” Kirkman asks as Brandon approaches.

“Let's go to the roof and talk a few minutes,” Brandon says.

Once on the roof the two men sit in the chairs by a table and pour glasses of iced tea.

“Well if I am not mistaken you are going to tell me that the attractive young lady is High-tech Tonya,” Kirkman says.

“That is correct,” Brandon affirms. “What do you think?”

“I think she is a knock out,” Kirkman says.

“No. I mean about her being here,” Brandon says.

“One of our jobs was to find her and determine if she was working for the terrorists,” Kirkman says. “So you found her. Is she working for the terrorists?”

“She is going to work with our team,” Brandon says.

“Good,” Kirkman adds, “Now, how do you know she is not working for the terrorists?”

“How would I be able to know for sure?” Brandon says. “She did bring some material that she thought might be useful.”

“Do you trust her?” Kirkman continues.

“Do I have a choice?” Brandon says. “We need all of the help we can get. April 11th is going to be a really bad day.”

“The next few days, the next weeks will be bad,” Kirkman adds. “You sure know how to get yourself in one mess after another.”

“My greatest talent,” Brandon says. “Speak freely Kirkman. Do you have any problem with Tonya being here?”

“Absolutely not,” Kirkman responds. “You were supposed to find her. So far we have accomplished everything we were directed to do. Well, except to save the world and if not the world at least the country.”

Brandon laughs. “Hopefully that part can wait a couple of days.”

“Everything will work out professor,” Kirkman continues. “Just keep moving ahead.”

Kirkman and the professor descend into the warehouse. Kirkman approaches Tonya and shakes her hand.

“Tonya, I am Henry Kirkman of the United States Secret Service. Welcome aboard,” He says.

“Glad to meet you Henry,” Tonya says. “How are you getting along with this crew?”

“They are a bit weird,” Kirkman says. “But they are good to work with. I have watched them for days and they are doing a really fantastic job.”

“Thanks for introducing yourself Henry,” Tonya says.

“There is lots of food over in the galley,” Kirkman says. “I stocked up on all kinds of stuff. Anything in particular that I can get you.”

“Croissants, almond croissants,” Tonya says. “And some Russian River Pinot for later.”

“The croissants are a staple for Spinx,” Kirkman says. “In fact they go pretty fast so you better get yours while you can. I will get the wine later.”

“Thanks Henry,” Tonya says.

Kirkman walks away and the group assembles.

“Tonya, any idea who might be heading this up?” Brandon asks.

“I don't think there is a single head.” Tonya explains. “Looks like a global party. We went over the software list while you were outside. This gig, if our assessment is accurate, is going to take a lot of fingers pounding keyboards.”

“We can handle this for a while,” Spinx says. “Why don't you and Tonya go get some breakfast?”

Brandon and Tonya leave the warehouse and walk down the street to a side walk café.


April 9, 10:00 A.M. PST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

A sidewalk café in Carlsbad, California

Brandon and Tonya walk into the village of Carlsbad and settle down at a small sidewalk café on a tree-lined street.

“Would you like some breakfast?” Brandon asks, “Or just some tea?”

“You should feed me really good after last night,” Tonya teases.

“When have I not provided you breakfast the morning after?” Brandon teases her back.

“They were good times Brandon, the best days of my life,” Tonya affirms.

“Mine as well,” Brandon says in agreement.

“How are you feeling about the attacks?” Tonya asks.

“A bit nervous but the only thing we can do is do it,” Brandon says.

“Who is working with you?” Tonya asks.

“So far just special units in the FBI, NSA, CIA and defense. But the system will kick in when things start happening,” Brandon says.

“Any assessment how much the government capabilities have improved?” Tonya asks.

“They have improved a lot,” Brandon assures her. “But we won't know until it happens.”

“What made you come here?” Brandon continues.

“Your team needs my help,” Tonya says. “I read the ground zero San Francisco attack scenario. Everyone on both sides of this has probably read it.”

“Let's hope the good guys read it more than once,” Brandon says.

“The big problem still remains, good guys don't know how to think like terrorists,” Tonya says. “I guess that is why you are on this.”

“I guess,” Brandon says.

“Tell me about the new ex girl friend,” Tonya says.

“The daughter of a Director in the FBI that lived with me to spy on me?” Brandon says. “That new ex girl friend?”

“Tell me about her,” Tonya insists.

“Bright, pleasant, mischievous, some times devilish,” Brandon says.

“Just your type huh?” Tonya says.

“I guess. I do like her, even love her in a way,” Brandon says. “I also feel really bad for her. She was a pawn in dangerous game. Her father really took advantage of her.”

“Are you going back to her when this is over?” Tonya asks.

“No,” Brandon says. “She has a new girl friend.”

“Why aren't you going back to her anyway?” Tonya asks.

“Too complex,” Brandon replies. “I can't live that complex of a life. I can't have a relationship that needs that much work. She deserves to not have a relationship that needs that much work.”

“You are the only person in the world that things like that can possibly happen to,” Tonya says.

The waiter approaches.

“I will have three eggs over easy, a double order of bacon, hash browns, whole wheat toast, Irish Breakfast tea, and orange juice,” Tonya says. “He will have the same except with tea, Earl Grey.”

The waiter walks away.

Brandon looks at Tonya. “You are beautiful.”

She smiles, “It is good to be with you.”

“Can I ask about what you are going to do when this is over?” Brandon says.

“Yes, like I said, when it is over you can ask,” Tonya replies.

“I knew you were going to say that,” Brandon says. “But I had to ask.”

“Yes, you had to ask, jerk,” Tonya says. “If you did not ask me that you would have been in big shit the rest of the day.”

The waiter brings the food.

Tonya and Brandon eat and chat.


April 9, 2:00 P.M. EST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

Briefing room at FBI HQ, Washington D.C.

The task force is going over details and working on response plans.

The professors team has assembled a map of attack sources, geographical targets, and target types,” Director Davis says. “We need to deploy extra agents immediately to the bay area and get them stationed around the city.”

“When will we be in contact with the professor's team again?” Agent Lawler asks.

“The team has answered all of the questions we sent them. If they have any new information they will let us know,” Director Davis says. “If anybody has any more questions for the team let me know.”

“On attack day will we have an open channel with the professors team?” Agent Lawler continues.

“What do you mean,” Director Davis asks.

“We could establish an open video conference link between this center and his labs so we could communicate in real time through one of the monitors” Agent Lawler explains.

“Work with our tech team and see if they can do that,” Director Davis says;

“Do you have any questions of us Director Davis?” Agent Thompson asks.

“I have lots of questions,” Director Davis says. “But you will probably answer them in your actions during the attack.”

“Agent Lawler and Agent Packston are you ready?” Director Davis asks.

“Yes, they confirm.”

Agent Lawler starts her briefing. “We have looked at the probable attack scenario and some sequences. The attacks will be launched from multiple locations. They are mostly universities, but also some government offices, and some corporate offices as well. These guys have infiltrated a lot of sites in order to get the bandwidth and the systems power they needed for this.”

“It also makes it harder to take them out,” Agent Packston adds. “If it was a stand alone building just full of terrorist we could just blow them up. My guess is that is why they did it this way. Every terrorist on the planet knows that the United States military would just as soon shoot them on site.”

“The mass cyber attack scenario would require several things according to the professor’s analysis,” Agent Lawler continues. “First a number of trained people, at least trained enough to learn the basics of specific systems. Second, that would require a comparable number of systems. Third, it will also require good connectivity and considerable bandwidth. We are working to pinpoint these locations in the countries on the list in the next 24 hours.”

“They are also likely to use drone or slave machines,” Agent Packston adds.

“Although we expect that, they are fairly easy to block,” Agent Lawler continues. “We think these folks will focus on trying to look like legitimate users when they hit some of the systems. The others of course will just hack in.”

“If many of these locations are universities, business, and government offices, what you are implying is either the attackers are getting support directly from the organizations or they have infiltrated,” Director Davis states.

“That is correct,” Agent Packston says. “But don't rule out a potential hostage situation. The attackers will try to sustain attacks as long as possible. That is going to make things very difficult depending on which country it takes place in.”

“I have a few other points,” Agent Lawler continues. “There is going to be lots of diversionary tactics. It is likely that there will be attack teams focusing on hitting high profile government websites like the White House, DOJ, and DOD. Just remember that this is not the important aspect of the attack. We cannot spend a lot of time on those attacks unless they are easy to trace.”

“Any other questions for now?” Agent Packston asks.


April 9, 3:00 P.M. PST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The team assembles to review their findings. Large maps are projected on screens around the rooms. Lines connect attacking countries to potential targets in the United States.

“Any questions, comments?” Brandon asks.

“Can we take off and go swimming?” Razer asks.

Everyone laughs.

“We have the targets and the sources down at this point,” Rabbit adds. “We can think about it over night and make tomorrow’s objective to work on scenario timings.”

“It is not likely that all targets will be hit at once,” Tonya adds. “Terrorism is a psychological game more than a damage game.”

“In the San Francisco Ground Zero scenario the idea is to do terror as long as possible and create an atmosphere of fear, dread, and uncertainty,” Lucy adds.

“If it is the SFGZ scenario that they intend to run they will attack all day, maybe for two days,” Blaster adds.

“Go swimming, and do what you do,” Brandon says. “But let’s get an early start tomorrow, 9:00 A.M.”

“Pool party,” Spinx declares. “Last one in doesn’t get sex.”

The team looks at her like she is crazy.

“Just kidding,” Spinx bails herself out.

Razer looks at Tonya and Brandon, “Are you going to join us at the pool?”

Tonya and Brandon look at each other. “Of course,” Tonya says. “But we are going to make an early night of it, remember it has been a long time since Brandon and I have been able to spend time together.”

“And what about you Kirkman, daddy, baby?” Lucy says. “Come and hang out for a while.”

“I would not miss it for the world,” Kirkman says.

The team cheers and run out of the warehouse.

Kirkman and Brandon walk together over to the inn.

“Are you married Kirkman?” Brandon asks.

“Yep, same woman for 26 years,” Kirkman says. “The only woman I have ever wanted, ever needed.”

“Any kids?” Brandon asks.

“No, no kids,” Kirkman adds. “She could not get pregnant or we would have. Don’t get me wrong, as traditional as it may sound we have been in love all our of lives, she is the most wonderful woman in the world as far as I am concerned.”

“I don’t get you wrong Kirkman,” Brandon says. “You have more of my respect than anyone I know, you are a rock Kirkman.”

“Thanks professor,” Kirkman says. “It certainly has been an experience working with you and the team, they are a great bunch of kids.”

“The best there is in my opinion,” Brandon says. “They like you a lot Kirkman, you have treated them well, you do not judge them, you take care of them.”

“We are all on the same mission here,” Kirkman adds. “These kids, whether they know it or not, are some of the greatest patriots I have ever seen.”

“They will do their best,” Brandon adds. “They always have.”

“They are your protégés,” Kirkman adds.

“They were, now they are my peers in the biggest cyber fight that has ever occurred,” Brandon continues. “These over sexed geeks are Spider Man, Bat Girl, and Godzilla, all rolled into one. I am proud of them.”

“And what about Tonya?” Kirkman asks.

“The love of my life, no doubt about it,” Brandon says.

“Then you know what you have to do,” Kirkman says. “Don’t you.”

“I don’t want her to go away again, I need to figure something out,” Brandon says.

“Focus on the task at hand,” Kirkman says. “Everything will work out.”

“Do you know something I don’t know?” Brandon asks.

“It does not matter, the answer would still be the same,” Kirkman says as they arrive at the inn. “I am ready for a swim, I will go get my trunks on and see you back here in a few.”


April 9, 4:00 P.M. PST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

The pool at the Inn in Carlsbad, California

The entire team was at the pool. Lucy and Lulu were swimming under water to see how long they could hold a kiss at the bottom of the pool. Blaster, Germ, Rabbit, Razer, and Spinx were having laps races for some unannounced prize. Tonya was diving from the high board. Kirkman and Brandon were watching it all as they sipped tropical drinks with long unpronounceable names.

Lucy comes out of the pool “I am really hungry!”

Spinx is right behind her “Do tacos have protein in them?”

“What kind of tacos?” Blaster asks.

Within a minute food was the topic of conversation.

“Mexican is the food of the night,” Razer says, “All opposed say nay.”

Nobody opposed. The group disperses with the agreement that will meet at the Mexican restaurant for a pre cyber terror attack Mexican feast.

They descended upon their group of hotel rooms and showered and whatever else they could fit in during the 30 minutes.

Like clockwork they emerged and all migrated to the Mexican restaurant and occupied a group of tables.


April 9, 7:00 P.M. EST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

The Georgetown Apartment of Professor Brandon L. Harris

Brenda and Sharon were having dinner and a bottle of Brandon’s best wine.

“This is really good wine,” Sharon comments.

“Yes it is, this is from the special bin in the bedroom closet where he kept the stuff that he spent over $100 a bottle for,” Brenda says as she laughs. “And we have about 50 more bottles in there.” She laughs more.

“And we are going to drink it all,” Sharon says as she joins in the laughter.

“The next few days are going to be long,” Brenda says. “We may not get to eat dinner.”

“I know,” Sharon says as she looks into Brenda’s eyes. “Lets make sure we have a well balanced meal tonight and a well balanced night all around.”


April 9, 6:00 P.M. PST

2 Days before the Expected Attack

The Mexican restaurant in Carlsbad, California

The group took over four round tables on the patio of the Mexican restaurant. They had ordered large amounts of appetizers, beer and wine.

Tonya sat next to Brandon, “This is an amazing group of people,” she says to Brandon. “Yes they are and they are all happy that you are here with them.”

Spinx wanders over to their table, “Mind if I join you two for a while,” she asks.

“Please do,” Tonya says. “And tell me more about yourself while Brandon goes and to fill my plate with food.” Tonya and Spinx laugh as Brandon takes the hint and goes off to get more food.

Blaster and Razer were plotting something with Lucy and Lulu at another table. They were keeping Germ and Rabbit at a distance, perhaps because they were the targets of the plot.

Kirkman was telling stories to Germ and Rabbit at another table.

Brandon approaches the table full of food and fills Tonya’s plate and returns it to her. Spinx and Tonya were in a deep and up close conversation that halted momentarily until Brandon deposited the plate of food and left.

All of a sudden there was a shift in tables. Blaster and Razer displaced Germ and Rabbit in their conversation with Kirkman and sent them to talk with Lucy and Lulu.

Brandon joins Blaster, Razer, and Kirkman for a minute but is signaled by Tonya to return. As hit sits down the two women have that devilish we plotted something smile on their faces.

Kirkman says good night and walks back to the inn to get some sleep.

Blaster, Germ, Lucy, Lulu, Rabbit, and Razer head back to the warehouse.

“Did you enjoy yourself last night Spinx,” Tonya asks.

“Yes very much,” Spinx says. “I have never had such a sexual experience. In fact this entire trip has been some of the most intense sex I have ever had. I think it could be the circumstance.”

“Well Blaster, Germ, Rabbit, and Razer are some of the most amazing people I have ever meet,” Tonya says. “And Lucy and Lulu are really cool women.”

“What amazes me the most about Blaster, Germ, Rabbit, and Razer are that they seem so happy in their lives,” Spinx says. “When I first saw where they lived and how they lived I thought they had very little but now I realize that they have everything they want as well as an amazing support group.”

Brandon listens to the conversation admiring the two women. Tonya looks over at him, “Come on professor Spinx and I want something from you.” They leave the restaurant and return to Brandon’s room.