Exopa Terra by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Seven


April 11, 3:30 A.M. PST

The Day of the ExopaTerra Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

Kirkman gets to the warehouse at 3:30 A.M. and sets up a breakfast buffet. Shortly after that Germ wanders down from the loft and starts turning on computers and monitors. As the large screens light up the maps the team had worked on for the last two days start appearing. Germ grabs a bite of food, grunts at Kirkman and goes to take a shower.

At 4:00 A.M. Blaster comes down from the loft. She checks phones and hooks up headsets to everyone’s workstations. She grabs some food, moans at Kirkman and goes to shower.

Germ returns and continues to work on equipment. Razer joins him and tests her workstation and headset. She grabs some food, winks at Kirkman and goes to shower.

Shortly after that Razer, Rabbit, and Spinx come back down to the loft. They had just gotten out of the shower. Spinx grabs a croissant and some tea and goes to her workstation. It is setup in a U shape and she has three computers that she can use by swiveling in her chair. Rabbit gets a bite and goes to test his workstations.

By 5:00 A.M. Lucy and Lulu have joined their comrades and tested their headsets and computers. Shortly after that Tonya and Brandon arrive. Brandon grabs a diet soft drink and Tonya has tea. They settle in to their workstations and go through the same testing routine as everyone else has.


5:30 A.M. PST

“There is a hostage situation in Singapore.” Lucy says. “It is being billed as a disgruntled employee in an office building in the center of the city. The building has been closed and the police are not letting anybody in.”

“Spinx get a profile on the building,” Brandon requests.

“Coming right up,” Spinx replies. “It is a 22-story building with office of several international companies including six global computer companies that are headquarters in the United States.”

“What floor is the hostage situation on?” Brandon asks.

“The top 11 floors,” Lucy says. “The building has been evacuated and the police are in a wait and see mode.”

“What companies are there?” Brandon asks.

“I am getting you the list now,” Spinx says.

“A plane crashed,” Lulu reports. “It was heading from Hong Kong to LAX. I will work on more details but this apparently just happened.”

“There has been a new computer virus spotted in Europe,” Blaster reports. “It is a mass mailer, moving moderately fast but it has a payload.”

“Just got a report from Japan as well,” Lulu says. “Sounds like the same bug.”

“I will see if I can get a copy,” Germ says.

The red light blinks on the situation phone connected to the FBI briefing room. Brandon picks up the phone.

“This is Davis,”

“There is a hostage situation in Singapore,” Brandon says.

“We just heard,” Director Davis says.

“Got a list, at least a partial of the occupants,” Spinx says as she hands Brandon the list.

“We are faxing a list of occupants,” Brandon says. “There are several computer companies with high bandwidth connectivity and many probably have direct lines into offices in the United States. This is going to serve as an attack portal.”

“Any information on a plane crashing out of Hong Kong?” Brandon asks.

“No. We just heard about that,” Director Davis says.

“Welcome to 411,” Brandon says as he hangs up the phone.

“These guys are starting a little early,” Brandon says.

“The Singapore situation is not too early,” Lucy says. “The cops will sit there at least 6 or so hours before they make any brash moves.”


6:00 A.M. PST

“There is another hostage situation,” Razer reports. “It is in Rome, another office building with international companies.”

“I will see what I can find out,” Spinx says. “I have an address. It is an 18-story building. Plenty of connectivity, satellite dishes on the roof.”

“The group in Singapore is probably a left over from al-Qaida,” Tonya says. “They are well funded and can get all of the talent they need. The economic recovery has been slow to come to that part of Asia and there are a lot of loose geeks running around.”

“A plane returned to the Tokyo airport a few minutes ago. It was bound for LAX,” Lulu reports. “No further information yet.”

“I am hungry, really hungry,” Lucy says just as Kirkman brings her some breakfast.

“Let's see, sex makes you hungry, and terrorist attacks make you hungry,” Brandon says.

“Your type of woman,” Tonya says and laughs.

“Actually I am getting hungry as well,” Spinx says.

“Just how late did you all stay up last night?” Brandon asks.

“It was a busy night,” Lucy says.

“The Singapore police have not yet made any contact with the hostage holders,” Spinx reports.


6:30 A.M. PST

“Rome is in a stand-off mode,” Razer reports.

“Virus reports from Washington D.C., Boston, New York,” Lucy reports.

“Add Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Sydney,” Lulu reports.

“Looks like this is warming up a bit,” Brandon says.

“A refinery explosion in Oakland, Razer reports. “It is one of the targets we identified and on the list of stolen software.”

Brandon picks up the hot line to FBI HQ. “This is Harris.”

“Davis here, the refinery explosion is pretty bad, but we have two agents at the software company now,” Director Davis says. “Looks like there was a hack, but the log files trace back the intrusion to Malaysia. The CIA has those groups under surveillance and is moving in now. We expect a capture in minutes.”

“A second refinery explosion,” Razer reports. “Also on our list.”

“Did you hear that?” Brandon asks Director Davis.

“The CIA has just nabbed them without firing a shot,” Director Davis says. “The computers and documentation are intact and we have a forensic team in route.”

“Excellent,” Brandon says and he hangs up the phone.

“The CIA nabbed the Malaysian attackers,” Brandon reports to the team. “Evidence is intact.”

“The refinery fires have about half of the East Bay emergency service teams tied up at this point,” Spinx reports.

The maps on the large monitors refresh to show where the refinery fires are.


7:00 A.M. PST

“About a dozen United States government websites have been hacked and defaced,” Blaster reports. “They left their calling card, it says ExopaTerra.”

“There was a problem with mass transit in NYC a few minutes ago,” Spinx reports. “The computers crashed. It is being blamed on an electrical failure.”

“The news media is catching on,” Lucy reports as Razor adjusts the feeds on one of the large screens.

Kirkman distributes drinks and some snacks all around.

“FAA computers are out at San Francisco International,” Spinx reports. “Traffic is being diverted and all outgoing flights have been delayed.”

“This could mean that LAX is the target airport for the plane crashes,” Tonya says.

“Makes sense, word just in from Tokyo,” Lulu says. “The reason the flight was turned around was that a guy refused to quit playing with his cell phone. And LAX is also where the Hong Kong flight was headed.”

Blaster picks up the hot line to FBI HQ as the red light flashes, “professor it is Director Davis.”

Brandon takes the phone, “What’s up?”

“Frankly I doubted you,” Director Davis says. “The nab in Malaysia went very well, we have garnered a lot of other information about cells in Malaysia and the CIA and the Malaysian government are moving in on them now.”

“Great,” Brandon says. “That means we may be reducing the punch for the rest of the attack.”

“We have moved agents into key Bay Area installations including BART,” Davis says. “I want you to work directly with Agent Lynn Chan, she will be calling you in a few minutes.”

Brandon hangs up the phone, “The Malaysian bust is expanding, we may be knocking out much of that contingent within an hour or so.”

“FBI Agent Lynn Chan is at BART and will be calling here within minutes,” Brandon continues.

“Hey, I got one of the bugs,” Germ declares. “Let me isolate it and take a look at it.” Germ copies the bug on to a disk and takes it to an isolated machine.

“CERT says the fast mover came from Russia,” Rabbit reports.

“This bug is good, light weight but destructive,” Germ reports. “It first mails, then hits files. It should travel fast.”

“That could turn into an asset,” Rabbit says. “If it moves really fast some networks may be shut down which will block access.”

“Problem is the email systems will probably be shut down and traffic bounced back,” Germ says. “But unless you shut down the gateways, hackers can still do port entries into servers.”

“There is another bug, a Trojan,” Lucy says. “It leaves a backdoor open for entry into any system it hits.”

A phone rings, Blaster answers, “Professor it is Agent Lynn Chan at BART.”

“Patch in Germ and Rabbit,” Brandon directs. “This is Professor Harris.”

“I am in the IT offices of BART and I am getting nowhere, can you help,” Lynn Chan says.

“We will do our best,” Brandon says. “Put the director on.”

“This is Morgan, I am the IT director at BART,” Morgan says.

“This is Professor Harris,” Brandon replies. “My research center is working with the FBI today because of suspected cyber terrorist attacks.”

“That’s nice but nobody can get into our system,” Morgan says.

“Okay we understand that your system can't be hacked but it does not have to be hacked,” Brandon explains. “We suspect that somebody is going to go through the transportation control software company’s temporary systems, log onto your system and will take over.”

“You guys are nuts,” Morgan says.

A young man comes running into the director’s office at BART, “We have lost control. It is as if somebody has taken over the system. We can't do a thing.”

“Do you hear that?” Lynn Chan asks.

“Yes,” Brandon confirms.

Agent Lynn Chan and Morgan run to the control room. There are several people looking at the system. One is on the phone with tech support of the company that created the software that controls the system. The trains are still running.

“Give me the phone,” Lynn Chan says. The BART technician looks at Lynn Chan in amazement.

“Give her the phone,” Morgan says.

“Who is this?” Lynn Chan asks.

“Danny Lewis,” the voice on the other end of the phone answers.

“Danny this is Agent Lynn Chan of the FBI. Somebody has control of this system and if it is not BART and it is not you, then who is it?”

Brandon, Germ, and Rabbit listen intensely.

“That is impossible,” Danny says. “It can't happen.”

“Danny how old are you,” Lynn Chan asks.

“23, I just got out of college,” Danny replies.

“Is your boss around Danny?” Lynn Chan asks.

“No, they are all out looking at new office space,” Danny replies. “Our office burned down a couple weeks ago.”

“Did you get the gist of that Professor?” Lynn Chan asks.

“Yes,” Brandon says. “Get his phone number and Germ will call him. Everybody stay on the phone. I need to talk with FBI HQ.”

Agent Chan relays the phone number. Germ calls the tech support center.

“Danny, this is Germ. I am working with Agent Chan. Do you know anything about the computers there?” Germ asks.

“No not really,” Danny says. “And there are just a couple of them here. We have some servers hosted with a company in Boston where most of our stuff is kept.”

“Danny can you give the phone number of the place that hosts your servers?” Germ asks “And do you have a name of anyone there?”

“Yes, I just need to find it, hang on,” Danny says.

“Professor, we are going to lose this one,” Germ says. “We are running out of time.”

Danny gives the information to Germ.

“Stay on the phone Danny,” Germ says. “Stay on the phone Agent Chan.”

“I will call the Boston place,” Rabbit says as he dials the number.

“May I speak to the security director please?” Rabbit says. “I can hold, but it is very important we have a security breach in progress.”

Brandon picks up the FBI HQ hot line. ”We have a situation at BART. The system has been taken over and the trains are still running.”

“We only have minutes,” Brandon continues. “The MIT team should go immediately to the transportation engineering program labs.”

“Hold on,” Director Davis says. “I will get them there.”

Davis yells out the order. He now has Brandon on the hot line and Agent Margaret Simpson on a mobile phone. The technicians patch the calls together.

“Upstairs, third floor,” Agent Margaret Simpson directs her team. “Room 318.”

Five FBI agents run up the stairs. They find room 318. They can see four young men in the lab looking at a computer screen. They back away from he door.

“We are in the building by the lab,” Agent Margaret Simpson reports. “There are four young Middle Eastern men in the room looking at a computer screen. The door is locked.”

“You have four minutes according to the ground zero scenario they will crash the trains at 8:00 A.M. PST,” Brandon urges.

“Get that fire ax we are going in,” Agent Margaret Simpson orders. An Agent gets a fire ax from the end of the hall. He raises his arms to bring the ax down on the door. A security guard walks onto the floor.

“Hey what are you doing?” the security guard asks.

“FBI we need to get into this room,” Agent Margaret Simpson says.

“What's the problem little lady?” the security guard asks.

“I am not a lady and if you have the keys to this door and don't open it immediately I am going to cut you balls off with a dull straight edge razor,” Agent Margaret Simpson says.

“You convinced me,” the security guard responds. The MIT security guard gets his keys out and is looking of for the right key.

“Hurry up,” Agent Simpson urges. The clock strikes 8:00. A BART train crashes into another sitting at an underground station in downtown San Francisco.

The guard gets the door open. The agents rush into the room guns in their hands. The young men try to run out the other door. Except one who is trying to do something on the computer. Agent Simpson shoots him in the arm and the leg. The young man falls to the floor. The computer screen remained unchanged.

The security guard stands in a state of shock.

“Stay right where you are and don't touch a thing,” Agent Margaret Simpson orders the security guard. The other three young men are apprehended by the FBI agents.

“We have them,” Agent Simpson reports. “Were we on time?” she asks.

“Agent Chan are you there?” Germ asks.

“Yes I am here,” Agent Lynn Chan reports. “There has been a train wreck.”

“Any details?” Germ asks.

“It is underground in downtown San Francisco,” Agent Lynn Chan reports. “It will take awhile to figure out.”

Rabbit had the security director at the Boston hosting company prepared to meet the FBI agents that were in route to secure the server.

Germ hangs up his two phones.

“We were not in time,” Brandon says. “But you caught them in the act. You did a good job. And you have shut down the threat.”

“Tell me that after I hear the body count,” Director Davis says.

“It is going to be a long day,” Brandon says. “I will call you later.”


8:00 A.M. PST

“The plane that returned to Tokyo was because of an unruly passenger who kept trying play with his cell phone. The flight attendants took it away from him,” Lucy reports. “He was arrested but not talking. The cell phone is being examined by the police.”

“More virus reports,” Blaster says. “Email systems are clogged everywhere on the East Coast and it is spreading fast.”

“We should have a few minutes before the next attack,” Brandon says.

“I am guessing banking next with another transportation hit after that,” Tonya says.

“I agree,” Brandon replies. “How is everybody doing?”

“I need food!” Lucy says.

“I need food and sex and food and sex and more food,” Lulu says.

Their humor helps break the tension.

“We did all we could on the BART thing,” Germ says. “Can you imagine leaving a 23 year old who knows nothing about that software on the help desk?”

“I can now,” Brandon replies.

“More virus reports from Asia,” Spinx reports. “Singapore is still a stand off and so is Rome.”

“Let's think about the London School of Economics connection,” Tonya says. “The school has several programs related to banking and finance. The team there needs to locate any computer labs related to these areas.”

“Good thinking,” Brandon replies.

“The San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland airports are closed. The computers are down,” Spinx reports. “The air traffic in these airports include over 2,000 flights per day moving in and out over 130,000 passengers. We have been in contact with people at the FAA and can confirm that it was an intrusion and they are trying to trace it now.”

The red light on the FBI hot line is blinking. Brandon picks up the phone, “Harris.”

“We have agents at one of the major banks in San Francisco, they are suffering from a never-ending chain of intrusion attempts,” Director Davis reports.

“Are you in contact with the team of Agents at the London School of Economics?” Brandon asks.

“Yes, we have a team watching their network and it is not coming from there,” Director Davis reports.

“Can you patch my team in with your folks on site in San Francisco?” Brandon asks.

“Yes, I will use the line 3 number you gave us,” Director Davis replies as he gives the order.

“Rabbit, there is a call coming in on line three,” Brandon says.

Turning back to his conversation with Director Davis he says, “It is probably the Rome operation.”

“Our take on this is that if the cell phones are being used that they will be on planes going to LAX,” Brandon says.

“We can't shut down air traffic around the world. Nobody would believe us,” Director Davis replies. “And if we were wrong then they would never believe us again.”

“The police in Rome are planing to go in but it will be two or three hours until they are ready,” Director Davis continues. “Several computer companies are working to take the Rome building out of their network, but there are other networks that go into that building as well.”

“Okay, the San Francisco bank team is on with us here,” Brandon says.

“The virus is spreading faster,” Spinx reports. “A lot of email systems are being shut down. The patches are ready but the networks are clogged getting the patch out.”

“The Singapore police are still holding,” Lucy reports. “It will probably be three of four more hours before they move in.”

“I want to figure out what is special about that Singapore building,” Tonya says as she goes to work on the task.

“It is a Regional office for IQ Computers and BizX, a large database and financial management software company.” Spinx updates Tonya. “There should be live connections to the computers those companies have in northern California. Which in turn has live connections to a lot of other systems because of the support services the companies provide to their customers.”

“Can we get any contacts in those organizations?” Tonya asks.

“The FBI should already have contacts through InfraGard,” Brandon says. “Spinx use the red phone and ask for Agent Brenda Packston and see if she can start working on contacts. Explain the situation.”

“There is more detail on the virus from Japan,” Lulu reports. “It is spreading quickly and variants have already been identified.”

“The San Francisco Chronicle's web site is running a front page story on a possible anthrax attack in the city today,” Lucy reports. “I got in touch with the SFC, they have been hacked, they are working to fix it now. But a TV station picked up the story and is spreading it.”

“Another SF contact just got in touch,” Lucy continues. “There has been a mass mailing of an email saying that there is going to be an anthrax attack in SF today. It probably went to thousands of email addresses in the bay area.”

“Panic is such a good tool,” Brandon says.

“Professor we have something on the SF bank,” Razer reports. “It looks like the intrusion attempts are coming from the building in Rome.”

“We need to let these guys wander through that bank system for a while if we are going to figure out what they are up to,” Brandon directs.

“The bank agrees and that is what is happening,” Rabbit reports.

The red light on the hot line is flashing, Brandon answers, “Harris.”

“It’s Brenda.”

“Having fun yet?” Brandon asks.

“As a matter of fact I am, you have ruined me for life,” Brenda responds. “We have a second bank in SF that is being hit, it is traced back to the London School of Economics, we are moving in within minutes.”

“How is the evidence trail?” Brandon asks.

“We have them four or five ways,” Brenda responds. “Got to go now.”

Kirkman is distributing bottles of water and juice.

“Professor, if the team at the London School is focusing on something as small as a single bank then somebody else is going to go for the federal reserve or the brokerages.” Blaster says.

“My guess as well,” Brandon says. “Of all of those we have profiled so far who is the most likely?”

“I will work on that with Tonya,” Blaster replies.


9:00 A.M. PST

“Lucy, Spinx, Lulu,” Brandon calls. “Lets talk a minute. Give some thought to the cell phone thing. If LAX is the target, then we should figure out what flights are coming from where and when they will arrive.”

“Two steps ahead of you Professor,” Lucy says. “Spinx has the list and we have some ideas.”

“Go with it,” Brandon says.

Spinx and Lucy get on the red phone and confer with Agent Brenda Packston.

“We have two choices,” Spinx says. “We can speed the flights up or slow them down.”

“Assuming it is LAX, and assuming there are more phones that makes senses,” Brenda says. “The most dramatic strike would be right over LA or as the planes land at LAX.”

“That is our thoughts as well,” Lucy and Spinx confirm with Brenda.

“Let me beat on it a few minutes and see if I can get a good FAA contact,” Brenda says. “I will get back to you on your number four line.”

Tonya, Blaster, and Brandon are discussing another financial sector strike. “I vote for Japan,” Tonya says.

“Guys from a military base in Japan hitting a brokerage in SF?” Brandon asks.

“They are the most capable on the list and the brokerage will have the best security,” Tonya says.

“What would the motivation be?” Brandon asks.

“Money, for hire, they hate the United States. There could be a Saudi connection. How many answers do you want?” Tonya says.

“Okay, you two take this one and let me know what you come up with,” Brandon says as he walks away.

“Another plane is down off the Pacific Coast,” Lucy announces. “It was coming from South Korea, it was an hour away and about an hour late.”

“That supports our theory,” Spinx says as she and Lucy go to pick up the hot line.

“The London School of Economics bust went perfect,” Razer reports. “All were captured and all evidence in tact.”

“The guys in Italy are still wandering around the SF bank,” Rabbit reports.

“The virus attacks are being logged as the biggest ever,” Lulu says. “Replications are in the billions and there are dozens of variants.”

“San Francisco is starting to panic,” Razer says. “There are traffic jams everywhere, smoke from the refinery fires is drifting around the bay. Clouds reach more than two miles into the air.”

“Just in,” Razer continues. “The governor of the state of California is convinced that the city is being attacked by terrorist and has closed the bridges in and out of San Francisco. The traffic jams are horrendous.”

“Where did you hear all of that,” Brandon asks.

“Saddam Hussein’s favorite station, CNN of course.” Razer says.

The red light on the hot line is blinking. Blaster answers, “Yes he is here.” She motions to Brandon to take the call. “Harris”

“General Madison’s team has been monitoring electronic transmissions and email traffic from the Japanese military installation,” Director Davis reports. “I am going to patch him in on this call.”

“This is a day in hell!” General Madison remarks.

“It is going to be a long day,” Brandon replies. “We have come to the conclusion that a stock brokerage or other major financial institution hit is going to originate from the Japanese military base.”

“We have a team waiting to move in on that place. There is only one building with a lot of computers. And we have been monitoring data communications in and out of the facility,” Madison reports. “We have captured a lot of messages that are encrypted. We are cracking them now.”

“Where are they from and to?” Brandon asks.

“You will love this one professor,” Madison says. “Saudi Arabia. If you get any additional information let me know.”

Brandon hangs up the phone.

“Hey guys, I have a little tap on the lines coming out of the IQ office in Singapore,” Rabbit says.” Not much traffic right now.”

“Don't even tell me how you did that,” Brandon says.

“Hey bragging rights man,” Rabbit says. “It was through a friend of a friend.”

“Ah yes, Ms. Singapore,” Blaster says. “The one at school. She always did like your inventions Rabbit.”

“And who ever said geeks don't have sex,” Brandon says.


10:00 A.M. PST

“Report in from Sacramento,” Lucy says. “The governor of the California has declared a state of emergency. He has mobilized the National Guard. He has ordered the bridges in SF to be closed the rest of day.”

Blaster takes a call and transfers it to Germ. “One of the ATM networks has been hit and taken down,” Lynn Chan reports. “No trace on the hit. The system will be back up in a few minutes.”

“Whoever did it will keep hitting,” Germ says. “Keep the security guys patient and work on a trace. They will focus on getting the network backup because of the cost of downtime. It is going to be more efficient to catch the guys than try to keep putting the system back on line.”

“Any news on the BART crash?” Germ asks her.

“15 people are known dead, dozens more injured, the tunnels are full of smoke, it is going to take all day to get the people out of there,” Agent Lynn Chan responds.

The call ends. Germ reports to the team. Blaster updates and refreshes the maps.

“Other than banking and finance, the obvious big one would be the railroad system,” Blaster says. “Those guys are convinced they cannot be hacked.”

“A fool is born every minute,” Brandon says.

“The cell phone system in SF is grid locked,” Lucy reports. “It will likely be that way the rest of the day.”

The monitors in the room are showing a variety of TV news stations. Some have footage of the refinery fires, another is showing the SF BART crash scene, another is showing traffic backed up SF highways.

“Professor let's talk about the brokerage,” Tonya says.

“Okay,” Brandon replies.

“I still think it is the Japanese,” Tonya says. “And the electronic traffic between the base and Saudi Arabia is significant.”

“How so,” Brandon asks.

“During the time I spent in Japan it was apparent that the economy was in bad shape, but something, or actually somebody was keeping it afloat,” Tonya says. “There is more than sufficient evidence that the Saudis are the ones who bailed them out. This means that the Saudis will be welcome guests