Exopa Terra by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part Six


April 10, 10:00 A.M. PST

1 Day before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

Kirkman had breakfast set up. The team wanders down from the loft after their showers and each of them fills a plate full of food and wanders off to their workstation. Everyone is in a pleasant mood but it is a quiet morning.

The mood was subdued. They continue to work on the attack maps and arranging information about the software that the attackers have. They have less than 24 hours to get ready for the massive attack.

Rabbit and Germ were testing monitors and routing news feeds from the major stations into different cells of a large screen monitor. Lucy and Lulu were collecting more data on the groups that Tonya had identified as being likely to be involved in the attack.

Spinx arrives at the warehouse and gets breakfast. She walks by Germ and pinches his butt. She immediately goes to work looking for more information about software companies that may have been burglarized during the last few weeks.

Tonya and Brandon arrive a few minutes later. Tonya sits down to eat some breakfast and talk with Kirkman for a few minutes.

“Let’s meet at 10:30 for a status discussion,” Brandon announces.

The phone rings, Blaster answers, “Professor it is for you.” Brandon takes the call. It is Director Davis.

“We have been successful in tracing down some of the names on your list. They are related to terrorist organizations. We have some under surveillance at this time,” Director Davis says.

“Just don't jump the gun. We need to catch them in the act to make it stick,” Brandon says.

“We know that,” Director Davis says, “I just wanted to let you know.”

“We also want to know if we can have an open line to your place for tomorrow?” Director Davis asks.

“We can set something up for a continuos line but we need to mute the microphone,” Brandon says. “It will be set up in a way that if you press the star key a light will flash and one of the team will be with you in seconds.”

“Sounds fine to me,” Director Davis says. “What else are you doing to prepare?”

“We are assembling profiles of all of the stolen software and will have the manuals online in our in-house network,” Brandon replies. “We are also getting our maps and monitors together to monitor and track activity.”

“Brenda says there will be lots of decoy action such as attacks on pubic websites but we should not focus much effort on those attacks," Director Davis says.

“I agree with her, those attacks are only to cause confusion we need to focus on the infrastructure attacks,” Brandon replies.

“This is not going to be good,” Director Davis says. “But it seems unstoppable at this point.”

“We cannot stop it, we can just be ready as we possible can be,” Brandon replies. “We will provide you all of the technical support we can.”

Brandon hangs up the phone.

“Come and get some breakfast professor,” Kirkman says.

Brandon sits down next to Tonya and Kirkman gives him breakfast. “Thanks Kirkman,” Brandon says. “I trust you will be set up for the long day tomorrow?”

“I am going to go back to a few stores in a about 20 minutes,” Kirkman says. “It is under control.”

“Thanks,” Brandon says. “I think what I really wanted to say is please make sure we eat tomorrow, get on our cases if we don’t. It is going to be a really long day.”

“It is under control,” Kirkman says. “If anyone does not eat enough I just take them by the ear and sit them down and believe me they will eat.”

Tonya sits laughing and punches Brandon in the arm, “The great cyber defender better do what he is told.”

Brandon laughs along with her.

“It’s time,” Blaster announces. The team assembles for their status discussion.

“Do it,” Brandon says.

Germ starts out, “We have all the manuals for the stolen software on our servers, we can access them immediately.”

“We have set up the interactive maps of the world, North America, the West Coast, and the Bay Area. We can update them easily and in real time,” Rabbit adds. “We also have one of the big monitors set up for major news feeds and a few of the smaller monitors for specialized feeds.”

“I am going to handle incoming communications,” Blaster adds. “Razer is my second and Lucy is my third.”

“Lulu and I will handle necessary translations of the Asian languages,” Lucy says. “We will also both be working to monitor Asian news websites for information.”

“Germ, Rabbit, and Tonya are the primary technical analysts,” Blaster continues. “We will sort incidents and they will work on analysis either in groups or individually depending on the need.”

“I am in the action research roll,” Spinx says. “Any details needed I will find them and I will also monitor conditions in the Bay Area and around the world and give feedback when called upon. If there is a major break I will just announce it in ten words or less.”


April 10, 2:00 P.M. EST

1 Day before the Expected Attack

Briefing room at FBI HQ, Washington D.C.

Director Davis enters the briefing room, “Let’s do the status report.” The group turns their attention to Director Davis.

A communications technician enters the room and explains the banks of phones and which set is connected to where. He also explains how the additional monitors that have been mounted on the wall will be used and how he can move the source of the feed when necessary.

“Are there any questions on communications,” Director Davis asks. There are no questions and the technician leaves the room.

Agent Lawler and Agent Packston step to the front of the room. “We are coordinating with several agencies for technical expertise,” Agent Lawler begins. “We will be in constant touch with the DoD information warfare centers including the Army Security Agency and various Air Force commands. We will also have an open link to the CIA, NSA, and with Professor Harris’ analyst team.”

“The main thing you need to know is what your limitations are,” Agent Packston says. “Do not try to get into technical discussions. We will have four technicians from our central IT department here to help us on the technical aspects that we may need to analyze on the fly. As Agent Lawler points out we will also be in contact with Professor Harris’ team and can turn over the technical aspects of specific incidents to them for support.”

“We have deployed an additional 94 agents into the Bay Area,” Agent Sparks says. “We will have phone contact as well as radio contact with the field teams. They are positioned to where they can move quickly within small areas because we expect that traffic will snarl, especially if this attack resembles Professor Harris’ San Francisco Ground Zero attack scenario.”

“We will all come in by 5:00 A.M. tomorrow morning,” Director Davis says. “We will have food and there will be several break rooms for you to use if you get tired. Plan on being here at least 18 hours. It is also possible that many of you will need to be here for as many as 36 hours so bring a change of clothes with you.”

“Any questions?” Director Davis asks. “Okay lets break and go home, I will see you all tomorrow.”


April 10, 1:00 P.M. PST

1 Day before the Expected Attack

The Warehouse in Carlsbad, California

The team had worked a few more hours after their morning status discussion. They had all relaxed a bit and were eating lunch as a group around Kirkman’s buffet.

“How is everyone?” Brandon asks.

Everyone nods their heads and says fine.

“Let’s dig a little deeper than that,” Brandon continues. “Spinx you mentioned yesterday that you were amazed as to how calm everyone is here.”

“I have probably said that everyday that I have been here professor,” Spinx replies. “I am scared about what is going to happen tomorrow and I am nervous about my ability to perform under the circumstances.”

“I am certainly scared about what is going to happen tomorrow,” Blaster adds. “But I know I will do the best I can.”

“I second Blaster,” Razer says.

“I am not nervous about our performance,” Germ adds. “But I am definitely concerned about the cops and FBI and those guys and how they will perform.”

“Everybody will make mistakes tomorrow,” Brandon adds. “They will also learn that they have been making mistakes all along and that is why tomorrow can happen.”

“The only thing that really bothers me,” Rabbit joins in, “Is that I know that people are going to die tomorrow, but this is what we do. This team has been together for two years in one form or another and many of us worked together before that. We are trained, we are analytical, and we will do everything we can and frankly I am looking forward to it.”

“I have to admit that I am looking forward to as well,” Spinx adds. “This is the most exciting thing I have ever done. I have always thought that flying is exciting, but this is tops flying anytime.”

“I have been waiting for this for a long time,” Germ adds. “After tomorrow everything will likely be somewhat mediocre.”

“The terrorist are also looking forward to this,” Brandon adds. “They have probably been preparing for at least a year, maybe two.”

“Action is action,” Lucy says. “You all know that I was a notorious hacker. I loved it. It gave me a thrill every time I took on a new gig, a bigger and better challenge.”

“What do you mean Lucy, you are still a notorious hacker, none of this “was” stuff.” Rabbit says.

“Well I will also admit that I am looking forward to the attack,” Brandon says. “I have been accused of training terrorist, giving them ideas, designing the wars of the future, and even occasionally helping attackers get away. But this is what I do.”

“Tonya, is ExopaTerra a glory thing or impact thing,” Brandon asks.

“They will get glory but they will also have impact. San Francisco is one of the largest economic hubs in the world. In San Francisco there is more than $100 billion in business done every year,” Tonya replies. “There are more than $1.8 trillion in annual central banking transactions and over $8 trillion in annual stock and securities transactions. Thus, the economic value of commercial and banking transactions on an average weekday in San Francisco is more than $40 billion. Not matter what they do the terrorists will have some impact.”

“Well, I guess that is my cue,” Tonya says. “You all know what I did. I put together two teams, like we have here now, but they were attack teams. We did a lot of damage and disruption. I had no idea that the guys in the UK and Australia were going to blow things up. That was not in the original plan. But Edgar 9, The Worm, Byte Boy, B Coder, Hasher, and especially Kaikara did some great hacks and some great web ploys during the PJ1 attacks.”

“One of the big problems the good guys face,” Tonya continues. “Is that they have no idea what it is like to be a bad guy, what bad guys think, what they feel. Profilers can only describe people, they can’t feel what they are feeling.”

“I am not making any excuses,” Tonya goes on. “But cyber attacking is a thrill, the idea of doing things that have not been done before is a thrill. The folks that launch tomorrow’s attack will throw everything into it that they have. Just as you love to do what you do, they also do love to do their side.”

“Why are you here Tonya?” Lulu asks.

“I do not know the entire answer to that,” Tonya says. “A dozen terrorist groups have tried to recruit me, the cops have been looking for me endlessly and relentlessly. I do know that I am here to help Brandon and the rest of you. In a way I think it rounds out my experience. I was once the attacker and now I am going to be the defender.”

“The best of the best on both sides,” Rabbit says.

“Let’s get out of here and go swimming,” Brandon says.

They all look at him and say, “It’s about time!”

They leave the warehouse and head for the pool at the inn.


April 10, 6:30 P.M. EST

1 Day before the Expected Attack

The Georgetown Apartment of Professor Brandon L. Harris

Brenda and Sharon are eating dinner and drinking another bottle of expensive wine.

“This is really good wine, the best I have ever had,” Sharon says.

“It was the most expensive in the closet,” Brenda says laughing.

“And why not!” Sharon says. “We deserve it.”

They clink their glasses together in a toast and laugh.

“Well, early to bed and early to rise,” Brenda says.

They both stand and approach each other, they hug and indulge in a deep long kiss.

“It is strange, I feel good,” Sharon says. “Tomorrow the world is going to fall apart and I am looking forward to it, and looking forward to a long relationship with you.”

“It is strange,” Brenda adds. “Tomorrow is likely to be one the biggest challenges of our lives and I am also looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to our relationship. When this is over let’s take a trip, Europe, something exotic, some place where we can be in love.”

“But for now,” Sharon says. “Let’s go to bed.”


April 10, 3:30 P.M. PST

1 Day before the Expected Attack

The pool at the Inn in Carlsbad, California

The lap races were on again. Tonya was diving. Brandon and Kirkman were sipping the unpronounceable drinks.

“You did well today Brandon,” Kirkman says. “They needed that little talk and to get those thoughts out. They especially needed to connect with Tonya about being a terrorist and now a defender.”

“I could tell the tension was growing,” Brandon says. “I am glad we had yesterday and today to relax a little bit.”

Lucy yells from the pool, “Kirkman, come and swim with us.”

“You are being summoned Kirkman,” Brandon says.

Kirkman rises to the occasion and dives in the pool from the side. Lucy and Lulu start playing with a beach ball batting it back and forth at Kirkman. He defends well and seldom misses hitting them. Tonya joins in.

Razer, Spinx, Germ, and Rabbit start a diving contest.

Blaster gets out of the pool and sits next to Brandon. She steals Kirkman’s drink and finishes it off.

“Thanks for today,” Blaster says to Brandon.

“We need some relaxation,” Brandon says.

“Ass hole,” Blaster sneers. “I mean the talk. It helped relieve some of the tension.”

The pool party went on for several hours. The group was burning off their tension.

Razer gets out of the pool, “Anybody hungry.” The response of course was in unison “Yes!”

“Steak and seafood at Stanley’s,” Razer says. The response was again in unison “Yes!”

“Really big lobsters,” Razer says this time even louder. The response was again in unison and louder to match Razer “Yes!”

They get out of the pool and go shower.

Just as the day before they magically all come out of their rooms at the same time and walk to Stanley’s.


April 10, 6:30 P.M. PST

1 Day before the Expected Attack

Stanley’s Restaurant in Carlsbad, California

The group had assembled at Stanley’s for dinner the night before ExopaTerra. Kirkman decided to go to bed early. He had planned to be the first up in the morning. Dinner started out relatively quietly compared to previous nights. The steaks and lobsters arrived and everybody dug into their food. As they cracked the lobsters’ juices were spraying everywhere. This was enough to get everyone going.

“Juicy stuff,” Lucy says laughing.

“I love eating juicy things,” Spinx says also laughing.

“I Like the way the juice drips down my hands and gets all over the place,” Germ adds.

“Juice does have a certain artistic and sensual characteristic,” Razer says as she smiled, wet hands, and messy face.

“I may have to have another shower after this,” Blaster says. “Any volunteers to scrub my back?”

About a half dozen people raised their hands in voluntary jesters.

“I like dipping it the butter,” Lulu says. “It makes it silky and smooth.”

Tonya and Brandon were roaring in their laughter. Brandon orders another round of lobsters.

Lulu had moved into position between Germ and Blaster. They both immediately started dipping pieces of lobster into the butter and feeding Lulu. She was in heaven. She sucked down the lobster and licked their fingers.

Spinx started to feed Razer and they took turns dipping the lobster in butter and teasing each other’s mouths with their fingers as they played with the food.

Rabbit was feeding Lucy with one hand and feeling her under the table with the other. On her fifth or sixth bite of butter soaked lobster she had an orgasm. It was subtle but everybody noticed and laughed.

Tonya was feeding Brandon little bites of steak and kissing him after every bite. The waiter brought out a large tray of lobsters and made a comment about how disgusting everyone was being. One couple sitting a few tables away in the restaurant told the waiter to cool it and that this was the best show he had in a long time.

Lulu dug into the lobster and with one piece in each hand she dipped them into the butter. She crossed her arms and Blaster and Germ each had their bites as the felt Lulu under the table. Her body jolted in pleasure. This drew a round of applause from around the table.

Tonya was the first to give in. “I want sex. Take me back to the hotel right now or do it here under the table.”

The group roared with laughter. Brandon left $400 to cover the tab and ran out of the restaurant chasing Tonya. She is several yards ahead of him she raises her skirt to flash him and takes off faster.

Within a few minutes the rest of the group headed for the warehouse loft.