February by Nick Nwaogu - HTML preview

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(bursts out in excitement) I’m pregnant!


Emeka’s knife drops from his left hand, down to the glass plate in front of him, creating a SHARP disturbing noise that draws the attention of some Couples seated around.


Amara had broken the good news to Emeka that he will soon be a father, but his heart is sinking instead. His face is baked in a smirk. He fails to say a word in response to the news he’d just received.


However, these realities dissipates the minute Chioma and Emeka catches sight of each other. INSTANTLY, the voices of their partners become nothing but distant whispers, and their eyes lock for a moment too long, but the moment is short lived as Chioma has to attend to a Waitress standing before her.



What do you care for, madam?


Chioma’s eyes SLOWLY leaves Emeka’s, while his lingers for a while longer on her beauty.


CHIOMA (to Uche)

Have you ordered?


Chioma has been completely oblivious to her partner the whole time, as she’d spent the last half-minute staring at a stranger.



Are you kidding me? Where’s your mind, tonight?


Chioma smirks wide enough to clearly reveal her sparkling-white dentition.



I guess I left it at home.


Uche doesn’t seem to buy her bad joke. Chioma lifts the menu off the table, and glances slowly through it.


Close on Emeka, who is still smiling -- staring at Chioma, trying to escape his world into a dream.



Will you say something, please?


Emeka is still lost in Chioma’s world, that he doesn’t even hear a word being set free from Amara’s mouth.



I think it’s perfect timing. We have discussed the prospect of marriage, and we have dated for almost five years.