February by Nick Nwaogu - HTML preview

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Femi places his hand on the door handle, looks at both ends of the hallway again; LEFT first, then RIGHT. He turns the handle and pushes the door open.





The door SLOWLY swings open as Femi walks into the office, GENTLY closing the door behind him. Tega and Kunle are already in the office, with Tega seated on one of the two guest chairs and Kunle standing beside the DPO, behind the desk.


The DPO is comfortably seated behind his desk, resting his back as he swings his chair in an ARC. He glances at Femi, who’s still further away from him, probably scared to come any closer.


AYAKPAT (to Femi)

I said come in!


Femi walks further inside the office. He remains standing, just beside the vacant guest chair next to Tega. Tega quickly gives Femi a glance of CONTEMPT, while Femi looks ahead to the DPO.


AYAKPAT (CONT’D) (to Femi)

Tega has already told me everything, and I must say that I am disappointed in you.


The DPO glances ANGRILY at Tega, who bleats an indistinct laughter.


AYAKPAT (CONT’D) (yells)

Tega, Kunle, out of my office. Now!


Tega QUICKLY rises at attention and heads for the door, just behind the shadow of Kunle who is almost at the door.


AYAKPAT (CONT’D) (to Femi)

You, sit!


Femi QUIETLY takes a seat on the vacant chair next to him. He doesn’t say a word even after seated. The DPO is staring at a brown paperback file in front of him.




I got your report and I’ve read it. (flips open the cover)


I must commend the way you solved the mystery. The only thing keeping your report from being perfect is that the culprit is still out there.