Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

Christmas break went by fast.  Aimee flew to the states and stayed until December 28th with her family.  She flew back to Neahovia early so she would be back in time to be rested before January 2nd when classes stated back and the reviews for finals began.

Her dad gave her a new cell phone, laptop and a gift card for the ski resort where she would spend Winter Break with her friends.  Everyone else bought accessories for her phone and laptop.

Aimee had finished packing her bags.  The next ten days she was spending at Normark Ski Resort.  It was located in Normark village in the Loopy Mountains.  Planning this trip took weeks.  Now all Security checks where done and it was safe for Aiden on the mountain.  Everything was in place.

Aimee and Lexi sat the last of their bags in the foyer.  Colin and LJ where loading LJs SUV.  While the girls double checked the flat.  Everything in the flat was turned off and locked.  Lexi was going over her check list.  Make-up, shoes, gift cards, and lots of lotion.  Aimee was having fun teasing her over her checklist when Piper came running down the stairs singing a glamorous love song.  “I can’t believe that James is going to meet my dad today.”

“Yes we know Piper and we are so happy for you.”  Lexi replied in a monotone voice.’’

“Lexi, be nice.  Piper this is so awesome.  Your dad is going to love James.”  Aimee loved playing the good positive friend around Lexi.

There was a gentle tap at the door then James entered followed by Colin who was explaining to James in a way that only Colin could that the dude don’t have to knock.

James kissed Piper then took her hand.  She grabbed her coat from the chair.  “Ok we will meet you guys at the lodge around 7:00 p.m.”

“Wait!”  Lexi yelled.  “What about your clothes?”

“James packed them in his truck last night.”  Piper turned and kissed James on the cheek as they left.

“Young love.”  Lexi rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be jealous Lexi someday sooner or later we will be in love.  And we too shall float through the air without a care in the world.”  Aimee fanned her face.

Lexi laughed so hard she was holding her stomach.  “If I start floating girl, you better pull me back down.”

“Me too.”  Colin grinned as he put his arms in the air and act like he was floating.

“Ok, we have everything.”  LJ stopped dead to his feet “Colin, What are you doing?”

Lexi and Aimee held their sides from laughing so hard at Colin’s’ expression finally he stumbled to the door.  “Let’s go.”

“Ok lover boy.”  Lexi laughed.

“Can you clue me in on lover boy and whatever that was he was just doing?”  LJ was so confused.

Aimee sat in the chair so she could pull her grey UGGS over her jeans as she told LJ all about lover boy.

When they made it to the SUV Lexi and Colin had claimed the back seat so Aimee sat up front with LJ.  He opened her door for her.  A roar of laughter came from Lexi in the back seat just as Aimee clipped her seatbelt on.

“What?" Aimee turned her head and ask.

“I just got a text from Aiden.  It seems poor Ava’s plane has been delayed.  It will be late tonight or early morning before they make it to the lodge.”

Colin did a pretend gasp.  “Her dad made her fly commercial.  I bet she is so mad.  I got a text from Josiah he says he is staying in Ancaster his band has booked some gigs.”

“Well that just leaves Sophia I guess her and her man will be there tomorrow as well unless...”  Lexi said

“Actually.”  Aimee bit her lower lip.  “Her interview went awesome. When she arrived at the school she discovered they are holding several free workshops.  The woman who interviewed her told her about them.  So she is spending the next 10 days at the Neahovia Culinary School.”

“That really sounds like an awesome opportunity for her.”  LJ added.

“It is.”  Her phone beeped signaling at text.  She read it and typed a short response.

“More bad news?”  Colin asked in a concerned voice.

“No.  It was from my dad wanting to let me know he hopes we have fun and to let him know when we make it to the lodge.”  Aimee sighed as she put her phone down.

LJ was entering the road that lead out of town.  “It must be hard to be so far away from your family.”

“At times.  But with the exception of last year I have always went to boarding school since my mom…”Aimee looked at her hands.  In all the conversations she had with LJ over the past four months she had not told him about her mom.

“Are you ok?”  He looked genially concerned.

Aimee nodded as she fought the tears not now she was not going to cry on vacation.  “My mom was killed in a car accident when I was ten.”

LJ took her hand.  “I’m so sorry I had no idea.”

“It’s ok.  A lot of people don’t know.  It’s kind of a poor conversation starter.”

LJ put his hand back on the wheel.  “So are you an only child?”

“Not now.  My dad remarried when I was twelve.  He and Deandre have three kids.  Maddie is five and the twins Grant and Carter just turned one.”

“Wow!  Your dad like started all over.”

Aimee laughed.  “Yeah he did. Luckily for him I was born when he was 23.  Your turn tell me about your family.”

“Ok we are a close family.  My mom and dad are high school sweethearts.  You meet my sister but I have four more siblings.  You meet my dad but he really isn’t as bad as he made himself look at the dinner.  My mom works in design she actually designs all of our businesses.”

“Wow.  I don’t think your dad liked me much.”

“Are you crazy?  He loved your spunk he went on about it for days my mom said.”

“My spunk.  Ok.  Hey Lexi I am spunky.”

“We know Spunky keep it down.”

“Seriously he was impressed with you.  Honestly other than my mom I have never seen him so impressed with someone before.”

“Hey.  Stop trying to turn on the charm and turn the heat up I am cold.”  Colin yelled.

“Pipe down lover boy.”  LJ laughed as he adjusted the heat for the back.

“Uh Dude that sounds horrible coming from you.”

“Yeah I realized that as soon as I spoke the words.”

Aimee turned and looked at Colin.  “Next time try using the controls above your head.”

Colin looked up.  “Ok.  But then I can’t interrupt LJ.”

Aimee turned to LJ.  “So is your family from Normark?”

“My parents live in Concord about 45 minutes outside of Ancaster.  My grandfather owns the Normark resorts.”

“So you must see your family a lot?”

“Every Sunday.”

“I bet that’s nice.  So will we see your grandparents?”

“Yeah.  Not the first few days because they are on vacation.  But Sunday they are having us over for dinner.”


“Dude I am starving how much longer before we get to Lake Savannah?”  Colin asked in a fake whiny tone.

“About another half hour.”

Aimee turned to Lexi.  “You ok?”

“Yeah I am trying to watch a movie on my tablet but somebody back here is being a total whine bag.”

Colin took out his earphones.  “If that is how you are going to be I am taking a nap.”

Aimee laughed and turned back around.  “How long does it take to get to Normark from Lake Savannah?”

“About two-three hours.  It depends on traffic and how many times we have to stop and let Colin eat?”

“If we don’t limit him the others may beat us.”  Lexi sarcastically commented.

“Not funny.”  Colin grinned.

♥  ♥

LJ pulled the SUV into the parking lot of a huge log cabin style steakhouse.  The view was of the Savannah Lake with the Loopy Mountains in the distance.  Aimee looked out the window and gazed at the view.  “This is gorgeous.”  The very instant she stepped out of the vehicle a blast of cold air hit her face.

“Wow it’s chilly.”  Aimee reach for her coat.

“Just wait until we get started up Loopy Mountain.”  Lexi pulled on her coat.

“Well I guess it is a good thing I wore a thermal Henley under my shirt.”  Aimee pulled at her burgundy plaid top.

The restaurant was decorated in a Neahovian version of Americana style décor.  They waited at the front while LJ went to find the hostess.  When they returned she escorted them to a private room in the back of the restaurant.  The room was so cozy.  On the back wall was a huge fireplace and the two other outside walls where made from glass like in a sunroom  there was no need for a lot of decorations back her.  The beauty God created outside was decoration enough.

In the center of the room was a table setup for the four of them.  Aimee took the seat LJ pulled out for her.  He leaned over and whispered in her ear.  “Welcome to Lakeside Steakhouse.  This was the first business my family started.”

“It is very beautiful.  I can’t wait until I see the lodge.”

Colin took the liberty of ordering drinks for everyone Sami’s Sweet Teas.  LJ informed the girls it was his grandmother’s secret recipe.

When the waitress returned with the sweet teas LJ recommended the T-Bone steaks, house salad with house dressing, and a baked sweet potato.  He informed them that the sweet potatoes had a delicious brown sugar topping.

Lexi and Colin saw some old school friends when they walked in and they excused themselves to go back and talk to them for a few minutes.  LJ wanted to take Aimee to show her the balcony view.  The air was cool but the view was so worth it.  The water from the lake was sky blue.  The snow on the trees glistened in the water below them.

“The view is simply breathtaking.”

“The view is why my grandparents chose this spot for their business.”

“I can totally tell why.  So, do you bring a lot of girls here?”

“No, just my favorite.”  LJ laughed as he placed a hand on Aimees’ mid back.

Aimee nervously coughed.  “You barely know me.”

“I know but I would like to change that.”

Aimee suddenly felt hot.  “I am rather boring person.”

“Let me be the judge of that.”

Aimee stomach had butterflies going crazy.  “Ok.”

LJ moved in closer Aimees heart rate speeding.  She wasn’t ready for this.  Thank God Lexi came out and saved her.

“Oh sorry.”  Lexi went to back away but could tell Aimee wanted her to stay.

“Our foods here.”

Aimee walked toward the door.  “Thanks Lexi.”

LJ followed.  “We have two weeks to get to know one another.”

Aimee felt so out of place right now.  She knew Colin would fight her but she was riding in the back with Lexi on the way to the lodge.  Colin excused himself from the table early and as if to know what Aimee was up to he was already in the backseat.