Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

The fourth week of November had arrived quickly.  Piper and James was now officially a couple.  LJ was at flat 707 more than his own.  Josiah was gone more than he was at flat 707.  Aiden and Ava where still an item.  Colin, just as Lexi had predicted was with a different girl every week.  And Lexi and Aimee are still single.

Aimee was still trying to find out more about her mom.  Today was Sunday evening Aimee was working on an online assignment for Accounting for Business class.  All her roommates where out and she was looking forward to a quiet afternoon.  She had to finish this assignment and study for a Professional Development test on Monday.  She was just completing her online assignment when her phone rang.


“Aimee its dad I haven’t heard from you in a few days.”

“Sorry dad.  I have been studying a lot.  Midterms are next week and I have a lot of assignments do.”

“How are your grades?”

“All A’s”

“Great sweetie.”

“Thanks.  How is everyone at home?”

“Everyone’s great.  Deandre sends her love.”

“I’m sure she does.”

“The twins are walking and talking.”

“Wow.  They are growing up fast.”

“Maddie misses you.”

“I miss her too.”

“So are you coming home for Thanksgiving?”

“No I have class all week.  American Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday here in Neahovia.”

“I forgot I will tell Deandre, so she can inform the catering service.”

“You are seriously catering Thanksgiving Dinner?”

“Yes honey.  She just doesn’t have time to fix a dinner like that.”

“I see.”

“I have a meeting to go to.  Let me know about Christmas so I can order your plane tickets.”

“Ok I’ll text my schedule to you.  Love you dad.”

“Love you too.”

So much for studying.  Aimee called her little sister Maddie and let her tell her all about her life as a five year old.  She learned about her life in kindergarten.  Her cheer team and her new hip hop dance routine.  It was one Aimee did as a child.  Deandre promised to video it and send it to Aimee.  Just before they hung up Aimee promised to take her shopping when she came home for Christmas.

Missing Maddie was the hard part of studying in Neahovia.  She became close to her last year when her dad had insisted she attend her senior year of high school in the same private school as her cousins.  Aimee wiped a tear from her cheek.

“So we were not eavesdropping but are you ok?” Aiden sat beside her while Lexi, Piper and Sophia sat on the floor in front of her.

“Yeah just a couple of calls from home...America.”

“Honey America is your home.”  Lexi forced a smile.

“I know it’s just hard to call Virginia my home especially since I was rarely there.  I have spent most of my time either in boarding school or on the plantation.”

“So what is an American Thanksgiving like?”  Sophia brilliantly changed the subject.

Aimee was so thankful.  “You overheard both conversations.”

“Sorry.”  Piper smiled.

“It’s ok.  It is a day we set aside to give thanks.  It was a tradition started by the Pilgrims in 1621.  It was a three day feast they had to celebrate a good harvest with their new friends the Indians or Native Americans for helping them.”

Aimee told the story of the first Thanksgiving.  Colin entered the room at the end.

“What do people today fix?”  Sophia seemed eager.

“The traditional Thanksgiving I grew up on consisted of Roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls and my favorite dish was a homemade cranberry stuffing my mom made it was a recipe she brought with her from Neahovia.  Then dessert was pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie and pumpkin rolls.”

“Wow.”  Aiden and Colin patted their stomachs.  “No wonder Deandre wants to cater.”  Aiden added.

“That was tradition when mom and Gran were living.  The ones after have been spent at a different family members home.  Some fix turkey, some ham and once we even had roast beef.  God only knows what Deandre is having served.  My favorite Thanksgiving memories where the ones spent with my mom and Gran and someday I want to restart that tradition with my own family.”

“So when is Thanksgiving?”  Sophia asked.

“The fourth Thursday of November.”

“Sorry you have to miss it.”

“I chose to study here.  What I am really going to miss is Maddie and Black Friday.”

“What is Black Friday?”  Lexi asked.

“It is the busiest shopping day of the year.”

Lexi nearly fainted as Aimee shared the wondrous stories of the joy of shopping on Black Friday.

Aimee had been thinking of her mom the past few weeks but today was the worse.  She was having a hard time focusing in class.  Aiden took excellent notes and tried to help keep her as focused as he could.  She had a power point presentation due in her Marketing Class.  With the aide of Aiden she was able to put it together.

She got an A on the project that did boost her spirits.  Only her and Aiden where eating lunch on campus today.  He insisted on a light lunch and then they could go to the campus library to work on a research paper.

After the last class was over. Aiden carried Aimee’s book bag as they walked back to the flat.  The wind was very chilly.  Aimee wrapped her faux fur cream coat around her arms.  The peach and white sweater was not providing her the warmth she needed.  She wrapped the scarf around her neck.

Aiden stopped in front of a Steaming Joes.  “You want to get a hot cup for the walk home.”

Aimee grinned.  “Your psychic abilities are back.”

“What can I say?”

Aiden ordered the coffee and paid for it.  Aimee took a seat near the front window while they waited for their order.  Aiden’s phone rang and he excused himself.  When he returned Aimee had already finished her cup.  He ordered a refill for her and sat to drink his while they waited.

“Sorry it took so long.  The call took longer than I thought.  Are you still thinking about your mom?”

“Psychic mind reader.”

“Nah.  You’re just predictable.”

“Holidays are always tough.  It is weird.  Some days I still think about her all day long.  They are still days when something happens and I pick up the phone to call her or Gran.  Then just as I go to dial I remember they are gone.”

“I don’t think that’s crazy Aimee.  I think a lot of people do that when they lose someone close to them.”

“I also feel guilty at times.  When I am having fun.  I feel like I am letting them down or being disrespectful to their memory.”

“Aimee that’s not true.  You were ten when your mom died and twelve when your Gran died.  Neither of them would want you not to live life to its fullest.  They would want you to enjoy every day.”

“I know that in my heart. I just wish my brain would get the message.”

“It will.”

“This is crazy too, but one of the reasons I want to learn more about them.  What their lives here was like?  Why they left?  Is because I think then maybe I could find some peace.”

“Aimee I don’t want to make you more upset but I have been thinking.  You know how we can’t find their names in any of the archives we are searching?”


“When did they move to America?”

“1990 I think.”

“Aimee, do you remember when we told you Josiah’s story?  We had a history listen.”

“Yeah.  Aiden I’m not liking where this is going.”

“I know.  But they more than likely left because of the war.  And if they did the names you know them by may not be their real names.”

“Aiden that would be saying that I was lied to my whole life by the people I love the most.  It would also mean everything I thought about myself is not true.”

“I wouldn’t look at it as being lied too.  More like protecting you.  Look at Josiah.  Maybe if his grandmother had not told him of the violent way he was conceived he would not be so miserable.”

“I have actually thought about that same thing.”

“How did your dad meet your mom?”

“I have asked him numerous times.  He always tells me they met here during an assignment and that they fell in love and she came to America.  When I try to ask more questions he says he can’t to talk about it.”

“What was your dads’ job when he was here?”

“He says it is confidential.  You don’t think he was part of the special team sent here by America.”

“I don’t know the mission was top secret.  My dad doesn’t go into much detail on how it worked.”

“I wish I could remember more about when we came and visited the beach.  But I was so young.”

“Hey we will figure this out.  Together all of us.   We will help you.”


The flat smelled oddly like Aimees’ Grans on Thanksgiving Day.  Aiden took her coat and laid it with her bag.  When they walked into the living area Colin was standing with a sign reading:  HAPPY THANKSGIVING AIMEE!

Aimee nearly cried.  “What is this?”

“Your Thanksgiving Day surprise.”  Aiden grinned and directed her toward the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen was Lexi, Piper, James, Tessa, Cameron and Piper’s mom.  Sophia was at the stove helping Mark take out the turkey.

“You guys are the best.”

“Happy Thanksgiving.” Everyone said in unison.

“You didn’t have to do this.”  She was crying now.

Piper and Lexi came and hugged her.  “We wanted to.”

“Yeah you made it sound so delicious.”  Colin hugged her from behind.

Aimee laughed.  As Aiden pulled out her a chair.  Sophia had the guys help fix the drinks and then Mark ask for the blessing over the food.

Sophia came to Aimee.  “We tried to stick to your mom’s Thanksgiving meal.  I had Piper snoop through your memory book and get me the recipes.  We put them back.”

Aimee hugged her.  “You are so sweet Sophia.  I want to say something before we eat. Part of the first American Thanksgiving day was the pilgrims and the Indians being thankful for their new found friendship.  I think that fits a description for this Thanksgiving dinner we can be thankful for the new friendships we have formed the past few months.”

Mark stood once more.  “Aimee you are so right today we celebrate being thankful for the friendship and love in this room.  God has seen fit to bring us together and for that we all need to be thankful.”

The dinner was great.  The turkey was juicy the dressing was just right.  Aimee complemented them all through the meal.  Just before Sophia served dessert Aimee explained another of her favorite traditions.

“We all hold hands and take turns telling what we are thankful for.  Once everyone is done we have a prayer of Thanks.”

Lexi smiled and took Aimees hand.  “I like that.”  Everyone held hands as Lexi started.

“I am thankful that God has placed Aimee in our lives.  She has been such a positive influence on all of us.”  Aimee gave her a hug and wiped a tear.

“No crying.”  Aiden looked at her.  “I am thankful for my family, my friends old and new, and our great country.”

Everyone at the table took turns telling what they were thankful for.  Colin was thankful for his friends and family, Piper was thankful for Aimee being in Neahovia and for God leading her to James.  James said much of the same.  Sophia was thankful for hearing from the culinary school she goes for an interview during winter break.

Aimee cleared her throat when it came to her.  “I am thankful for so much. My family, my friends and most important my salvation.  Right now I am thankful for the memories I have of my mom and Gran.  I also thankful for the family he gave me in Neahovia and that they love me enough to fix me an American Thanksgiving.  I love you guys.”