Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven

Drew phoned Lexi a little while after Aimee hung up with LJ.  The guys had planned a double date to the theater and dinner.  After church James dropped Aimee off at the flat where she meet Lexi and the girls went to Eleanor’s Elegant Eveningwear.

It didn’t take long for Aimee to find the perfect dress it was neon pink with a classic high jeweled halter neckline.  The bust had delicate pleating accentuates.  A ruched empire waist and a long loose fitting skirt completed the dress.

Lexi found an amazing dress it was neon purple V-neck sleeveless bodice with beaded accents trimming the empire waste the crisscross open back was designed with decorated beaded straps.  A long loose skirt competed her dress as well.

On Valentine’s Day Aiden had flew to Italy to spend the weekend with Ava.  Colin was taking the mystery girl from his class out.  James and Piper where helping host a Valentines Dinner at church with their Young Couple group to which Sophia was all too eager to cater especially since her boyfriend was working and she had no date plans.  She called a couple of her friends she had meet at NSC and they were welling to volunteer and help as well.

Aimee and Lexi spent the midmorning and afternoon at Sylvia’s Stylin’ Salon.  They had their hair fixed, makeup and Mani/Pedi’s.  When they got home they helped Piper with her hair.  She and James were the hosts of the evening.  She had brought a beautiful red dress to wear to the dinner.  James arrived a little before six and Piper talked him into waiting a few minutes.

Aimee came down in her stunning neon pink dress.  Her hair was in a half-up-do.  Lexi sashed down the stairs in her neon purple dress her hair was fixed down with lots of curls,

Piper played photographer with her new camera she purchased for a photography class she was taking.  She decided it would help her in advertising if she could not only design the layout but due the photography as well.

LJ and Drew arrived at six o’clock sharp.  LJ had brought his dads private limo to pick them up he claimed it would be easier than dealing with parking or valet service.

The ice bucket was chilling a bottle of sparkling white grape juice.  LJ broke the seal and opened the bottle pouring four glasses and handing them out.  He put his free arm around Aimee and pulled her a little closer to him.  Drew made a toast and they sipped the white grape juice.

The dinner reservations was at Severina’s. A very classy Italian restaurante in Ancaster.  The hostess took them to their table.  LJ order 4 virgin sparkling Raspberry Teas which the waiter returned along with 4 grilled vegetable salads.  They each ordered the Valentine Special (Tuscan Chicken with penne pasta and roasted peppers.  Dolce (dessert) was Tiramisu.

The atmosphere was so calm and relaxing.  They could hear the soft melody of the love songs being played on the dance floor.  Aimee felt like she was in the middle of a love story when LJ came next to her and took her hand to take her to the dance floor.

Aimee amazed LJ with the way she could do the Waltz.  They glided across the floor smoothly right on time with the music.  Then they played an exceptionally slow song and the couples held one another close for the slow dance.

Lexi teased Aimee about being able to Waltz like that and never having a boyfriend to which Aimee enlighten her about all the years of dance classes she had.

The air was cold when the couples walked out of Severina’s.  LJ helped Aimee to the car and held her close once more on the ride to the theater.  The road was busy now.  The line for the cars to pull into the theater drive was two blocks long.

The show was a Neahovian love story.  It was a modernized show with lots of lights and sound effects.  It was probably one of the most entertaining shows Aimee had ever seen.  You could tell the actors loved the characters they were playing.

When the show ended Drew claimed he needed to head back to East Newport so he called a cab to take Lexi home and then him to his car.  LJ had the driver take them to Somers Pointe.  They had to walk a small distance but you could stand near the rails and look down at the ocean and the couples walking along the beach holding hands.

LJ put his hand on Aimees back.  “I had fun tonight.”

“Me too.  I have never seen a show like that before.”

“Yeah they remade it this season.  I heard they have practiced for a year.”

“You can tell they loved what they were doing.”

LJ slid his hand to her waste then he turned her just enough to face him he took his other arm and wrapped it around her pulling his closer to him as he did.  They were facing eye to eye.  He looked and grinned.  “May I.”  She couldn’t talk so she nodded.  He then caressed his lips against hers.  She was surprised when she found herself actually returning his kiss.

He pulled away first but only long enough to tell her how beautiful she was before he caressed his lips against her once more.  Then he took her hand and led her back to the limo.  On the ride home he held her in his arms.  He walked her to the door where he kissed her again.  “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

When Aimee entered the flat her three best friends sat in the living area waiting for her.  “Young lady we left you over forty-five minutes ago.”  Lexi pointed her finger at Aimee.

“Oh sorry we took a drive to Somers Pointe.”  She then walked up the stairs knowing they were right behind her.

Piper put her foot in the door before Aimee could shut it.  “You’re not getting off that easy.”

“At least let me get this dress off and get comfortable.”

When she came out of the restroom all three girls where sitting on her bed.

Sophia pointed at her.  “Somers Pointe is an awful romantic spot.”

“Yeah it was.  Some may say it would be a perfect spot for one’s first kiss since junior high.”

Aimee laughed as they all squealed.  Then she told them the entire story about all three kisses.

“Wow three kisses you must have did alright.”  Lexi teased.

“Well, all I know is they were all better than the junior high kiss.”

♥  ♥

After Sunday School Aimee and Piper meet Lexi for lunch at Franks.  Sophia drove up to Apple Valley with her friends from NCS.  When lunch was done they went back to the flat.  Aimee had a group presentation with Aiden due the next day.  She was going to start on the final draft with what research she did and when he got back from Italy they could put it all together.

She was working on her laptop in the living room when she heard the door open then slam shut.  Aiden’s steps where not light as he went up the stairs.  Lexi looked up from her show.  “Trouble in paradise.”

Aimee shook her head.  “I wouldn’t call what they have paradise.  Speaking of has Drew called or text you today.”

“No and he said he would.  How about LJ any word from him.”

“Nope and he said he would.”

Piper set her phone down.  “James said he will pick us up in about an hour for church.”

Aimee stretched.  “Cool.”

Lexi flipped through the channels.  “Is there room for one more?”

“Always.”  Aimee and Piper gave her a hug.

Aimee changed into her long tan and cream sweater dress with her brown knee high boots.  She touched up her straight hair and makeup.  She got the jean jacket that went with the outfit and walked out of her room.  She was heading down the hall when she noticed Aiden’s door open and him staring out the window.  She slightly tapped at the door.

“Hey can I come in?”

“Yeah have a seat.”

Aimee sat on the bed beside Aiden.  “So how was your Valentines weekend?”

Aiden shrugged.  “It could have been better.  A lot better.”

“I am sorry it wasn’t good.”

“Ava is so self-absorbed.  She was more demanding than normal.  I took her to a fashion show and she complained because it was not by a designer she likes.  I bought her a pair of earrings and she said they were the wrong carat.”

“Wow she sounds worse.  Oh sorry.”

Aiden looked at Aimee.  “It is the truth.”  He stood up and walked over to the window placed his hands on the frame.  “I wish…I wish…I wish I know what to do…I wish I knew where our relationship stands with her.”

“Aiden I may be out of place and if I am sorry.  It seems to me that she shows you where you stand with her actions.  As long as you do things her way all is fine; however when it comes to things you want…well you fight.”

He came back over and sat beside Aimee.  “How was your date?”

She smiled.  “Better than yours.  He took me to Sevenria’s then to the theater.  Then we drove to Somers Pointe.”


“Yeah but he said he called today and he hasn’t.”

“If he is smart he will.”

“Are you ready for our presentation?”

“Yeah when you get back from church we can finish putting it together.”

“Ok I really think we can nail this.”

“Me too.”

“If we have no big assignments maybe we can work on your mom’s diary some more this week.”

“That sounds great.”

Piper and Lexi came in the room.  “Hey Aimee there you are.  James is here.”

“Lexi too. Wow.”  He smiled.  “You two may convert this entire flat.”

Aimee jumped up.  “That is up to God but will do our part too.  Aiden I will pray for you.”

“Thanks see you later.”

The church service lasted longer than usual.  The youth performed some contemporary worship songs that really uplifted everyone’s Spirit.  The kids had come so far since Aimee started going to church here.  She had managed to get lots of stuff for them during Christmas Break.

The Holy Spirit was definitely present at Wise tonight.  Rev Andrews preached on Proverbs 3:5-9.  The message was about placing our trust in God not ourselves or the world.  He spoke of situations when he tried to do something himself and everything went wrong.  When he read these verses he realized what he did wrong was he put his trust in himself and not God.  So realizing this he placed his trust in God and the situation turned out right.

Aimee and Lexi sat in the back seat of the car on the drive back.  Piper and Aimee were discussing the kids and how great they had come and an outreach program that the church was starting.  The first meeting was on Tuesday.

Lexi was sitting quietly in the back seat.  Aimee noticed she was staring out the window.  “Hey Lex are you ok.”

“Yeah I am thinking.”

“What about.”

“The message it was great.  I have never went to a service before when I felt like God was talking to me.”

James grinned.  “It was a strong message.  I had never looked at those verses in that way before.”

Piper turned around.  “That is how Gods word works the Bible is Gods way of guiding us.”

“Well I am definitely going to join you guys more often.”

“That is so great.  I have some study books in my room you can borrow any of them.  In fact Piper and I do a Bible study every night before bed you can join us whenever you want.”

“Thanks I let you know.”

The flat was unusually quiet when the girls walked in.  Sophia sat on the sofa watching the Telli.

Lexi sat beside her and took a handful of popcorn from her bowl.  “Where’s the guys?”

“Gone.  Like you guys were.”

“Ok.  Well you were gone with your NCS friends and I didn’t know how late you would be so I went to church with Aimee and Piper.”

“Church wow!  Is the building still standing?”

“Funny.”  Lexi threw some popcorn at her.

“They went to Marley’s Pub.”

“Who?”  Aimee and Piper entered form the kitchen with four sweet teas.

“The guys went.  Aiden was down in the dumps Colin was trying to think of how to cheer him up and Josiah came in suggested Marley’s and they were off.”

Aimee didn’t want to hear any more she went up to her room.  Marley’s was the one pub that did not offer nonalcoholic beverages.  In Neahovia the legal drinking age was 18.  Aiden’s disk was laying on her laptop with a sticky not.  Hey went out with the guys.  We will be back in a little while. Here is my disk so you can get started.  I’ll help when I get in.

Aimee placed his disk in her laptop downloaded his files and began transforming the assignment into a power point presentation.  She worked on it alone until it was fully completed which was after midnight.

She heard the guys come in around one.  They were loud especially Josiah.  He came in shouting out profanities.  Colin was trying to calm him down.  As soon as he was in his bed he passed out.  They knew this because Colin yelled it to Aiden.