Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve

The alarm went off at five a.m.  Aimee turned it off and went downstairs.  She made a pot of Aiden’s special coffee.  Poured two cups and sat at the table.  Aiden still did not come down so when it was time for the sunrise she took his coffee and drank it too.

When she went up to get ready for class he was in his bed asleep in the clothes he had on the day before.  Aimee felt so disappointed in him.  She prayed that God help him with his problems.

Aimee took a relaxing shower and then dried her hair and rolled her hair in the hot rollers and started on her makeup.  She took her time because it was important to make a good impression.  Part of the grade for the presentation was not only on how you spoke and your body language but to make sure you left a memorable impression.

Once her hair and makeup was done she dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a red silk dress top with a grey floral design and a shirring drop waste.  She had her grey trousers in a garment bag.  She packed her laptop and all the stuff she would need to touch up her hair and make-up with in her bag.

She went across the hall.  Aiden’s alarm clock was buzzing extremely loud.  She hit the off bottom.  “Aiden wake up.”

He moaned so she shook him.  “Aiden get up now we have class in forty- five minutes.”

He raised his head.  “For real.”

“Yes for real.  We have a quiz in our first class and then our presentation after lunch let’s go!”

“Ok.  Stop yelling.  Let me take a shower and I will be down.”

“I will fix you a cup of strong coffee.  And try a cold shower maybe that will wake you up.”

Aiden came down about twenty minutes later not looking any better.  “Here drink this.”  Aimee shoved the cup of coffee at him.  “I have all the stuff for our presentation in my bag.  You will be happy to know that while you were out partying with the guys last night I completed the power point.  We can go over it at lunch in the library.”

Their first class was Finance of Business and it lasted from 9-10.  Professor Baxter told Aimee she could leave her bags in her office until she needed them so she didn’t have to carry them around.  When she dismissed class Aiden told Aimee he was going to go back to the flat to rest and change into something better for their presentation.  He was to meet her for lunch at eleven-thirty in the student union they could eat then go to the library and prepare for their one o’clock presentation.

She waited until almost twelve on Aiden and then she ate her lunch and then went to get her stuff from Professor Baxter’s office.  She had called Aiden three times and every time it went to voicemail.  She touched up her hair and make-up changed into her grey slacks and red open toe heels.  She finished the outfit with a grey sport jacket and a necklace, earring and bracelet set of her mom’s.

At twelve-forty she called Aiden again.  “Aiden where are you we need to go over the power point.”

She sat in the library tapping the desk with her nails.  At twelve fifty she called again “Aiden where are you?  I am going to class meet you there.”

At five after one Professor Lewis shut the door symbolizing no further admittance to class.  He started calling each group of two to the front of the room for their ten minute presentations.  This was one of the small lab classes of twenty.  He saved Aimee for last.  “Mr. Kaiser and Miss Pittman.”  Aimee took a deep breath and said a quick prayer as she walked to the front.

“Miss Pittman you seem to be missing half of your group.”

“Mr. Kaiser was sick earlier today he went to lie down and refresh before our presentation.  He must have gotten worse.”

“Are you prepared to do this alone?”

“Yes sir.  We have worked side by side on this assignment.”

“Very well your ten minutes starts now.”

Aimee turned to class introduced herself and gave the title of her marketing project.  She stood in front of her class and gave her presentation with grace, confidence and poise.  She hit every key point that needed to be made.  She keep her classmates attention the entire time.

Mr. Lewis sat at his desk.  “Miss Pittman you did an outstanding presentation.”

“Thank you.”

Mr. Lewis ask several male students questions about parts of Aimees presentation and then he asked the same male students about the other female groups presentations.  They knew the answers to Aimees but struggled to answer questions concerning the others.

Next he asked the guys what they focused on in Aimees presentation as well as the other girls.  Aimees was her confidence in her presentation the others they focused on their clothing.  The other girls had on short skirts and low cut shirts.

I didn’t ask you this to embarrass the ladies.  When you leave this university and step out into the huge world of business you are going to find the world will be hard.  Please don’t try to use your bodies to make it in the world while it would help in some aspects in the end it only hurts you.  When you stand in front of a board room to make a proposal you need to be confident in the work you have done.  Part of that confidence is won by how confident you dress.”

At the end of the class Mr. Lewis ask Aimee to stay.  She knew he had not over looked the absence of Aiden.  “Mr. Kaiser is ill?”  He started stacking papers in his briefcase.

“Yes he was not feeling well.”

“The assignment was a group assignment.  Unfortunately half your group is missing.”

“Yes sir.”  She still stood confident this was not her fault.

He went back to his desk.  “I need to review your presentation notes.  Do you have the disk?”

“Yes sir I have my disk as well as Aiden’s.  I also have the power point on a disk as well.”

“I am to assume you have saved all this on your computers as well.”

“I did sir.  I can’t speak for Aiden but I am sure he did as well.”

“I need to review these and think of my options on how to grade you and your partners work.”

Aimee tried to fight tears.  “Yes sir.”  Her voice was shaken when she spoke though.  She turned and walked to the door.

“One more thing Miss Pittman.  Have Mr. Kaiser call my office and schedule a meeting with me tomorrow.  Remind him the decision we had about no special treatment.”

“Yes sir.”

Aimee wanted to run to the bathroom and cry.  She was tempted to skip her last class of the day and go home.  Unfortunately she only knew Aiden in her Neahovia History class so she had to go and take lecture notes.

Julie and Ruby waited for her at the door.  They followed her to the restroom inquiring what the professor wanted.  She told them more questions about Aiden’s absence.  Aimee apologized about the comparison the professor made.  They brushed it off.  We thought he may give us extra points.  Guess he showed us.  Maybe you can go shopping with us someday and we can get knew business outfits.

Aimee used the lecture time to calm down.  It was working too until the walk home.  The walk home just allowed her to think.  She was crying hard when she entered the flat slammed the door and stomped up the stairs.  She headed to Aiden’s room laying her stuff in the hall floor.  The next thing she knew she was pulling his cover off the bed yelling at him.  “I dare you!  I dare YOU!”

No need to fight the tears they were rolling done her face.  He squinted his eyes “Aimee what are you doing?”

“Me…What Am I doing!  Well I have been in class all day.  Where have you been?”

Aiden grabbed his head.  “Aimee please lower your voice my head hurts.”

“I don’t care about your headache!”

Aiden raised up and looked at his phone.  “Oh man Aimee I am so sorry.”

“Sorry will not fix this Aiden.”

“You should have called me.”

“Check your phone I did and do not turn this back to me because I did my part in this presentation.  Unlike you.  Too hung over to even get out the bed.”

“That is none of your concern and I don’t appreciate your tone.”

“It became my business when you no showed to class and I had to put on a group presentation alone and Prince Aiden I will use whatever tone I please right now.”

Aiden got up.  “Sorry Aimee I will talk to him.”

“Yes you will he said to have you call his office and make an appointment for tomorrow.”

“Excuse me.”  He went to the rest room.

Aimee waited by his bed until he returned her face was red now and her black mascara was running down her cheeks.  Aiden stumbled to his desk.

“Aimee I am in no mood for this please…”

“I really don’t care what you are or are not in any mood for.  Your little drinking episode last night has made your problems and mine worse.  It came back and hurt me today Aiden.  That is what happens when you drink.  Sure you have are hung over but hey what’s that to the fact that you jeopardized me being able to study in Neahovia.  I have to pass every class with a certain grade in order to stay here.  As an international student I don’t have any do overs.”

“Aimee leave my room.  I said I will talk to the guy.”

Aimee started for the door.  “When someone drinks it always affects other people.  For instance today I gave the best presentation I could.  Professor Lewis even complemented me.  I did that for me not you.  But before I left he says he will review our notes and see what he can do.  One night of you drinking may ruin my life.  I hope you are happier now.”

“Aimee don’t…”

She shut the door.  Picked up her stuff from the floor.  She had so much more she wanted to say; however she was afraid of losing her cool with him.  So she went to her room changed into a pair of teal lounger pants with matching shirt washed her face.  Took out her memory book of her mom and cried for the next hour.

Aiden’s head was pounding.  He dare her come into his room and talk to him that way.  She had no respect for him at all.  The longer he sat the more his anger rose.  For one hour he relived her shouting at him.  Her words, her tones and body gestures.  He couldn’t control his anger any longer he went to her room let’s see how she likes it when the table is turned.

Aimee was lying on her bed crying holding a book.  “Aiden please go away I don’t want to do this right now.”

“So we can only talk when you feel like it.  Who does that remind me of?  I guess it is a girl thing.  Well I just have a few words to say and all you have to do is listen.  What I do is my own business.  How I act is my own business.  So I do not appreciate it when you come barging into my room and speaking down to me.  You think you and your religion is the only right way.  Well it’s not for everyone.  So in the future please keep your thoughts….no your opinions to yourself.  Like in drinking, it is your opinion it is wrong but a lot of people disagree.”

Aimee raised her head.  “First of all God’s word is not an opinion but a fact.  Secondly as I stated previously when you got drunk and let it interfere with an obligation you made to me it became my business.”

Aiden looked at her.  “I have an appointment with the Professor Lewis at eight thirty in the morning I will take care of your precious problem.”

“How Aiden?  How do you think you can take care of it?  That presentation is a good portion of our grade.  If I don’t ace every other assignment in that class I can kiss Neahovia goodbye.  He said to remind you of your discussion about no special treatment. You can’t fix this.”

“I will take the bad grade just relax.”

Aimee grabbed a pair of shoes and coat from her closet and walked to the door.  The others were standing in the hall.  She turned to Aiden.  “We wouldn’t have a problem to fix if you hadn’t got wasted last night.  Now your troubles have worsened and you pulled me right in the middle.”  She headed to the stairs but Aiden grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.

“What’s your problem Aiden?  Let go off me that hurts.”

He released her arm.  “You don’t know the half of my problems Aimee.  I promise to talk to Professor Lewis tomorrow and solve your little problem.”  He was very sarcastic.

“Your promises no longer has any value with me.”  She ran down the stairs and out the door.  The wind stinging her face.

Piper ran hard to catch up with Aimee she was really tore up.  Aimee ran all the way to the light house she had found on her second Sunday here when she went for a walk on the beach.  Aimee sat on the sand pulled her knees to her and laid her had down.

Piper fell onto the sand beside Aimee.  “Shoo, we have got to start working out.  Aimee, what happen?”

Aimee filled her in on her day.  Every word she said to Aiden how he let her down because of his drinking last night.

Piper felt so sorry for her.  “Aimee I am sorry but I don’t think he meant to hurt you.”

“I know it was not intentional.  The drunk driver who hit my mom’s car and killing her did not intend to do that either.  But drinking and drugs alter your mind to the point you lose all rational thinking.  It is the irrational thinking that gives us the unintentional results.”

“I know and I wish I could solve this but it is just like Rev Andrews preached last night we need to trust God in times like right now.”

“Yeah you are so right.  Pray with me.”

Colin was furious with the way Aimee acted.  She was being judgmental and pushing her believes on them.  Typical female.  Their way or no way.  He was going to give her a piece of his mind when she got back.  Aiden told him to stay out of it, that it was not his battle to fight.  But he had a thing or two he like to say to Miss Perfect.

Piper walked Aimee to the room and they prayed once more.  She had convinced her to take a nap.  When she shut the door Colin was standing in the hall.

“Go away Colin.”

“Move Piper.”

“No. Go away and leave her alone.”

“She had not right to say anything to him.”

“She had ever right and this is not your battle so stay out.”

“Oh but it’s yours.  You’re protecting her.”

Piper looked at the door.  “Just go.”

“She doesn’t know the half of what he is dealing with.”

“And he doesn’t know everything she is dealing with either.”

“So her mom died lots of people lose their mom at young ages.”

“You don’t know anything.  He mother was killed by a drunk driver.  Her paternal grandfather was an abusive alcoholic who he died two years ago because of liver damage caused by drinking alcohol.  So to Aimee today was just another way alcohol has destroyed her life.”

Colin steeped back.  “It was one night.”

“One night is all it takes to ruin lives.”

Colin turned to walk away.  “Maybe I will talk to her later.”


Aiden listened to Piper explain to Colin why Aimee was so upset.  His heart broke for her.  He really hurt her.  He never intended to drink that much.  He was just going to have a few.  It wasn’t the first time so it wasn’t like it couldn’t hold his liquor.  But one drink keep leading to another and now he had really messed up.