Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen

Lexi came up to check on Aimee about a half hour after she got home.  Colin and Piper told her and Sophia what happened.  She was too mad to talk to Aiden.  Going out with the guys and having a couple of drinks was one thing but when you get so drunk you can’t honor your commitments you have went too far.

She tapped on the door and entered.  “Aimee.  You up?”

“Yeah come on in.”

Aimee was sitting at her desk starring at her locket.  “You ok?”

“Not really.”

Lexi pulled Piper’s desk chair next to Aimee and looked at the locket it held a picture of two women.  “Is that you mom?”

“Yeah my mom and Gran.  I miss them so much.  It is days like today you really want to call and talk to your mom.”

“I bet.  Piper and Colin filled Sophia and me in on what happen with Aiden.  I am sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“I am so sorry.  I never knew how your mom died.”

“I should have reacted different.  I should have calmed down first.  I wasn’t acting very Christian like.”

“Aimee I know I am just learning about the Bible and one service doesn’t make me an expert but I am pretty sure being a Christian doesn’t mean you don’t mess up from time to time.”

She laughed at Lexi.  “Your right you know.”

“I guess it is times like this Rev Marks sermon comes to mind.”

“Piper said the same thing.  God knew I needed that message.  I can’t fix this but he can.”

“Sophia fixed dinner.  She said tell you it will be ready in about ten minutes.”

“Tell her I will be down.”

Aimee looked down at her locket.  “God I don’t understand why?  Why you let me come this far and then let this happen?  Why I have been left alone?

At that moment Joshua 1:9 came to her--Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.  Aimee read the verse twice before she closed her Bible.  “God forgive me.  I am sorry I questioned you I know that you are with me and I am not alone.  You are always with me and you have given me some wonderful friends here in Neahovia.”

The dinner table was exceptionally quite.  Everyone was afraid to speak.  Aimee sat on the opposite end of Aiden and neither looked at the other.  James and Piper tried to get a conversation started but no one else commented.  In fact besides their failed attempt the only other conversation was when everyone thanked Sophia for dinner and complimented her on her food.

After dinner Aimee went to her room and did her assignments.  When she finished her work she found one of her favorite Cds and played it until Piper came up and they did their Bible lesson.  Then she turned it back on and feel asleep to songs praising God.

Aiden went to his room and did his assignments.  Aimee had left her copy of the notes from the classes his missed on his bed.  He felt horrible inside as he copied her well taken notes.  Even when she was mad at him she did what she felt was right.  He laid on his bed listening to the beautiful songs coming from her room.

Aimee didn’t come down this morning for her coffee.  Aiden took a shower after the sunrise.  Then made a fresh pot of coffee he made cup for Aimee and sat it next to her notes.  He scribbled a note on a post it.  Thanks for the notes.  I promise I will make this right before class today.  Aiden.

Aimee came down shortly after Aiden left.  She found her coffee and notes.  She ate in the kitchen and enjoyed her coffee as she watched the rain fall to the ground.  The instance she walked outside the ice cold rain hit her face.  She tightened up her raincoat and began jogging to the Chapman building so glad it was so close.

When she entered her Business Law class Aiden was sitting in the desk next to her as if nothing happen yesterday.  He looked good today refreshed.  She took her seat and got out her books and supplies.

“I meet with Professor Lewis.”

“And?”  Aimee did not look at him.

“I took full responsibility for my actions.”

Aimee turned to him the words {and you should} was on the tip of her tongue but she decided to be a bigger person today.  “Thank you.  So what did he say?”

“He said he was still reviewing our work and he will talk to us after lecture today.”

Professor Lewis lectured seemed to last forever.  Aimee took notes and listened as best as she could.  At the chime of his huge grandfather clock like always the class was dismissed.  Aiden and Aimee stayed to discuss their grade.  Professor Lewis took out his file on the presentation.

“Miss Pittman, your presentation was most impressive.  However this was a group project.”

Aiden raised an eyebrow.  “And as I explained earlier sir we gathered all the statistics and data together.”

“Mr. Kaiser, please do not interrupt me, I am more than aware of the discussions I have had with both you and Miss Pittman.”  He turned to Aimee.  “Miss Pittman as I was saying part of being a team requires knowing when to step up and help you co-workers.  You will be graded on your presentation and the work you did to prepare for the presentation.”

“Thank you sir.”

“It is the fair thing to do.  Mr. Kaiser you will receive the grade based solely on the work you did.  It will be at least two grades lower than Miss Pittman’s.  I also expect your paper on my desk at eight a.m. Monday.”

“Yes sir.”

“You are both excused.”

Aimee left feeling so much better.  Aiden heard her thanking God for taking care of her.  Then she turned to Aiden.  “Thank you.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

“What is your paper on?”

“Importance of each role in Teamwork.”


Aimee’s phone began to vibrate.  She had a text from Piper she read it out loud.  We are eating at Ideal Pizza.  Come join us.

Aiden held open the door.  “Sounds good.  I am starving.”

Aimee sent a text to have her save two seats.

Lexi asked about how it went with Professor Lewis today.  They explained the conversation.  Then no one else brought anything else up about the previous day.  Instead they discussed weekend plans.  A new show was opening and Aiden got tickets for all of them.  Thank goodness it was at a casual theater.

Aimee’s phone rang out just as the pizza arrived.  “Hey dad.”

“Hello Aimee.  How is my eldest child?”

“I am fine.  How are you?”

“I am ok.  I just wanted to call and check on you today see how you are really doing.”

“Thanks for remembering what happened today.”

“Aimee, I love your mother too.  I know that when I married Deandre you felt like I betrayed Lillian, but I didn’t she still holds a huge hunk of my heart.”

Aimee felt tears in her eyes.  “I needed to hear you say that.”

“I am taking flowers to the cemetery today.  What is your preference?”

“Purple and gold roses.”

“Great, that was my thoughts exactly.”

“Subject change.”

“Ok.  I also know that in three weeks it will be six months since you left for college.”

“Six months.  Wow, I didn’t even realize it had been that long.  You’re are very impressive today.”

“I try.  So I was thinking we should celebrate this momentous occasion.”

“How shall we do that?”

“How about a visit from me and Maddie?”

“For real.  I would love that.”

“I need to finish all the details.  Seal some deals.  So I will call you back with all the details.  I love you Aimee bug.”

“I love you too.”

Aimee hung up the phone and sat quietly.  Piper and James came over and stood on each side of her.  “You ok?”  James wrapped her in a hug.

“I need a minute.  Excuse me.”  She started to get up when Lexi took her arm.

“We are your friends Aimee.  We can help or cry with you.”

Aimee sat back down.  “Today is the anniversary of my mom’s death.”

Piper looked down.  “I forgot until your dad called.”

“It’s ok Piper.  Most people do.  My dad and I always take roses to her grave.”

Aiden ran his hand through his hair.  “Aimee I am so sorry…I…”

“Hey you had no idea.  Only Piper and James know the full details of what happened to my mom.  I will tell you guys some other day but today I just want to reflect on the good times we had.”

Sophia looked over at her.  “So then tell us a funny story or your favorite memory.”

“My favorite memory is spending the summers in Savannah.  We would go to the beach and watch sunrises together.  We would go to aquariums and carnivals. She had a beautiful voice and sang in church every Sunday.  I think that is my all-time favorite memory is how she loved God we were always doing something for church.”  She turned to them “I need a minute.”

Aimee went to the bathroom she needed a moment to cry by herself.

Aiden watched her walk away.  “Man I feel awful.”

Colin sat pale.  “Talk about lousy timing.”

Piper watched her go into the restroom.

“Guys this is really hard for her.”

“Yeah and I have been such a jerk.  I have to make this up to her.”

“Yeah you do.”  Lexi turned to him it was the first time she had spoken to him in two days.

When Aimee came back everyone was acting a little strange but she just shrugged it off.  Today was a short day so Aimee and Aiden had one class left.  Just as they were leaving they received a text stating that their last class was cancelled.

Aiden looked at her.  “It seems our short day just got shorter.”

Aiden and Aimee walked back to the flat the cold rain began again.  She was being quiet but she had a lot on her mind.  At least on the way home the rain was beating her back instead of her face.  They were walking slower than she would have liked but until they got off campus the sidewalks would be crowded at this time of the day.

Aiden waited until the sidewalks where less crowded before he spoke.  “Aimee listen I am sorry about everything I said and did yesterday.”

Aimees backpack started to slip she went to catch it but Aiden caught it.  “I’ll carry it for you.”

“Thanks.  I know you are sorry.  But it was more than what you said or how you acted.  Do you even know why I got upset?”

“I didn’t at first but I think I may now.  It is about your mom.  I couldn’t have picked a more lousy time to disappoint you.”

“Yeah that is part of it.”

“Aimee please tell me.  I want to fix this.”

Aimee stopped for a second to look him in the eyes.  “I am more than disappointed. I trusted you.”

“Trusted you used it in past tense.”

“Yeah I did.  We already established that it is hard for either of us to trust people.  I trusted you and you failed me.  Yesterday you destroyed my trust.”

“Aimee I know but it wasn’t on purpose.  It was just that…”

“Just what Aiden?  That you were upset with Ava and needed to blow off some steam.  Well I have a news flash for you Ava is going to upset you a lot.”

“Ok I used poor judgment.”

Aimee unlocked the door to the flat and went to set in the living area.  “Aiden you know I don’t trust a lot of people.  I did trust you and now that trust has been damaged.”

“I know I messed up but you can trust me.”

“Trust is not something we can just say here trust me and wham it is done.  I want to trust you again but it may take a while.”

“I will not let you down.  I promise I attend to keep my promise.”

“I hope you keep it.”

“I don’t take my promises lightly.  I also think that is the last time I get plastered.”

“I hope because you are definitely not yourself when you are like that.  Plus I hope you keep your promise because you are a Princes Aiden your word needs to mean something to people.”

“I am the spare Prince.”

“Hey you are not a spare I am sure that is not how your family thinks of you either.  You’re a great person and people in this country look up to you.”

“You really think so?”

“I know so.  I hear at all the time in the market place and at church.”


“Yes church.  We pray for your family at every service.  We pray for God to help guide you and your family.  We pray for your protection and…”

“Thanks but…”  Aiden looked a little shocked.

“There is no but Aiden, whether you believe or not God guides us and protects us.  We just have to do our part and listen to him.”

“How does he talk to you Aimee?”

“Through his messages.  Sometimes it is just as simple as verse coming to your mind.  He gave you the verse, now you could choice to look it up and read it or do nothing but God did his part.  Another way is in church through others testimonies, songs and the teaching and preaching of His word.

“You honestly believe that don’t you?”

“A good example is Sunday night Mark preached on trust and how too many times we put our trust in other people, ourselves or the world and not God.  That message is how I regained my sanity last night.  I realized I needed Him to fix my problem.”

“But I was the one who went and talked to Professor Lewis.”

“You did.  But come on you didn’t say anything I didn’t say to him yesterday.  He was ready to fail us both.  I prayed to God and put my trust in him.  He used you to help do it but if God didn’t change his heart I don’t know where we would be right now.”

“I can see that I really didn’t have a clue what to say or do.  When I woke up this morning it all changed I knew exactly what to say.”


“So what does the Bible say about drinking.”

“I am so glad you asked.”  Aimee took out her Bible from her bag.  “Proverbs 20:1 Wine [is] a mocker, strong drink [is] raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.  And 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”  She closed her Bible and turned to Aiden.

“When a person drinks alcohol or uses drugs it talks control over their rational thought process, our actions and our moods.  Pretty much it clouds the entire mind.  But if we stay sober are minds are clear and focused aware of ourselves and our surroundings.  We are actually studying this on our Wednesday Night Bible Study Group.  You are welcome to come with us anytime you want.”

“Ok.  That is something to think about.  The verses and the Bible Study.”