Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-One

The alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. Aimee was awake.  Her heart breaking was falling to pieces.  She did not want to leave her friends.  She had really came to think of Neahovia as her home now.  She went down for one last coffee and sunrise.

Aiden was standing in the kitchen cup in hand.  She took the cup and walked outside with him.  The sat in their usual spots.  Neither of them speaking.  Aiden reached his arm out for Aimee and she followed him down the beach.  He wrapped his arm around her as she cried on his shoulder.

He waited for her to raise her head before speaking.  “You ok now.”

“Yeah.  Sorry I am just can’t believe I am getting on a plane to go back to USA today.”

“School starts back in September.”

“I know.  I think I may fly back in August once we can move into our flat.”

“I am going to miss this.”

“Me too.”

They watched the sunrise over the ocean.  Aiden took her hand and they started walking back to the flat.  “Let’s go start the day and see what God helps us find out about ourselves today.”

“Yeah it is pretty fun finding me in this crazy world.”

LJ called to see if they could do a brunch instead of lunch.  He picked her up and they went to Franks for brunch.  The crowd was light.  They took a seat in the middle of the restaurant.

“What time is your flight?”

“Not till four.”

“Aimee I am going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too”

They talked about things they are going to do on break.  LJ’s dad was letting him take a two week vacation before he spent the rest of the break doing an internship at his office.  Aimee was having two days off before she had a three week internship with her dad.

The drive to the flat was quite.  She gave him a hug by.  He promised to text.  She teased that she probably would not wait on them.  Just in case he got too busy.

Colin was the first to leave the flat.  He was going to spend some time with Josiah before her left for his treatment center.  For the first eight weeks he could not have any visitors.  They all went in together for a gift for him.  Shortly after Colin Lexi left.  She was going to her parents’ home then a family cruise was planned for the end of June.  James, Piper, Aimee and Aiden loaded all the boxes that was going to the Andersons garage until next semester into their vehicles.

Aiden arranged to have a car pick him and Aimee up at the Andersons home.  So as soon as the cars were unpacked and Aimee gave the keys to her car to Tessa.  They headed to the airport.

The car drove around the side of the airport.  The entrance was marked Private.  Aimee turned to Aiden confused.

“School is out all agreements with the press is now over.”


“We had an agreement that they respect my privacy while class is in session.”

“I am sorry I forgot about that.  I tend to forget you are a Prince sometimes.  To me you are just Aiden.”

“Thanks.  That is one of the things I love about you.  You have always seen me as just me.  Not as the title of Prince.  However I have the title of Prince so we have to step up security again.”

“He took a cap and shades from his bag.”

“What are you doing?”

“We have to get you through security.  I have a private plane waiting to leave whenever I am ready.”

“I can manage on my own.  I did like three transfers to get here in September.”

“I want to wait Aimee.  If your plane is on delay I don’t want you to have to wait alone.”

“Thanks that is so sweet.”

Aimee checked her luggage and found out that her flight was on a two hour delay.  The flight attendant escorted them to a private waiting area.

“How convenient to have a private waiting area ready for us.”

“I called ahead.  Just in case your flight was cancelled.”

Aimee sat and took a bottle of water from the beverage cart.  “Thanks.  I guess this is a good start to my long flight a two hour delay.”

“Maybe something good will come out of it.”  He sat down beside her and took a water as well.  “So what do you want to talk about?”  He winked at her.

“The weather.”

“Be serious Aimee.”

“Ok, where are you heading?  On a family vacation?”

“I wish.  Parliament meets for two weeks then a few days at sea with my dad.  My mom has the rest of my schedule.”

“Your schedule?”

“Yeah.  I have a lot of Palace duties this summer.”


“Its ok most of them are with my brother so we will be together.”

“That’s good.  Donavan seems fun.  One question. Where is Ava fitting in this summer?”

“We are meeting in a few days.”


“We will see.  I told her we need to talk.  So what is your big plans?”

“Nothing really.  A three week internship with my dad.  Then probably spend time with my cousins at the country club or hang out with Maddie.”

Aimee looked down at her hands.

“You ok?”


“Really.  You look a little nervous to me.”

Aimee noticed her fingers shaking.  “I am ok.”  She lied so poorly.

“Aimee lying is beneath you that is why you are so bad at it.  I think that being in here alone with me is making you nervous.”

“Ok it does make me a little nervous.”


“Aiden, I am not sure what is happening between you and Ava.  But I do know she does not like me.  If you end your relationship with her and then if she somehow found out about our evening at the country club…”

“Aimee nobody knows what happen at the country club except us and I don’t plan on saying anything about it and I know you are not so there is no need to worry.”

“I guess you are right.”

“I have learned a lot about myself and where I want to go in life in the past nine months and I am not so sure Ava will fit in.  That is what our talk is going to be about.  But I don’t want to talk about her right now.”

“Ok.  So what do you want to talk about?”



“Yes you when you come back in September I want to help you find out more about your mom.”

“Thanks.  I am going to look around for something more we can use.  Plus her diaries are my summer reading list.”

“Great.  Text me if you find something I can help you with.”

They spent the next hour discussing how they had spent summers in the past.  Aiden could sat and talk to Aimee for hours about anything she wanted to talk about.  They had so many common interest.

The room was cozy and comfortable and Aimee fell asleep with her head resting on Aiden’s shoulder.  He must have dozed off as well because when Bart (his body guard) came in it startled him.  “Mr. Aiden they just announced they are starting boarding for Miss Aimee’s plane.”

His voice startled them both awake.  Aiden looked down at Aimee and they both started laughing.  Aiden stretched.  “Thanks Bart.”

Bart nodded.  “I’ll just wait outside the door.”

“We got caught sleeping again.”  Aiden looked at Aimee.

“I guess so.”  She sat up.  She loved the way it felt beside him.

“Let’s get you on your plane.”

Aimee sat up.  “Ok.”

He took her bag for her and walked her to the door.  “I can’t walk you all the way to the gate.  Press is everywhere and I don’t want to chance any jeopardizing photos that will cause you any more unnecessary worrying.”

Aimee stopped him just as he went to open the door.  “I am really going to miss you.”

Aiden turned and looked her in the eyes.  He could not believe it would be ten weeks before he would stare at those gorgeous hazel eyes again.  He took his hand and brushed her hair.  “I’m going to really miss you too.”  He was about to move in for a kiss forgetting all the reasons he shouldn’t but Bart knocked.

Aimee smiled.  “We better go.”

“Yeah.  I’ll walk a little with you then Bart will take you to the gate.”

They walked silently down the hall to the door that lead to the gate.  Aimee paused before entering.  She turned to Aiden.

“Call me ok.”

“Everyday.”  He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.  “Let me know when you land safely.”

“Which time?”

“Every time you have to get on a new plane.”

“Good luck with Ava.”

Bart opened the door.  “You don’t want to miss your plane.”


Bart joined Aiden shortly to let him know she was safely on her plane.  “I like Miss Aimee a lot better than Miss Ava.”

“Me too.  Me too.”

Aimee was finding it so much harder saying goodbye to Aiden than it was telling LJ bye.