Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Aimee took her window seat in First Class.  It was a surprise upgrade.  She was just settling in when she heard the voice.  “I guess we are sitting beside each other.”

Aimee looked up at the older lady.  “I guess so.”

“My name is Claire.”


Aimee checked her cell real quick before the flight attendant came over the intercom and announced to shut them off.  LJ’s picture came up signaling a message.

“Is that your boyfriend?”  Claire asked.  Aimee was holding her phone out and she could see LJ’s picture.

“No he is a friend.  I am actually single.”

“That is smart you’re young.  Enjoy your life.”

The attendant gave her instructions.  Aimee looked out her window as the plane rose in the air.  She was so confused.  A huge part of her wanted to kiss Aiden again today.  But he is with Ava for now.  She could think of very few reasons other than Ava and the roommate thing.  Which is going to be totally different in the second year of college. It was more like living in a co-ed dorm than a flat.

“Dear, are you ok?”  Claire had a very concerned look on her face.

Aimee noticed at that time she was crying.  “Yeah just thinking about leaving my college friends for the next ten weeks.”

“Oh, I remember my college days.  My friends and I had so much fun. Is this your first year.”

“Yes and I had so much fun while still managing straight A’s.”



“Are you flying to London to shop?”

“No, I am getting on a flight to New York.  What is bringing you to London?”

“You will not believe it but I am flying to New York as well.  Are you from New York?”

“No, I am from the south.  Virginia and Georgia is where I grew up.”

“Lovely states.  Georgia reminds me a lot of Neahovia.”

“I hadn’t really thought about that much but it does.”

The connecting flight to New York was on time.  Aimee and Claire had been seated together again.  Aimee wanted to nap but she had too much on her mind.  She texted Aiden early to let him know she arrived safe in London and that her flight was on time. He texted her back immediately.

“You look like your mind is already in the states.”

“I am sorry I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Guy trouble.”

“How did you know?”

“You have that look every girl gets when she is having man trouble and my guess is there is more than one guy on your mind.”

“Wow, I bet your kids didn’t get away with much.”

“No they didn’t.  What kind of guy troubles are you having?”

“I don’t know I meet two great guys.  LJ has really been nice.  He seemed to be considerate of my Christianity but we shared our first kiss on Valentine’s Day.  He said he call.  He didn’t.  In fact I didn’t hear from him again until I ran to him at SSC in the first week of May.  He gave me a spill on how he realized he was not good enough for me.”

“You don’t believe him?”

“No.  I think he was upset that I didn’t go any further with him.”

“If he was upset for that reason than he isn’t really considerate of your Christianity.”

“I know.  I told him we could be friends.  So far he has been cool with that.”

“You are still afraid he isn’t sincere?”

“Yeah.  The next ten weeks will tell.”

“And the other guy?”

“The other guy.  He is equally great.  He is one of my roommates.  We have the same major.  We have so many things in common we love to watch sunrises.  I can talk to him forever.”

“How did your dates with him go?”

“I never actually went on a date with him.  We did eat dinner several times as friends.  He has a girlfriend.”

“Oh honey you don’t want to get involved with all that.”

“I know.  I told him that several times after we almost kissed.”

Aimee wasn’t sure why but she found herself telling Claire almost every detail about Aiden and LJ.  In fact the only thing she left was that Aiden was Princes Aiden.  She even talked about her mom and how he wants to help her find more out about her.  How she and all her roommates felt that he and his girlfriend where on the verge of ending their relationship.  She even shared how it was so much harder to tell Aiden by.

“Aimee honey, I am sorry about your mother.”


“You’re welcome.  I know I am not your mother but can I give you some motherly advice.”

“Yes please.”

“Be careful with LJ.  He sounds like he could be a player.  As for Aiden be careful there as well you don’t want to be the rebound girl.”

“You have confused me more.”

“I am sorry.  Love is not easy honey.  It is hard and confusing but in the end when you find your true love it will be worth everything you went through to find love.

“I am finding that out.”

“Pray to God about this.  Be careful and make sure you are following his guidance.  Don’t let your hormones overpower your brain.  Sometimes our hormones overpower our brain and heart.”

“Thanks I appreciate you listening to me.  It was nice to talk it over with someone.”

“You are welcome dear.”

“I am sorry, I have talked so much about myself Claire.  Are you flying to see family?”

“My sister leaves in Canada.  She was in an accident years ago that left her paralyzed.  I found the best facility for her in Canada.  I fly to see her every few months.  This time I am staying for a while.  She has lived longer than the Doctors ever thought she would.  Her health is starting to decline.”

“I am sorry.  I will pray for her and remember the Doctors are not God.”

“Thanks dear.”

“Claire, how long have you lived in Neahovia.”

“Off and on my whole life.  I recently moved back.  The base of my company franchise is in Neahovia and I decided it was time for me to stay there and run the company from Neahovia.”

“Can you tell me anything about the Radical War?”

Claire sighed before she told Aimee about how cruel the war was for the ladies her age.  They had daughters that were in their late teens early twenties during that time.  All the mothers could think of was about ways to save their families from the Radical men.

The men would try everything in their power to take over their homes.  At first it was just by trying to take care of the finances.  Run their business affairs.  The elderly ladies without children were the first victims.  Then they moved on to the widowers and young girls a few years later.

It was all about control.  That was why they wanted to overturn the king.  The radical leader thought he had a fool prove plan.  He carefully chose the homes with the greatest social status that he personally would take over.  He wanted to force a young lady to marry the Prince and then after she did he would kill the Prince and the King.  Then he would have her make him King.

She was unsure how he planned to do the last part.  The mother of the girls caught onto his plan and that was when they banded together and started protecting their families.  One of the mothers had a direct connection to the Palace and she warned the King what the Radical Party was planning.  That was when the King called and asked the Americans to help protect the ladies of Neahovia.

Aimee was so pale.  She knew some of this from what her friends and Alice told her but Claire was giving her a different view of the era.  She closed her eyes and imagined the fear that her mother and Gran had to feel during those days.

“Claire, if he succeeded do you think he would have possibly killed the girl after he killed the Prince and King?”

“I think he was capable of anything.”

The attendant announced the plane would be landing soon.  Aimee hooked her seat belt.  “I wish I had more time to talk to you.  I am so interested to find out about my mom and Gran and their life in Neahovia.”

“Oh sweetie.  I know it must be hard.  Just keep in mind a lot of women don’t like to talk about that time in their lives.  I think that if your mom and Gran wanted you to know how they escaped the Radicals and made it to the states the answers will be close to you and when God thinks you can handle the story of your mom and Grans life in Neahovia he will lead you straight to them.”

“Thanks I haven’t really that about not being ready.  I just feel that if I find out more about them I can find me.”

“You don’t have to know their past to find you.  The things you do and say.  How you live your life that is how you find yourself.  Learn from your mistakes and grow from them.  If you something is working don’t change it.”

“Thanks.  So how old was you when you figured out who you are?”

The flight attendant announced that it was time to exit the plane.

Claire gave Aimee a hug as they made it to the gate.  “I hope we met again.”

“Me too.”  Aimee was walking to the lounge she had thirty minutes to find her connecting flights gate.

“Aimee.”  Claire turned and smiled at her.  “I am still finding me.”
