Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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A revelation

Max reached out and pulled her to him.

The warm glow he had felt earlier returned. Star must have felt it too; looking into his smiling blue eyes, she blushed. Her pupils dilated, darkening her brown eyes. Pushing upwards, she tentatively kissed him on the lips. A surge of pent-up desire flushed through his body. Without a thought, he crushed her to him and kissed her with great passion.

Star responded with increasing urgency as she pressed into Max and writhed against him. This was the moment she had dreamed of, hoped for, longed for throughout her troubled life.

At first, she had seen Max as someone she could fix. Needing to fix people was her only desire in life but so far, this need had brought her nothing but trouble and hurt. People did not want to be fixed, but they were happy to exploit her psychosis.

Ultimately, the failure of her relationships had driven her deeper into a mentally unstable state. Now, at last, she felt she had found true love. She pushed Max towards the bed, the mattress catching him in the back of his knees, and he fell backwards with her on top.

They both tried frantic, uncoordinated attempts to remove each other’s clothes, adding to their sexual frustration. As some sense of reason crept into their minds, the frenzied pace subsided. Buttons were undone, belts and zips were manipulated and clothes kicked off.

Naked, they rolled together on the bed, each seeking the position on top. Max ran his hands searchingly over every part of her lithe body, noting her moans and gasps as he fondled her pleasure points. She was very wet, but in no hurry to end the foreplay. Star clutched and clawed at his muscular body, running her fingers through his hairy chest. Cupping his face in her hands, she joyfully examined every feature of his masculine face. They both knew the moment had come.

She reached down and gently grasped the tip of his swollen penis; he groaned and felt it pulse between her cool fingers. Max rolled on top and ran his hand up the inside of her thigh; she drew up her knees and opened herself up to Max. He gently fingered her pussy, wondering if she preferred several orgasms before he penetrated her, or bring her to the brink and then go for a mutual explosive orgasm.

Too late; his fingers brought her first wave of ecstasy; her series of panting screams as the sensations built to a crescendo indicated her joy. She arched her back, every muscle tense, head back and mouth wide open, as she let out a final deep gasp with her orgasm slowly subsiding. Max entered her and began rocking, trying to hold back his release until she reached her next orgasm.

A loud banging on the door shocked them. Like startled teenagers about to be caught by parents, they froze and then scrabbled frantically for clothes. As the urgent hammering continued, Star shouted. “Hang on, I’m in the bathroom.”

Max feared the worst. Had the police or a drug dealer caught up with them? His stomach churned and his mouth and throat went dry. He hid on the floor at the far side of the bed.

Star opened the door. It was the man from the adjacent room, about thirty, tall and gangly.

“Are you alright?” he asked anxiously, looking past her and into her room. “I heard you screaming and thought you might be in trouble.”

Star blushed heavily. She had no recollection of screaming and could only think about the fading glow through her body and the irritation at his interruption at such a critical moment.

“Sorry! I saw a big spider running towards me and freaked out. I didn’t realize the walls were so thin.”

“Well, they are. I heard bits of the thriller you were watching earlier. Some guy planning to rob a drug cartel. I’d love to watch that program. It sounded so real, better than the rubbish we get on BBC.”

“Oh! That! It’s a trailer for some American TV series I downloaded.” Star motioned with her head towards a cheap laptop on the table.

“Can you get broadband then?” asked the man.

“No, I used a friend’s Wi-Fi. Bill has no luxuries here.”

Star could see the man was now trying to chat her up, and she wanted him to go. The effects of an incomplete fucking were sadly taking their toll on the politeness region in her fuddled brain. The man gave up and left.

Max rose from the floor and whispered, “That was a close one. We’d better be careful what we say in future.”

Star was fit to scream with frustration. The little home she had created for them was violated, no longer private. She was left high and dry, the best fuck of her life, totally ruined. Max sensed that the mood had passed and quietly finished himself off and cleaned up in the bathroom.

That night snuggled together in bed, they whispered their plans. It was clear they would never again have sex in this room.

“Tell me about yourself Star. I think our relationship can stand it.”

She moved away and focused on the stains on the high ceiling, saying, “I have a mental condition and had to go to an asylum for treatment. I decided to leave because I was not seeing any improvement.”

“It was voluntary then?” asked Max.

“I escaped, if you must know.” She snapped back.

Max’s silence encouraged her to continue.

“It seems I have a personality disorder, a compulsive need to fix people. The more broken they are, the more I must fix them. That type of person is usually broken because they want it that way. I can’t fix them, no matter what I do. That has made the condition much worse for me.

 “Everyone has abused me, especially men; they see me as a person to abuse in every possible way. It got so bad that I killed the last three men. I stabbed them in their sleep after they had satisfied themselves inside me.”

Max suddenly became alert; the drowsy warmth of the bed felt suffocating. He had earlier been inside her; they were now in bed, about to go to sleep. Would she stab him, once he drifted off?

Star continued. “Provided I took my medication and remained supervised in the asylum, there was no problem. Unfortunately, I have no medication, but as long as my needs to fix people are not hindered and I am not abused, I should be fine.”

“What about your parents? Do you keep in touch?”

“No, Dad beat Mum to death when I was thirteen. He tried to fuck me so I stabbed him, up under the ribs, straight into the heart, with a long kitchen knife.

“I wiped the prints and put the knife in Mum’s hand. The police believed me when I said she did it just before she died.” Then she cuddled into Max and went straight to sleep.