Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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October 20th 2012: Second strike

Max lay awake until midnight, wondering what he should do about Star. Her revelations had unsettled him, she had some strange ways, but everyone does, when you get to know them. He would never have guessed she was a mass murderer though, she presented as a kind hearted, intelligent girl who was looking for a stable relationship. What was he going to do about her was the big question? As a great believer in fate, Max decided to see how things worked out, he needed her for his plans and escape to freedom to succeed. No other girl would be so relaxed about his criminal intent and the risks to their very existence, for a life together in paradise.

It was time to get some more money, they needed it and if it meant someone else was going to suffer as a result, well hard luck. Criminals were a worthless bunch, he thought, he should know, he was one. Max slipped out of bed and quietly dressed in his tramp gear and black trainers Star had bought him, and then stealthily merged with the night.

He always used the back garden entrance when dressed as a tramp. Even Bill’s emporium would not cater for that class of clientele.

 The streets were deserted as he made his way to the flat of the last drug dealer he had robbed. There were no lights on in the building, but that meant nothing; he might be asleep inside or still out dealing. Max guessed the man only had a bedsit, so a bit of noise getting into the common area and stairs would be acceptable.

Slipping on disposable vinyl decorators’ gloves, he applied pressure to the leaded-light side window until several small colored pieces of glass fell out. He slipped his hand through the hole and undid the Yale lock to open the front door. Refitting the glass was fiddly, but the pieces held when the buckled lead was pushed back into position. At a glance, in the dark, it looked undamaged.

Having got his bearings, he quietly climbed the stairs to the first floor. Silently trying the door handle to the man’s room, he found it locked. A straightened paperclip pushed into the keyhole passed through unhindered, so there was no key in the lock on the other side. Max hoped the occupant was still out.

He opened the window on the landing and climbed out onto the window sill, using the cast iron gutter for additional support. Then he closed the window behind him.

He remained motionless in the dim light like some caped crusader, checking that he was unseen.

The fanlight to the man’s bay window was within easy reach, so he shone a small torch through the glass, sweeping the room to locate the empty bed. Max silently opened the fanlight, reached down inside, released the catch and with a loop of nylon string, lifted the stay bar clear of its pins. The window swung open and he slipped in soundlessly.

There was no point in searching the room. The noise would disturb other tenants and any cash would be well hidden. He would have to hide in the shadows until the man returned.

Just after 3am, Max heard the faint sound of footsteps going to the rear of the house, where the man parked his bicycle. Moments later they returned; the front door opened, then closed, followed by creaking stairs and floorboards outside the room door. A key turned in the lock.

Max’s heartbeat increased and the blood roared in his ears as the tension mounted. The door swung open with Max hidden behind it. The light was switched on and the man entered, blinking hard in the bright light. Max had preconditioned one eye by looking at his torch light, so had the advantage as he delivered a stunning uppercut. The man fell. Max grabbed his coat and lowered him onto the floor. Seconds later, Max had fixed zip ties to hands, knees, and ankles. He also stuck duct tape across his victim’s mouth and eyes.

He shut the door and closed the curtains. A quick search revealed wads of cash and a variety of drugs in the man’s pockets. Max kept everything.

Several minutes later, the dealer was conscious and started struggling. A sharp, painful stab from Vlad, and he froze. Max whispered in his ear, “Don’t move and be very quiet. I’m robbing you and want all the cash you have hidden in the room.”

The man tried to wriggle free and made a muffled noise through his nose, but became motionless when Max squeezed his nostrils closed and sat on his legs.

Max peeled back the tape from the man’s mouth. “What’s your name?”

“Alf, just call me Alf.” he replied helpfully, like it would make all the difference.

“Alf, I want you to indicate where you have hidden the cash. I will stab you with this if you mess about.” He poked Vlad against the side of Alf’s leg, and stirred it about for effect while pinning him down with a knee and pinching his nostrils shut again, until the man lay still.

“You can whisper where the cash is. More than a whisper and failure to tell me where it is, and you will die instantly. I will find it in the daylight anyway.”

Max pushed the point of Vlad deep into the flesh under Alf’s chin. Alf had no doubt his attacker would ram it up into his brain if he did not comply. With great care, he whispered clearly, “The cash is in four boxes above the vent in the ceiling.”

“Thank you Alf, I am putting you on the bed, so you can’t bang on the floor when I am getting the money.” Max resealed the mouth tape, heaved the man onto the bed and zip-tied his feet and head to the ends of the bed. Alf lay still, his face moist with fear.

A quick upward thrust from Vlad ripped the vent free and exposed four long metal boxes. Max quietly pulled them down and opened them. “There must be about £20,000 in there,” guessed Max. “It’s just what we need to get started.”

Alf started sobbing. Was he expecting to die, wondered Max. The tape broke free, forced off by the man’s tongue, its adhesion weakened by sweat and spittle. Alf whispered, “That money isn’t mine. The man it belongs to will kill me. Please set me free so I can escape.”

Max thought for a moment and felt for the man’s mobile phone. “Do you have a friend you can call?” he asked.

Alf nodded as best he could and slowly spoke the number which Max dialed.

A female voice answered and Max held the phone to Alf’s ear, letting him murmur his call for help. What happened to Alf now was up to the female. If he had any sense, he would leave immediately and never return to this area.

Max quickly slipped away into the night.

Back at his room, he found Star pacing anxiously. She burst into tears, sobbing violently until Max pulled her to him and hugged her. He then explained what he had done, saying, “I didn’t want to wake you before I went out, so I just got on with it.”

Sulkily she made a pot of tea and snuggled into him as they drank it. They went back to bed, rising late in the morning.