Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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November 17th 2012: The warrant card

Dressed in his smart casual clothes, clean-shaven, wearing a convincing wig and glasses, Max started frequenting a pub near the local police station. The first visit was stressful; the police were probably still looking for him. As each regular entered, they glanced at the well-dressed man, quietly reading his Financial Times and sipping a pint. He looked familiar, but no one of importance would come to this pub; they dismissed him without further thought.

By establishing a precise routine over several weeks, he became invisible to everyone; just another regular. He lengthened his conversation each night with the bartender. He listened to what others said as they ordered their drinks, and noted who they were. At the end of the second week, a Detective Inspector Marsh was going to be Max’s target.


Pretending to be Ray, Max visited the doctor that Ray Forbes had consulted before becoming a tramp. Ray’s records were ready on Dr. Mark’s desk when “Forbes” was called to go in. The doctor looked up and searched his memory about the patient, waved “Forbes” to sit, then read the notes.

“How are you Ray, it’s nearly two years since I last saw you when you were at a very low ebb. I wondered if you had become institutionalized for your condition. Anyway, you look so much better now.”

“A small inheritance came my way recently and I had some help to get back into civilization. I was living as a tramp. Now I have been unable to sleep and am becoming increasingly anxious for no particular reason. It could be because I have to interact with people. I still find that stressful and avoid it if I can.”

Doctor Mark considered the problem and set about taking his blood pressure, listening to the heart and lungs and looking into eyes and ears.

“You are now exceptionally healthy. You had high blood pressure and congested lungs amongst other things. Now you are the fittest man I’ve seen in years. Some people claim fasting and certain restricted diets can improve health dramatically, but I would never have believed it possible.” Then he asked a series of routine questions.

Satisfied, he suggested a short course of Valium.

“If you look back at my records, Valium was not as effective as Temazepam. Possibly you might give me that again.”

The doctor considered the suggestion. “Although it is the same family as Valium, there are differences. I would like you to try Temazepam for only a week, so make an appointment to see me again then.”

This was ideal for Max, and he would then ask the doctor to be a professional reference when he applied for Ray’s passport. Dr. Mark had known Ray for more than ten years.

That evening, Max tried the drug on himself. He dissolved it in a small amount of vodka. Star made notes and timed the effects on Max when mixed with a large glass of beer. The alcohol made the drug react strongly; he soon became drowsy and quickly fell into a deep sleep. It was the next evening before all effects of the drug and alcohol had gone from his body.