Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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The early riser.

Max woke early the next morning. The stress of the past months was safely behind him now and his mind and body were determined to make up for lost time. He felt a deep throb and ache of lustful desire in his groin. It had been a long time since he had felt these overwhelming urges and he wondered what to do about them. He eased away the thin sheet covering his body to inspect the result of his arousal. Penis size had never been an issue in his mind, god dished out what was deserved and you had to make the best of it. Max was impressed this morning.

Star had been dozing when she felt the furtive movement of the sheet being lifted back and she opened her eyes to see what Max was doing. She opened them much wider when she saw his massiveness. It rested on his belly like an axe handle, its purple tip pulsing just below his inny button had a generous tear of clear excitement juice running down from his slit.

Star was in a similar state of wetness having felt horny all night. She had been wondering how she was going to broach the subject of sex with Max. He had not seemed interested since the neighbor had interrupted them back at Bill’s bedsit and she had often resorted to masturbation while lying next to him as he slept. She had hoped he might have felt her jerking in the bed, woken and taken her - but no such luck.

“Let me help you with that, Max, it’s just what I need!” She reached out with her hand and grasped him below the sensitive tip, at the same time, gently spreading his juice over it, with her thumb.

Max let out a deep shudder as the coolness of her fingers closed around him and the slick sensation of her thumb circling the tip aroused him more than he thought possible.

“I really need your help right now Star, and I think you have the matter in hand. However, I am likely to have a hair trigger, so let me get you up to speed.”

He threw off the sheet and she rolled onto her back to let him see her naked. She was proud of her slim, well-formed body and felt good about his long lingering gaze as he lusted over every inch of her. She slowly raised and parted her knees while grasping her breasts. He could see her gap was full and swollen; the wet red folds glistened in the morning light. He watched for a moment as she fingered her bullet hard nipples, circling and pushing them this way and that. He suddenly rolled onto her, grinding himself into her split, crushing his hot lips onto hers with a passion that surprised her. He slipped his arms under her and felt her body respond as she pushed up into him. He kissed her wetly over her cheeks and down her neck then back up, to nibble her ear lobes. She tasted good.

All Max wanted was to enter her and cum, but he knew she deserved more, and he was going to give her a cunt full. He rolled on his back, pulling her with him like she was featherweight. She pushed herself up with her arms; her back arched, and she looked down at his rugged, handsome face. She smiled, she quivered with joy and excitement, and her eyes were wide with delight, as she beamed love, lust and devilment. She was going to fuck him so hard he would need a wheelchair for a week. She gave a squeal of ecstasy as her clit touched his slicked tip and she plunged her face to his in a wild frenzy of self-satisfying passionate kisses.

Max responded in kind, their faces and necks were moist and slippery with their passion, adding greatly to their sensations of total dirty, lustful sex. Nothing, absolutely nothing was going to be taboo or left untried. He ran his hands firmly and passionately over the shapely curves of her body and into all available holes and crevices. She had the exquisite pleasure of contact between her hungry clit and his perfectly slippery tip. Gentle rocking pressed it lightly or harder however she needed it, while moving her pelvis, she could work her hot, full and desperately needy split over his tip. She was so wet, Christ, she was so wet, she thought he might have cum!

Max was fully aware of her search for self-satisfaction on him and was praying it would never stop. Her contact was so light and teasing, he wanted to scream, but instead he clenched her tensed ass and did a bit of guiding of his own. He stole deeper and more intense pressure on his tip until she held him back. She was going to tease him to death the little whore, two can play at that game. He pulled her up his firm body by gripping her butt cheeks and placed his tip just into the mouth of her hot, wet hole. She instinctively wanted to force herself onto him as the sweet sensation swept over her, but he held her in place.

“Ah! You fucking bastard! Will you ever fuck me?” She gasped and tried harder to force down onto him, but he teased her by keeping her on the edge. She eased her hips up and grasped his hard, slippery tool in her right hand and pressed it delicately into her gap. She rocked her hips so slowly and gently Max could feel his tip slither and slide over the plump folds of her split. It was slow enough to sensate, but not enough to lead to a cum.

“You’re a fucking cock teaser. You deserve to be fucked to a mind blowing orgasm, but I will make you fucking beg for it first. What you are doing to me is killing me, my balls are so full and aching that when I do cum, you’ll need a surfboard to ride it out!”

She rolled over on her back, welded to him. He pulled away and buried his face in her pussy as she parted to let him in. His long lick up her split and several circuits around her clit sent her hands from her belly to gripping her breasts. She squeezed them and thumbed the sensitive nipples as she arched her back and let out a panting scream. Each brief scream triggered as his tongue ran over her peak of pleasure. With his face still buried in her, he moved to one side so he could slip a finger into her hole while licking, sucking and teasing. She gasped again and again as he gently poked and worked her. Now he had two then three fingers deep into her. Her hands grasped the bedclothes now and her toes curled and flexed as they mirrored the firm rhythmic curling of his fingers along her G spot. At first she wanted to pee, but the pleasure was so intense, she just lay there, gasping and sobbing as the waves of pleasure engulfed her whole body.

Max knew she couldn’t last much longer and he looked at her, she was oblivious of everything but the unrelenting pleasure. Her face was scrunched and tense with concentration, her body arched and trembled to his touch, her firm breasts jutted and begged to be caressed and sucked. He used his thumb to gently and slowly stimulate her clit. It had disappeared under its hood, because she was so engorged, but he found it. With his three fingers in her, stroking her G spot, thumb circling her clit and free hand caressing a breast while sucking the nipple on the other, after a short while, Star shuddered, whimpered and screamed, “take me Max! Fuck me now!”

Max continued to work her as the orgasm passed, letting her down gently. He knew he would take her soon, he had too, his body could not stand to hold back much longer. His bollocks were swollen and painful, his love sac wrapped tightly around them, holding them in place for when the action started. He need have no fear they would ever shake off, no matter how long and hard he fucked her, and it would be epic, very soon.

After an interlude of tender kissing, neck and lobe nibbling, Max moved lower to her heaving breasts. One in each hand, he sat astride her as she lay stoned on endorphins while he caressed them, molded, fondled and kissed them, all over. He tongue circled one, thumbed the other and swapped as she became more and more aroused.

“Fuck me Max, please, please, I want you inside me, do it slow and deep, please, please, I beg you. Oh! Please, don’t hold back, go in now, please oh please!” She whimpered and moaned as she pleaded. It was time to finish her off, good and proper.

Her clit had fully recovered and was delighted to be gently tongued and sucked hard. It was erect and surprisingly large and very red. Her hole was open and craving to be stimulated with whatever happened to go in, so three fingers it was. With a hand on a breast, thumbing the nipple, his tongue licked her pussy and mouth sucked her clit. His three fingers were deep inside her, firmly, but slowly stroking the full length of her swollen G spot, she was nearly there again.

Sensing the right moment as her body shuddered and she moaned like a rutting beast, he knelt between her legs and worked his frustrated purple wet tip around her opening, gently prodding to keep her on the boil. The transition was so quick that she only noticed it because of the totally different sensations. The clit gave sharper, intense and local pleasure, the G spot stroking was a more gentle form of exquisite sensation that permeated her whole body. Now the hot, slick, throbbing tip as it worked around and probed the opening sent urges to impale herself onto him. Her whole groin and pelvic area ached and implored for release, more blood flowed in to engorge her further and juices flowed. This could not go on.

“Fuck me Max for god’s sake, fuck me,” she screamed.

He probed deeper and deeper, a little at a time, the pleasure sensation building stronger and stronger in his desperate member. He could feel the spunk starting to make its way out. He flipped up both her legs with her feet each side of his neck and quickly went deeper and deeper to the hilt. He was thrusting long and hard now, with his arms around her knees, kneeling upright. His member stroked her G spot perfectly and his pelvis stimulated her clit as their voices and animal cries reached a crescendo. He came deep inside her. Throb after throb the spunk pulsed into her, She felt the heat of it and his insane thrusting as it tipped her over into the cum of her life. For Max, it was a release that just kept coming. The harder he strained to pump out the very last dregs of spunk, and the deeper he pushed into her, the longer the ecstasy lasted, though it was definitely fading fast.

When Max started to push deeper into her, her pussy was screaming for more but his size threatened to split her apart. Then it seemed to go so deep, if it had not been for the exquisite fullness, she might have panicked, but when it reached its hilt, she craved even more. Whatever the cost.

Drained and satisfied at last, he let her legs fall to his sides and he lay on her enjoying the after cum pleasure as it seeped into every cell of his body. Their sweat slicked bodies lay panting and satisfied, welded together in mutual contentment for several minutes until Max rolled onto his back, pulling her on top, glued to him.

As his mind cleared, he was aware he was still large inside her. Gently at first, he rocked his pelvis and found the stimulation was still pleasurable. With renewed strength, he increased the length of his stroke and wanted to keep going. He could not imagine ever having another cum, the feeling was not that intense, but it was good and he never wanted it to stop. Star took the hint and sat up on him, and did the rocking for him. It started off as a desire to please him, but soon turned into the gentle feeling of pleasure that need not be ended. After 10 minutes, her face was screwed up with strain and concentration as her rocking intensified. There was a sweet feeling of the most pleasurable itch that Max could just reach with his tip, deep within her. It seemed to be in her spine, but also in the base of her belly. Her muscles were tired and ached, but that very tiredness and ache was part of the pleasure. Pain, exhaustion and pleasure were all the same thing, just scrumptious pleasure.

Max had lost all reason, he had to cum again. He was a long way off, but what the fuck. Star was now doing all the work so he concentrated hard, very hard and it was paying off. He heard her starting to whimper, she was close, but exhausted. The closer she got, the greater the exhaustion, she was too close to give up now.

 Picking up her rhythm, Max worked with her

“Harder Max, I’m going to cum.” She was now getting ahead of the curve-.nearly there.

“Don’t fucking stop!” she urged, her jaws clenched hard together.

“No worries, I am too close to stop.” he panted back.

Max felt the cum first. It was a soft and beautiful glowing pleasure that ran through every nerve, but centered in the base of his belly. He cried out repeatedly, even when it had pretty well passed to nothing. In his delirium, he hoped it would come back if he kept moaning, but it didn’t. He fell totally still and never wanted to move a muscle, ever again.

Star was triggered to orgasm when she heard Max climax. For her it was like a hot smooth buzz of pleasure through her whole being, it rose quickly and stayed constant for eternity, accompanied by a deep, steady groan of slowly exhaling breath, destroyed when she finally had to take a gulp of air. She fell forward onto Max, comforted by the heat from their glowing bodies. She was consumed with love for Max.

A few minutes later, Max was aware he had slipped out of Star and his juices draining from her were noticeable, as they cooled on his crotch. He pushed her sleeping body off him with no further thought and after a few minutes, went and showered.