Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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November 20th 2013: The new life.

With the money from Malenkov split equally between Max and Star, he insisted she paid her way in full. She was not surprised, he’d made sure she received her share, it was only right she did the honorable thing with her portion of expenses.

They decided some time ago they would head for Papua, New Guinea, mid Pacific, and explore the atolls and islands. In the very unlikely event they were being pursued, they would be hard to find.

Max had planned to pay a number of people in the know, to warn him should anyone asked questions about them. The bank managers holding their money were more than willing to help, for a fee.

From Jacksons International Airport, Port Moresby, they island hopped to Majuro Atoll, landing at Marshall Islands International Airport. From there they would take ferry or air trips, exploring the tropical paradise they had planned for and dreamed of for so long.

The 40 x 11 Km thin ridge of land forming the outer rim of the atoll was little more than a central road with houses on both sides. Beyond that, it was the Pacific, or the lagoon sprinkled with small islands.

Their small hotel was comfortable and the top floor balcony was well placed for the lagoon view. Boats were constantly carving their way through the sparkling blue water, their crisscrossed wakes adding interest to the tranquil scene.

After a light lunch, Max and Star sauntered along the narrow, white sand beach. For the first time since they met, they felt relaxed and free to talk about normal things.

“Star, just think, with the threat of global warming, these islands will vanish under the sea. What a tragedy that will be, not only for the population, who will have to leave and travel hundreds of miles to different countries, but the loss of these beautiful places. The civilized world has a lot to answer for. I know it is a terrible thing to say, but Mother Nature has a way of redressing the balance and I wonder if a mass extinction is long overdue.”

“That is just terrible and I am surprised at you for even thinking such a thing. All those innocent people struggling to make something of their lives and you want them wiped out, at a stroke. That is so disgusting, I am ashamed of you.”

“I am not saying it should happen, I am not saying it is right or fair, just that nature is a force that cannot be controlled or subdued. It will have its way, eventually.

“Just think of the recent epidemics that science has only just contained. It seems to me that no one does anything to predict and prevent these events until they have to. So, I am not the bad guy here, I am not wishing disaster on the world, just thinking how humanity is destroying everything it touches and Mother Nature will triumph.

“When you stand here, surrounded by such beauty, it makes you want to protect it. I know there is nothing I can do, in fact, nothing anyone can do to change the future.”

“I don’t know what has come over you, Max, pull yourself together and let’s party hard. I need a long cool drink in a shady spot, followed up with some hard sex, dress for dinner and watch the night change to day.”

“Last one at the bar pays!” challenged Max, as he jogged away.

The evening went just as Star had suggested, they made a number of friends and partied until the early hours. Another stroll along the beach cleared their heads.

Looking up at the velvet black sky revealed millions of stars. As they gazed skywards, more and more of the faintest of them became visible. Here, mid Pacific, there was no light or other pollution to hide them. The constant air temperature meant no uneven waves of air density to distort their brilliance.

“Tomorrow, we will book some flights to other islands. We can get advice on the best places, stay there for a day or so and move on to the next place. What do you think, Star?”

“I am utterly spoiled for choice but as long as I am with you, I don’t care where we go. I would like to learn how to fly a plane or helicopter though, it is something I have always wanted to do. Can we do that tomorrow?”

“I see no reason why not, perhaps if we go by helicopter first, we can explore the atoll from the air.”

“This is all so wonderful Max, all this freedom and wealth, I never imagined I would feel so happy.” Star gazed up at Max, adoring him in the romantic setting.

“Perhaps we should head back to the hotel and get some sleep; we have a lot of fun to enjoy tomorrow, best we are rested enough to do it justice.”

Max always felt a reluctance to gaze back adoringly into Star’s eyes. He loved her and would do anything for her, but there was always something that felt wrong, disloyal even. She had noticed it too, but put it down to a man thing.

As planned, Star had the whole of the following day to learn the very basics of flying a small helicopter while Max studied the numerous islands and shallows through the crystal clear water, from the rear passenger seat.