Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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November 27th 2013: Philippe investigates.

Philippe had arrived at the airport that morning and immediately booked into a hotel. It did not take him long to catch up with the gossip and he quickly identified  Anna Short, being at the center of attention. She had become the local celebrity, having escaped the explosion on Dom Island and survived a helicopter crash. He watched the girl, attracted by her sparkle and listened to the tale of her ordeal. Something did not quite ring true. She stuck rigidly to the same story, with no variations, and no embellishments, no matter how many times she repeated it and how much she drank.

The only people he knew who did that were people with something to hide. Anna could not afford to be caught out with a lie.

Philippe was also curious about the young blond girl who bought a red helicopter outright, just to get to the island before everyone else. That had to be Carla; she had 2 million Euro of his money and his priceless statuette, so she could easily afford it. It was just the sort of thing she would do to rescue the old fart, Max Fortune. Having had that thought, he was surprised Anna was still alive, having been shacked up with him, according to the news reports. He knew how ruthless his daughter could be and that she must have been extremely jealous.

The next morning, he set off to meet Dan Sims and explained that he was Carla’s father. He mentioned that they did not get on, but that he was worried about her, knowing she was still missing. Sims told him all he knew, describing her in detail, so Philippe was absolutely sure it was Carla. He then told Philippe what he believed had happened to her. The fact she had never made landfall and no shipping had reported her ditching, proved she was dead.

When Philippe asked if Sims knew how she arrived on the atoll, he said he had heard she arrived, alone, on a Global 8000 Learjet. Philippe knew straight away that The Organization was backing her and would have provided support. The thing he couldn’t fathom was how they could have rescued her.

A new possibility was forming in his mind, perhaps she was intercepted by a boat or amphibious aircraft, sent from another island. She would slip away back to northern Italy with false papers and the world would think her dead. Who had flown the helicopter, though?

He had seen Max Fortune fly a helicopter nearly two years ago in the Maldives and heard that he had landed safely; perhaps the natives didn’t get him after all. The old fool was a slippery bastard and had outwitted even him, so the natives did not stand a chance. That would mean Carla and the old fool could still be alive and well.

Philippe left Sims and was on his way to the control tower when Star arrived to speak to Sims. There were three men with her, tough buggers he thought. Star looked at Philippe and although wary, she smiled. As he turned to walk away, she saw his disfigured side and he noticed her face change to an expression of shock.

Philippe looked at her, face to face and smiled. He said, “My daughter did this,” he pointed at the disfigurement. “She is the girl in the red helicopter, the romantic partner to your friend, Max Fortune. You should count your lucky stars that you are unharmed - still alive, even.”

Star’s chin dropped with shock and she stood, eyes and mouth open wide, for several moments, as she processed what he had said. Those two had left her to die on the island, rather than wait for her. Perhaps Max had not realized she was alive, but the girl definitely had.

“Who are you?” asked Star, seeking confirmation.

“My name is Philippe. As I just said, the blond girl, Carla Day is my daughter. I would say that you and I have a lot in common and could help each other.”

Sims and the men with Star looked confused at the sudden and unexpected conversation. What had initially looked like a confrontation was turning into something quite different.

“I understand your name is Anna Short. I believe your father and I have the same business interests. Perhaps you will introduce us.”

Star knew instinctively that this man was broken; she could fix him. She also knew he would help her get revenge on Carla and Max, for leaving her to die. Sims could tell her how far the red helicopter could have flown and whether ditching near a vessel was survivable. She had reasoned that whoever was flying the helicopter would ditch near the US1 and be on their way to safety by now.

Perhaps an alliance with Philippe would work to her advantage on several levels. She might persuade him to help her find Max and Carla; he obviously had no love for either of them. Also, he seemed to know about Short and his drug business.

“I need to speak privately with Mr. Sims, but perhaps we could meet back at the hotel for breakfast, or coffee. I have seen you there, so you know where to find me.”

Star had nothing to lose and everything to gain, by talking to Philippe.

“I look forward to breakfast with you very shortly, back at the hotel,” he said. Then Philippe walked briskly away to the control tower.

Star approached Dan Sims and asked if he thought the girl in the red helicopter would survive if she had ditched at sea. “In my opinion, it was highly unlikely she would survive, even with a gentle impact. 

“The violent motion of the cabin when the rotors strike the water would be disorientating, at best. At the same time, water would rush in and the aircraft would fully submerge in seconds because there would be no buoyant wings to delay the descent to the seabed. Water pressure would hold the doors closed for a while, so getting out would only be possible several meters below the surface. Just imagine her panic with all that happening and being unable to breath. An inexperienced person would need nerves of steel, to remain calm enough to get out and swim to the surface.

“She was a remarkable young lady, even to have got the helicopter flying, but not good enough to get out alive.

“She will be strapped into her seat, probably with a broken neck, resting on the seabed in her little helicopter till the end of time.

“You were very lucky because your helicopter was stabilized, much heavier and you were never fully submerged. All credit to you though, for your wise choice of place to ditch.”

Star thanked Sims for his time and expert knowledge and walked away, looking forward to breakfast.


The control tower confirmed to Philippe that a female voice was heard calling US1, after the final explosion, but there was no response. Philippe knew immediately that the submarine had picked them up. A thrill went through him, he would force The Organization to give up Max and Carla to him or risk exposure. Then he would expose The Organization anyway. They would be too occupied with covering their tracks to bother about him. On second thoughts, he would set up Anna Short to blackmail them, that way he would not be implicated.

Breakfast at the hotel went better than he could have hoped. Anna Short was taken with him, regardless of his disfigurement. Her father was more cautious, but eventually agreed to talk business, now that he had lost Malenkov as a supplier. Philippe had them both where he wanted them and was pushing all the right buttons. They agreed to meet back in London in one week. They would discuss business over dinner at Short’s house and Philippe could stay over for as long as he wanted, Anna would be there as well.

It was a long and arduous series of flights home. Star, Philippe and Anna’s father arrived in London, on Saturday 30th November and were taken by private car to Mr. Short’s palatial home.