Fugitive Max & Carla Series Book 3 by John Day - HTML preview

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December 2nd 2013: Max and Carla go home.

The four and a half day journey back to Panama was most unpleasant, because the submarine was overcrowded. They had to hot bed for 8 hours and when awake, walk around in cramped conditions for the next 16 hours.

They were eventually met by a small cruise ship owned by an associate company of The Organization, 50Km from Panama. It took everyone off the submarine including all the records and the cure. After docking at Panama, all the staff went home with massive pay packets for their five years hard work. Research papers and the cure were duplicated or split and shipped separately to two different locations, for safety.

During the trip home, Max found he was remembering more and more things about Carla, their missions and the submarine. Carla was delighted to expand on his recollections, gradually unlocking more and more memories.

They also discussed what had happened to each other after she was kidnapped. Max was amazed at what she had gone through – though she never mentioned her back seat encounter with Tom-.

Carla followed every detail of Max’s life after he left hospital and silently fumed with jealousy as he described Star’s contribution to their success and their obvious intimacy.  Carla was glad the girl was dead, blown out of existence, it saved her the trouble.

Max and Carla were given new identities aboard the cruise ship before they disembarked, then travelled back to northern Italy in the Learjet.

Home at last, they wearily got out of the staff car that had driven them from the airport to their Hideaway home. They went inside, to the comfort and security they had both looked forward too, for so long.

It was a difficult time for them though, Max missed Star and mourned her death. He also realized why he had felt odd making love to her. It was guilt, his betrayal of Carla, deep in his subconscious. Now he felt unable to entertain any intimacy with Carla, the guilt and loss of Star weighing so heavily on his mind. He had no doubt though, he loved Carla, and had never felt the same way about Star. In his eyes, Carla was so perfect in every way. Her stunning looks had no part in it. He no longer saw her physical beauty, she was like an extension of him and their thoughts were in tune. Carla’s voice was like beautiful music to his ears, her smell was warm and intoxicating and her personality sparkled.

Carla saw Max in much the same way. All she craved was to be near him, to be in the same space, breathe the same air, feel his warmth and admire him. There was nothing she would not do to protect him.

Carla carried the terrible burden of guilt over Star’s death and was desperate to get close to Max again. She found it impossible to approach him and be relaxed and loving, under those circumstances. She worried that the longer they were apart, the harder it would be, to be as one again.

They slept in different rooms and spent the night wrestling with their thoughts and desires.

No matter how bad they felt that night, the following day was going to be the very worst of their lives.


Sam phoned at 8.00am the next morning; he needed to see them in his office at 9.00am. The matter he had to discuss was extremely important and after that, they would be debriefed. Carla knew, even then, this was going to be a difficult day, but could never have imagined what was to come.