Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


About twenty minutes had passed, and after Albert took a shower, he dozed off in the chair in his room.

The laptop was open on the desk. The Heavenly Chat website suddenly appeared on the monitor.

"Wake up Albert!" Angel 12978 called out from the laptop.

Albert rolled over to his other side and snored.

"ALBERT!" Angel 12978 yelled out from the laptop.

Albert bolted up from the chair and looked around dazed and a little shaken.

He looked around in a daze, and it took a few seconds for him to remember his situation.

"It's about time. Listen, you have two visitors out in the parking lot," Angel 12978 said.

"Who?" he asked while he looked concerned while he got up from the chair.

He walked over and peeked out his room curtains.

"Two thugs from UAS named Gino and Sal sitting in a silver Mercedes parked near your Prius in the hotel parking lot. They're waiting for you, and I don't think they want to give you a hug. In fact, they're the same guys that chased after you when you left the UAS building," Angel 12978 replied.

"How did they find me?" he asked and looked a little scared when he couldn't see anybody.

"Did you use a credit card for your hotel room?" Angel 12978 asked.

"Yes!" he replied while he slapped his forehead for that dumb move. "I couldn't help it, I didn't have enough cash."

"I understand," Angel 12978 replied.

"Can you get rid of them for me?" Albert said while he got up from his bed and walked over to his window and cautiously peeked outside. He saw the Mercedes and could vaguely see two people inside.

"Sorry, you'll have to work this one out for yourself," Angel 12978 said then the Heavenly Chat website disappeared.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Albert said while he looked away from the window and stared at the laptop. "I guess not," he added while noted the website disappeared.

He then walked back to his bed and pondered how he could get rid of those two thugs. He had an idea when he thought about an old Eddie Murphy movie.

He put the laptop into the computer bag and grabbed his car keys.

He grabbed the bag and left his hotel room.

A few minutes later, Albert walked through the lobby and entered the area where the Continental Breakfast is served.

He found a basket with apples and bananas. He grabbed four bananas and headed away from the main entrance.

He headed down a hallway and eventually walked to a side door.

He went outside.

Once he got outside the hotel, he spotted the black Mercedes in the parking lot. He made a beeline to another section of the parking lot and then made a long journey through the lot backtracking to the rear of the Mercedes.

Inside the Mercedes, Gino and Sal watched the front entrance and Albert's Prius.

Gino's cell phone rang. "Gino," he answered.

"Albert is supposed to be meeting with an FBI agent named Britney Cooper at the Wax Museum at the Fisherman's Wharf. Is he still at the hotel?" Kirby said from his cell phone.

"Understand the location of the meeting. And so far, he's still in his room," Gino replied.

"He should be leaving for the wharf any minute. Follow them and discreetly eliminate both hazards in a discreet location. I repeat, remove both hazards," Kirby ordered.

"Yes sir, I understand," Gino said then closed his cell phone. "He going to head to the Wax Museum at the Fisherman's Wharf," Gino told Sal.

He nodded that he understood and they watched the front entrance.

Albert continued to discreetly walk through the parking lot and kept his head below the top of the car roofs.

He got within thirty feet from the Mercedes and stopped.

Albert rushed down on his hands and knees.

He scampered through the lot and avoided being seen by the thugs.

He scampered around numerous parked cars.

He peeked over the hood of a car and saw Gino and Sal while they waited in the Mercedes. He noticed that they were focused on Albert's car and the main entrance of the hotel.

He scampered away.

He eventually scampered to the rear of the Mercedes.

He cautiously and quietly shoved the bananas into the dual tailpipes of the Mercedes.

He quietly scampered away.

He scampered around cars in the lot and discreetly headed back to the side entrance of the hotel.

When it was safe, he stood up and rushed to the side door.

He went back to the hotel.

Albert rushed down the hallway and headed back to the lobby.

He stopped at the main entrance doors and hesitated. He silently prayed that the two thugs wouldn't come after him in the parking lot. They wouldn't hurt me in plain sight. He thought to himself then stepped forward, and the sensor opened up the main glass doors.

Albert walked out of the front entrance and casually walked to his car and avoided eye contact with the Mercedes.

Inside the Mercedes, Gino and Sal kept an eagle eye on Albert while he walked to his car.

"There's our asshole," Gino said with a satisfying smile, as he couldn't wait to pounce on Albert.

"Yep. If he only knew he will never see tomorrow," Sal replied with an evil smirk.

Gino and Sal bumped fists happy they would kill again today. It was something they loved about their job.

They watched while Albert got inside his car.

Albert started up his car and backed out of the parking spot.

He slowly drove through the parking lot to make sure the two thugs spotted him.

The Mercedes pulled out of its parking spot and tailed Albert's Prius.

Then the Mercedes sputtered and then stalled. Gino tried to restart it. It wouldn't start.

Gino slammed his fist on the steering wheel.

Gino and Sal watched while Albert's Prius drove away down the street.

"Damn it!" Gino cursed then opened up his cell phone and made a call. "It's Gino. I have a problem with the car. It stalled and won't start, and our hazard drove away," he said into his cell.

"Shit!" Kirby yelled from the cell phone. Then there were a few seconds of pause. "Okay, I'll take care of eliminating him. Call for a tow truck and get the car fixed," Kirby ordered.

"Yes sir," Gino replied then disconnected the call and the vein in his neck popped out furious that Albert got away.

Albert drove his Prius down the street and glanced into his rearview mirror. There wasn't the sight of the thugs Mercedes coming after him. "Yeah!" Albert called out proud of his performance by getting rid of those two thugs.

He drove away with a huge proud smile.

Thirty minutes later, Albert pulled his car into the parking lot at Boudin's Bakery near the waterfront.

He drove through the lot and pulled into the first empty spot.

He got out of his car with the laptop bag.

He walked through the parking lot.

He walked across Jefferson Street through the traffic to the Wax Museum.

He paced by the front entrance of the museum with his laptop in hand. He waited for Britney.

After a few minutes, he sat down up against the wall and removed the laptop from the bag. He opened it up, and the Heavenly Chat website quickly appeared.

"You did a superb job of getting rid of those two thugs. Very creative," Angel 12978 said from the laptop.

Albert smiled at his laptop. He had always loved it when Ginger was proud of anything he accomplished.

Down the sidewalk, Britney appeared with a small purse and headed toward Albert.

"Albert, you'll like Britney, she's stunning," Angel 12978 said.

"How do you know?" he asked curiously.

"I can see her on Earth cam. She's coming your way," Angel 12978 replied.

Albert looked to his right.

"She's coming from your left," Angel 12978 said.

"Is that her in the blue business suit?" he asked when he laid eyes on her.

"The one and only. Isn't she beautiful?" Angel 12978 replied.

Albert looked to his left and saw Britney. "You're right, she's stunning," he said.

"She's just right for you," Angel 12978 added.

"What am I saying, I can't cheat on you, Ginger," he said and felt ashamed for mentioning that Britney was beautiful.

A young couple walked past Albert and heard his talking to his laptop. They thought Albert was a little loony.

The Heavenly Chat website suddenly disappeared when Britney was four feet from Albert.

Albert closed his laptop then stood up and smiled when she approached.

"Are you Britney Cooper?" he asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, are you Albert Taylor?" she replied and showed him her FBI badge.

"Yes," he said, then extended out his hand.

"I need to see some identification," she asked cautiously of Albert.

He opened up his wallet and removed his driver's license.

She was satisfied and stuck out her hand.

While he shook her hand, he gazed into her eyes, and there was something about her that intrigued him.

"Let's see what you have," she said then looked at the entrance to the museum. "Let's go inside. It's on the bureau," she offered.

"Sounds good to me," he said, then shoved the laptop into the bag.

They went inside the museum and Britney purchased two tickets.

They walked through the museum and stopped at the first available bench.

They sat down, and Albert immediately removed his laptop and opened it up. He then opened up the Special Security Consultants Project database.

He opened up a section of the database.

"This showed information about their assassins. It showed their code names and past assignments. But it didn't show their faces. If you click on the Viper assassin link, it shows the next hit is," Albert said and paused until the information appeared.

"The President of the United States," Britney finished his sentence when she saw the information and looked a little worried.

"So far, it only states that the hit will take place in Las Vegas within a week," Albert said then he clicked on the highlighted Las Vegas words. "But access into that area is password-protected, and I think it will reveal the exact location, day, and time of the hit," he said after a password entry window appeared.

"I know a software expert that can crack passwords," she told him then closed the laptop and shoved it back in the bag. "Let's get this to my superior immediately then we can work with the Secret Service," she said while she stood up.

They walked through the museum and headed to the front entrance. But in reality, Britney thought Albert was some kind of a crackpot that created this database. She figured she would play along and then let the Secret Service deal with him and lock him up.

Britney with the laptop bag and Albert walked out of the museum's entrance.

They walked down the sidewalk, and when they got ten feet away from the entrance, Kirby and Grant suddenly appeared behind them.

Kirby placed an arm around Albert's shoulder like they were buddies then shoved the barrel of a silencer into Albert's side.

Grant placed an arm around Britney's shoulder while he shoved his barrel of a silencer into her side.

"Just keep walking, don't turn around and don't make any sudden moves," Kirby threatened.

"I should warn you that I'm an FBI agent," Britney said with a tone of authority.

"What do you want a medal?" Grant replied with a smart-ass tone.

Grant snatched the laptop bag away from Britney.

He removed Britney's revolver and cell phone. He smashed her cell phone into the ground.

"You got what you want, now let us go," Albert pleaded.

"I don't think so. Loose lips sink ships," Grant replied.

"How dare you, you fucking pervert!" Britney yelled out at Grant the second he lagged a few feet behind Kirby.

The crowd on the sidewalk all stared at Britney, and Grant noticed.

Britney quickly kicked Grant's foot out from under him, and he landed on his butt with a surprised glare.

The second he stood up she gave him a good swift kick in his crotch. She quickly removed Grant's revolver from his hand the second he dropped to his knees in pain.

Kirby turned around when he heard the commotion and saw the crowd on the sidewalk, staring. The second he saw Grant on his knees in pain, Britney quickly moved in and gave him a swift kick to his groin.

He dropped to his knees where she immediately removed his revolver from his hand.

Other people stood around and gawked.

"Grab the laptop bag, Albert," she called out.

Albert quickly obeyed.

Britney looked at everybody. "I'm an FBI Agent, and these two perverts operate a child pornography ring. Please detain them so I can get police backups," she told the crowd.

A few men clinched their fists and were thinking of pounding on Kirby and Grant.

Britney and Albert ran away down the sidewalk.

"Cross the street," Albert told her.

They ran across Jefferson Street.

Six men from the crowd of people inched their way to Kirby and Grant with clenched fists. Kirby and Grant sensed pending danger.

They quickly got up and ran away.

The six men gave chase like a posse after outlaws.

Albert and Britney ran through the parking lot of Boudin's Bakery.

They ran to Albert's car and quickly got inside. He started it up and packed out of the parking spot.

He drove through the parking lot.

He pulled out onto The Embarcadero and drove off.

Inside his Prius, they both looked relieved the escaped death.

"Who were those guys and how did they know we were here?" she asked.

"Probably from United Alliance Security," he replied while he turned. "I had two break-ins into my house, and I managed to escape and head up here."

"I thought you made this stuff up, but after meeting those two, I think you're onto something. We better hurry up and get to Frank, my boss," she said.

Albert's eyes widened when he remembered something. "There's a picture in the laptop bag that shows those two. Your boss might want to see what they look like," he said.

Britney searched the laptop bag and removed the golf picture from Kirby's office.

Albert pointed to Kirby and Grant. "There's those two," he said.

Britney looked then her eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God, there's Frank," she cried out in disbelief while she pointed at her boss who stood next to Grant. She thought for a second, and it dawned on her. "That's how they knew about our meeting place. I don't believe it, Frank's involved in all this," she said then thought about their next move for a few seconds. "I can't go back with Frank being involved. He'll make sure we're killed," she added then pondered their situation for a few more seconds. "We don't have a choice. We'll have to go to Vegas, find the Secret Service and pray that the agent we find isn't involved," she said.

Britney reached down on the floorboard and grabbed the Grant and Kirby's revolvers. "At least we have some protection in case UAS tries to stop us again."

Albert looked at the revolvers that she placed in her lap. "I'm not a gun kind of guy."

"Well, you better learn to love them real quick, because they could save your life," she said then set the revolvers back on the passenger floorboard.

Albert looked uncomfortable while he drove down The Embarcadero.

"Keep on this street, and we'll take the Bay Bridge to get out of here," she said then looked at the golf picture and thought about putting a bullet in Frank's head.

Back at the Wax Museum, Kirby and Grant raced down the sidewalk at Mason Street. The crowd of angry men was right behind them, ready to kick some ass.

They turned down Beach Street and headed toward the Enterprise Rental place. The crowd of angry men was gaining ground.

Kirby and Grant ran across Beach Street in front of traffic. Cars screeched to a stop to avoid hitting them.

They ran to the parking lot with the angry men hot on their heals.

They ran to their Mercedes, and Kirby quickly got inside and removed a Glock from his glove box just as the six men circled the car.

Kirby jumped out and aimed his Glock at the men.

"I would highly recommend that everybody back off right now before someone gets seriously hurt," Kirby yelled at the men.

"Those two are murderers, and you let them escape you assholes," Grant yelled out of the car.

All six men ran off.

Kirby and Grant got inside the Mercedes and Kirby started it up.

He drove out of the parking lot and headed down Beach Street.