Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


It was the next morning, and Albert arrived in San Francisco.

Albert drove around the city and listened to some smooth jazz on the radio.

He eventually found the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway hotel.

He pulled his car into the parking lot and was in deep thought while he drove around and searched for a place to park. The jazz song stopped, and the DJ was heard when he found an opened slot up ahead.

"We have breaking news. Abdul Shia-Agil, the al-Qaeda assassin who was convicted for the murder of Senator Brooks six years ago, broke out of the US Penitentiary in Atlanta two days ago. The FBI is searching for his whereabouts," the DJ said over the radio.

He turned off the radio and pulled his car into the parking stall. He got out of his car and headed to the front entrance of the hotel.

Albert walked up to the front desk where a young female was on duty.

"Welcome to the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway hotel," the young clerk said the second Albert arrived at her counter.

"I don't have any reservations but would like a room for two nights," Albert said.

"Let me see if we have a room available," the clerk while she checked her computer. Then after a few seconds, she looked up at Albert. "We have a single room available for two hundred and seventy-seven dollars a night," she added.

"I'll take it," he replied, then opened up his wallet and noticed he only has sixty dollars in cash. Without thinking, he removed his credit card and handed it to the clerk.

Back at Kirby's office, he monitored his computer.

A message popped up from a monitoring program. Kirby read it and got a huge grin. "We have something of value. He just used his credit card at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel in San Francisco hotel. He reserved a room for two nights."

"Well, looks like we're going to San Francisco," Grant replied.

Kirby picked up the phone. "Gino, get the jet ready for a trip to San Francisco and have a car waiting for us at the airport. And we need the helicopter fly us to the jet," he said into his phone.

"Do you want Sal and I to take care of some business?" Gino replied.

"No, Grant and I will handle this one. You stand by up here in case we need you for something else," he responded.

"Yes sir," Gino said, then disconnected his end of the call.

"You better talk to the shooter about Taylor," Grant told Kirby.

Kirby nodded in agreement while he opened up his cell phone. He looked in his contact list.

"Viper, it's Scorpio, we got a problem. We have someone named Albert Taylor that has information about your hit. We don't feel he's a threat, but will keep you informed," Kirby typed as a text message into his cell phone then put it away in his pocket.

They walked out of Kirby's office and headed to the heliport located at the rear of the UAS property where a Bell JetRanger helicopter waited.

While they walked down the hallway, Kirby made another phone call. "Gino, on second thought, I want Sal and you to come along. Meet us at the heliport," he said, then disconnected his call.

They walked to a private elevator only available to the executives of UAS.

Fifty minutes later, a Cessna Citation Mustang jet took off from the Redlands Municipal Airport.

Fifteen minutes later, in Albert's hotel room, he sat behind the small desk.

He looked at the laptop where the Heavenly Chat website finally appeared.

A phone book was by the laptop. "There's one thing that bothers me, Ginger. Won't UAS figure out that I stole Steve Marion's badges? And when they do, won't they kill him?"

"They already did," Angel 12978 replied.

"I thought you didn't want innocent people killed?" Albert replied and felt terrible that Steve was murdered.

"Steve wasn't that innocent. His real name was Chester Darfield. He was a hired killer during his younger days for the CIA. He quit when he was getting sloppy and accidentally shot a nine-year-old girl in Cleveland. UAS gave him a job just to keep an eye on him," Angel 12978 said.

"That makes me feel a little better."

"Good. Now call Britney so your new journey can begin," Angel 12978 replied.

"What new journey?" Albert asked curiously.

"Why the journey of the rest of your life," Angel 12978 said then the Heavenly Chat website disappeared.

Albert pondered about her last comment. He shrugged it off and grabbed the phone. He looked through the white pages of the phone book then made a call.

"Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Francisco. How may I direct your call?" a female voice replied from the phone.

"I need to speak to Agent Britney Cooper," Albert said.

"And whom may I say is calling?" the female asked.

"Albert Taylor from Los Angeles," he said.

"One moment, please."

Albert waited for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry Mister Taylor, but Agent Cooper won't be in the office until later today. May I leave a message?"

"Yes. Have her call Albert Taylor at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway hotel at five, five, five, six, three, two, five. I'm in room five fifteen. She must call me," Albert told her.

"Yes, sir. I'll leave the message," the female replied then disconnected the call.

Albert hung up his hotel room phone.

He looked down at the blank laptop monitor.

He reached inside the laptop bag and removed the charger. He plugged the laptop into the charger and charged the battery.

He went over to his bed and lay down.

He closed his eyes and took a little snooze.

He was exhausted from his drive from Los Angeles.

Later that day way up in the sky, the Cessna Citation Mustang jet was about thirty miles south of the San Francisco area.

Inside the jet sat Kirby, Gino and Sal sat in their seats and glanced at Grant who talked into his cell phone.

"We traced Mister Taylor to San Francisco," Grant said into his cell phone.

"What is he doing up there?" Chuck replied.

"We don't know yet," Grant answered.

"Well, you better eliminate this high risk immediately, or you, Kirby and I know those two thugs have helped, will all be eliminated. Understand?" Chuck threatened from the cell phone.

"I fully understand," Grant replied.

"Good and I also want anybody that is helping this Taylor asshole eliminated. Understand?" Grant said.

"Yes, sir. I understand," Grant said then he closed his cell phone.

"I can only imagine what his response was," Kirby said.

"Either we eliminate this high risk, and anybody that helps him, or all four of us will be eliminated," Grant answered.

Kirby looked out his window while the jet started to descend. "I wonder why Taylor went to San Francisco?" he said while he continued to stare out his window.

After a few seconds, Kirby's cell phone buzzed. He removed it from his pants pocket and saw he had a message.

He read it he looked worried. "Shit! He made a call to the FBI office in San Francisco from his hotel phone," he told Grant.

"Damn it. We better let our friend know. Maybe he can help," Grant said then made a cell phone call from his contacts list. "It's me. Listen, we just learned that our hazard, Albert Taylor, contacted the FBI office in your area. See what you can find out so we can eliminate this risk," Grant said into his cell phone then disconnected the call.

Kirby and Grant both stared out their windows while the jet continued to descend.

Five minutes later, the Cessna Citation Mustang jet landed on runway 30 at the non-towered Half Moon Bay airport located twenty miles south of San Francisco.

The jet taxied over to tarmac and parked where a black 2010 CL-class UAS Mercedes Benz was parked.

The door opened on the jet, and Kirby, Grant, Gino, and Sal walked down the steps.

They chose this airport since it was non-towered thus more comfortable to fly in and fly out.

Kirby, Grant, Gino, and Sal walked over to the Mercedes. Kirby got behind the wheel where the keys were left in the ignition. Grant, Gino, and Sal got inside.

Kirby drove the Mercedes out of the airport and headed north on the Pacific Coast Highway.

An hour later, Albert dozed off in his hotel bed. The hotel phone by his bed rang, which startled him. He looked around a little dazed then realized it was the phone ringing. "Hello," he quickly answered.

"Is this Albert Taylor?" Britney asked from the phone.

"Yes, I'm Albert Taylor," he replied, not knowing why someone would call him at the hotel.

"I'm Agent Cooper, how may I help you Mister Taylor?" she said.

It took Albert a few seconds to remember he wanted to speak to her. "Yes, Agent Cooper. This may sound unbelievable. But I have evidence of a plot, by United Alliance Security to assassinate President Barrow in Las Vegas," he told her.

"Assassinate the President? Mister Taylor, I hope you know that the Secret Service will interrogate you for twelve hours for making false statements like that," she warned him.

Albert got nervous, thinking she wouldn't believe him, and he was now dead in the water with his plan.

Meanwhile out in the hotel parking lot, Gino drove the Mercedes with Sal in the passenger seat through the parking lot. Kirby and Grant were dropped off at the UAS office in San Francisco.

They drove around the lot and looked at all the parked cars.

They eventually found Albert's parked Prius.

Gino drove around and found an empty parking space within sight of Albert's car. He backed into the spot and turned off the engine. He quickly made a phone call.

"Boss, we found Taylor's Prius in the hotel parking lot," Gino said into his cell phone.

"Good, make sure he's still in his room then watch for him and see if he leaves. Call me when that happens, and we'll go from there," Kirby replied from Gino's cell phone.

Gino disconnected that call then made another call. "Room five-fifteen, please," he said after the clerk answered the call.

"I'm sorry, but the phone in that room appears to be busy. Would you like to leave a message?" the clerk said.

"I'll call back later," Gino said then disconnected his call. "He's in his room," he told Sal.

They waited and staked out Albert's Prius.

Inside his hotel room, Albert still talked to Britney. "Bob Grove got this evidence about the proposed assassination. I drove all the way from Los Angeles to see you since he said you could be trusted."

Inside the FBI office, Britney sat behind her desk. Britney Cooper was a beautiful woman with shoulder-length brunette hair.

She had pouty lips and big lovely brown eyes.

She wore a blue business suit; flat-soled shoes and looked curious while she talked into the phone.

"Bob Grove? I had a phone message from his sister Wendy. She wanted to meet me but never answered her cell phone. Then I heard about Bob's suicide and her overdose. How do you know him?" she asked curiously.

"I knew Bob from college. Then a mutual acquaintance got me in contact with this evidence. She stated it should be given to you because you knew Wendy and could be trusted. I believe that UAS killed Bob and Wendy because of what he found, but I don't have proof to back that up," Albert said from her phone.

"How did you get this evidence, and how did this mutual acquaintance know about it?"

There were a few seconds of silence. "I guess my acquaintance found out from Bob and, well, I broke into the UAS office down in San Bernardino," he answered.

Britney didn't like hearing that answer. "Great, breaking and entering plus theft."

"I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."

Britney thought for a second. "Sounds like there could a connection with Bob and Wendy's deaths and this evidence. But I need to know who your acquaintance is?" she said.

"Trust me. It would be best if you didn't know. But it's important to meet with you, the President is supposed to be shot within a few days," he said with a concerning tone.

Britney thought about this conservation for a few seconds. "Okay, let's meet at the wax museum at the fisherman's wharf in two hours."

"I'll be there," Albert replied, then hung up his phone.

Britney got up from her desk and walked out of her office.

Back in Albert's hotel room, he looked at the laptop, and the Heavenly Chat website appeared. "You're going great, Albee. I'm proud of you, and I think you'll really like Britney," Angel 12978 said.

Albert thought about her comment and could care less about Britney, as he was still deeply in love with Ginger. "Don't worry, I'm still in love with you, and I don't want another woman and can't wait to join you in heaven," he said.

"Well, see. Now get some rest," Angel 12978 said then the Heavenly Chat website disappeared.

He went over to the bathroom. He decided he better take a shower since he was on the road for a long time.

In the FBI building, Britney walked up to her superior's office where her boss Frank Foley, fifty-two years old and two months away from retirement, reviewed some paperwork.

She knocked on his opened office door.

He looked up from behind his desk and saw Britney outside. "Come inside, Agent Cooper," he said, then set his paperwork down.

Britney walked inside his office and sat down at the empty chair in front of his desk.

"What do you want?" he asked a little irritated that she interrupted his work.

"I just received a phone call from an Albert Taylor from Los Angeles. He drove up here and claims to have evidence showing that a firm down there, called United Alliance Security, has plans to assassinate the President in Las Vegas," she said.

Frank sat straight up in his chair as his ears perked up. "Did you say, assassinate the President?" he said to make sure he heard her correctly.

"Yes, assassinate the President in a couple of days," she answered.

"And this Albert Taylor claims to have evidence of this attempt against the President?" he asked.

"Yes. I wanted to check with you first before I meet with him," she replied.

"How did he get this evidence?"

"He claims he broke into the UAS building down in San Bernardino. He has an acquaintance but wouldn't give me the name. He also believes UAS killed Bob Grove and his sister Wendy over this evidence," she said.

"Why would he come all the way up here to contact you?" Frank asked, curiously.

"Albert knew Bob in college, and I was high school friends with his sister Wendy. He believes I could be trusted," she answered.

"Okay. Where are you meeting?"

"At the Wax Museum at Fisherman's Wharf in two hours," she answered.

"I'm going to send two Agents to shadow you for protection, just in case this guy is some kind of whacko," he answered.

"Thanks for looking after me," she said then stood up and walked to the door.

Frank smiled while he watched Britney leave his office. After she was gone, he opened up his cell phone and made a phone call.