Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


It was now around four that afternoon.

Albert and Britney walked down ninety-five and entered the outskirts of Vegas. They were hot and tired, and their bottle of water was emptied over an hour ago.

They walked down Frontage Road along ninety-five.

A few minutes after walking down that road, they heard a jet. They looked up and noticed it was Air Force One descending for its landing at McCarran International airport.

"He's on his way," Albert stated with a dry, parched voice while they watch the 747 descended toward the airport.

They continued their walk down Frontage Road then it made a ninety-degree bend and turned into Grand Telon Drive.

"I'm dying of thirst," Britney said with a parched voice.

"Me too," Albert replied.

"It's risky, but I need some water and aspirin to get rid of my headache," she added while she rubbed her throbbing forehead.

They stopped and looked around for a store.

Then all of a sudden, a strange feeling fell upon Albert while he saw an intersecting street. "Let's head down that way," he said while pointed at the intersecting road.

She nodded agreement, and they headed to that street.

They walked down North El Capitan Way where residential homes were on both sides of the road.

"I'm starving," Britney said then her stomach growled to confirm her statement.

"Me too. Hopefully, we can find somewhere we won't get turned in," he said while he scanned the area over for such a place.

While they walked a little farther down the sidewalk, they got close to a homeless bum. He was around sixty years old and had been living on the streets for the past thirty years. He had long, greasy and stringy hair and a long matted beard. He mumbled a discussion to himself while Brittney and Albert approached them.

The bum stopped and stared at the sky. "Yes, I'll go there if you want me to," the bum said then turned around and headed in the same direction that Albert and Britney walked.

The bum made them nervous so Albert and Britney slowed down to let the bum get far ahead of them.

A little while later, the bum was nowhere in sight.

They stopped when they noticed the Fresh and Easy Neighborhood Market across the street.

"Want to get something in there?" he asked her.

She thought about it for a few seconds. "No, way too many people inside," she replied.

Albert had another strange feeling. "Let's walk a farther down this street," he said.

They walked down to North Durango Drive, and Albert stopped when he had another strange feeling. He looked to his left and saw a 7-Eleven down the street.

"How about a seven eleven?" he asked her.

"Sure," she said as she couldn't' take walking any longer without water and food.

They crossed El Capitan Way and walked down Durango.

They walked to the 7-Eleven convenience store and noticed a fence that blocked the view from the rear of the store. It was a perfect hiding place for a little while even though there was trash like empty beer cans, cigarette butts, beer bottles, candy wrappers, and even two baseballs from the adjacent neighborhood.

They walked to the rear of the 7-Eleven and went between the building and the wooden fence.

Albert removed the laptop bag. "I'll get us some water and something to eat," he told her while he handed over the laptop bag.

She nodded in agreement and took the bag and sat down up against the building. "Be careful," she said.

He smiled and walked away.

There were no customers inside the convenience store when Albert entered and his scooted his hat lower, as a cover to make him feel safer. He immediately walked to the drinks area and got two large bottles of water.

He walked down an aisle and got four LARABARS, and four MEGA protein bars.

He went to over and got two ham and cheese sandwiches.

He walked down another aisle and picked up a small bottle of mouthwash and a bottle of Bayer aspirin.

He walked over to the counter where a young pimply-faced kid, named Wesley, who was around nineteen years old, was on duty.

Albert set the items on the counter.

Wesley sniffed the air when the strong smell of body odor became present. He pinched off his nose while he rang up the items.

He hated it when the homeless entered the store to buy items.

Albert suddenly realized he hasn't taken a bath in a few days, and he was smelly. "I'll be right back," he told Wesley and ran back down the aisle where there were toiletries. He grabbed a can of Right Guard and ran back to the counter. He set it with his other items.

Wesley fought from gagging over the smell of Albert's body odor while he rang up the items. "That's twenty-five dollars and thirty-three cents," Wesley said with a nasal tone due to his pinched off nose.

Albert removed thirty dollars from his wallet and handed it to the kid. After his change was received and the items placed in a plastic bag, Albert made a beeline to the door.

Wesley was relieved and removed his fingers off his nose and sucked in some fresh air.

Albert rushed out the doors and almost tripped over a nine-year-old boy, named Robbie, who rode up on his Thruster bike.

Robbie stared at Albert for a few seconds and waited for him to start yelling. Then he got a good whiff of Albert's body odor and started with the dry heaves.

He quickly jumped off his bike and ran into the store, pinching off his nose.

Albert rushed around to the back of there building were Britney had the laptop powered up. He silently prayed that the Heavenly Chat website wouldn't appear.

He sat down by her side and noticed that the Password Detective program was up and running. He removed the two bottles of water and handed her one.

She immediately opened up the bottle and took a large drink. Albert did the same, and they drank during their conservations.

"Thanks, I am so dying of thirst," she said then took another gulp of water.

Albert removed the two ham and cheese sandwiches and handed her one. She quickly opened up the package and took a bite of the sandwich.

"I'm starving," she said with a mouthful of sandwich.

Albert opened up his sandwich package and took a huge bite.

They munched on the sandwiches, and it sure hit the spot. The almost swallowed the sandwiches whole, as they were starving.

"What kind of battery is in this laptop? It's been running for hours. Mine would have shut down a long time ago," she said while she stared at the monitor.

"It's a special battery," he replied, then wondered if he said something stupid.

"Special battery? What is a special battery? I've never heard on one," she said.

"I don't know. This laptop belonged to UAS, so I just figured out they had developed some type of long lasting battery. You know, special," he bullshitted her.

Britney thought about his answer for a few seconds, which made Albert nervous. "That sounds doable with that secret covert stuff," she said while she watched the Password Detective program.

Then Albert remembered the clerk's reaction when he walked up to the counter. He reached in the bag and removed the can of Right Guard. He unbuttoned his shirt and sprayed both of his armpits.

"What are you doing?" she asked when she heard the spraying sound.

"The clerk pinched off his nose due to my body odor and some little boy outside almost barfed over my smell," he said while he handed her the can.

She took the can. "I didn't think about that," she said then she unbuttoned her blouse and sprayed both of her armpits.

Albert looked away to give her some privacy. She dropped the can in the bag and peeked inside. Her eyes widened. "Mouthwash!" she said excitedly while she reached inside and removed the bottle.

She opened it up and took a swig, swished it around then immediately spit it out. She handed the bottle to Albert, who took a swig and swished it around then spit it out. He screwed on the cap then dropped it in the bag.

"We got something!" Britney cried out when the program stopped, and the random password of "VNVM8PV50$$" appeared.

Albert sat down next to her and looked at the monitor.

A Word file opened up of which they read.

"MGM Grand Arena at nine tonight during the Andy Fig concert – Viper," she read from the file.

She looked at her watch. "We have about two hours to get to the casino."

"Where in the MGM Grand will Viper shoot from?" Albert asked, hoping Ginger heard him from heaven and would respond.

After a few minutes, there was nothing then the Password Detective program starting its random search for a new password.

"That's really weird. It's as if the laptop heard you and is trying to help us," she said while she watched the program do its random search for a new password.

"Maybe it's some type of magical laptop," Albert said while he glanced up and winked at the sky knowing Ginger was looking down at him.

Robbie walked out of the 7-Eleven and had a Milky Way bar, Snickers bar, and a Coke. He got on his bike and headed north on Durango.

While he rode on Durango, he glanced at the rear of the 7-Eleven and saw Albert and Britney while they sat against the building and stared at the laptop.

He rode toward his home located on Shady Pines Way, which was nearby.

Back behind the 7-Eleven, Albert's eyes widened when he had an idea. "Maybe we should talk to the news media. That might help stop this assassin," he said.

Britney thought about his idea for a second. "That may not work. They probably know we're wanted and turn us over to the police. Then by the time they start to believe our story, he'll be dead," she said.

"We really need to contact the Secret Service? It's their job," he replied.

"I'm a little nervous that we'll pick an agent that's part of this plan," she answered.

A Camaro pulled into the 7-Eleven parking lot with its radio blaring music from a classic rock station. The driver got out and left his car running while he dashed into the store for some cigarettes and a six-pack of Miller beer.

The song ended. "And now for the news. Las Vegas police along with the FBI are on the search for Albert Taylor and Britney Cooper originally for the murder of Wendy Harper in San Francisco. But the FBI just released that they're also wanted for assisting terrorist assassin Abdul Shia-Agil escape from federal prison," the disc jockey said from the radio.

Albert and Britney looked pissed while they stared at the direction of the radio sound.

"That doesn't surprise me at all," Britney said. "They're doing everything in their crooked power to make sure we don't make it to the MGM casino. And they're probably going to pin the assassination of us after it's over," she said and looked worried.

"What are we going to do?" Albert asked while they tried to think of a solution.

Britney pondered their dilemma for a few seconds. "We can run for the rest of our lives and constantly be looking over our shoulder," she said.

"I really don't want to live like that," he replied.

"Well then, we don't have a choice. We'll have to try and stop this assassin ourselves and save the President's life," she said.

Albert looked extremely nervous about doing that but remembered he had a professional FBI agent by his side. He felt a little better but was concerned he would screw this up. "Shooting a rattlesnake is one thing, but another human being. I don't know if I can do it. What if I freeze up?" he said.

Britney thought for a few seconds on how she could answer his question. "Just think of this person as a huge rattlesnake. Because if you don't kill the assassin, he'll strike and kill the President," she replied.

"I'm not sure we can sneak inside the MGM. I can imagine security will be tight," he said.

"We'll figure something out once we get there. Or if we can't, we'll go to the media as a last resort. Maybe they'll believe us after showing them what we have on this laptop, but I still have my doubts with them," she replied.

"I need to use the ladies room," Britney stood up and walked away.

She entered the store where a man was buying a six-pack of Michelob beer at the counter. The clerk and the man didn't notice Britney while she rushed off to the bathroom at the rear of the store.

Behind the store, Albert looked around to make sure it was safe. "Ginger," he whispered at the monitor.

The Heavenly Chat website quickly appeared. "I see you have the place and time," Angel 12978 said.

"Yes, but I don't know how to get inside the MGM Casino or exactly where the assassin will be located," he whispered.

"I'll assist you the minute you get there," Angel 12978 said then the website disappeared.

"I hate this suspense," Albert said while he looked up at the sky.

Inside the bathroom in the 7-Eleven, Britney finished on the toilet and went to the sink to wash her hands. She saw her dirty face and messed up hair in the mirror.

"I look like a homeless woman with this hat," she said started to wash away the dirt but stopped. She decided this homeless look might help provide a disguise.

She left the bathroom.

Britney rushed out of the glass doors of the store. She hurried down the sidewalk and headed to the corner.

Up in the sky, a star got bright then dimmed the second she stepped off the sidewalk. She landed wrong in the dirt and twisted her ankle. She dropped down in the soil in pain.

She got up and limped to the rear of the store using the wall of the 7-Eleven as a brace.

Albert just finished placing the laptop in the bag when he saw Britney limping over to him. He jumped up. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"I twisted my ankle when I stepped off the sidewalk," she said and cringed in pain while she limped over to him.

She sat down and saw that her ankle was swollen. "I can't walk to the MGM with this ankle," she softly said in pain.

"I can't leave you here."

"I'll be fine. Go and save the President's life," she said.

"I don't think I can do it without you," Albert replied and was worried sick.

Albert hesitated.

"Go!" Britney said with a raised tone.

"Let's move you farther away from the view of the street," he said then grabbed one of her arms.

"Good thinking," she replied while she stood up with his assistance.

He walked her to the other corner of the building, where the view was farther from the street.

"I'll come back for you," he said while he assisted her down.

"You better. Now go!" she replied.

Albert rushed over and grabbed the laptop bag. He flung it over his shoulder.

He ran over to the other corner of the building.

Britney closed her eyes and rested while Albert walked out of view around the corner.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" a Las Vegas police officer yelled out from the front of the store.

Britney looked worried, as she knew exactly what this meant.

She painfully got up. She wondered what could she do when she saw the two baseballs in the dirt against the fence. She hobbled over and picked up the balls.

She painfully hobbled over toward the corner of the building. She peeked around the corner of the building, and her fear came true.

Albert stood and shook in fear with his hands up in the air.

A Las Vegas police officer, named Sam, stood five feet from his car with his revolver aimed at Albert. He was parked at the store where his partner, named Henry, went inside to get them some coffee. Then the call came on the radio about Albert being spotted by a young boy.

Robbie saw Albert's picture on the news when he came home from his little visit to the 7-Eleven immediately told his mother. She ran to the phone and called the police. Robbie couldn't wait to tell his buddies that he saw two murder suspects today and got them arrested.

"Lie face down on the ground and put your hands behind your back," Sam yelled with a tone that he meant business while he cautiously inched toward Albert.

Albert looked scared while he slowly dropped to his knees and got on his stomach on the pavement.

Sam cautiously moved to Albert with his gun aimed.

Then suddenly, a baseball smacked him in his forehead. He stopped in his tracks a little stunned. While for a second, he tried to determine what hit him. Then another baseball smacked him in the head again. His eyes crossed, and he passed out and fell to the pavement.

Albert looked baffled as to what happened.

"Run Albert!" Britney yelled.

Albert quickly got up and turned around. He saw Britney by the corner of the building. He looked at the officer out cold on the ground then he looked back at Britney proud of her.

"I'm an outfielder with our office softball team."

Albert smiled.

"You better hurry before he wakes up," she called out.

"But what about you?" he asked, concerned about her safety.

"I'll be okay. Hurry! Time is running out! Go! Go!" she yelled out while she leaned up against the corner of the building.

Albert saw a bicycle leaning against the store. "Please forgive me," he said while he looked up at the sky.

He rushed over and got on the bike and rode away.

A young twelve-year-old boy, named Dwayne, walked out of the store with a Mugs root beer in hand. He walked to the spot where he left his bike. His eyes widened when he noticed it was gone.

He saw Albert riding away down Durango Street.

"BRING BACK MY BIKE!" Dwayne yelled while he ran after Albert.

"Hey, kid. I'll tell you what," Britney called out.

Dwayne looked at the direction that Britney's voice came from and saw her wave a twenty-dollar bill at him.

He got curious and walked over to her.

"You can get your bike at the MGM Grand Arena. I promise. I'm an FBI Agent, so let's call this a rental fee," she said with a loving smile.

The boy's eyes lit up and snatched the bill out of her hand. "Sweet! It's my brother's bike anyway," he said then ran off.

Britney hobbled back to the rear of the store.

Inside the store, Henry came out of the bathroom and walked over to the coffee pots. He poured coffee into two cups and secured them with some lids.

He walked over to the counter and paid the clerk.

Henry stepped out of the store, and his eyes widened when he saw his partner passed out on the pavement. He dropped the cups and coffee splashed everywhere once the Styrofoam cups hit the parking lot.

He ran over to his partner and checked upon him. His partner became conscious.

"What happened?" he asked Sam while he sat up a little dazed and confused.

Sam looked around the parking lot then it dawned on him. "I got a call about one of those two murder suspects being sighted at this store, then I saw him come around that corner," Sam said while he sat up and pointed at the corner of the building. "Then something struck me twice in my forehead," Sam added while he rubbed the two goose eggs on his forehead.

Henry looked around and saw the two baseballs at the other end of the parking lot. He stood up and unsnapped the strap on his holster.

He cautiously walked to the corner of the building with his revolver out in front and ready to shoot.

He cautiously walked down the side of the building.

He cautiously peeked around the corner of the building and saw Britney sitting on the ground drinking the rest of the bottled water.

"Lie down on the ground with your arms spread out," he yelled out at her.

Britney knew she wouldn't be able to stay hidden here for long and it wasn't a surprise she was caught. She obeyed the officer's orders.

"I'm an FBI agent, and I won't resist," she said while Henry cautiously walked to her.

"You better not," Henry said while he got behind her and put his revolver away in his holster. He quickly handcuffed her and brought her to her feet.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?" Henry said.

"I understand my rights, and I twisted my ankle. So please go easy on me," she said.

He nodded in agreement and gave her some support while he walked her away.

"I didn't kill anybody. I had proof that the United Alliance Security Company was heavily involved in a plot to assassinate the President tonight at the MGM casino," Britney said while he walked her along the side of the 7-Eleven.

Henry didn't pay attention as he has heard all kinds of stories during the past fifteen years of arresting people.

He walked her through the parking lot where a crowd of people started to rubberneck.

Henry put her in the back of their patrol car while Sam sat down in the passenger seat with a splitting headache.