Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


Over near the McCarran International airport, the Presidential motorcade drove down East Tropicana Avenue

From the back seat of their limousine, Kristen looked out her door window in awe at all the vast casinos and the lights.

The motorcade pulled into the MGM Casino and stopped at the front entrance were numerous Secret Service agents waited, and the Las Vegas police had the area barricaded.

A couple of hundred taxpayers stood behind the barricade for a glimpse of the President of the United States.

They cheered the second President Barrow stepped out of the limousine. The First Lady and Kristen followed.

President Barrow waved at the cheering crowd then held hands with the First Lady and Kristen while they were escorted to the front doors of the MGM.

Inside the MGM, more taxpayers cheered behind a barricade while President Barrow was escorted through the lobby to an elevator secured just for him.

They were taken inside the elevator and went up to the top floor of the hotel. It was secured only for the President, all the Secret Service agents and the supporting staff members.

Back on the streets of Vegas, Albert rode the stolen bike down Farm Road then turned down Tule Springs Road.

He stopped and looked lost.

He removed the laptop and opened it up.

“I don’t know where I’m going?” he quietly said to the monitor.

The Heavenly Chat website appeared.

“Don’t fear I’ll guide you, so make sure you follow my directions. I’ll keep you on the streets where the cops don’t have a patrol car,” Angel 12978 said.

“Thank you, baby,” he replied.

“So I see that Britney sacrificed herself so you could perform your mission,” Angel 12978 said.

“Yes, she did,” Albert replied with a smile then started to worry about her.

“She’s special, Albee and don’t you forget that,” Angel 12978 added.

“I think you’re trying to set me up with her. Please stop!” Albert said and felt a little hurt.

“Duh! Now keep on this road, and it will be called Sky Pointe Drive, then it will be called West Centennial Parkway. Keep on that road then turn south on North Tenaya Way. And by the way, get rid of that hat,” Angel 12978 said.

“Yes, dear,” Albert replied while he looked up at the sky. He started to remove his hat but stopped.

A couple walked past Albert and heard him talking to the sky.

They looked at each other and figured Las Vegas had another wacko homeless bum in town.

He held the laptop on the handlebars while he rode the bike a little farther down the sidewalk.

He stopped and turned around. The couple was not a threat.

He removed his hat and dropped it to the sidewalk.

He rode the bike off down the street.

A little while later, he turned south on North Tenaya Way.

“Turn east on West Tropical Parkway,” Angel 12978 said from the website a little while later.

Albert turned down that road and headed east.

“Turn sound on North Jones Blvd,” Angel 12978 said a little while later.

Albert turned down that road and headed south.

“You’re right, no cops in sight,” Albert quietly said to the monitor.

“I told you I would watch over you,” Angel 12978 replied.

“You sure did,” Albert replied while he blew a kiss at the sky.

A couple walked down the sidewalk and saw Albert while he blew the sky a kiss.

“Just another loony tune loose in the city,” the man said to his female companion who nodded in agreement.

Albert rode a little farther down the street.

“Turn on West Craig Road and head east,” Angel 12978 said a little while later.

Albert turned down that road and headed east.

And while he headed down that road, he blew the monitor a kiss.

“Enough Albee, you have to forget about me,” Angel 12978 said.

“I’ll never stop loving you,” he replied with a loving smile while he remembered their good times.

“You will soon enough,” Angel 12978 replied.

Albert looked hurt, thinking she didn’t love him anymore.

Meanwhile, Henry pulled his squad car into the Las Vegas police station. Sam still had a splitting headache.

They got Britney out of the squad car and escorted her into the station.

Fifteen minutes later, Britney sat in a jail cell while Chief Hank Boone made a phone call from his office.

“This is Las Vegas Police Chief Hank Boone. One of my officers just arrested a suspect that you’ve been searching for,” he told Frank on the phone.

“Which suspect?” Frank replied from the phone.

“Your Agent Britney Cooper. The other suspect, Albert Taylor is still at large, but we have units patrolling the streets for him at this moment,” Chief Boone said.

“Good. Keep her behind bars and don’t believe any bullshit story she tells you. She’s a liar and will say anything to gain your sympathy. And I mean anything and it could be bizarre,” Frank said and silently prayed that Chief Boone would believe him.

“Yes, sir. I understand. She tried to tell the arresting officer of a plot to assassinate the President tonight here in Vegas,” Chief Boone replied.

Chief Boone heard Frank chuckle through the phone. “I can’t believe she’s still using that old story. She has had the Secret Service on four wild goose chases in the past for telling that assassination lie. I was going to have her terminated from the bureau for poor performance and her habitual lies, but she ran off with that Taylor suspect, and they killed a young woman here in San Francisco. Then we learned she was involved with that escaped terrorist assassin. She’s a psychopath,” Frank lied through his teeth.

“We’ll make sure she stays here in Vegas until you send someone to pick her up,” Chief Boone said.

“I’ll send an agent over there right away,” Frank replied. “And the bureau thanks you, Chief Boone,” Frank added then disconnected the call.

Chief Boone felt proud of helping the FBI.

Back in the squad room, Henry got up and walked over to the coffee table. He poured a cup and looked at Sam, who was at his desk where he popped some aspirins.

Henry’s eyes widened when he remembered the goose eggs on Sam’s forehead.

He set his cup down on the table and rushed over to Sam’s desk. “Come on buddy, I’m taking you to the hospital to make sure you don’t have a concussion,” he said while he grabbed one of Sam’s arms and pulled him on his feet.

Sam went along with Henry knowing this was the right thing to do since his head was throbbing like hell.

In Kirby’s room at the Sam’s Town Casino, his cell phone rang while he paced around nervously. He opened it up. “Yes,” he quickly answered.

“It’s me, Frank. I have a bit of good news. The Las Vegas police just called to say they arrested my Agent Britney Cooper. Taylor is still at large, but the Vegas police are searching for him,” Frank replied from Kirby’s cell phone.

“Thanks and call me immediately the second they capture him,” Kirby said then disconnected the call.

He quickly made another call.

In the main room of a suite in the La Tremoille hotel in Paris, Chuck stood by the windows while he answered Kirby’s call.

Over in the sitting area sat Akeem Al-Fulani and his two sons, Faris, and Harb. Peter Sargent, Cecil Booker, and Jerome Mathis sat nearby in some chairs.

They talked amongst themselves while Chuck was on his cell phone.

“Las Vegas police arrested the FBI agent, but Taylor is still at large. They’re searching the streets for him,” Kirby said.

A smile grew on Chuck’s face for the first time in days. He shoved his cell phone in his pocket and joined his pals.

“Everything okay?” Peter asked when Chuck walked up to the couch.

“Oh yeah. Things are clicking into place,” Chuck said then he sat down in a chair and grabbed his laptop off the floor. He opened it up and opened up the website for the bank in the Cayman Islands.

Faris opened up his laptop on the coffee table. He opened up his online account for his bank in Saudi Arabia.

They waited to transfer the remaining portion of the payment until the hit was confirmed a success.

Back in Kirby’s hotel room, he quickly typed a message on his cell phone. “Viper. Cooper arrested by Vegas cops. Taylor’s still at large. Two hundred thousand dollar bonus for him is still valid. I repeat. Two hundred thousand dollar bonus is still valid!”

Viper wore the MGM Security guard’s uniform with the fake badge and drove a Toyota Camry with tinted windows down Las Vegas Boulevard.

Viper drove the speed limit down the street and read Kirby’s text message.

Viper wasn’t happy about this additional risk to be dealt with about while performing this highly profitable hit but figured some that cash would be lovely.

Kirby quickly typed a text message to his secret source in Washington for a status of the plan.

After that message was sent, he walked over to the small bar and poured a glass full of scotch.

He walked back to the couch and sat down. He drank his scotch in huge gulps to calm down his nerves.

Albert continued to ride down West Craig Road.

“Turn down North Lamb Boulevard and head south,” Angel 12978 said a little while later.

He turned down that road and rode south.

“Turn down Las Vegas Boulevard,” Angel 12978 said a little while later.

Albert turned down that road and rode south.

“Keep on this road, and you’ll eventually come to the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino at your left. We’ll talk when you get there, and I’ll provide some more guidance,” Angel 12978 said then the website disappeared.

Albert now felt alone and a little scared while he drove down Las Vegas Boulevard.

In the office for Vice President Richard Stanton, he worked at his desk reviewing some reports.

One of his staffers Kenny Bauer, entered his office.

He rushed up to the Vice President and whispered some information in his ear. The Vice President nodded that he understood and went back to his paperwork.

Kenny rushed out of his office.

Back in Las Vegas, Viper turned the Camry to the left into a side street where the Las Vegas police and the Secret Service barricaded it.

Viper stopped the car, and it only took a few seconds for the Secret Service agent to verify Viper’s name was on the authorized list to enter the MGM Hotel.

Viper then pulled the Camry into a side parking lot and parked the Camry but left the keys inside with the window down.

Viper reached over and opened up the glove box and removed the small packet of cocaine.

Viper got out of the Camry and immediately opened up the back door of the car.

Viper removed the black cloth bag that contained the rifle and pistol.

Viper closed the door walked over to the MGM building where there was a janitor’s cart was previously staged behind a dumpster.

Viper pulled out the cart and hid the bag in the bottom of the cart.

Viper walked to the door at the left of the dumpster and pressed a button and waited.

The door opened, and Tommy appeared. He smiled the second when he saw Viper.

Viper pushed the cart into the hotel.

Once inside, Tommy closed the door and Viper discreetly dropped the small package of coke into his suit coat pocket.

“Sweet!” Tommy quietly said as he knew this was supposed to be some premium cocaine.

He reached in his pants pocket and handed Viper a key to a padlock.

Viper smiled then pushed the cart down the hallway.

Tommy stood guard by the door while Viper pushed the cart down the hallway.

A few seconds later, the buzzer at the door sounded. Tommy opened it up and outside stood Abdul Shia-Agil in an MGM janitor’s uniform with a fake badge. He had another janitor’s cart in front of him.

Tommy let Abdul inside the hotel and closed the door.

“Everything you need is staged in the room,” Tommy said while he handed Abdul directions on where his assignment was located.

Abdul took the directions then pushed his cart away with a serious stone cold look.

He stood guard by the door and watched Abdul push the cart down the hallway. All he could think about was how he was going to party with his cocaine along with some hot escorts with his hundred grand.

A little while later, Viper made it to a room that security would use to observe events in the Grand Garden Arena. Even though the Secret Service previously locked the room with a padlock, Tommy provided Viper a key for entry.

Viper slipped on some white cotton gloves.

Viper removed the Soviet rifle from the bag and quickly assembled it and made sure it was loaded.

Viper removed the pistol with a silencer from the bag.

Viper waited.

Down by the back door, Tommy felt the packet in his pants pocket. He couldn’t resist.

He left his post and rushed down the hallway.

He rushed down some other hallways until he found a men’s room.

Nobody was inside the bathroom when Tommy rushed inside.

He went to the farthest stall and went inside and locked the stall door.

He quickly removed the cocaine packet from his suit coat pocket and sat down on the toilet.

He opened up the packet and quickly started snorting some cocaine.

He sat on the toilet and waited for the high. But it didn’t come. Instead, he started twitching on the toilet seat.

Then the twitching got violent.

There was extreme pain that filled his body.

He gasped for air, and he slumped over and fell off the toilet. Viper had no idea that the cocaine was heavily laced with poison that killed in seconds.

Tommy screwed up the plans for this assassination since he had another assignment to perform after the President was shot.

Viper continued to wait in the room.

A few minutes later, the door opened, and Abdul entered the room. His eyes widened in surprise the second he saw Viper.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“To make sure you make my assignment a complete success,” Viper said then whipped out the pistol with a silencer and fired a shot into Abdul’s forehead.

Abdul fell to the floor dead.

Viper took the key provided by Tommy and shoved it in Abdul’s pocket.

Viper placed the pistol on Abdul’s chest.

“There you go Tommy,” Viper said then walked over and to the window that provided a clear shot of the stage.

Viper sat on the floor below the window and had twenty minutes before the President went on stage.

All that Viper could think about was retiring from this career and enjoying the five million dollar payment for the successful assassination of the President.

Down in the arena, it was packed, and Viper could hear the people cheer when Andy Fig walked on the stage. What they didn’t know was that President Barrow was going to sing a song along with his granddaughter.

From up in her room, Viper could hear Andy’s stage band start with a song. It was Tom Jones song Delilah.

“I saw the light on the night that I passed by her window,” Viper heard Andy sing from the stage.

Viper got up and glanced out the window and saw Andy on stage.

Viper crawled over to the Soviet rifle, grabbed it then crawled back to the window and waited.

It was showtime.