Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


Later that day, Albert was sound asleep in his lazy boy chair from too much Jack Daniels.

He woke up and went to the bathroom.

After that relief, he went to the kitchen and ate a bowl of Cocoa Krispies from one of the dirty bowls in the sink. He was starving from not eating in two days.

Then he heard the familiar sound of a Macintosh computer powering up from his den.

"Ah man," he cried out frustrated that that website might be reappearing.

He rushed out of the kitchen and rushed inside his den.

"Why won't they give up?" he said when he saw the Heavenly Chat website on his laptop monitor.

"Albert, I need your help!" message from Angel 12978 appeared on the monitor.

Albert sat down at the computer. "Help? I don't know who you are, so how can I help you?" he typed as his response.

"It's me, Ginger," message from Angel 12978 appeared.

Albert got pissed and pressed the power off button. The laptop powered down.

"I can't believe people can be that sick!" Albert said while he walked out of the den.

Later that day, Albert walked back into the den. He walked around trash like it was an obstacle course.

He plopped down on his lazy boy chair and grabbed his remote. He turned on the TV. Then he curiously looked over at his laptop while a movie on the TBS channel appeared. The laptop was blank. He turned around and flipped through some channels. Then he heard the Macintosh sound while his laptop powered up.

"NOT AGAIN!" he yelled out, pissed.

He jumped up and rushed over to his computer desk.

He stared at his monitor and watched while the Heavenly Chat website appeared.

"I really need you to help me, Albert!" message from Angel 12978 appeared.

Albert paced around the trash in his den while he kept an eye on his monitor.

"MY WIFE IS DEAD! YOU HEAR? DEAD!" he yelled at his laptop.

"It's me, Albee. I'm in heaven," message from Angel 12978 appeared.

Albert got pissed and pressed the power button on the laptop. It turned off then suddenly it powered back up. The Heavenly Chat website reappeared.

He pressed the power button on the laptop.

It turned off then suddenly powered back up.

The Heavenly Chat website reappeared.

He was furious! "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" his face was red with anger while he screamed and sprayed spit all over his laptop monitor.

"Press the vocal button," message from Angel 12978 appeared.

Albert looked at his monitor and saw a "Vocal" button that suddenly appeared. He pressed it out of curiosity.

"This will eventually make sense," Angel 12978's computer-generated female voice stated.

Albert looked a little freaked out. "How do I know you're really Ginger?"

"Are you still stuffing your Speedo with socks, Tarzan?" Angel 12978 replied.

Albert looked unsure of her response then he remembered that night and knew his wife was the only person there that night. His eyes welled up. "Ginger? How can this be possible? And why the computer-generated voice?"

"Heavenly magic. Angels are sometimes allowed to chat with loved ones back on Earth. So, if you cooperate with my request, I'll let you hear my real voice at a later date," Angel 12978 promised.

Tears rolled down Albert's cheeks while he sat down at his computer desk and became riveted at his laptop monitor.

Later during the day, Kirby sat in Grant's office with Gino and Sal. All of them had a drink of scotch in hand while Kirby talked into the speakerphone on his desk.

"What about our Arab guy?" Chuck asked from the speakerphone.

"He should be arriving in LA, and then we'll pick him up," Grant replied.

Kirby nodded in agreement.

"Good, keep me posted about any problems. Or maybe I should say that there won't be any problems or your heads will roll. Do you understand?" Chuck replied.

"Yes, sir. There won't be any problems," Grant replied, then disconnected the call.

"This is going to be a sweet deal leaving us rich for the rest of our lives," Grant said to Kirby.

"You know it! Two million each! Sweet!" Kirby replied with a greedy smile.

Grant salivated thinking of the money.

Sal and Gino pumped fists as their way to show they're excited on getting a bonus of one million each.

Back at Albert's den, he looked full of life again while he picked up trash in the room. There was a large trash can by the door next to a rented carpet cleaner machine.

The Heavenly Chat website was up on his laptop.

"I'm sorry about the mess honey," he said while he walked some trash over and dumped it into the trash can.

"That's okay," Angel12978 replied.

"This is great Ginger! I can now spend the rest of my life chatting with you," Albert said while he picked up some more trash and dropped it into a trash bag.

"Come on, Albee. You can't waste your whole life in front of a computer. There are so many beautiful people and things to experience out there. By the way, your excessive drinking needs to stop immediately," Angel12978 said in a motherly tone.

"How did you know that?" Albert said a little baffled while he held an empty Jack Daniels bottle in hand.

"I can see you with Earth Cam and had to intervene when you were on that rooftop. I couldn't let you kill yourself," Angel12978 said.

Albert thought for a second. "I do remember this strange pressure pushing against my chest that night. But if I fell, I could be up there with you forever," he said.

"You're not due here yet."

"Then what do you want?" Albert replied, disappointed with her response.

"The reason I contacted you, is to let you know that I was murdered," Angel12978 replied.

Albert walked over to the computer, very upset. "Murdered? Why?" he said then dropped the trash bag onto the floor.

"Because I discovered my company was involved in a plot to kill the President," Angel12978 said.

"What? How? They're an accounting firm," he replied a little baffled.

"They were apparently a cover. But anyway, I ran across files showing they were handling the money part of the plot. I need your help," Angel 12978 replied.

"I don't know how I can help," he said then paced around the room furious his wife was murdered. Then he raced back to his laptop. "I need to call the police. Can you tell me who killed you?" he asked while he grabbed a piece of paper and pen to jot down the information.

"No! You can't go to the police. If you that, UAS will have you killed and they have the power to make it look like a suicide or an accident," Angel 12978 replied.

"Then what do you want from me?" he asked a little confused.

"I want you to save the President's life," Angel 12978 said with a serious tone.

"I really don't care if that loser gets popped. I only want to have whoever is responsible for your death, put that scum bag away for life," Albert replied and looked pissed.

"You have to save the President's life!" Angel 12978 insisted.

"It's the job of the Secret Service to save the President. Tell one of them," Albert said.

"I can't trust them," Angel 12978 replied.

"I don't know how I can save his life. So why can't I spend my time chatting with you instead?" Albert replied with a defiant tone.

"Goodbye, forever Albie."

The Heavenly Chat website disappeared.

Albert waited. He tapped on the monitor. "Come back, Ginger. Please!" He paused. Nothing.

He ran out of the den.

Albert ran out the front door. He ran and stopped in the middle of his front yard. He stared at the star-filled sky. "OKAY, GINGER! I'LL QUIT RUINING MY LIFE AND SAVE THE PRESIDENT, BUT UNDER ONE CONDITION!"

He saw a star that got bright then got dim.

An old couple glanced at Albert while they walked their dog on the sidewalk. They looked at Albert and heard his yelling at the stars.

"I think poor Albert had seriously flipped since his wife died," the old lady told her former husband.

The old man nodded in agreement while they walked down the sidewalk and watched Albert run back inside his house.

Albert ran back into his den and up to his monitor. He anxiously waited.

The Heavenly Chat website appeared.

He danced around in joy.

"What's the condition?" Angel 12978 asked.

"I can chat and see you for the rest of my life down here. Then when I die, we'll be together up there forever," Albert quickly blurted out.

"But only after you save the President's life," Angel 12978 replied.

Albert looked happy. "Great! Now, how can I do that?"

"First you need to get a copy of the database that got Bob Grove killed," Angel 12978 replied.

"I thought the news said he committed suicide for getting caught with child porno."

"Don't believe everything the news media tell you."

"He didn't commit suicide?"

"No. He was killed because he discovered the assassination evidence contained in this UAS database. They made it look like suicide," Angel 12978 said.

"But I thought you said you discovered the plot?" Albert replied a little confused.

"I discovered the financial end and Bob discovered the rest which identified where it would take place and the assassin," Angel 12978 replied.

"Did you two talk about it here on Earth?" Albert said.

"We discovered our connected interests up here in heaven. Are you ready for my plan?" Angel 12978 said.

Albert looked unsure and a little uneasy with her request. "I don't know if I can do this. I'm not trained to save the President's life," Albert said.

Meanwhile, the terminal was busy at the Los Angeles International airport.

Abdul Shia-Agil was a thirty-year-old hired assassin from Egypt. He was clean-shaven and wore an expensive Italian suit while he walked out of the terminal with a small overnight bag in hand.

He stood near the doors and looked around the area where taxis and other busses picked up passengers.

He looked at his watch then waited.

A few minutes later a silver 2010 Mercedes Benz C300 stopped by the Abdul. Behind the wheel of the Benz was a Middle Eastern man, named Batul.

Abdul Shia-Agil rushed over the second he saw Batul.

He got inside the Mercedes.

Batul drove the car away.

A black Chevy Suburban with dark tinted windows followed the Mercedes.

Later that night, Albert showered, shaved off his beard and he was in his den and was riveted while he stared at the Heavenly Chat on his laptop.

"I'll get a haircut tomorrow," he told Ginger.

There were a few seconds of silence. "No, keep it long for now. It will help provide a little bit of a disguise," Angel 12978 replied.

"I hear and obey," he replied, then looked worried. "I don't know if I can break into UAS. Security will be squeaky tight," he said while he looked at the monitor, which showed beautiful Angels flying around.

"We don't have a choice. Without a copy of that database called Special Security Consultants Project, no one will believe you. You might want to take a weapon for protection," Angel 12978 replied.

"You know I don't believe in guns or violence."

"But, Bob told me about this one time in college when you stuck up for him when some bullies were after him," Angel 12978 replied.

"I remember. Those bullies were kicking his butt for changing their grades in the computer. So I jumped in and stopped the ass beating. Can I speak to him?" Albert said.

"I'm sorry. I'm the only one allowed to speak to you. It's the rules," Angel 12978 said.

Albert hesitated for a second. "I understand. So, do you have any suggestions on getting inside UAS?"

"You'll need the UAS badges from a Steve Marion. He works maintenance and carries a master badge allowing access into every single office," Angel 12978 said.

Albert thought for a second. "I just thought of another condition. I want you watching over me, as my Angel," Albert said and he warmed up inside thinking of Ginger watching over him.

"You got it, Albee," Angel 12978 replied.

Then Albert looked concerned. "I don't know what this Steve Marion looks like," he said.

"You can't miss him, he wears his UAS maintenance shirt," Angel 12978 replied.

"Okay. Now how do I get these badges from Steve Marion?"

"First, do you have a crowbar?" Angel 12978 asked.

"Yeah," Albert replied. "But how will I get the badges from this Steve Marion guy?" he added.

"You'll love this part," Angel 12978 said.

Albert looked curious while he waited.

Angel 12978 explained her plan, and Albert listened.