Heavenly Chat by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Later that night, Albert pulled his Prius into the parking lot of the Sexy Tush nudie bar.

He parked and got out.

He stared at the neon sign and debated if he dared to proceed. But then he thought about Ginger, and the courage raged inside.

Albert strutted to the front doors of the nudie bar, ready to start the first phase of her plan.

After he paid the cover charge, he walked a couple of feet inside, and he looked around the joint. He hadn't been in one of these establishments since he was a freshman in college.

He saw a DJ with "SEXY TUSH" in neon lights over near the bar where he played the Boogie Shoes disco song on the record player.

He looked over at the stage and saw Amanda, a twenty-three-year-old brunette college student erotically dance around the stage for seven men between the ages of fifty and sixty-five.

He looked around and saw a man over in the corner that appeared to be wearing a work shirt. He might be Marion.

Albert thought to himself while he made his way over in that direction.

As he got closer, he saw the UAS emblem on his shirt with Steve Marion embroidered under it. He smiled, knowing he found his man. Just like Angel 12978 stated, he saw his UAS badge that dangled off a belt loop.

Steve Marion was sixty years old and was bald with a huge potbelly. He was a frequent customer of this nudie bar, as this is the only way he could see women this sexy naked. All the dancers knew Steve would quickly drop a hundred dollars when he made his weekly visit for his cheap thrills.

Steve slapped his knees while Christina, a twenty-five blonde who was a single mom, just trying to raise her three-year-old daughter, walked up to him.

"Hey Steve, want another personal dance?" Christina asked and gave him a sexy smile.

"You bet baby," he replied, then shoved a twenty-dollar bill into her G-string.

The Boogie Shoes song ended. Christina straddled Steve's lap just as the Brick House disco song started. She removed her top and Steve stared at her C-cup tits with erect nipples that wiggled in front of him.

Albert sat down at the table next to Steve's side where his badge dangled.

Christina stood up and danced in front of Steve.

A waitress in a skimpy outfit walked up to Albert. "Would you like a drink, sweetie?" she asked with a loving smile.

"A coke, please," replied Albert, as he decided to give up drinking booze after talking with his Angel.

The waitress smiled, then walked away.

Albert glanced over at Steve just as Christina turned around and dropped her butt cheeks on Steve's crotch.

Steve closed his eyes while he enjoyed her ass grinding into his lap.

The waitress returned with Albert's Coke, he paid her with a tip.

"Thank you, honey," she said, then walked away.

Albert sipped his Coke while he discreetly glanced over at Steve, while Christina rubbed her ass cheeks into his crotch. Steve leaned his head back with his eyes still closed and enjoyed the cheap thrill.

Albert looked around and noticed nobody had eyes on him, as all eyes were on the naked woman on the stage.

So he discreetly reached to his rear pocket and removed his wallet. He discreetly dropped his wallet on the floor near Steve's chair. He leaned down and quickly unclipped Steve's UAS badge off his belt.

Then he quickly snatched up his wallet.

He dropped Steve badge into his shirt pocket.

Albert quickly took a swig of Coke then stood up.

He walked to the exit.

"Leaving so soon?" the waitress asked while she stood by the bar.

"My wife didn't want me staring too long," Albert said with a smile.

The waitress could care less as she just wanted him to stay longer and spend money.

Albert looked proud of his sneaky accomplishment while he rushed through the parking lot to his Prius.

He walked up to his car and opened the door. He looked up at the sky. "I got it, Ginger!" he said to the stars.

Two construction workers walked past Albert and overheard what he said.

"I hope he didn't get the clap," the one worker said to his buddy.

They chuckled while they walked to the club's front door.

Albert got inside his car and started it up.

He leaned over to the passenger seat where he had his laptop. He opened it up and pressed the power button.

Albert drove out of the parking lot.

While Albert drove down the street, he looked at his laptop on the passenger seat. He smiled when he saw that the Heavenly Chat website was up and running.

"You did good Albie. I'm proud of you," Angel 12978 said from the website.

Albert smiled at the laptop. "Thank you, honey," he replied. Then he looked a little worried. "I just hope getting into the UAS building will be a breeze," he replied while he glanced at the laptop while he drove.

"Don't worry. I'll be watching over you, and I'll make sure the security cameras are turned off," Angel 12978 replied.

"Thank you, baby," he replied.

"Now, here's a map of the inside the UAS building. Study it and memorize how to get to the office of Kirby James," Angel 12978 said.

Albert looked on his laptop, and a floor plan of the UAS building appeared with arrows leading straight to Kirby James' office.

"How will I find that database file?" he asked.

"It's in a laptop locked in Kirby's desk," Angel 12978 said.

"That seems easy enough," said Albert while he glanced over at the laptop while he drove.

Twenty minutes later, Albert pulled over the side of the road down from the UAS building.

He turned off his car and studied the floor plan for a few more seconds.

He was ready and closed his laptop.

He leaned over the passenger seat and picked up a crowbar off the passenger floorboard.

He got out of his car and ran toward the UAS building.

Ten minutes later, Albert ran through the side yard of the UAS building.

He rushed over to a side door. He looked around, and the coast was clear. He took a deep breath then looked up at the night sky. "Watch over me, beautiful."

From the sky, he saw a star that got bright then got dim.

He looked up at the security camera at the corner of the building. The red light was off indicating Ginger took care of him.

He removed Steve's badge from his shirt pocket then swiped it through the card reader. He immediately heard a click.

He smiled while he opened the door and stepped inside.

Albert stood in the hallway of the UAS building. He waited to verify the coast was clear. He waited a few seconds, and nobody came after him, so he felt safe.

He walked down the hallway and headed to the stairs.

Albert walked up six flights of stairs.

He opened the door of the stairwell and peeked out into the hallway. The coast was clear.

He stepped out and quietly walked down the hallway.

He eventually found Kirby's office.

He turned the doorknob. It was locked. Then he heard a click. He looked up at the ceiling and winked. Thanks, baby. He quietly said to himself then he opened the door and stepped inside with the crowbar.

He looked around Kirby's office then saw his desk.

He rushed over to it.

He pried a desk drawer open with the bar. He rummaged inside. Nothing.

He pride opened another desk drawer. He removed a laptop.

Footsteps were heard in the hallway. Albert looked concerned. The footsteps got closer. He looked for a place to hide. Perfect! He thought to himself when he saw the closet on the other side of the room.

He ran over and hid inside the closet.

Rusty, the old nighttime guard, slowly opened Kirby's office door. He looked around the room and got concerned.

He stepped back into the hallway and quickly opened up his cell phone. He punched in a phone number. "Mister Kirby, someone broke into your office," he quietly said into his cell. He listened for a few seconds. "Yes sir," Rusty replied, then closed his cell phone.

Albert heard the footsteps of Rusty running down the hallway. He stepped out of the closet with a laptop bag in hand along with the laptop.

He spotted a picture on the wall and got curious.

He walked over and took a closer look.

It was a picture taken on a golf course.

It showed Kirby, Grant, Chuck, with two other friends.

They posed with golf clubs in golf attire on the course.

He stared at the photo for a few seconds. Then he had this strong urge he needed the picture. He grabbed it and shoved it inside the laptop bag.

He rushed over and opened the door and peeked out into the hallway.

He stepped out into the hallway.

Albert rushed down the hallway and went inside the stairwell.

He quietly walked down the flight of stairs to the first floor.

He cautiously opened the door and peeked out. He saw Rusty at his station way down the end of the hallway.

Rusty got up and walked down the hallway toward the stairwell.

Albert closed the door and paced around the stairwell.

He heard Rusty's footsteps while he got closer to the stairwell door. Albert started to panic, thinking he was going to be caught. He looked around the stairwell.

He saw and "Emergency" exit door at the other end of the stairwell.

He ran over with laptop bag in hand over to the "Emergency" exit.

The second he opened the door, alarms sounded in the building.

Gino pulled into the UAS parking lot in a black 2010 CL-class Mercedes Benz. Sal sat in the passenger seat, and they heard the alarm blaring from the building from inside their Mercedes.

"This doesn't sound good," Gino said while he opened up his cell phone and quickly punched in a phone number. "What happened Rusty?" Gino asked into his cell.

At the guard station in the main lobby, Rusty had his cell phone to his ear while he looked at his security monitors. They all had wavy static lines. "Someone broke into Kirby's office, and now I have the security cameras going screwy and the alarms blaring," Rusty replied.

He banged on one of the monitors. They all went dead.

Gino stopped the Mercedes in the parking lot when he saw something strange at the side of the UAS building.

"That must be the guy culprit," he said and pointed to the UAS building.

Sal looked and saw Albert while he ran across the side yard toward the street. "Yep, he's the one."

Gino stomped on the gas pedal.

Tires screeched while he whipped the Mercedes around and raced through the parking lot.

Albert ran to his Prius and quickly got inside. He started up his car and made a U-turn.

He drove away, unaware he was detected by Sal and Gino in the Mercedes.

"I made it, Ginger," he cried out to his laptop, which had the Heavenly Chat website visible. He was proud of his accomplishment.

Albert didn't notice the black Mercedes that raced up behind his car.

"Ah, Albert, you have trouble coming up behind you," Angel 12978 said from his laptop.

Albert looked in his rearview mirror and saw the black Mercedes that raced after his car.

"Who are they?" Albert asked while he continued to glance at his rearview mirror.

"Two thugs from UAS," Angel 12978 replied.

"I thought you were looking after me?" he asked.

"Sorry. I did my best," Angel 12978 said.

"Please help me, Ginger!" Albert cried out a little scared when he saw the Mercedes gain ground on his car.

He stomped on his gas pedal.

Inside the Mercedes, Sal talked into his cell phone while Gino raced after Albert's Prius.

"We're following a red Prius with California U75 NH1 license plate," Sal said into his cell.

"Find out what that son-a-bitch was doing in our building and my office," Kirby yelled from Sal's cell.

"Yes sir," Sal replied, then put away his cell phone.

Albert raced his Prius down the street with the Mercedes hot on his rear.

Albert raced through a red light where cars swerved and screeched to a stop missing his car by inches.

Gino drove his Mercedes through the maze of stopped cars and raced after Albert.

Albert looked in his rearview mirror and got really scared when he saw the Mercedes hot on his tail.

"Come on, Ginger! I need your help!" Albert cried out in a panic.

"I'll do my best," Angel 12978 replied from his laptop.

"Left turn down that street, now," Angel 12978 said.

Albert screeched his Prius into a left turn and raced down that street.

The Mercedes screeched into a left turn after Albert's car.

Albert raced down the street and weaved around cars with the Mercedes hot on his rear.

"Right turn down that street, now," Angel 12978 said.

Albert screeched his Prius into a right turn and raced down that street.

Albert looked in his rearview mirror and saw the Mercedes hot on his tail.

"This isn't working," Albert cried out in fear.

"Floor it now!" Angel 12978 yelled from his laptop.

Albert stomped on the gas pedal, and his Prius raced inches past a step van while it started to back out of an alley.

Inside the Mercedes, Gino and Sal's eyes widen in shock when they saw the step van in front of them.

"SHIT!" Gino screamed at the same time he stomped on the brakes.

It didn't work as the Mercedes crashed into the side of the step van.

Albert looked in his rearview mirror and saw the crash. "YEAH!" he yelled out in a victory joy.

Albert reached over and grabbed the laptop. He kissed the monitor with the Heavenly Chat website still up. "I love you, Ginger."

No response from the laptop.

"Did you hear me?" he asked, disappointed she didn't have the same response.

"I know," Angel 12978 said then the Heavenly Chat website disappeared.