Heku : Book 1 of the Heku Series by T.M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 16 - Training


Chevalier came out of his office and looked around the castle. Things were going smoothly. Nothing had happened to cause concern in over two months. He headed up to Emily's room to see if she was there. He had trained his senses enough not to feel the common emotions she experienced, which lately, was constantly. He was also able to hear voices from her dreams, and found it fascinating.

She wasn't in her room, but the heavy curtains were tied to the side and bright sunlight filtered in from the balcony door. He stepped onto the balcony and looked out over the grass, then froze as his eyes fell onto the three figures on the lawn.

Emily was lying down on her back on the thick green grass. Travis was on top of her, his teeth at her neck as Kyle stood aside and watched. Fury raged through him as he jumped from the second story balcony and landed on the ground, denting the soft grass as he landed. He blurred to them and ripped Travis off of her, throwing him far enough he landed against the side of the castle and the rocks crumbled beneath him.

Kyle was at Chevalier before he could get to Emily, “Chevalier! It's not what you think,” he said, but was pushed aside.

Emily was on her feet quickly and had her hands on Chevalier's face, “Stop, Chev, stop... it's ok.”

She locked gaze with him and her green eyes calmed him. He was able to repress the rage long enough to see that she wasn't injured. He quickly scanned her body. Her neck was fine, so he ran his eyes past her sports bra and down to the muscles in her tight abdomen along the curve of her delicate waist, no injuries. Her cut off shorts were sitting low on her hips as his eyes traveled down and noticed no injuries along her legs.

He stepped back and frowned at her, confused.

She touched his face softly, “It's ok, Chev, honest.”

Travis returned as he tweaked his back into place and kept well away from Chevalier.

“Chevalier, it's not what you think. We're teaching Emily some self-defense is all,” Kyle said, stepping over next to Travis.

Chevalier shook his head, “You're doing what?”

“Self-defense, that's all,” Emily said, stepping back from him, smiling.

“But… he was biting you…” His mind swam.

“I was not!” Travis said, offended. “We were trying out a different position… It's no good teaching her to fight a heku if it's not as close to real as possible.”

“Watch, Chev!” Emily said proudly. “Come on Travis. Let's show him what we just went over.”

Travis hesitated and gave Chevalier a wide berth as he approached Emily. His eyes were weary as he grabbed her from behind, one arm around her stomach and the other high on her chest. He kept a close watch on Chevalier as he brought his teeth to rest against Emily's neck. He noticed Chevalier tensed and crouched slightly, but didn't attack.

Rapidly, Emily kicked back and her foot connected with Travis' knee, knocking it out of place as she dropped her body weight and rolled away from him while he fell to the grass. Travis groaned and grasped his dislocated kneecap as he pushed it back into position with a grinding pop. He winced and slowly got to his feet. Emily stood up and smiled at Chevalier.

“See!” she said proudly.

Chevalier was shocked, “Why didn't I think of this?”

We aren't guaranteeing it'll work against a real attacker, but Travis said it's quite painful and would make him think twice,” Kyle said.

Yeah… it hurts pretty badly for a few seconds. We figure if she can just buy a little time until help arrives.” He was now standing straight, his knee entirely healed.

Kyle said, “Ok, back how you were.”

Travis hesitated and then climbed on top of Emily as she laid on the ground. He watched Chevalier cautiously before again bringing his teeth to her neck.

Kyle studied them and sighed, “I'm thinking… there has to be a way. Emily, can you even get your foot up to his knee?”

She brought her knee up, but wasn't able to position her foot by his kneecap, “Don't think so.”

Chevalier growled, “Let me do it, Travis.”

Travis scrambled quickly to his feet and Chevalier took his place, his jealousy finally subsiding. As he placed his teeth at her neck, he grinned and kissed her neck instead.

Emily slapped his arm, “Behave.”

Travis knelt down beside them, studying the location of arms and knees.

“I can knee him,” Emily said, bringing her knee up slightly.

“That won't stop a hungry heku,” Kyle said, bending down.

Travis moved closer, “Can you get your hands on his head?”

Emily reached up and put a hand on each side of his head.

“That's it, Travis, good idea!” Kyle said. “It's the element of surprise that'll make this work. If he knew it was coming, he'd be able to stop it, but I doubt anyone will think of this.”

“What?” Emily asked, thwapping Chevalier's head as he kissed her neck again.

Emily focused on Kyle, who was demonstrating the move behind Chevalier's back and she winced, “Seriously?”

“This whole training will only work if we know it's possible for you to do,” Travis said, standing up.

Chevalier felt Emily's body tense moments before his head was wrenched to the side, and the crack of his vertebrae echoed through the lawn. He growled and rolled off of her, readjusting his head and cracking his neck back into place.

“Are you ok?” She was crouched by his side.

“I'm ok, just give me a minute.” The pain was lessening quickly and he could feel the bones reforming correctly in his neck, “Damn, Em.”

“I'm so sorry.” She stood up and glared at Kyle and Travis who were laughing.

“No, no, it's ok.” Chevalier stood up and chuckled, “Just wasn't expecting that.”

“Let's consider that exercise a pass then… the trick is that the heku won't know it's coming,” Kyle said finally. “Maybe we should try a wrist attack?”

“No one's going to go for her wrist… male at least,” Travis said, and then his body tensed as he turned to watch Chevalier.

Emily blushed when she remembered Chevalier saying he'd always go for the neck if he found his donor attractive.

“I guess you're right,” Kyle said, thinking. “Plus you can't control her body if you only have focus on her wrist. By taking her neck, you have your entire body against hers.”

Chevalier growled low in his chest, but Kyle ignored it.

“Femoral?” Travis asked.

Usually only works consensually. I can't imagine going for the thigh while trying to control a hostile victim.” Kyle was deep in thought.

Chevalier tried to remember they weren't talking directly about his wife, but he found it hard and he was getting antsy. He was also overtly aware of the visible skin Emily was currently showing.

“Let's try a non-feeding attack,”