Heku : Book 1 of the Heku Series by T.M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 17 - Potential


“This attack was bad,” Chevalier said angrily. “The Council has to intervene and put a stop to it.”

“This Council is aware of its responsibilities, but doesn't feel that it can take further action because of an attack on a mortal,” Selest said stiffly.

“Not just a mortal, my wife!” Kyle growled.

“Bond or no she is a lower life-form, a mortal. Starting a war with the Valle over an attack on her would be premature.”

“Mortal or no, she is in my coven and that makes her an Equites, which also makes her your responsibility.” Chevalier was glaring at the Elders.

“We take no serious stand on protecting the mortals that our covens decide to harbor.”

“A Winchester,” Kyle hissed.

Yes a Winchester, but one with no significant powers. If it were up to us, we would send her to the Valle to live with her family. As it were, the affairs of this coven we leave up to the Chief Enforcer.”

Chevalier growled.

She has shown potential for powers, though. Given more time, they may surface,” Kyle said, just as they had planned.

“What kind of potential?” one of the Elders asked.

“There are times when her scent is strong enough to bring down the most controlled of us. We suspect this is the start of her coming to her own, so to say. It's long rumored that the Winchesters had blood strong enough to drive any heku insane.” Kyle's lines were well rehearsed, but sounded natural.

“At what times does this scent happen?”

“We haven't narrowed it down yet, but we will. If we can find out the cause, we may be able to see if we can provoke powers from her during that time,” Chevalier said confidently.

“The scent is simply stronger?”

“Yes it is stronger, but it is also different,” Kyle added.

If it is in any way tied to the destruction of the immortal, we will need to know immediately,” Selest said, watching them intently.

“Of course,” Chevalier told her strongly.

The Elders turned and talked among themselves while Kyle and Chevalier waited impatiently.

When they turned back around, Elder Leonid stood, “We deem this needs further attention and have agreed that we will inform the Valle that Emily Russo is now under the protection of the Council, but will remain housed in your coven for now.”

“For now?” Kyle asked, seething.

“For now, yes,” the Elder confirmed.

“She is my wife!” Kyle shouted.

“That is all,” Selest said, and the Council filed out of the room.

It wasn't until they were back on the ferry that they spoke again.

“A week of questions and all they can tell us is that 'for now' we keep her?” Chevalier grumbled.

“I'd like to see them try to take her.” Kyle glared out the front window.

“I won't let them, that's true.”

“It's been a long week, and I'll feel better when we get back.”

Chevalier nodded. He was always nervous when he left Emily, but in this instance, he was afraid if they had taken her, and the Elders had smelled her new enticing scent, that she wouldn't have been free to leave. He knew Kyle feared the same.

The Island came into view and the moonlight glittered off of the white sand. Once at the pier, Chevalier sped his Bugatti toward the castle. The guard opened the door for him and he stepped out.

“Any news?” Chevalier asked.

“Nothing from us, Sir,” he stated.

“What does that mean?” Kyle turned on the guard, irritated.

“There was one... incident, but it didn't involve us.”

“What incident?” Chevalier asked, taking a step toward the guard.

“Lady Emily, she... we... she disappeared for two days.” The guard winced as Chevalier hissed.

“What do you mean disappeared?” Kyle growled.

We couldn't find her. She somehow slipped onto the ferry and visited the mainland for two days and then returned,” the guard said, fearing for his life.

Chevalier disappeared angrily and blurred up the stairs, stopping in her ante-chamber. He spun to the corner and took a chilling step toward the young guard.

“You lost her for 2 days?” he growled.

“Y… Yes, Sir.” The guard recoiled.

“How can you lose a mortal for 2 days?” He closed the gap quickly and pinned the guard to the wall, his hand around the guard's neck.

The guard tried to speak, but no words came out.

“You had one task… one simple task, and you failed me,” Chevalier hissed irately.

“Sh… she climbed out the balcony.”

Chevalier threw the guard at the door and whispered, “Get out.”

The guard disappeared quickly, rubbing his neck.

Chevalier turned angrily to the bedroom and stepped inside. Suddenly, his senses were assaulted and the predator surfaced quickly. He fell into a crouch, his mouth salivating at the incredible scent in the room. A hiss escaped his lips as he stepped toward the bed, the smell coming at him faster. The sight of her wrenched Chevalier to his senses and he cringed at how close he came to attacking her.

The desire for her blood was staggering. The strong smell in the room was more intoxicating than ever before, and he felt the burn in the back of his throat grow stronger, the longer he was in her presence. Fighting against his natural instincts, he backed out of the room and shut the door, blocking most of the painful scent. Chevalier fell to his knees and panted, fighting every intrinsic need he had to feed. After a few minutes, he was able to stand again.

“It gets worse when she sleeps,” the soft voice said, and he spun around, crouched to attack. Anna held a hand up to him, “I'm not after her.”

Chevalier winced and stood up, “What's happening?”

“I don't know, Sir. The… shall we say… aroma, grows stronger when she sleeps. I had to ban anyone from entering her room at night as soon as I noticed it was apparent to all of us.”

He was slowly regaining his control, “I take it that's when she snuck out on the balcony?”

“That was my fault then, if a fault needs to be blamed. I couldn't risk harm to the Child, but the pull of her blood is too strong…”

“It's ok, Anna, I don't blame you,” he said, sitting down in a chair by the fire.

Anna sat down beside him, “It's not as bad during the day, but it is still strong and I've had to let two house servants go.”

What happened?” He had a hard time getting angry. How could he when he had almost attacked her himself?

Just a hiss, Sir, but I couldn't have that. Most of us are able to turn away from