Hitchin a Ride by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


It was dawn and a beautiful sunrise in Orlando.

Jesse drove his GTO into the Cypress Tree apartment complex parking lot where Joey Austin lived in the West side of Orlando. 

He drove through the parking lot and parked near Joey's two-story apartment building.

Inside the GTO, Jesse with Rose in the passenger seat and Frankie in the back seat, staked out Joey's apartment.

"I'm not thinking I like this new plan, Jesse," Rose said extremely worried.

"We have to change things up a bit to lower the chances of them catching onto us," Jesse comforted her.

"How can I make contact where he works?" she asked.

"We'll figure that out when we get there," he said.

They waited and watched the apartment building.

Twenty-two minutes later, Joey exited his second-story apartment. He never buffed up like he thought he should ten years ago when he graduated from UIC.

Joey walked over to a Silver C30 Volvo coupe. 

He got inside it and backed out of the parking spot and drove through the parking spot.

Inside the GTO, Jesse smiled. "We're on," he said as he tailed Joey's Volvo.

Jesse tailed Joey's Volvo through the Orlando streets and eventually tailed him into the parking lot of the Consolidated Software Company, which was located near the Central Florida Research Park on the east side of Orlando. Consolidated was a huge outfit that designed video games, other software programs, and also provided consulting services.

The parking lot was busy with other employees on their way to work, while Joey parked his Volvo in a parking spot. 

Jesse parked his GTO nearby.

From inside his GTO, Jesse, Rose, and Frankie watched as Joey walked through the parking lot to Consolidated Software. They watched as other employees, with employee badges, while they walked through the parking lot.

Rose looked at the badged employees. "How will I get inside that place without a badge?" Rose asked, concerned.

Jesse looked at the employees while they walked through the parking lot. Then his eyes widened with an idea. "Frankie, I need you to use your pickpocketing skills," Jesse turned around and looked back at Frankie. "Get the badge off that female janitor," he instructed while she approached their car.

Frankie looked out his window and saw the female janitor around forty-five years old while she walked past their car. He noticed the employee's badge that hung off her belt. "Piece of cake," he said with a smile.

Jesse got out of his GTO. 

Frankie got out from the back and rushed after the female janitor. 

Jesse got back inside the car.

"I'm still not sure about this one," Rose said with concern to Jesse.

"Don't worry, baby," he said, then leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I know you can pull this off. You're the best!" he said. She smiled and felt better.

Numerous Consolidated Software employees rushed to the front entrance so they would not be late for work. 

Frankie rushed around and faced female janitor. 

He approached her, and when he got four feet from her, he faked a trip and slammed into her. While they both tumbled to the sidewalk. 

She lay on the sidewalk with Frankie on top of her. 

She looked stunned. Frankie discreetly unclipped her badge.

A couple of Consolidated Software employees stopped and watched.

Frankie discreetly placed her badge in his back pocket while he jumped off her.

"I'm so sorry!" he said with sincere eyes then helped her back on her feet. "I'm so clumsy first in the morning," he said and hoped she would buy his story. 

He offered his hand, and she accepted. 

He assisted her to her feet.

"That's okay. I sometimes have two left feet," she said as she smiled as she thought Frankie was cute and loved the brief moment of having a younger man on top of her body.

Those other Consolidated employees walked away.

She smiled at Frankie while she walked away and didn't realize her badge was gone.

Frankie walked away, proud that he succeeded.

He strutted proudly as a peacock back to Jesse's GTO. 

Four days had passed…

It was another beautiful morning in Orlando, and the sunrise peeked through the window blinds of Joey's apartment bedroom windows. 

Joey slept in bed. 

Across the room, on his dresser, a laser target alarm clock read 6:44 a.m. The clock turned to 6:45 and the alarm blared that sweet and lovable sound. Not! 

Joey's eyes slowly opened and cringed at the irritating sound of the alarm.  But today he looked forward to waking up and going to work.

He reached over to his bedside table for the laser pistol. His fingers grabbed the pistol, but it slid off the table and fell to the floor. 

Joey reached down to grab it and reached way out. 

He fell out of his bed and slammed on the floor. 

The alarm blared. 

Joey grabbed the laser pistol, took aim, and hit the target. The alarm shut off.

Joey stood up, stretched and yawned.  

He slowly walked over and entered his bathroom. 

A few minutes had passed, and his shower ran.

In the Orange Seed motel, Rose took a hot shower in her room, and her sexy naked body was visible through the steamy shower glass doors.  Rose turned off the water. 

The glass doors opened and she stepped out of the shower.  

She walked over and grabbed a towel off the rack above the toilet. And dried her hair as she stood in front of the mirror and looked her naked body over. 

She rubbed her perky A-cup breasts. "When will they fill with milk?" she wondered to herself. 

She turned sideways and looked at the mirror as she rubbed her pregnant pouchy tummy.

In the motel bedroom, Jesse sat on the bed and looked extremely interested as he talked into a cell phone. 

The digital alarm clock showed 7:01 a.m. The duffel bag was up against the wall by the bed.

"I saw your ad and pictures on the Internet. I hope you don't mind me calling so early." 

"No problem. You know what they say – the early bird gets the worm," responded a sexy female from the cell phone. Jesse chuckled. 

"You'll find I'm hotter in person and you'll leave with your knees trembling. I'm worth every penny," she said with a sexy voice to show she means business.

"Why don't we meet at nine?" he asked while he rubbed his crotch in anticipation of some tremendous kinky sex with her. 

"Call me at eight-thirty for directions." Jesse listened to his cell. "No problem," Jesse replied, then hung up his call.

"Who were you talking to?" Rose asked as she walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her body. 

"Frankie, he's on his way back from filling up the car with gas," Jesse lied through his teeth.

"Oh," Rose believed his bullshit, as she lay down on the bed next to Jesse and placed her head on his shoulder. "I love you so much, Jesse," she said while she put a hand under his shirt and stroked his chest. "We're going to give our child a great life. We're going to be the best parents in the world," she stated while she cuddled closer to him. 

Jesse cringed, as he really didn't want to hear all this happy family crap. "You better hurry up," Jesse told her to get off that subject. He lit up a cigarette. 

Rose nodded in agreement and got off the bed. 

She walked over to the dresser, dropped her towel. 

Jesse took a drag from his cigarette as he eyed Rose's tight firm butt cheeks while she opened up a drawer, removed some red panties, and slipped them on. 

She removed a red bra from the drawer and put it on. 

She walked over to the closet, removed a button-down shirt and jeans. She got dressed. 

Rose walked back to the dresser, grabbed a Consolidated Software employee's badge with the name Sandy Graystone – the forgery effects of Frankie's work of art. She clipped the badge to her shirt pocket. She reached back in the closet and removed a black shoulder-length wig. She placed it on her head.  

"How do I look?" she said while she modeled for Jesse. 

"Like a totally different person. Let's try to get this done today," he demanded.

"Okay baby," she said while she walked over to him.

He got off the bed and grabbed the duffel bag.

They left the room.

Jesse and Rose walked to his GTO then over to the trunk. 

He opened the trunk, dropped the duffel inside then slammed the trunk closed. 

They got inside his GTO. 

He started it and drove off.

Joey drove his Volvo through the parking lot of the Consolidated Software Company. 

Joey drove his Volvo through lane after lane until an open parking spot was available. 

He parked and got out. 

He wore khaki pants with a lime green button-down shirt, his trademark Schooner Bank Cachalot hat, and sunglasses and walked through the parking lot.

Joey reached the end of the parking lot, where a homeless bum, who hadn't washed his clothes in months and probably hadn't' taken a bath in years, made a grassy spot his temporary home.  

The homeless bum shoved an empty tin can at Joey. 

"Spare change, sir," the bum begged Joey then shook his empty can at him and some change is heard inside.

Joey stopped and removed a couple of bucks from his wallet and dropped it in the bum's tin can.

"God bless you," the bum said with a toothless grin.

Joey walked away proud that he helped one of America's unfortunate souls.   

Joey walked ten feet away from the homeless bum. "Beware of evil women," the bum called out to Joey and sounded dead serious.

Joey stopped, turned around, and looked at the bum. "What?"  

"I said, beware of evil women. That's why I'm living this lifestyle. My evil wife did this to me. Stay away from evil women," the bum said in a Pres Preacher's type of tone.

Joey shrugged him off and walked to the Consolidated Software building.

Joey got twenty feet from Consolidated Software where other employees headed to the front entrance. 

His face lit up when he saw Rose, in her black wig, by the front entrance. But she doesn't use her real name, she's known as Sandy. 

He got five feet from Rose and her eyes lit up the second she saw Joey.

"It's my Joey!" she gleamed, as he got closer.

"Hey, Sandy," Joey replied with a smile.

"You know something, you sure have brightened up my mornings for the past three days by meeting you," Rose bullshitted Joey.

Joey puffed out his chest, as this is the first time a woman gave him such a sweet compliment. She was the reason he looked forward to work every day.

At the front of the parking lot was Jesse's GTO parked illegally in a handicapped spot with a good view of the front entrance of Consolidated Software.

Jesse sat inside his GTO, smoked a cigarette while he watched Joey and Rose at the front entrance of Consolidated.  

He flicked his cigarette out his window then checked his watch. He smiled while he started up his GTO. 

He removed a piece of paper from his shirt pocket, opened it up, and read "555-8726" from it. 

He grabbed his cell phone off the passenger seat, opened it up and punched in a phone number.

"It's Jesse, how about those directions," he asked. Jesse removed a pen from his shirt pocket and wrote down the directions with a smile. 

Joey walked over and opened one of the front doors to Consolidated Software for Rose. "You're such a gentleman," Rose complimented while she entered the building. 

Joey entered after her with a smile.

Joey walked with Rose and walked past a security guard behind a desk.

The guard was preoccupied with his book.

He could care less about the employees entering and walking past his station. After five years of being in this job, he's never had someone without a badge try to sneak past his station.

They walked and stopped close to the elevators. Joey looked at Rose, not sure of what to say next. Then Joey eyed a male and female janitor near them. The female janitor Frankie tripped into and stole her badge.

"Where's your badge?" the male janitor asked the female janitor when he saw her temporary badge. "I think it fell off when someone bumped into me a couple of days ago. My new one comes tomorrow," she answered.

Joey looked as the janitor's walked past them. He got an idea of what to say to keep their conservation going. "When do you get your janitor's uniform, Sandy?" 

"My manager said any day now," she bullshitted him. 

Rose stroked Joey's arm and gave him a coy smile. "What time are you eating lunch?" 

"Around eleven-thirty. Want to join me again?" he replied while he silently prayed she would accept.

Rose gave him a fake pouty lip. "Can't, we have some stupid mandatory safety meeting."

Joey looked disappointed, as he wanted to spend more time with her.

"But there's always tomorrow!" she reassured him and noticed his depressed look and felt sorry for him. "I better let you go," Rose told him while she lightly stroked his arm. She left with a "talk to you later" goodbye.

Joey strutted to the elevators and waited with other employees. 

The elevator dinged, and the door opened. Joey joined the stampede to the open elevator, but fellow employees pushed him out of the way. 

The elevator door closed. Joey's left behind.

Rose rushed out one of the front doors.

Outside Consolidated Software, Rose scanned the area for Jesse's GTO while she removed her fake employee's badge and shoved it in her shirt pocket. It was nowhere in sight, and that made her nervous. 

Rose walked through the parking lot. Where the hell is he?  Rose thought to herself while she scanned the parking lot for Jesse's GTO and couldn't locate it. She was pissed.

Two hours later, Rose sat in the grass near the parking lot. The same spot that homeless bum used earlier that morning. But he was gone. 

Jesse's GTO raced through the parking lot and stopped by Rose. 

She got up and rushed over to Jesse's GTO. 

She opened the passenger door and sat inside the passenger seat.

"Where the hell were you?" she said pissed he made her wait.

"I had to tune up the GTO," Jesse bullshitted her with a kiss on her lips to make it believable.

"I got scared," she said. 

"Don't worry baby," Jesse said and gave her another quick kiss on the lips. "So, do you think today will be the day?" Jesse asked with high hopes.

"Yeah. I think he'll do it today," she replied.

Jesse smiled. "You're the best!" he said and lightly rubbed her cheek. She melted with his touch, and his absence was forgotten.

Jesse looked at his watch. "You better get back. I'll pick you up later," he said. 

"Okay baby," Rose replied, then got out of his GTO. 

She closed the door, and Jesse watched as she walked back to Consolidated Software.

He drove off in the parking lot.

Twenty minutes later, Joey worked on his new video game design called "Dragon Slayer" in his lonely cubicle. 

Mary Cooper, a gorgeous coworker who wore a tight dress that accented her sexy body, entered Joey's cubicle. 

He turned away from his work and saw Mary nearby with pouty lips.

"Joey, I have one hour to get a report done, and my stinking database has a mind of its own. I'm so fired. Be a sweetheart and fix it for me," Mary pleaded with her eyes. 

"I don't know Mary, I'm busy with my new game," Joey answered. 

Mary lightly rubbed his shoulder, "Please!" 

Joey melted over her touch and nodded that he'll help her.

"Thanks," Mary replied with a warm smile. Joey looked at Mary and got nervous. He took a breath of courage as thoughts of her earlier encounter with Rose made him brave. "How about dinner tonight?" 

Mary looked at Joey and frowned. "I'm sorry. I don't date people from work," Mary said then turned around and walked out of his cubicle.

Joey sat there disappointed as he again got rejected. 

Down an aisle by some cubicles, Rose pushed a big trash can on wheels, and they squeaked while she pushed. 

A man approached her. Rose got nervous and looked away to avoid eye contact while the man walked past her. 

I don't like this.  She thought to herself as he walked past her. But the man could care less about a janitor who ignored him.

Joey heard a squeaky trash can being pushed down the aisle outside his cubicle. Joey prayed. His prayer was answered when Rose pushed a big trash can by his cubicle.

"How's the sweetest guy I know?" Rose asked as she stopped the trash can by his cubicle opening. 

Joey turned around and saw her, and his eyes lit up. "I'm working the bits and bytes," Joey replied and proud of his sense of humor.

Rose didn't have a clue but faked a laugh. "I love a guy with a sense of humor."

Joey looked proud of himself while Rose walked up to him.

"Don't stop working on my account," Rose told Joey as she pushed his chair back to his desk. 

She leaned down, placed her head inches from Joey's crotch while she reached under his desk. She grabbed and removed his trash can with one of her hands without a latex glove. 

She walked over and emptied it into her big can.

Joey looked down, his eyes widened in shock when he realized he had an erection. He quickly covered his crotch with a notebook.

Rose returned with his trash can, and her head got inches from his crotch as she placed his can back. She glanced at the notebook in Joey's crotch and smiled that her plans with him worked. She patted his shoulder. "Don't work too hard!" Rose told Joey while she left with a smirk. 

Joey blushed as he looked down at the notebook that covered his hard-on.

Hours later and it was lunchtime at Consolidated Software. Many employees walked out of their cubicles happy for that long waited hour break.

Joey worked on his video game program inside his cubicle.

A male janitor, with earplugs connected to an iPod, rolled a big trash can into Joey's cubicle. He hated this job, and his music was the only thing that helped him make it through the day. 

Joey turned around and hoped it was Rose. He saw the male janitor and looked disappointed.

"My trash was emptied earlier by Sandy," Joey told him.

"Okay," the janitor replied and could care less who emptied the trash as long as he didn't have to empty it. 

He left Joey's cubicle.

A few minutes later, George Zahn, thirty-five years old, entered Joey's cubicle while he worked on his video game program. 

"I heard you saved Mary's butt by fixing her database," he said.

"I thought I had a chance with her, but she doesn't date men at work," Joey said disappointed.

George looked baffled as he thought for a second. "That's funny, she dated Josh over in accounting for two months." 

"Just my luck," Joey said with a dejected look.

Joey's frown turned into a smile when he heard that familiar sound of that squeaky trash can as it made its way down the aisle near his cubicle. "Not a problem, as Sandy's taking a liking to me." 

George thought for a second. "I don't know her."

"She's the janitor who empties my trash. She's so sexy with that tattoo of a rose on her left hand."  

"She's never emptied mine. She must really like you." 

"Yeah. She likes me," Joey said with a huge grin on his face, as he believed he finally got a woman.

"That's nice, Joey. The reason I came over was to tell you about Roy's cousin," as George changed the subject. 

Joey thought for a second, then he remembered: "Oh yeah, that creep at the company picnic." 

"Yeah him. Anyway, he was found guilty of robbing a convenience store. During his second day in jail, three other guys made him their bitch," George informed Joey who shivered at the thought. "Afterwards, they beat him. He's in intensive care and might not pull through." 

"Prison would be pure hell," Joey replied.

"You know it. Anyway, let's grab some lunch," George said.

Joey nodded in agreement and left with George.

A couple of minutes passed, and Rose walked into Joey's cubicle while she looked over her shoulder. She wore latex gloves and rushed over and sat down at his computer. 

She opened up a Word file and typed. 

She printed out what she typed on Joey's printer. 

She folded the paper and placed it in her shirt pocket.

She rushed out of Joey's cubicle and down the aisle.

She rushed down the hallway and avoided eye contact with all the employees that passed her. 

Rose rushed out of the Consolidated Software building. She rushed off to the parking lot where Jesse's GTO waited.