Hitchin a Ride by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


It was time for the Consolidated Software employees to end their stressful workday.

Jesse's GTO drove through the parking lot, and he stopped. Rose got out with a paper bag in hand, and her fake badge clipped to her shirt.

"I'll be right behind you," he said. She smiled and closed the door.

Rose folded the paper bag and shoved it in her right pants pocket while she walked through the lot.

Jesse drove his GTO away through the parking lot.

Rose rushed through the parking lot to the Consolidated Software building. 

She eventually walked to the front entrance of the building. She waited by the side of the front doors with her paper bag.

Employees poured out of the front door of Consolidated Software, as they were ready for an evening of beers, wine, good food, romance, and hopefully sex.

Rose searched all the employees who exited. Where is he? She asked herself while she looked at the crowd of employees.

More employees exited from the front doors. Joey wore his Schooner hat and sunglasses amongst the wave of happy employees.

Rose's eyes lit up the second she saw Joey. 

She unbuttoned her shirt to where it's obvious she removed her bra. She completed the final stage of her plan in motion and made sure a partial view her breasts were visible as that should help ensure her plan will work. 

"Joey," she yelled while he rushed over to him.

He turned around and smiled when he saw Rose.

"How was the rest of your day?" she asked with a cute smile. 

His heart raced when he stared at her partially exposed breasts and erects nipples pressed against her shirt material.

"Crappy, but the ending is perfect!" Joey replied as he tried to discreetly check out Rose's tits. 

She noticed while he glanced at her breasts and loved it. "Mine was spent with trash and toilets. Yuck!" Rose suddenly looked sad with pouty lips. 

Joey noticed and got concerned. "What's wrong?" 

"My ride ditched me, and it's too far to walk to my sister's job. He works at a Burger King way over on West Colonial drive." She hesitated for a second. "Can you ah, give me a ride?" 

Joey's eyes lit up with the opportunity, "It would be my pleasure!" 

Rose smiled and gave Joey a kiss on his cheek. He blushed. "Could you also do me one itsy bitsy favor? Please, please?" Rose lightly stroked his cheek to ensure he'll agree. "Can you make a pit stop at my bank?" 

Joey gave in to her eyes. "I'll take you anywhere you want."

Rose smiled and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. 

Joey was in heaven. She held Joey's hand. 

Joey shined while they walked away towards the parking lot.

Jesse's GTO was again illegally parked in a handicapped parking spot. 

Inside the GTO, Jesse and Frankie sipped on their beers while they watched Joey and Rose walk, hand in hand, to the parking lot. 

Jesse smiled as he knew today was going to be the day.

Joey escorted Rose through the parking lot to his Volvo coupe. 

He walked her to the passenger side, used his keyless entry remote and the passenger door unlocked. Joey opened the passenger door for Rose. 

"Oh, a gentleman, I'm impressed," Rose said while she sat inside. 

Joey closed the door and strutted over to the driver's side. 

He got inside, backed his Volvo out, and drove off through the parking lot.

Way off in the parking lot, Jesse's GTO slowly tailed Joey's Volvo.

Joey drove his Volvo down an Orlando street with his hat and sunglasses still on. 

Rose looked over at him and disapproved. 

"You'll look hotter without the hat." She said then leaned over and removed his hat and tossed them in the back seat.

"I wear it, so I don't get skin cancer when I get older," Joey said.

"That's nice, but I want to see all of your handsome face," Rose flirted.

Joey loved her response.

"Plus, I want to see those sexy eyes of yours." She removed his sunglasses and tossed them in the back.

Joey loved her attention as the signs indicated she wanted him. He looked curious, as he wanted to know more about her.

"Where did you work before being a janitor at Consolidated?" Joey asked.

"I lived with mom in Tampa after getting divorced. My husband would beat me at least once a week. I came to Orlando to be with daddy and help with my sister's wedding. My parents are also divorced," Rose lied through her pretty white teeth.

"If I ever get married, I'll treat my wife like a queen and never divorce her," Joey said while he attempted to catch a glimpse of one of her boobs from her open shirt.

"You're a sweetheart. Any girl would be lucky to have you," Rose complimented Joey while she stroked his arm.

Jesse's GTO still tailed Joey's Volvo a safe distance behind. 

Inside his GTO, Frankie sat in the backseat. He had a digital camera in hand. "Ready?" Jesse asked from the front. 

"Yep," Frankie said after he turned on the camera.

Jesse moved his GTO into the left lane. 

He slowly drove next to Joey's Volvo. 

Frankie snapped a picture of Joey and Rose while Jesse slowly passed Joey's Volvo. Frankie looked at the camera's viewfinder. It was a good picture of them.

"Got it," he told Jesse who then drove his GTO away down the left lane.

Rose noticed Jesse's GTO as it drove down the street. She looked at Joey with a sexy smile.

Joey got a little nervous, as there was something important he wanted to ask. "Ah, I, Ah," he said, then hesitated. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he blurted out and looked afraid she'd give the answer he doesn't want to hear.

"No, I was hoping you would ask. I think you're the marrying kind," she winked at him.

Joey was in heaven as now he knew he finally got a woman. A sexy woman, just like the type he and his college pals talked about marrying.

Rose turned ahead. "Turn left at the next light." 

While Joey made the left turn, Rose discreetly unbuttoned another shirt button to allow her tits to be more visible to Joey.

Joey drove down the street for a few minutes when a Sun Trust bank is up ahead to the right. "That's my bank. The Sun Trust up ahead," Rose, pointed while Joey snuck another free glance at her tits.

She leaned over, kissed his neck, and rubbed his inner thigh. 

She looked down and saw Joey had an erection his pants and smiled as her mission is going as planned. "Could you do me another tiny favor?" she asks with another kiss on his cheek.

"Sure," Joey squeaked out his response, as he's nervous as hell.

"Could you also hand my withdrawal slip to the teller?" while she cringed in pain. "I have a bad migraine from all those cleaning chemicals I used today. I'm afraid I'll barf any second if I don't lie back." 

Rose moved over closer to Joey, and one of her erect nipples touched his arm. "It's in my shirt pocket. Be a darling and grab it."

"Poor baby," he replied, concerned, yet he smiled when one of her nipples touched his arm. She noticed he saw that.

"First, the note. Then you can play with that later," Rose winked at him.

Joey saw a folded letter inside her other shirt pocket. He hesitated, smiled then reached across and grabbed the note out of her pocket. 

"Now, don't you sneak a peek at my bank account number. Just hand it just like that to the teller," she instructed him while she rubbed Joey's inner thigh.

"I hear and obey!"

Rose gave him a peck on his cheek. 

Joey smiled as he turned into the bank parking lot.

Rose removed a baseball cap and sunglasses from her bag. She donned them and reached down, moved the lever and reclined her seat all the way back.

"I don't like my woman to be sick. I want you to feel better," Joey responded with a loving tone. 

"I'll be feeling better in about fifteen minutes," Rose said then looked over at Joey. "Use the outer lane of the drive-thru window. It's normally quicker," Rose replied while she moved the brim of the baseball cap down over her eyes.

Joey drove to the far outside lane of the drive-thru lane and stopped his car. 

He rolled down his window, reached out, and grabbed the plastic tube carrier from the pneumatic tube terminal. 

Rose discreetly reached over and stroked his thigh.

Joey smiled as he placed the note in the tube. 

He placed the tube back in the tube terminal and hit the send button. It swooshed away.

Rose faced her passenger door to avoid being seen.

Inside the bank, three tellers worked the drive-thru window.

One of the tellers, Mandy, opened Joey's tube after it swooshed inside the terminal. 

She removed Rose's note and silently read it. Her eyes widen with fear with the gravity of what it said. Her hands shook as she reread the note to make sure she understood it correctly. 

She looked at her female manager, Candice, in her glass office nearby. 

Candice reviewed some paperwork at her desk. She looked up and saw Mandy's scared look and got concerned. 

She got up and rushed out of her office. 

Candice walked up to the scared Mandy. "What's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

Mandy slowly walked over to the manager and got an inch from the manager's ear. "It's a holdup. He wants forty thousand dollars, or we'll die! He said his partner is in the lobby and is watching our every move. If he suspects we called the police, he'll start shooting. Me first," Mandy whispered then handed the Candice the note.

Candice read the note and confirmed everything her scared teller told her.

They both looked in the customer area and saw a man with a briefcase. 

The man noticed them looking at him and winked thinking they were interested in him sexually.

They both looked scared at each other and thought they could die any second.

Inside Joey's car, romantic thoughts with Rose ran through his mind while he waited. 

The tube carrier swooshed a tube back to his terminal. 

He reached through his open window and removed the tube from the terminal. 

He opened it, and two dumped bundles of one hundred dollar bills in his lap.

"Whoa!" Joey said while he stared in disbelief at the sight the cash in his crotch.

The tube carrier swooshed another tube back in the terminal. 

Joey reached through his window and removed it. 

He looked baffled when he saw this one was also filled with two bundles of one hundred dollar bills. 

He opened it up and dumped the bills in his lap.

"Are you rich?" Joey asked Rose.

"My daddy and I share the same bank account. He wanted to give my sister, Debbie, cash as a wedding present. He's weird about that."

"Rich weird!" Joey replied.

Joey looked at the teller who stood scared in her window.

From her window, the Mandy watched Joey wave from his car. 

She fainted as Joey's car drove away.

Inside the bank, Candice swooped down to Mandy.

The man they thought was connected with the robbery rushed over concerned the teller fainted. 

Candice saw him rush up to them and got scared. "We gave your friend what he wanted," she said almost in tears. 

The man looked baffled at her. "I don't understand what that means. I'm a doctor," he said while he knelt down to the teller.  

Candice looked relieved while the doctor checked out the fainted teller.

Joey pulled his Volvo onto the street and drove off.

"How's your migraine?" Joey asked, concerned while he looked at Rose.

Rose rubbed her forehead and moved her seat upright.   She removed the folded paper bag from her pants pocket. "Almost gone," she said while unfolding the bag. She leaned over, rubbed the inside of his thighs, and kissed his lips. "I couldn't have done this without you. I'm so glad I met you.  My sister will have a beautiful wedding," she bullshitted Joey. 

She grabbed the bundles of one hundred dollars from Joey's crotch and shoved them in her paper bag.

Joey glowed as he drove down the street.

Joey drove through numerous Orlando streets and eventually turned onto West Colonial drive. 

He drove down Colonial and went through six traffic lights. "She works at that Burger King up ahead," Rose said while she pointed. She reached inside the paper bag.

Joey pulled into the Burger King parking lot and parked in the first open slot near the front entrance. From his window, the sign for "Sloppy Pete's Pizza, 555-1804," was visible from across the street.

Rose discreetly shoved something under her seat. She then leaned over and gave Joey a long sexy kiss on his lips with tongue action.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work, sweetheart," Rose winked at Joey.

Joey fidgeted, nervous. "Ah, Sandy, why don't you come over to my place later tonight? We can have a nice dinner then watch a movie and see where the night takes us."

Rose thought for a second and then smiled. "You know something, I would love that since you've been such a thoughtful sweetheart to me today. Call me in three hours with directions."

"Do you need me to drive over and pick you up?" Joey asked.

"No. I can borrow my sister's car," she replied.

"What's your phone number?" Joey asked, knowing tonight is the night.

Rose looked past Joey and out his window with a smirk. "Five, five, five, eighteen, oh four."

"After tonight, your life will be changed forever," she winked while she opened her door and left with the bag full of cash in hand.

Joey watched as she walked to the Burger King. 

Rose stopped at the door and blew Joey a kiss. 

She entered the fast-food restaurant.

Joey backed out of the parking spot with thoughts that one of his life long dreams is coming true. 

He drove out of the parking lot and drove down the street.

Rose exited out the other side of Burger King. 

She removed her fake employee badge off her shirt, picked off her photo, and it revealed the photo of the female janitor in the lobby. 

She walked over to a trash can and threw away the badge. 

She stuck her photo in her pocket and waited by the trash can. 

Jesse's GTO whipped into the parking lot and stopped by Rose. 

Jesse sat behind the wheel with Frankie in the backseat as Rose got inside with the paper bag of loot.

"How did it go?" Jesse asked in anticipation of success.

"Third one's a charm," Rose replied as she shook the bag and the cash was heard inside.

She opened the bag. Jesse leaned over and sniffed inside it.

"Yummy. I love the smell of free cash!" Jesse said with a huge grin. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "You're the best!" 

"We're going to be fucking rich," Frankie cheered from the backseat. 

Jesse turned around and handed Frankie the bag of cash. Frankie dropped the bag of money into the duffel bag.

Rose looked concerned. "Going to their places at work is too risky. Way too risky. Too many people saw me," she told Jesse. "I'm sticking to meeting them where they live," she insisted.

"Come on, Rose. They won't connect you with him," Jesse said, but he really wanted her to be seen with these guys.

"No! I will not go to their work again, and I'm standing my ground on this one," Rose said while she raised her tone to let him know she was dead serious.

Jesse looked at Rose and realized she would not back down. "No problem," Jesse said with a smile as he looked at the bag of cash between his legs.

Rose looked over at Jesse. "Baby, can we use some of that money to buy me an engagement ring?" she asked as she looked down at her hands.

Jesse thought about her question. He smiled with an idea. "You know what, maybe you can get one of these geeks to buy you one. I bet you can do it if you turn up the charm. That way, we'll have more cash for ourselves," Jesse told her.

She thought about what he said for a few seconds. "I can probably do just that," she replied with a smile at the thought of having an engagement ring on her finger. 

Joey drove his Volvo down the street from the bank with a huge grin.

From his rear window, Jesse's GTO pulled out of the McDonalds parking lot and raced off in the opposite direction.  The poor sap was clueless.

Thirty-six minutes later, Joey stopped at a Publix close to his apartment. 

He parked his car and whistled while he walked to the entrance of the store. 

He walked up to the ATM. He got forty dollars out of his checking account. 

He removed cash from the ATM and entered Publix to buy groceries for tonight's romantic evening with Sandy.