Huey by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 16



Two hours had passed, and Kevin in his tent called Holiday Lola and had his gear stored in his locker.

He left his new home and headed meet Michael at the new Party Place Two tent. The remains of the old tent are gone and a new tent installed. But the bar now consisted of a table instead of a wooden bar. It would take some time for the guys to construct a new one. The only bad thing about Party Palace Two was the remaining burnt smell that still lingered in the air.

Kevin walked into the Party Place Two and found Michael sitting at a table with two cans of Miller beer.

Michael was all smiles when he saw Kevin walking over to the table.

"So, what happened in Germany?" Michael asked the second Kevin plopped his butt down on the chair.

"I fucked up. Real bad," Kevin said then he took a drink of beer.

"What did you do?" Michael asked then he took a drink of beer.

"Well, her name was Joanna Reed, and she was this sweet young girl that I met. Long blonde hair, the bluest eyes and a knock out body," Kevin said and smiled while he remembered her.

"It sounds good so far," replied Michael.

"It was great! Except for the fact that Joanna was sixteen years old. And the daughter of the base commander, General Reed," Kevin responded. He didn't appear happy recalling memories of his encounter with her.

"Oh, that's not good," Michael replied and knew something was interesting going to come out of this story.

"He blew his lid when we got caught fooling around in the backseat of my Volkswagen Beetle. I had my hand down inside her panties," Kevin said then took a drink of his beer.

"Her father caught you?"

"Nah. A fucking MP Corporal did and turned me into the General. He figured it would get him fucking brownie points," Kevin replied and wished he could take a swing at that MP.

"So I take it that's why you're here?" 

Kevin nodded in agreement. "General Reed didn't want the hassle of the paperwork for a court-martial, so he had me transferred to Vietnam. He figured that would be punishment enough."

"But, how did you get assigned to the Cong Crushers?" Michael asked, knowing it could not have been pure luck.

"My first sergeant liked me and thought General Reed was the biggest asshole in the world. He had connections, and I asked him to get me stationed with you," Kevin replied.

"Well, I'm glad buddy," Michael said, then raised his beer can at Kevin.

Kevin and Michael clanked beer cans. 

"I couldn't believe my luck; I stuck my finger in her wet pussy when there was a tap on my rear window. I saw an MP peeking in my car window. Joanna got scared, and her pussy tightened. I thought I wouldn't be able to remove my finger without surgery," Kevin added with a smirk.

Michael chuckled then took another drink of his beer.

"Speaking of pussy, I have a girlfriend over here," Michael said and looked happy.

"Girlfriend? Is she Vietnamese? She has to be, as I haven't seen any American pussy here." 

Michael nodded with a smile. "Her name is Kim," Michael added with sparkles in his eyes while he thought about her.

"Where is she?"

"She's visiting her mom over in a village about ten miles from here," Michael replied then took another drink of beer.

"You got some oriental pussy. I've heard it goes sideways," Kevin said in a joking manner.

Michael chuckled. "I can verify it looks like American pussy."

Kevin chuckled then took another drink of his beer.

Michael looked at Kevin's left hand. "I see you're wearing our old high school class ring," he said.

Kevin set his beer can down on the table then looked down at his ring. "Yeah. It covers where my wedding ring was. Helps me forget about my short-lived marriage," he said. He looked sad recalling those few happy times he had with Nancy.

"Sorry about that. I liked Nancy, and you two were a good couple." 

"That's life," Kevin replied, then took a large drink of his beer.

Michael finished up the rest of his beer.

"Oh, by the way, I saw your folks and your mom wanted me to give you a hug for her," Kevin said.

"How about a handshake. Guys hugging here doesn't sit well with most of these ground pounders," Michael replied.

Kevin chuckled, as he was not planning on hugging Michael and wanted to mess with him a little.

"Want another beer?" Michael asked.

"Sure. But after drinking that German beer, American beer starts to taste like water."

Michael got up and walked over to the bar.

While Kevin was buying two beers from Hao, Kevin noticed his rubber sandals.

Michael walked back to their table with two cans of Miller beer in hand. He set one down in from of Kevin then sat down.

"What's with those black rubber sandals? Look like something you found in the trash."

Michael plopped his right sandal up on the table. "They're called Ho Chi Minh racing slicks. Kim got them for me, and they're comfortable. I can get you a pair if you want."

Kevin looked at them and still thought they were something you picked out of the trash. "No, thanks."

Michael set his foot back on the floor. They returned to drinking beer and catching up with things since high school.

Back in Glendale, California, Elaine Grayson sat at the dining room table reading a letter. She read it for the second time today. Harry sat next to her and glanced over the letter. In the background, the television was visible from the living room. 

"Dear Mom and Dad, Things are busy here at LZ Lola. I'm getting a lot of flight time with tons of takeoffs and landings and some action. Some of these missions are pretty dangerous. But don't worry, I'm doing okay. I met this Vietnamese girl. I'm in love. Her name is Kim Ly, and I'll try to send you a picture of her. She's beautiful. It also looks like I'm going to be an aircraft commander real soon, meaning I'll be in charge of my own Huey. It should give me a promotion also. I can't wait. Well, I'll write soon. Love, Michael," Elaine said while she read Michael's letter out loud.

"An now for today's body count," the news anchor said from the television.

Elaine and Harry glanced over at the television and hated this part of the evening news.

Elaine's eyes welled up while she thought about Michael and Kevin being over in Vietnam.

Harry hid his concern for Michael being in Vietnam but knew it was his son's duty like his duty to fight in Korea.

Back in Vietnam, Michael and Kevin drank two more beers before retiring for the night. They caught up with their lives since high school.

Michael did not have any trouble falling asleep. Kevin couldn't get comfortable in his bunk and hated living in a tent.

The evening was quiet, and the morning soon arrived for another day of war.

Michael woke up. After cleaning up at the Soapy Place he headed over for breakfast at the Eloquent Army Cuisine. 

After he ate, he headed back to the Lola Hilton. He slipped his feet out of his Ho Chi Minh racing slick then got dressed in his flight suit.

He headed out to the Operations tent to hear about today's mission.

Michael met Crazy Jay and Jerry at Crusher 3.

Michael and Crazy Jay got inside the cockpit. He saw Kevin with his new Cong Crushers squad. They were walking to Crusher 14.

Michael waved at Kevin, but his friend did not see him. His mind was on his first time with going out to potentially engage with some VC.

Michael started up Crusher 3. Another Cong Crushers squad climbed aboard his Huey.

The blades of Crusher 3 started circling. Michael eyed Crusher 14 and saw Kevin sitting in the back of that Huey.

Crusher 14 started up after another squad of Cong Crushers got inside that Huey.

A few minutes later, Crushers 3, 8, and 14 ascended into the air.

Twenty minutes later, the three Hueys were at treetop level heading to LZ Lion to drop off the Cong Crushers.

Michael eyed Crusher 8 while it led the formation to the LZ.

"Crusher eight coming in," Chris said from the radio while he ascended his Huey down to the LZ Lion.

Michael watched while Crusher 8 touched down in the field.

"Crusher three coming in," Michael said into the radio while he made his descent to the LZ Lion.

"Okay, guys, who are we?" yelled the leader of this squad from the cargo area of Crusher 3.

"Cong Crushers," the rest of squad yelled out then stomped on the floor of the cargo area in unison.

"Crusher eight taking off," Chris said from the radio.

Michael landed the Huey, and the eight Cong Crushers jumped out and ran to the jungle.

"Crusher fourteen coming in," WO2 Henry Douglas said into the radio then he descended to the LZ.

"Crusher three taking off," Michael said from the radio.

Michael lifted the Huey off the ground and ascended into the sky to join Crusher 8.

Michael's Huey cleared the top of the trees. All he could think about was Kevin down there, jumping out of Crusher 14 to fight with the VC.

"Crusher fourteen taking off," Henry said from the radio the second he lifted off the ground.

Michael flew Crusher 3 in formation with Crushers 8, and 14 back to LZ Lola. 

He prayed that Kevin would survive his first mission in the jungle.

Twenty minutes later, Crushers 3, 8, and 14 landed back at LZ Lola.

After Michael shut down the Huey, he went back to Lola Hilton to relax.

After ten minutes of lying in deep thought on his bunk, Kim entered with a broom. She started sweeping the dirt off the floor.

The sound of the broom bristles against the wood snapped Michael out of his deep thought with a smile.

Kim swept her way over to Michael while he sat upon his bunk.

Michael stood up and walked over to Kim. He planted a kiss on the lips.

"How's your mother doing?" asked while he brushed her bangs out of her eyes.

"She good," Kim replied while she looked down at the floor.

"Can I see you later tonight?" he asked while he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Kim nodded in agreement then gave Michael a quick kiss on his lips. 

"Mister Grayson, Colonel Harrington needs to see you ASAP," Calvin yelled out from the door of the tent.

"I work now," she said then returned to sweeping the floor.

"I'll see you tonight at nine by Crusher three," Michael said then he walked away to the door.

Kim smiled, indicating she would meet him tonight.

Michael rushed out of the Lola Hilton.

Michael followed Calvin. They headed to Harrington's tent that had a piece of scrap wood with "The Boss' Tent" label with white paint.

Back in the Lola Hilton, Kim noticed an unlocked locker by a bunk. She glanced around the tent to make sure she was alone. She was and rushed over to the locker.

She opened up the locker and rummaged through it. She found $100 stuffed in a pair of socks. She took the cash and shoved it into a pocket she had sewn on the inside of her pants. She closed the trunk and locked it.

Kim rushed out of the tent with her broom.

Back in The Boss' Tent, Calvin sat down at his little desk and went back to work on his Royal manual typewriter.

Michael walked up to Sarge's desk. Behind the desk was a radio. This was the radio that granted the Huey's permission to land, takeoff. It was the air traffic controller for the LZ. 

Sarge sipped his cup of coffee while he looked up at Michael. He had a lit Camel in his ashtray.

Sarge got up with his coffee cup in hand. He walked over a door that led into Harrington's small office.

Sarge knocked on the door then opened it up. He poked his head inside. "Grayson's here," he told Harrington.

"Send him in," Harrington called out from inside his office.

Sarge motioned for Michael to go inside. 

Michael was a little nervous while he stepped inside the Harrington's office. He wondered if he was going to get his ass chewed up for spending romantic moments with Kim.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Michael asked while Harrington read some paperwork.

"Yeah, Grayson. I got word your Huey is ready at Cam Rahn in the morning. Crazy Jay can fly you there," Harrington said then he sipped some coffee.

"Yes sir," Michael replied with a gleam in his eye about finally being an aircraft commander of his own Huey.

"And, since you're our new aircraft commander, you're getting promoted," Harrington said. He opened up one of his desk drawers. He got up from his chair with two pairs of WO2 bars and four copies of the promotion orders. "Congratulations, you earned it," he said while he walked over to Michael.

Harrington handed Michael the WO2 bars and orders. They shook hands.

"You'll be Crusher Fifteen. Dismissed," Harrington said then turned around and walked back to his desk.

Michael walked out of Harrington's office.

Michael strutted out of the tent with a huge grin on his face.

Sarge and Calvin could care less and were busy process the required tons of Army paperwork.

Michael strutted through LZ Lola. He headed to the Party Place Two to have a beer to celebrate his promotion.

Michael got to the entrance of the Party Place Two then remembered Kevin was out there in the jungle. He decided to have his celebration beer with Kevin tomorrow night.

Michael rushed back to the Lola Hilton, wanting to tell Kim about his good news.

Michael rushed into Lola Hilton. He looked around and saw Kim had left. He figured she was off sweeping the floor of another tent. He rushed over to his bunk, and removed his WO1 bars off his flight suit and installed his new WO2 bars. 

He unlocked his locker and dropped his orders inside. He closed the locker and locked it. 

Michael rushed out of the Lola Hilton.

Michael rushed around LZ Lola in search of Kim, but she was nowhere in the LZ. 

Michael went back to the Lola Hilton and decided to relax and figured he would find Kim later on.

The night soon arrived, and Kim made her way back into LZ Lola.

She found Michael waiting by Crusher 3 drinking a can of Miller beer and wore his Ho Chi Minh racing slicks.

"Hey baby," Michael said the second he saw Kim walking over to him.

He kissed her on the lips.

"Let's get inside. I have something important to ask you," he told her while he held one of her hands.

Michael assisted Kim into the cargo area and closed both cargo doors.

Kim looked a little nervous. 

Michael held one of Kim's hands. "I've been doing some serious thinking, and I want to take you back with me to the states," he told her.

"Me? Back to the states? How?" Kim asked him.

"I can take you back to the states if we get married," Michael replied and kissed her hand.

"You marry me?" Kim replied and looked happy.

"I love you, Kim, and want to spend the rest of my life with you," Michael said while he gazed into her eyes.

Kim nodded in agreement that she would marry Michael.

He was the happiest guy in the world right now. He leaned over and kissed Kim.

While they were kissing, Michael slid his hand into Kim's pants and headed to her crotch. He wanted to celebrate their engagement.

She immediately removed his hand. "No more until honeymoon," Kim said.

"You're right," Michael said, then placed his arm around her shoulder. Then his eyes widened when he remembered the earlier event. "Oh, I got promoted, and I'm going to be an aircraft commander of my own Huey. I'll pick it up tomorrow morning at Cam Rahn," he said with a huge grin.

"Me happy for you," Kim replied with a warm smile.

Michael and Kim cuddled in the cargo of Crusher 3.

"I get scared when you fly," she said and looked worried.

"I know. Me too," he replied. But he was not thinking about the war; he was thinking about a long life with Kim back in the states with some kids to raise.

"Where the next mission?" Kim asked.

"Why do you want to know?" he replied.

"Me worry you won't make it back," Kim replied and looked worried.

"I don't know yet," he responded and kissed the top of her head.

"Me still worry about you," Kim replied and cuddled closer to Michael.

While Michael and Kim cuddled in Crusher 3, Kevin was twenty miles away deep in the jungle. Kevin tried to get some sleep with the other Cong Crushers. 

He nestled in some vegetation and swatted away the insects that were nipping at his neck and face. Kevin was on his two-hour shift of guard duty while the rest of the Cong Crushers slept. Every little noise made Kevin jump inside, thinking the VC was out there ready to kill him. 

He has also had the memory of killing a VC earlier today. This was the first time Kevin took the life of another human being. His eyes welled up at the thought of killing that teenage VC boy who had a rifle aimed at him. He also had a hard time believing that Vietnamese girls were fighting for the VC.

Kevin tried his best to forget that incident. But every little noise in the jungle made him jump inside.