Huey by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


The next morning arrived, and Michael woke up excited about getting his new Huey and marrying Kim.

Michael got dressed in his flight suit. 

Inside the Operations tent, Crazy Jay, Oliver, and Jerry sat with SP4 Chaz White, and WO1 Bruce Tolison. Chaz and Bruce are Michael's crew members for Crusher 15. Oliver is Crazy Jay's new X-Ray since he's slated to become an aircraft commander soon.

"Let's head east," Crazy Jay told everybody.

Michael followed Crazy Jay and the rest out of the Operations tent. 

"Here's the plan. While you're getting your new Huey ready, I'm going to stock up on some more supplies, like beer. We also have three fucking new guys to pick up," Crazy Jay told Michael while walking through LZ Lola. They headed toward the parked Hueys.

Ten minutes later and Crusher 3 ascended up and away from LZ Lola.

Michael sat in the cargo area with Chaz and Bruce. Michael was in heaven, thinking about taking command of his own Huey. 

Back in the jungle, twenty miles to the west. 

Kevin and seven Cong Crushers used caution while making their way through the jungle. They were in search of some VC. A Cessna O-1 "Bird Dog" observation airplane spotted ten VC within a half-mile to the east of them.

Kevin jumped inside every time the sound of a twig broke when a fellow Cong Crusher walked on it.

The two other squads of Cong Crushers were fifty yards away to the east.

Meanwhile, back up in the air, Crazy Jay flew Crusher 3 east and was five miles from Cam Rahn.

Michael and everybody sat back and enjoyed the view of the coastal town. 

Five minutes later and Crazy Jay received permission to land at Cam Rahn. Crusher 3 down on the tarmac. He shut down the engine, and the blades started slowing down.

Michael got out of Crusher 3 with his flight helmet in hand. 

He spotted a new Huey nearby. His mouth started watering at the sight of it.

Bruce and Chaz got out of Crusher 3 with their flight helmets in hand. They glanced over at their new Huey.

"She's sure pretty," Chaz said with his Alabama twang.

Michael, Crazy Jay, and everybody walked over to the Operations building.

Fifteen minutes had passed. Michael, Bruce, and Chaz walked out of the Operations building. With them were new guys, PFC George Carrie, and PVT Elmer Johnson and PVT Jeff Earnhardt. 

Crazy Jay and his crew walked out of the Operations building behind Michael and his gang.

"We'll meet you back a Lola," Crazy Jay told Michael. They headed over to a Jeep Kaiser M715 pickup truck parked by the building.

"Okay," Michael replied while he and his crew headed to his new Huey.

Michael, Bruce, and Chaz walked around and checked out the shiny new Huey. 

New Cong Crushers George, Elmer, and Jeff waited with their duffle bags in hand.

Michael walked over and opened up the starboard door of the cockpit. He poked his head inside and took a whiff. "Mmmm, don't you love that new helicopter smell," he said while he looked inside the Huey's console.

Bruce opened up the port door of the cockpit. He poked his head inside and took a whiff. "I know what you mean," he added.

Chaz climbed up on the top and checked out the rotor system.

Michael and Bruce got inside and sat down in their seats behind their controls.

George, Elmer, and Jeff climbed in the cargo area with their duffle bags.

Chaz climbed down off the top of the Huey and got inside the cargo area.

Michael and Bruce went through the checklist. Michael started up their new Huey. The other guys were in the back were getting themselves buckled into their canvas seats.

The rotor blades of Crusher 15 started circling.

Meanwhile, back in the jungle, Kevin and the other Cong Crushers stopped off for a rest. It was quiet, and they did not come across the VC that the Bird Dog earlier spotted.

The other two squads of Cong Crushers were also taking a rest about forty yards away.

Back at Cam Rahn, Michael received clearance to take off from the tarmac. 

He lifted the new Crusher 15 off the tarmac and ascended off into the sky heading west.

It was a quiet ride back to LZ Lola for Michael while he flew two thousand feet above the Vietnam countryside.

Back in the jungle, Kevin and his squad of Cong Crushers made their way through the vegetation. They headed to the LZ Scorpion for a ride home in a Huey. Their mission was a bust since the VC was not found. 

The other two squads of Cong Crushers were fifteen yards. They headed back to the same LZ for their ride in Hueys.

It was later that day. Michael received clearance from Calvin on the radio to land Crusher 15 at LZ Lola.

Crushers 7, 8, and 9 took off while Crusher 15 was descending to the LZ.

Crushers 7, 8, and 9 banked and headed west when they were two hundred feet up in the air.

Michael landed Crusher 15 down by one of the revetments in the first available spot.

Back in the jungle, Kevin and his squad of Cong Crushers arrived at the LZ Scorpion clearing. They waited in the vegetation.

The other two squads of Cong Crushers were waiting close by in other vegetation.

Back at LZ Lola, Michael shut down his Huey, and the blades started slowing down.

Michael, Bruce, Chaz, and the three new guys hopped out of the helicopter.

"I need to find Marty so he can paint our chopper. And take the new guys to meet Colonel Harrington," Michael told Bruce. Chaz then headed off into another direction of LZ Lola.

Bruce and Chaz headed off toward the Operations tent with George, Elmer, and Jeff.

Fifteen minutes had passed. Michael found Marty and paid him the standard fee for painting his nose art on his new Huey.

Back in the jungle, one of the Cong Crushers set off red smoke to mark the LZ Scorpion for the inbound Huey's. 

Back at LZ Lola, Michael watched while Marty painted on the final area of the nose art for Crusher 15. 

"Nice job," Michael told Marty while he collected up his paintbrushes and paint.

Marty walked away with a smile over being $40 richer.

Back in the air, Kevin sat with his Cong Crushers squad in the cargo area of Crusher 8. All he could think about was taking a shower and sleeping for twelve hours. 

Back at LZ Lola, Michael relaxed on his bunk in the Lola Hilton. 

His eyes widened with joy when he saw Kim enter the tent with a broom in hand.

She saw Michael on his bunk and smiled at him.

She started sweeping the floor and moved down toward Michael's bunk.

Michael waited until Kim swept her way down to his bunk.

"Can I see you later tonight?" he asked while he grabbed and held one of her hands.

Kim nodded with a smile that she'll meet him later.

"Eight at Party Place Two. I want you to meet an old friend of mine. Then I'll show you my new Huey. It's Crusher fifteen," he replied.

"Eight," she responded with a smile and return to sweeping the floor.

Michael heard the faint sounds of the three Huey's returning with the Cong Crushers. 

He got up of his bunk and rushed to the door.

Kim stopped sweeping down the central aisle and watched while Michael left the tent.

She looked around and eyed a locker where the owner got absent-minded and forgot to lock it. She started sweeping toward that locker.

Bruce lay in his bunk down a little way down from the opened locker. He coughed and caught Kim's attention.

She returned to sweeping the floor down the central aisle.

Michael rushed through LZ Lola and headed to the parked Hueys. 

The sounds of the three Huey's approaching the LZ got louder.

Michael arrived at one of the revetment walls. 

He saw LTC Harrington and Sarge walk over to Crusher 1 with Filson and Frank. 

SP4 Jason Sheen tagged along behind with SSG Billy Eastwood dressed in his khaki uniform. 

Billy had his duffel bag in hand and a massive smile on his face. His tour in Nam was over, and he was going home in one piece.

Crusher's 7, 8, and 9 landed in some opened spaces.

LTC Harrington, Billy, and Jason got in the cargo area of Crusher 1.  Filson and Frank got in their seats in the cockpit.

The pilots of Crushers 7, 8, and 9 shut down their engines while Filson started up Crusher 1.

Michael stood by one of the revetment walls. He watched while the Cong Crushers jumped out of the three Hueys. The Cong Crushers looked dog-tired and were filthy from their two-day trek in the jungle.

Michael looked for Kevin and prayed he was still alive. His eyes lit up, and he sighed a sigh of relief the second he spotted Kevin amongst his squad. "Kevin!" he yelled out.

Kevin did not show any emotions while he glanced over at Michael.

Michael waited until Kevin's squad walked nearby.

"Kevin," Michael called out while he rushed over to his buddy.

"Hey," Kevin replied with a quiet tone and stopped by Michael.

"Let's go get some beers," Michael offered.

"After I visit the Soapy Palace and take a much-needed nap," Kevin replied.

Michael could tell Kevin was utterly exhausted and became concerned. "Meet me at eight at party place two. I want you to meet Kim," Michael added.

Kevin nodded that he would meet later and moped away.

Michael was still concerned while he watched Kevin mope away and headed to his sleeping tent.

Michael walked away and headed to the Eloquent Army Cuisine tent to get some coffee.

Crusher 1 lifted off the ground and ascended into the air.

A few minutes later, Crusher 1 banked around and headed east for Cam Rahn. 

After some coffee and then some chow, Michael walked around LZ Lola to kill some time. His thoughts flipped between Kim and Kevin.

Eight o'clock rolled around, and Michael headed to Party Place Two.

He sat down at a table and waited.

Kim entered Party Place Two, and Michael's eyes lit up.

He stood up and pulled out her chair while she walked over to him.  After a quick kiss on her lips, she sat down.

"My good buddy Kevin from back home will be here shortly. I can't wait for you to meet him," he said while he sat down.

Kim gave Michael a quaint smile.

Michael looked at the tent door for signs of Kevin. He was not there.

"I'll get us some beers," Michael said while he stood up.

Kim watched while Michael walked over to the bar table. 

Kevin walked into Party Place Two. He showered and wore fresh fatigues and looked refreshed.

"Kevin," Michael called out the second he spotted him.

Kevin walked over to the bar.

"Three beers my man," Michael told Hao.

Hao nodded that he understood then walked away to get the beers.

Kevin walked up to Michael while Hao placed three opened cans of Miller beer on the bar. 

Michael paid for the beers then he headed back to his table with Kevin.

Michael placed a can of beer in front of Kim.

"Kim, meet Kevin Coogan, my best friend from back home in Glendale. Kevin, meet Kim Ly, the love of my life," Michael said while he sat down by Kim's right.

The second Kim and Kevin's eyes met; they knew they did not like each other. It was something about his carrot top head that she despised.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Kevin said while he pretended to like her and sat down across the table from her.

Kim faked a smile, indicating it was a pleasure to meet him. She took a few sips of beer and felt uncomfortable with sitting across from Kevin.

Kim glanced over at the bar table and saw Hao while he chatted with a Sergeant that was a little drunk. Hao glanced at Kim. He gave her a little discreet nod then listened to the drunk Sergeant brag about tomorrow's mission. 

Kevin took a drink of beer and also felt uncomfortable with sitting at the same table with Kim. But he did not have the heart to tell Michael that there was something about Kim he despised.

Michael was clueless and was happy that two of the most influential people in his life were with him at this moment.

Hao walked away from the bar.

Keith came to be the bartender for the rest of the night. 

Hao rushed out of the tent. 

Kim looked at Michael. "I go home," she said, as she could not stand being near Kevin any longer.

"Why? Kevin just got here?" Michael said while he grabbed Kim's hand and held it.

"Me feel sick," Kim said, then leaned down and kissed Michael on his cheek. She rushed up from her chair.

Michael looked a little baffled while he watched Kim rushed off to the door of the tent.

Kevin was happy that Kim was gone, as he did not trust any Vietnamese because of his time in the jungle.

"I'm so sorry. That's not like her to run off like that," Michael said while he watched Kim rush out the tent door.

"When I was out in the jungle, I had to shoot a VC. He had to be around sixteen years old. There was a female VC along with him. She shot at me and missed. I swore she had an M-16 in her hands. I tried to shoot back at her, but she took off like a jackrabbit," Kevin told Michael then took a large gulp of his beer.

Michael looked at Kevin and saw how scared he was in his eyes.

"I hate this fucking place. I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle it," Kevin said while he gulped down the rest of his beer. "The next round is on me," Kevin said then shot up and walked to the bar table.

Michael was a little speechless and did not know how to react to Kevin's comment.

Kevin walked back to the table with two beers in hand.

"Let's take a walk," Michael told him the second Kevin placed the two cans of beer on the table.

"Why?" Kevin asked while he sat down and took a big gulp of beer.

"I want to show you my new Huey," Michael replied.

Kevin looked at Michael. "Sure, why not," he said then grabbed his can of beer.

Michael grabbed his can of beer and stood up.

It was quiet between them while they walked to the tent door.

While Michael and Kevin exited Party Place Two, Kim and Hao snuck out of the supply tent. They rushed to the front gate of the LZ.

It was quiet between Michael and Kevin while they walked through the LZ and headed to Crusher 15.

Once they got to the Huey, Michael opened up the port side cargo door, and they sat in the cargo area.

"I'm serious Michael. I don't think I can make it during another mission," Kevin said and looked scared.

"I don't know what to say. I know it's dangerous out there, but you have to take it one day at a time. I mean, you can't turn in your letter of resignation with the Uncle Sam's Army."

Kevin thought about Michael's comment. "How far is Thailand from here? Do you think I make it back there?" Kevin asked and looked serious. 

"AWOL is a serious offense. You'll get caught. So put that stupid idea of your mind," Michael replied in a scolding tone.

Kevin thought about Michael's comment for a few seconds. "I guess you're right," he replied, then took a large gulp of beer. "Oh, about Kim, there's something odd about her. Something odd that I don't like," he added and looked serious.

Michael opened his mouth to reply but shut it when he heard someone walk up to the Huey.

"Coogan, go get some rest, I got word we're going on another mission tomorrow," Brian, Kevin's squad leader, said. w 

Kevin looked at Brian with eyes that he was not going to obey.

"Get some sleep Coogan, you'll fucking need it," Brian said, looking serious. He sensed Kevin was not going to obey. He's seen this before with an FNG.

"You better go," Michael told Kevin.

Kevin nodded in agreement and got out of Crusher 15. 

Michael got worried for Kevin while he watched him walk away with Brian.

Michael hopped out of the cargo area and closed the cargo door.

He headed back to Lola Hilton to also call it a night.