My name is Lucas by Harry Davis - HTML preview

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My name is Lucas, I'm a young Black boy growing up In Brazil in a Favela, a slum. I'm trying to be a man in a world that only wants me to be a boy, trying to get the respect of a human while being treated like an Animal. I’m invisible but I can see myself.

They think they know me but they don’t.

They try to define me but I won’t be what they expect. I'm lost in the new world trying to find the old one stolen from me but still alive in me.

My name is Lucas.

Stolen children

Come home

Stolen African creed

What will become of your seed

In a strange

And hostile world

Where you learned how to bleed

Learned how to be in need

Always looking to fill the void

Because your African legacy

Was destroyed

Taken from a man to a boy

All the way to another shore

Given shame as a new name

An outcast’s fame

The European’s game of supremacy

Is the African’s true enemy

Fight to restore

Fight to have more

The stolen children must endure

It’s the black

you’re fighting for

Close the door on the past

And create a new future that will last

Victory comes in fighting and the journey is the reward. Your journey will not be easy Lucas, but it’s a fate you can’t avoid. You may live in a slum but you have mansions inside of you. Lucas, you maybe poor, but the world is made richer by you.

Lucas, stand tall and strong and always remember to sing your song even when the world tries to stop you. Lucas will live, learn and love, as his world collides with others. At the end he will understand, the only person he needs to love him, is himself.

Lucas, Never forget your name

Lucas remembers a day when he was young and was helping his father sell fruit. The two were selling to tourists in their city of Rio de Janerio, Brazil.

Standing in the sun, and working a slow day for sales, Lucas asked his father, “Why do we have to stand out here in the sun and do this, Daddy? It‘s hot.”

“Well, we have to survive, right? You want to eat today don’t you?”

“Well, why don’t they have to do it? It‘s not fair. They get to have fun, while we work."

“The only thing that will ever be fair in your life is how you learn to see yourself. What other people have, and what they are, should never stop you from knowing yourself. Others may think they have more, but only you have Lucas.

“You’re rich Lucas, because of what is inside you.”

“Ok If I’m rich, then lets go buy some toys and stuff.”

“Ha, a man is made rich by more than money. You’re rich because of your heritage. A direct descendent of the first to walk the Earth."

“Wow, is that true Daddy?”

“Yes. Always remember you’re like a tree that was planted in an ancient garden called Earth. And today, you’re still the oldest tree in that garden.

“They knew how rich we were and that’s why they stole us from Africa. But, understand, Nobody can steal what you keep safe in your heart.”

“And what is in my heart Daddy?”

“There’s a piece of everyone in there whoever lived. Because, even if most people don’t know it, we’re all brothers. There is your family, your people and their collective history inside of you. Then, there’s that piece that only God created to be you. His father then smiled, and we named him Lucas.”

Here and now

Today, Lucas looks out the window of his two room dwelling. It’s home but not really a house, located on a hill in Rio. The view is amazing, but the scenery sometimes can be shocking. He is watching his two younger brothers wrestle outside. “Edwardo, c’mon. You’re two years older than Salvador. You should have him down by now.” “He’s so slippery, Lucas. He keeps slipping out of my holds.” Lucas laughed as he delighted in his brother's ineptitude. Their mother listened as she cooked meat and vegetables over a heating pad in their makeshift kitchen/living room/bedroom.

“Don’t hurt your little brother, Edwardo. Lucas, stop encouraging him.”

“What, don’t hurt your little brother? Salvador is winning this one.” Lucas said, laughing to the point of tears.

The rough play scares his mother. After a life in the Favela, any form of violence brings back years of trauma. These are light moments for the family during a hard time. Their father went away just a few weeks ago.

They were told he left for a job on a cruise ship and will return in a couple of months. If this is true, they don’t understand why he left without a word.

They just hope he’ll be back home soon because they miss him dearly A crowd gathers, and more boys join in on the fun. “Hey Lucas, show us some Capoeira moves”, Someone older shouted to Lucas. He was trying to redirect the days activities to something more positive. Capoeira is a fighting style developed in Brazil by African Slaves, and is still practiced today.

Lucas was ready and willing but looked for some help. “Ok, but I’ll need some help, this means you Vaughn.” Lucas looked over to his tall and lanky friend Vaughn. Vaughn is visiting the Favela for the day. Lucas has known him since they both were little. They met at a Capoeira demonstrations with their fathers.

Vaughn’s family doesn’t live in the Favela. His father has a good government job and they live in a working class area. He has relatives in the Favela, so he visits often and always stops by to see how Lucas is doing.

Lucas started the demonstration by doing a backward flip and landing perfectly in place. It was a flawless, effortless exchange of physical, and spiritual energy. Then Lucas and Vaughn faced each other, as they lowered themselves as close to the ground as possible. It looked as if they were moving in slow motion. Lucas swept with a high kick as Vaughn swept with a low one. They manage to dodge each others blows, as they move in opposite directions, but in unison.

Then they stood up and faced each other like two great combatants. Lucas went down on his hands, and at the same time swept kicks at Vaughn’s head.

Vaughn ducked, as he prepared to go down on his hands to sweep kicks back at Lucas.

The crowd starts to play Capoeira beats with sticks and whatever could make noise. And they mimick the traditional instruments of Capoeira. Which has become more than a fighting style. Capoeira is now art, music and dance. Some in the crowd chanted Capoeira songs, as Lucas and Vaughn evoke the spirits of Ancient African warriors.

The two face each other again as each tried to be as low to the ground as possible. Lucas does a sideways flip onto one hand and sweeps kicks at Vaughn. Vaughn dodges the kicks, and does a low sweep kick at Lucas.

The crowd is in awe of the grace and style of them. They all understand the hours of practice and the dedication needed to conduct such an exhibition of Afro-Brazilian heritage.

The moves are well rehearsed and the demonstrators never touch each other.

So, they never harm each other. The motions are preformed slow, so they can be perfected in the event of real battle.

Just as the vibe was starting to grow, Lucas’s mother had other plans for her sons. “Ok, play time is over. You boys go get us some water. We need it for the meal.“

The boys headed down to the water pipe near the middle of the hill, the only source of fresh water for everyone in the Favela. “C’mon guys lets go”, Lucas said, disappointed at having to stop his Capoeira.

They walked down the hill descending past tight clusters of homes built into, and on the hill. They made their way past the normal hustle and bustle as neighbors held conversations from out their windows.

“Oh girl, they’re looking for a guy. He stole something out of a unit.”

“What unit?”

“Don’t know, one near the bottom. Morello promised to deal with him. They think it’s Ms. Eliza’s son. You know he’s just come home from jail and he has been up to no good already.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen him going back and forth. Looking like a chicken searching for a worm.”

Little children run around barely clothed, as their mothers hang together watching and spreading the latest Favela gossip. “That girl, Merillie, she’s another one going out late from the Favela. I think she is working the tourist.” “How you know?”

“Well, somebody saw her dressed like a hooker. She claimed she was just going out dancing, oh ok.

Yeah right, dressed like that, sure.”

Teens smoke pot and posture for position. “Hey, you guys know my brother is moving up with the reds. Yeah, Morello really trust and respects him. I’m going to see if he can get me in.”

“You with the reds? Come on, no way. You smoke too much weed. You get high all the time. They can’t trust you with any product. That shit would be gone.”

“Oh shut up. Get the fuck out of here. Ok, you just wait and see, and don’t try and ride my heels when I’m Red.”

“Hey Lucas, come smoke some pot.” Yeah, and we got the new funk tapes from last weeks dance”

“Can’t, gotta go get some water for my mom.”

“Ok, well come through later. We’ll be here all night.”

At times, life on the hills can seem like a party when nothing is going on with the police or gangs. It can all seem so normal, like hell is actually a decent place to live.

“Ok, take the water back to Momma. I’m going to run down to the Capoeira studio.”

“You and that Capoeira. I bet I could still kick your ass Lucas.” Edwardo said to Lucas, with an aggressive stare.

“You think so? You just try it. Let me know when you ready little brother.

Tell Momma, I’ll be back on the hill before it gets dark.”

Lucas went to the Capoeira studio, and a guest speaker from out of town was giving a lecture. There was not much room, so he sat on the floor giving his full attention to the speaker. “Capoeira only works, when we connect the mind and body. A connection must be made to motherland Africa, and all who study the discipline. It’s a oneness with many. Some may think Capoeira is an old ancient endeavor. As the Ancestors needed it then, we still need it today. The battles for us maybe different. What do I mean by that?

The shackles today maybe mental and economic, but shackles are there, none the less. Remember, this is still the West, and it’s still Brazil.”

"teach those that hate themselves to love again, teach them to look in the mirror and see a respected friend"

Ola Brasil

Brazil, an exotic culture and country where different people come together, but still live apart. Living in Brazil, a stranger in a strange land must find himself. He must learn how to define, and love himself. He must learn all this against the odds, and the definitions and hatred of others.

(Brasil), as spelled in its native tongue of Portuguese is named after a wood taken from a tree that grew in the region. A land forged by the history of European Colonialism, Imperialism and African slavery. Lucas is one of some 90 million people in Brazil, who claim African descent. Brazil is second only to Nigeria, with the largest population of Black people.

As home to one of the largest deposits of African souls from Africa’s Diaspora, Brazil has some quite unique aspects. The contrast in Brazil between the history of slavery, and race relations as compared to the United States is quite deep.

A larger amount of African slaves were brought to Brazil, because of its closer proximity to Africa. The Portuguese also had control of more shipping ports than other European powers. The Portuguese also had a massive need for labor in Brazil’s booming sugar cane industry.

As Slavery evolved and was eventually abolished legally, but not practically.

Blacks in Brazil experienced a whole different beast of Racism. The glaring difference between blacks in Brazil, and blacks in America was the lack of a major Civil Rights movement in Brazil.

In Brazil, racism was officially outlawed early on, and open relationships with whites were more socially acceptable. So, the illusion was given that Brazil was a racial paradise. So, a fight for equality was really not necessary.

Even though history will show, blacks were actually treated harsher in Brazil. America’s obvious overt racism, actually gave blacks more of an opportunity to assert their humanity, and dignity. Brazil used a more bend, but don’t break style of racism. America's racism was harder, and subject more to fracture.

Blacks in Brazil in many ways had less, but in some different ways had more. For blacks in Brazil there exists a richer cultural identity and connection to Africa. Especially in the region of Bahia, where the largest amount of Africans were brought. Even though it seems the language, cultural and geographical disconnect has made blacks in Brazil hidden, more isolated in the black Diaspora.

keep your light burning even when the world tries to make it dark, be your

own light, candle and spark

The Grind

Lucas works in the home of a Judge in the upper class district of Rio de Janerio. The center of Brazilian culture and history. He helps cook the family breakfast, and does other chores around the house. Another women from the Favela also works there.

For many poor, and lower class people in Brazil, servant or service jobs are all that’s available to them. Cleaning, cooking, or sucking some foreigner off is the base of a still Master and Servant economy. So, for Lucas coming from the Favela, his options are limited.

Black in Brazil is the color of poverty and alienation. The Favela is home to that poverty and alienation. Favelas were first created by freed slaves and army vets. They lacked housing, and were given lands to settle on by the Government. The lands they were given, usually unwanted, had to suffice.

They built homes, if you could call them that, with whatever material could be found. As Favela Residents found work, and other resources, they purchased better building materials. Proper materials, like brick and mortar allowed them to construct more stable housing. Still most Favela structures are far from being building code proper, but are amazing examples of necessity being the mother of invention.

The lands they were given, often located in the outskirts away from the cities, became what we know today as Brazil’s infamous slums. As the Brazilian economy grew and people from the slums looked for work closer to economic centers, more Favelas were constructed, again on unwanted often dangerous land. Land that had no commercial value. In Rio, famous slums were built on hills over looking the City.

The term favela, comes from, “Fave bean”. The tight cluster of self constructed homes, looked like the inside of a fave bean. Favelas today have evolved, but they remain a lasting example of where Brazil came from and what it still is today.

their lies will reveal the truth

Our life in Brazil

Lucas is about 17 years old tall with light brown skin, and is very handsome.

He has two younger brothers, and they live in “Providence Hill“, the Favela they call home. Providence Hill is one of the largest, and most well known Favelas in Brazil. Lucas only has his mother right now as his father left a few weeks ago. The family believes he may be away on a job and they eagerly await his return.

In order to support his family, Lucas’s father had worked hard selling fruit, and other souvenirs to tourists. He would get up extra early, and head down to the fruit markets where he would negotiate a price with the wholesalers, and pay them at the end of the day. Hopefully, enough money was left over for him to buy food for his wife and children that day.

He would sell near the beach, or the hotels, depending on where the police would allow. And as tourists flooded by, he would invite them to refresh themselves. He offered fruit and fruit juices to combat the Brazilian heat. He learned to say fruit, and juice in all European languages, and even Japanese.

“Good day Sir, have some fruit, or juice?” He would get a couple of street kids to help him grind the pulp to make the juice. He felt good being able to help a street kid, even if it just meant food for a day.

He met people from all over the world, right here in the small corner of his world. A poor Black man living in a slum, an Ambassador of Brazil, an Ambassador of poverty and a lasting example of the Brazilian legacy.

Lucas’s father also worked odd jobs whenever he could in order to support his wife and kids. One day, he met a tourist who talked about getting him a job on a cruise liner. Lucas believes his father left without telling them for a reason. He feared they would have begged him not to go and he would have crumbled to their request. For Lucas, believing his father would return soon may be wishful thinking, but it’s a hope that currently sustains him.

Lucas will always have his father with him. Even though he had never been to school, his father had been a University on life. “The world is a jungle, so you must learn to be the Lion, but remember even the Lion is hunted by Man. Others will always give you war, but only you can give yourself peace.

You can see more sometimes with your heart than with your eyes. Loving yourself cancels their hate. Knowing yourself fights their lies.”

He must now try to use that wisdom to navigate through a world of lies, hate and the evil that all men do. His first major exposure to the World will be thru his job with the Vermones.

Lucas was recommended by a woman from the Favela, that’s how he found

the job. He is very proud to be working and tries so hard to avoid crime and the many traps of the Favela. Many boys from the Favela join drug gangs, but Lucas refused, and will have no parts of them.

The drug gang of the Favela, the “Red Command” or “Comando Vermelho”, controls most of the slums in Rio and control much in the daily lives of Favela residents. During these times, the late 1990’s, the Red Command was at its strongest. The Red Command was formed by left wing political activists, and drug convicts in prison. A power struggle ensued and a delicate balance was formed between them, the police, and other drug organization.

So, it’s hard for Favela residents to avoid contact and the consequences of a drug culture economy. Many honest and decent people live in Favelas, but they are the forgotten majority and are the ones who suffer the most. So, even if you’re an Angel, your destiny belongs with the Devil and his Demons.

Lucas’s father always raised his sons to live above what the Favela offered.

He raised them to be responsible and honest. He always tried to instill a sense of pride and dignity in them. “A slum may be where you live, but you don’t have to be at home there. They brought us here to be niggers, but we must show thm what it means to be African. We are first world Africans, not third world Brazilians. We can’t define ourselves with their dictionary. We are born into the World young, but the World is old so we must learn from the stories our Ancestors told.”

our truth will reveal their lies always

Rise and Shine the Plantation awaits you

“You better get your ass up boy, let's go. You know you have to cook breakfast for those white folks.” Lucas’s mother woke him by kissing him on his forehead, and then yelling at him. “Ah, come on Momma. I hate when you do that.”

“What, my first born is getting too big for me to kiss? Maybe you got another Favela girl now, huh? Now come on, get up.”

Edwardo had woken up also by this time, and had to chime in. “Lucas is afraid of girls Momma. Nobody kisses him but you”, Edwardo said with a devilish grin. Lucas laughed, “ Ok Edwardo, go back to sleep and let grown ups get ready for the day.” Edwardo smiled, then rolled back over onto his younger brother.

The youngest refused to be woken by the morning commotion. He only moaned as he turned over, showing his obvious annoyance. “You have to be at work in an hour, Lucas. Yeah, my first born baby boy, named, Lucas.”

“Ok Mom. I know my name and what time it is.”

“Well, don’t forget your name and to kiss me goodbye before you leave.”

Lucas’s mother sat looking out the window. She looks at the flood of people walking down the hill. A flood of people going to their jobs. They all looked liked sheep on their way to the slaughter house, or slaves on their way to the Master’s house. And Lucas was ready to join this parade. She looks to see if her husband is returning, a hope that drives her through each night.

Lucas had a busy weekend playing soccer, practicing Capoeira, and hanging out with friends. It’s Monday morning, time to go to work. His mother was making sure he’s not late. The family desperately needs the income from his job.

He woke up lying next to his two brothers and a couple of cats. They sleep on a floor mat, under the one window in the unit. Right next to the window is a picture of a poem their father had framed. The poem reads, “A man has many tasks, but only one destiny. Your destiny is to be free. When the mind is free, the body will follow. Every chain can be broken, every noose can be torn, every shackle can be opened. Everyman can be free.”

Their room is decorated and furnished with stuff they mostly found in trash dumpster raids. One man’s trash might be another man’s treasure or house.

The mat they sleep on is picked up in the morning and the bedroom then becomes the living room. In the morning, the cats also relocate themselves outside until a meal is cooking and they can get some scraps. The morning is also the time to go get water from the pipe, and time to connect the one

electric cord they use to cook and watch television with.

“Ok, I‘m up and I have plenty of time, Momma.”

“See if you can get a day’s pay and stop by the Market and bring something home for dinner. We don’t have anything to eat for later.”

“I was going to stop at the Capoeira studio after work. There is a Master teacher coming from Bahia. He is teaching some special techniques from his school.”

“Well boy, can you do that as we sit here starving? Ask yourself that. Don‘t you even get tired of all that hopping and flipping around anyway.”

“Capoeira is more than that. Forget it, ok. I’ll come right home and I‘ll ask Ms Vermone to pay me early today.”

“Be careful on your way to work. The cops have been picking up boys from the Favela, there is some feud between them and the reds. They picked up Ms Ellison’s son, and she hasn’t seen him in two days now.”

“I’ll be careful Momma. If I tell them that I’m going to work, they usually will leave me alone.”

when you run and hide, what's inside always finds you

Little Miss Perfect

Ellena is the daughter of the Judge that Lucas works for. The Vermones live in a high rise condominium in the center of town, not far from the Favela.

An expensive, lavish world of apartments constructed for the upper-class city residents of Rio.

She is very pretty. Ellena is tall, and has a beautiful Brazilian olive complexion. She loves to read and she loves to help her mother cook. She plays tennis at school and is always on the honor role.

She is a pleasure seeker. Daddy’s little girl is supposed to be a good girl but what he doesn’t know wont hurt him. Ellena has a fire burning inside, a deep hunger. She has a wild passion, all united by a strong will. She will get what she wants because she deserves it. Because she is Ellena.

A typical day starts with the girls being woken for school, usually against their will. They all have breakfast as a family, Mother's orders. They eat in the dinning room right next to the kitchen. The room is decorated with 18th Century artifacts as Judge Vermone is a history buff. The room looks like a picture taken out of history, a picture of a typical Brazilian home, in the late 1700’s. Her father complains about the back log of cases he has to hear. Mrs.

Vermone nags the girls about whatever she can, and the girls gossip the rest of the morning away.

“Did you hear about the Dimeckos down the hall? I heard Eddie, the oldest boy, is gay, so they think. The family is cutting him off. He‘s not allowed in the house anymore.”

“Ellena, enough of that, eat your breakfast, honey.”

“Well, I always thought he was cute but wondered why he never tried to talk to me.”

Ellena’s sister, annoyed, had to speak up, “Ellena, you’re so conceited, like the only reason a boy wouldn’t talk to you is because he’s gay, oh please.”

“Oh shut up, you little shit, and stuff your face with some toast. The only reason boys don’t want to talk to you is because you look like a Guinea Pig.”

“Ellena, don’t talk to your sister like that. And you, Judge Vermone, help me out here.“

Judge Vermone, a tall heavy man with a full head of dark graying hair, didn’t say much. He was too interested in his breakfast, and only giggled as he buttered some more bread.

“Ellena say you’re sorry to your sister.”

“Ok Momma, I’m sorry. She doesn’t look like a Guinea Pig. She looks more like a Ferret.”

Ellena jumped up from the table as her Mother yelled, “No Ellena.”

Her little sister stuck out her tongue and yelled, “There goes Little Miss Perfect.” Ellena answered back sticking out her tongue, “Yeah that’s right, Baby.”

Ellena’s world is for the few, the elite. She belongs, and she loves who she is, and the privilege that brings. For those who have the pleasure of knowing, and meeting Ellena, the pleasure is all theirs. There can be only one Princess in the world, and her name is Ellena. She is on top and people like Lucas are beneath her but they have a place.

the King can only be that, with someone who serves him

Guess who is not coming to Dinner

After breakfast, the kids go off to school, and Judge Vermone goes off to the bench, while Mrs. Vermone eagerly awaits their arrival for dinner. They always eat dinner together, mother's orders.

At dinner, the family has round two of the daily sparring. Mrs. Vermone gets to see into her husband's and children’s world. She has always been a stay at home mom, so detail from the outside thrills her. She likes to cook old family recipes; She might get help for breakfast, but dinner is all her’s.

“Oh wow, smells like lamb tonight”, Ellena said as she walked into the house. She had tennis practice and stopped to get a soda with a teammate.

“Yes, I thought I would use my great Aunt’s recipe this time. You know how your father always loves it.”

“Come on Momma, Daddy loves almost anything if it’s food”, they both laughed. “Hey Mom, when did that boy Lucas leave?” “Why are you asking about Johnny Nobody, why honey?”

“What, you don’t know already? I plan on running off to the Favela with him and having like 15 kids.”

“Baby, don’t joke like that some things aren’t even funny.”

“Ha, well he is cute, and sexy. You know what they say about them.”

“No, I don’t, and neither should you.”

sex is not the same as love and respect - the Wise Old Owl

Different day same story

Mornings usually start a little different for Lucas. He gets up earlier then Ellena to arrive at the house to help cook breakfast. He runs down past the dirt and trash, the bullet casing, and the young boys standing guard at the entrance.

He goes down the narrow pathway, the pathway from the, “Morro”. He greets the young boys on guard at the Favela entrance. They are there 24/7, on watch for the cops and rival drug gangs. “Run Lucas run. Don’t be late for your job, and bring us some of that good food you cook”. “Yeah, tell those Whiteys we have to eat up here also.”

He runs past the morning hustle and bustle of the City. The traffic is crazy as usual, as drivers make up their own rules as they go. Businessmen in suits on the way to their offices, Shop owners getting ready to sell their wares.

Favela residents on the way to their service jobs, just like him. He runs to another world, were he can only stand still.

He runs up to the gate and the guards let him pass. He goes up on the service elevator, as some residents don’t like to see him in the passenger elevator. When he was first seen in the building, some residents thought he had broken in, and was robbing people. So, he was asked to indulge in this indignity, but the indignity of not eating is worse.

He knocked on the door and Ellena answered. “You’re late, Johnny Nobody.” Ellena said, with an inviting share. “Go get dressed already, and my name is Lucas.”

“You see something you like Bro?You want to cook me instead of some little eggs and stinky bacon?”

“I’ll cook you alright.” “Just let me know when you ready Baby.”

Mrs. Vermone jumped in, “Leave the boy alone, Ellena. Hi Lucas, after you finish with breakfast, I bought some watermelon. Could you cut it up for us please, and help yourself to as much as you need.” “Ok thanks, but I really don’t eat much watermelon. Do you have any kiwano?”

“Wow, that’s a surprise, and what is kiwano?”

“Kiwano is an African fruit. My father sells it sometimes to tourists, but it’s hard to find, though.”

“Oh, sorry I don’t have any kiwano. I’ll have to try it sometime.”

“Yeah do that, and I’ll cut up that watermelon for you.”

“Thanks Lucas.” Lucas thought, “And I hope you choke on the seeds, you racist bitch.”

Ellena had answered the door with only her panties, and a bra on. She was

hoping to catch Lucas coming in. She had the whole thing timed. She had been thinking about Lucas for some time now. She wonders about how the sex would be with him. Ellena, and her friends talk and fantasize about black boys.

She loves their muscular, athletic bodies, and dark skin. She has heard of their assets, and growth potential. She doesn’t meet any black boys in school, or in her tenement. She only sees them on the street, and at the dances.

Ellena sees Lucas as a lab rat, a way to experiment on her curiosities, she wants this very much. A furnace is burning in her and she thinks black is the fuel for it. Black is the color of sex to her. A secret passion that will become her dirty little secret.

Sex is very different from love or respect. Lucas will have to learn this lesson. Just because somebody fucks you, it doesn’t mean they will ever love or respect you. He knows Ellena is attracted to him. He also knows that he is somewhat of a novelty to her. He is black and from the Favela. He belongs to her, if she so chooses to have him. Lucas can feel that in her stare.

She has the shackles ready. He has already been bought and paid for.

She thinks boys like Lucas dream about her. They are black, and she is white. She possess the gift of beauty, like no other. “Black girls have nothing on me“, She thinks. “We have long pretty hair and creamy white skin. We are nicer to our men and better company. Black girls just can’t compare.” So, to Ellena, the choice for these boys should be simple.

Lucas wants to keep his job, and doesn‘t want problems with her parents. He really doesn’t want to play this game of cat and mouse. But, Ellena will play the game, and it’s a game Lucas can only lose.

don't just hate the player, hate the game and the player

Os Negros do Brasil

Two things the world knows culturally about the blacks of Brazil, one is the rich musical legacy, and the other is Capoeira. Lucas loves, “Favela Funk”.

Favela funk music is a style of music that originated out of a movement by some Favela residents to create a cultural movement geared to offset the negative image of Favelas.

The music was used as an attempt to channel Favela residents effort and energy in a positive direction. The popularity of the music grew so much, drug gangs became involved. Favela Funk was then used by the drug gangs to attract new soldiers and to promote gang life.

The gangs then sponsored dances where their own artists could be showcased. They basically promoted violence, drugs, and sexuality. Even still, the Funk dances and music have become big parts of Brazilian culture, and have attracted people from all over the country to the Favelas.

Capoeira is a martial art style of fighting, developed by African slaves in Brazil. The Slaves developed Capoeira as a way to protect themselves from their Slave Masters. The style of fighting was developed, based on Ancient African fighting techniques, and the restrictions of hand shackles.

The slaves pretended to be dancing, when they were allowed time for recreation, but they were practicing how to fight. Capoeira has become an art form, of dance and music. Capoeira is the only true martial art form to originate outside of Asia.

Usually, after work Lucas will go down to the Capoeira studio to practices some moves. He enjoys the positive environment, and he loves the atmosphere of discipline, and culture. When Lucas was young, his father would take him and his brothers to the demonstrations. His grandfather also taught him the history of Capoeira. How Capoeira was outlawed, but still studied and performed in secret. They also taught Lucas how Capoeira was a piece of Africa that would help them survive in a new world.

“You must remember to use Capoeira of the mind and body Lucas. You must dodge their thoughts of you, dodge their hatred. And kick back with the true knowledge of who you are. Capoeira fights physically and mentally. Be swift, the mind and body moving like water. Know your enemy and their methods of attack. They will attack you economically, and socially. The battle will be political, physical and even spiritual. You must fight on all these levels to survive.”

So, it’s something Lucas had grown up with. Capoeira is a wealth of knowledge, and a piece of home here in Brazil from Africa. Sometimes, up

on the hill, Lucas shows some of the younger kids Capoeira moves, and he teaches them the history. Sadly, many of these kids really don’t have many positives around them, so he uses Capoeira to try to give them something more. When kids aren’t in school, and they constantly have to deal with violence, crime and poverty, any push in a positive direction can save maybe just one. Lucas knows the effect Capoeira had on him, and he is thankful he had a father to teach him.

Many of these kids don’t have what Lucas had, and many never will. The same old Favela story, the same old Favela song, in the end it all seems so wrong.

Friday nights are the nights for the Favela funk shows and Lucas is there most times. Ellena goes also, with some of her friends from school. She has to tell her parents, she’s going somewhere else. They would cringe to know she was near the Favela. In Brazil, you must be aware of crime, especially in certain areas. Even though, Favelas in the control of the top drug gangs are relatively crime free.

Drug gangs do not allow crime on their turf. It is vital to their control, and business to must lawlessness. So the dances are not as unsafe as one may think. Ellena has a new outfit and is waiting to show herself off. She loves the attention she gets at the dances. She loves all the Black Favela boys looking and lusting after her.

The sexuality of the dances feeds her hunger, her thirst to be desired, and wanted. They come up to her, trying, but she ignores them. She gets more out of them wanting her, than letting them have her. She ego fucks them. It’s their place in this world, to want, to desire Ellena. It is her place to be wanted, and desired.

She is the Queen of beauty and all will worship her. Her reign is a divine right, ordained by the gods. Lucas is different, she wants to possess him, own him. The Queen will let this peasant have her. For Ellena, Lucas having her is really a way for Ellena to have herself, while Lucas could only lose himself in her.

seek and ye shall find, if it comes easy, maybe you should say never mind

Lets get ready for some Favela Funk

Lucas came to the dance with some of his friends from the hill. The dance is a major weekly social event that all the young people of the Favela look forward to. They drink, smoke weed and enjoy the home grown music of the Favela. The dances help define their self perception of being from the Favela. The funk dances are something that belongs to them, and in a world where they have little, it means a lot.

“Oh shit. Did the, “The Funky Seven“, get off on that rip? They did pretty good for their first time on the stage.” “Yeah, they shined up there, shit was hot.”

“Oh, lets get back up, “The Hot Spot”, is up next. He got some great new beats, shit he got from New York.”

The music is very simple. The groups do their interpretation of rapping over funk beats, beats they get mostly from American rap artists. The only real requirement, its got to be funky and something the crowd can dance to.

The Funk dances have everyone up dancing, but not with a partner.

Everyone dances with everyone else. The crowd looks like one big dance orgy. It‘s called the, “Red Spot”, where they have the dances, located at the bottom of the hill.

All the kids pack into the Red Spot with sex in the air and music throbbing like a hard erection. The reds walk around, proudly displaying their colors.

They attempt to keep control, and try to supply drug customers.

It's Favela funk tonight. We’re going to funk it tight. Show you how funk in Brazil is done right. The Red Spot is the site, and I’m the Master of Ceremonies coming at you with all my might, make some noise!”

The dancers scream as they turn and twist, facing the stage, then turning away. Some more excitible and exhibitionist dancers use this as a time to display extreme sexuality. Music has the power to excite the savage beast in all of us. People have even been known to have sex during these dances so the dances are not for the timid.

Lucas went outside to take a break and Ellena walked up. “You look tired.

What, you can’t handle the pace?"

“I’m ok. I was just giving everyone else a chance to catch up to me by slowing down a little.”

“Ha, yeah right. Come on, dance some more.”

“Your parents wouldn’t be happy to see you here, Ellena.”

“Well, don’t tell them and they’ll stay happy. I want to dance some more,

come on.”

She grabbed him up from his seat. “You’re coming with me, Chocolate.”

He reluctantly went back to the dance floor, the girls from the Favela watching him, “Did you see Lucas outside with that white girl? And now, they’re dancing close, hmm.”

“Yeah, he acts shy around us but with her, he looks ready.”

A girl named Merillie shouted to Lucas, “Go Lucas go, shake that sexy body, and when you finished, maybe you have time for us.”

Ellena laughed, while starring hungrily into Lucas’s eyes. “I know why they’re acting like that. You’re one of the finest boys here. They don’t want to lose you to someone like me.” “Lose me? We’re just dancing like everyone else.” “Yeah you‘re right.'We’re just dancing now, but maybe a little more later....”

“Oh, so you think they’re jealous?”

“Yes Lucas, you’re some fine sexy chocolate”, she whispered, her long dark hair covering her face and the curves bursting out of her dress. “Stop calling me chocolate. My name is Lucas.”

“I’m sorry Lucas, it’s just that Chocolate is so good. I love the feel and taste of it in my mouth. I need it in my body. You ever have any real good Vanilla? They go well together you know.”

“Hey, lets go some place and be alone.” She said looking at him with a devilish glance. “You know, c’mon.”

“Ellena, It’s getting late. You better go home.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. Why would I go home now? Lucas, what’s the matter with you, anyway? I mean like, don’t you get it? Why do you try so hard to avoid me. Don’t you know who I am?”

“Yeah. You’re Ellena.”

“And your name is Lucas, right? I’m a girl and you’re a boy, hello! Stop playing hard to get and kiss me.”

Lucas grabbed her by the arm and led her outside.

“Look I’ll walk you home and then we can be alone on the way.”

“Ok, but you know my parents are away, and my Sister went with them. I have the house all to myself. We could really, like have a good time tonight.”

“Good time, ok if you say so, Ellena. But, to me a good time might mean something else.”

“Lucas you’ve been with a girl before right? You know what a good time means to us, right?”

“Yeah I do, sure, but if you want to jump rope, we might look a little silly at this time of night.”

“Ok, you’re trying to be funny now. Or play stupid, lets just walk.”

They started the short walk back to her complex. “You really dance well, Lucas. You know what they say about people who can dance?” “No, what do they say?”

She giggled, “Oh, nothing, umm, the groups were really good tonight. I really like Funk and Rap. We even listen to some of it in school. We practice English that way.”

“Yeah, it’s good stuff, the kids really work hard on it. It really means a lot to us in the Favela.”

“So, do you like living in the Favela“?

“Who likes living there? Come on, I have no choice in the matter. My father always hoped he could get a job that would pay for a better place for us. He had been looking but was hard for him to find a good job. That is why he left. He is working on a ship.”

“Hey, you are going to stay with me tonight? I told my parents, that I would stay over with one of my friends until they came home. You can sleep on the sofa. I really don’t want to be alone. And then in the morning, you can cook me breakfast. That is your job, remember. I can play some of my Rap tapes from America and translate for you.”

“Ok. Sounds like fun. I’ve seen some of those guys on T.V, but didn’t understand what they were saying. The beats were really good though.”

“I’ve taken English since elementary school so I understand most of it.”

He agreed. It really wasn’t long before morning. They could hang out and play some tapes and he could cook her a nice breakfast in the morning. He could then take a nice walk along the beach on the way home. A night outside of the Favela would be like a vacation. His mother would worry but he’s getting older and staying out late, or even all night, to him is a Rite of Passage.

Ellena would be alone and he does like her but not the way she thinks. She’s a window into an opposite world. Lucas sees a lot through her. He is fascinated by her life, her family and her living conditions. He’s young and will learn things about the world, and his place in it, through her.

Ellena will be a first lesson, an introduction for Lucas. She will show him a place chosen for him. Lucas you may not be able to ride the elevators, but you can be in my bed. We won’t let you be a Man, but you can be an Animal.

They arrived at Ellena’s tenement in a short time, as the Favela really wasn't far from where she live. They walked up to the guard desk and the guard was worried to see Lucas at this time. He knows Lucas works there, but in the mornings. “Hello Miss, are you ok? I know your parents are away for the weekend.” Ellena told the guard she was fine, and they walked through the

lobby to the elevators. Lucas had to give the guard an angry stare because the guard gave him a dirty look.

“Don’t be mad, he was just concerned about me. Maybe you going to rape me or something, I should be so lucky, right.”

"He knows me, so what is the problem? Black must be the problem.”

“You are so big and strong. You could easily overwhelm me. Maybe the guard should have been worried for your safety instead.” She Laughed, as this was an opportunity, she wasn’t going to miss.

They went into her room, and she sat on the floor next to her stereo system.

“Come on. Don’t be shy. I’ll show you the tape covers while I play them.”

“Wow, that’s a nice stereo system.”

“Yeah, my father ordered it from Germany, then he gets mad when I pay it loud. Then my mom gets mad when I play Rap. She screams for me to turn it off.”

She played some tapes. Lucas was amazed by the music. He felt the connection with inner city kids from across the sea. They may be in a different country and speak a different language, but he felt the connection.

“Boy, I love Rap and R&B. I guess I’m just a white girl with soul.”

“Ok, my White Soul Sister. I like American R&B also.”

“Oh, Rhythm and Blues?”

“No, “Radical Blackness.”

Ellena laughed, “Ok, and what the hell is that?”

“We study the American Civil Rights movement at the Capoeira studio.”

“Boy, you’re silly, Lucas.” "Ok, whatever, you probably would like this group called, “Public Enemy”. They talk about a lot of stupid political stuff.”

After some time playing tapes, Ellena said she was tired, and wanted to go bed. “I’m going to shower, but I’ll bring you out some blankets first. It can get cool at night in the living room. “I can get a couple of hours of sleep before I wake up to a great breakfast. I want the works eggs, bacon, pancakes and fresh orange juice.”

Chuck D, I really like your group, "Public Enemy number 1", What group?

We are Public enemy number 1. - Chuck D

Public Enemy a 90's rap group from N.Y.C., that taught, reflexed and promoted Black Culture, reality and political thought to a new generation.

The Seduction

She brought the blankets out and Lucas made himself at home on the sofa. It would be so different for him to sleep on a sofa, than a mat on the floor. He listened to the shower running in the bathroom. He didn’t realize how tired he was. The dancing, and the nice comfortable sofa, caused him to drift off to sleep.

He fell asleep, only to wake to see the silhouette of a nude girl kissing and touching him. At first, Lucas thought he was dreaming, but he then realized it was Ellena. He became rock hard, and it felt like he had a missile in his shorts. She grabbed it, stroked it, and then she pulled it out. She started sucking him like she was trying to suck his skin off.

He was in a euphoric state of ecstasy. The missile felt like it was ready to launch. She was very pleased with what she had to work with. She quickly sat on top of him, inserting him into her. She gyrated back and forth, gripping his face and kissing him. He started to touch her, feeling her breast and back. He felt unbelievable pleasure, too much pleasure to be angry anymore.

“Yeah baby, come on, fuck me daddy”, Ellena repeated between kisses.

She moaned louder and louder with pleasure. He also moaned, before his massive eruption. The lava flowed, as she went limp against his chest. She said with a big smile, “Hey, you were great, it’s true what they say.”

He got up, “That was sneaky, I can’t believe you did that. You shouldn’t have. What are your parents going to think?”

“Don’t be silly, I’m not going to tell them about this.”

“No, they wouldn’t be to happy about you and me, would they?”

“They wouldn’t be happy about a lot of things, that’s why children keep secrets." She sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, quickly shaking her top leg. Ellena's bright gleeful smile was almost as bright as her olive skin. She ran her hands down her long dark hair. Lucas this’ll be our little secret, my Chocolate Hammer.”

“You could get pregnant, then what?”

“Oh boy, there are ways to handle that. Don’t let fear stop you from having a good time. Sometimes, you have to grab life by the horns, and run with the bulls. Sometimes, you have to reach for the forbidden fruit. If I want it, or need it, I‘m going to get it.”

She giggled, and went back to the shower. “It was great. Come on. You know you liked it. You can tell all your friends in the Favela you fucked a white girl. Just tell all the girls in the Favela, that you’re all mine.“

“Yeah, and you can tell all your friends, that you fucked a nigga.” He picked up his things and left. It was still dark and not really safe to be out, especially when you’re black. The cops can pick you up and charge you with a host of things. But he needed to walk to clear his head. He was trying to understand what just happened with Ellena. It was a first for Lucas, and his emotions ran wild.

He did enjoy the sexual rush but feared what the backlash would be. He feared her father would find out, become upset, and fire him. What does Ellena really want from him. How much does she really want? She surely is only using. He feared even his heart might be broken.

He walked on the dark beach, watching the moonlight bouncing off of the hostile waves. And when the Sun started to show itself, he made his way home. His mother was upset and screamed at him. But he didn’t say much, he just lay down next to his brothers and went to sleep quickly.

He went to work that Monday morning as usual. During the walk he wondered what would happen. He knew things there had changed, and that was something he feared.

Ellena opened the door, smiled, and then yelled, “The cook is here. Lets eat.

This guy is so yummy.” Her father interrupted, “Ellena leave Lucas alone and get ready for school.“

Her father thinks the exchange between the two was just innocent fun. He did not suspect anything between the two. Ellena wouldn’t do that, she knows better.

Lucas went into the kitchen. He was ready to cook and the family sat down, ready to eat. Ellena and her sister, both giggling and making funny eyes at him. He cooked, the family was served and afterwards he began to clean up.

On the way out Ellena stopped in the kitchen, and said to Lucas, “My parents will be at my sister’s dance tonight. They’re leaving right from work.

They won’t be back until late. Meet me back here when I get off from school.” She walked away without waiting for a response, like it was a done deal.

He said nothing, but again his emotions ran wild. He walked home, thinking about seeing her later. He wanted to feel the same passion and explosion he felt before. He knew Ellena was dying for the same. The climax was a journey to a place he never realized was so good. He just didn't know if he can continue with her, or if he should.

His father always told him, “Can a man take fire into his bosom and not be burned.” A scripture from the Bible his father loved.

He had stayed in the house to about noon doing other chores. And after receiving his daily, He went home. And gave his mother the money, as he

usually did. She planned to get something for the boys dinner. Before she left, she asked, “Tell me, boy, what would you like today? They’ll have some nice fish, or maybe some beef?”

“It’s ok Mom, I’m going out soon. So I won’t be home for dinner.”

“You won’t be home? Boy you been staying out a lot lately. Hey, you must have another Favela girl kissing you now.”

“No, you’re the only girl for me in the Favela, Mom.”

“Sure, that’s what they all say.

“Well, whoever you with, you better remember to eat something. Make her cook for you, because by the time you get home everything might be gone.”

Lucas went outside to wash. He was excited about seeing Ellena again tonight, although he didn’t want to admit it.

Ellena was at school telling the girls about the date she has later with the,

“Black boy” from the Favela. “I rode that black snake and sucked the shit out of it. I’m going to get me some more of that tonight. I got me a Nigga, and it’s true what they say about them. He’s all mine.” “Girl, you better be careful with them. Do you want to end up beat and robbed, thrown in a trash can?”

“Yeah. Gross. I’d never fuck a black. You’re going to get a disease, or worse a kid. Whenever, I walk down the street, they‘re always calling me because I have big hips. That makes me sick.”

Some disapproved, and others were fascinated, but the girls in school were interested in her exploits with Lucas. Ellena was envied and loved for her adventurous spirit. Even though her friends often feared for her future.

Round 2(Plantation Sex)

He arrived at her tenement. The security guard began asking why he was there so late again. “Aren’t you past the Favela curfew? What, you cooking breakfast now at night? You better leave before the cops grab you. What are you doing here, boy?”

“What boy? Only my mother and father can call me, boy. My name is Lucas.

So, you better call me by my right name, or I’ll put a man’s shoe size up your ass."

The guard, annoyed and insulted, called upstairs. Ellena answered, telling him, she was cooking a surprise dinner for her sister, and Lucas was there to help her. Lucas doesn’t like being rude, but his father always told him,

“Sometimes when a man does not respect you, you must make him do so.”

She opened the door with a very determined look. “So, you came and right on time, good. There is some chocolate in the kitchen. I got it on the way home from school. I saw it, and it reminded me of you. I wanted it in my mouth, just like you.” Lucas didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.

He thinks the chocolate comments are cute, but maybe they have a hidden meaning to Ellena.

He went into the kitchen, and she went to the living room. And sat back on the coach, the scene of the crime. She took off all her clothes and waited for him. He came out of the kitchen with a mouth full, and saw an eye full.

He didn’t know what to say. He just stood there looking. She said, in an authoritative tone, “Come over here.” At the same time, Ellena motioned with one finger, waving him to her, in a very seductive manner. He walked over slowly, and when he was close enough she stood up. She started to undue his belt, then his zipper. She pulled down his shorts, revealing his prize.

She got on her knees, and started stroking him with both hands, until he was fully erect. It was like she was molding a piece of clay into stone, smiling all the while. He felt pleasure, but also a lack of control. He pulled her up and then pushed her onto the couch. She was surprised, even a little afraid of his new aggressiveness.

He started fucking her, pounding and thrusting. She exploded in pleasure, flowing like a river. He felt strong and in control. A power he could not describe. A power to Lucas, that felt like a divine right of his manhood. They came at the same time. His legs weakened and he was out of breath.

He had taken the journey again but this time he felt like be belonged. This time, it was no accident. He went to the bathroom to wash up a little. Ellena

followed, wanting needing more. She pulled him into the shower and turned on the water.

She stood facing the wall with him behind her. The caressing water was soft as he pounded her hard. He grabbed her long hair and reached around, feeling her breast. He grabbed her hair again, this time pulling until it hurt.

Her mouth opened, as the water softly ran over her lips. He arched her back to get a better angle, as his thrust began more rhythmic and powerful.

“Wow, you really gave it to me. I’ve created a monster. Now hurry up and get dressed. My parents will be home soon. You aint gotta go home, but you got to get the hell out of here.”

“Ok, so it’s a hit and run then?”

“Yes, you hit. Now run, before my father kills us both. No worries, there will be more for you later, ha.”

He was walking home from Ellena’s thinking about what just happened, and how it felt being with her again. “Wow, Does she really love me?” He asked himself, because on the way to the door She kissed him on the cheek, then said, “Amo Voce”. In English those words mean, “I love you”. She said, “I love you and I can’t wait to have my sexy chocolate again.” A part of him, hate himself for being with her and another part loved the sex. He was having what should be forbidden.

Warriors at the Gate

He walked and came closer to the Favela entrance, a widening set of stairs leading up the hill, and hidden by the Market. The guards are there, as usual, the Favela must be protected from other drug gangs like the police.

The police have a tendency to raid Favelas, when rival drug gangs have offered up enough ransom for their services. Then enemy controlled Favelas fall victim to selective enforcement. So, as approached, he noticed something awful. One of his younger brothers, Edwardo was standing with the other boys and holding a weapon.

He ran over to him as the other boys flinched and started to point their guns.

“It’s cool, relax, it’s my brother”, Edwardo said.

“Edwardo, What is this? Why aren’t you home with Momma?” “I’m tending to my business, now go home and tend to yours.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to like that? You come home with me now.”

An older boy, one of the Lieutenants, chimed in, “Look, your brother is here now, with us. He is busy. You’re the one who needs to go home, and leave us to our business.” He looked at Lucas with an angry, ready stare.

Lucas responded, “I’m not going to watch my brother get killed here with the rest of you guys. He doesn‘t need to do this bullshit.” Another Red, an older man further up the chain of command walked up behind Lucas, and interrupted.

“Lucas, come here let me talk to you.” Lucas knows the man, as most people in the Favela know the gang leaders. The drug gangs took control from the, “Elders”, who used to run the shanty towns before the gangs became to powerful.

“Lucas, I know how you feel, and believe me I understand your concerns.

Know that I will look after your brother, and he is not only working for us but the Favela as well. You know how we look after the Favela, and how we help the people here. You know how the police, and other organizations want to hurt all of us here.

“You know the war against us is real. Why would you want to stop him from helping us serve the Favela?” His point is one with some accuracy. As the de facto leaders of the Favelas, gang leaders have always tried to set and enforce rules. They have tried to help Favela residents when possible.

Gang leaders had become the law, due to the lack of government intervention. Crime is not allowed in Favelas run by gangs, and certain types of drugs are forbidden. A heavy price falls on anyone going against the rules

of the gangs

The Government ignores the Favelas, not even allowing the police to enter.

The police are only allowed in Favelas during incursions, or raids, when basically everyone is treated like a criminal. So, the gangs are left to reign, and rule where no one else will.

The gangs have become a buffer against other drug gangs who would like to take control. Even as they have tried to do some good, gangs are still what they are, drug dealers. Drug dealers who are adding to the systemic cycle of violence, and dysfunction. They are a buffer and a catalyst of the same evil.

“Your brother is doing good work for the people here. Don’t stand in his way. Go home and we will talk more later. And Lucas, know that Ogun is with us.”

Ogun, the West African god of Iron and War was brought to Brazil with the slaves and merged with Catholic doctrines in the new world. A mighty warrior who must not turn against the people he is ordained to serve. Ogun, the god who is said to have delivered Haiti from the French, but, nowhere in this Mythology was Ogun ever said be a drug dealer.

Lucas, still upset, walked up the Favela staircase. He stopped to look back periodically as the boys and the leaders watched until he left their sight.

Young boys here die as fast as they grow up, but the cycle continues as drugs, guns and violence in the Favelas of Brazil are systemically generational.

The choice to join a drug gang is not as hard as it may seem. People born in the Favelas are prohibited from many employment and educational opportunities. Many employers will not accept applications from Brazilians who use a Favela address and also many schools operate the same. People born in Favelas aren’t even given a birth certificate. They are the invisible citizens of Brazil, so Brazilian and not so Brazilian.

The choice to avoid the normal fatalistic traps of Favela life takes courage and usually strong family support. Lucas was inspired by his father to live the right way, no matter how hard it would be for him. “Just because you are Black and from the Favela, does not mean you have to be what they expect you to be. Live above the ground and beneath the stars. Don’t underestimate who you are, and don’t over evaluate who you are.”

Lucas remembers his father’s parents, who had died when he was young. He remembers, how they always maintained a sense of honor and dignity about themselves, even though they lived their whole lives in the slums. Dignity is the hardest, rarest thing for anybody to have, coming from a slum.

The absence of his father, has not lessened the impact his father had on him.

He was an honorable man, well respected, and liked by most people. Lucas

had always felt the pressure to live up to that image, and to mirror the man his father was. He wanted his brothers to follow this path also, so seeing Edwardo working with the drug gang violated a sense of family dignity.

Lucas made it up the hill staircase to mid-level where his family lived, among several other tightly built one or two room dwellings, homes built on top of each other, in tight rows and columns.

The lower down the hill you go, the more prized is the land you have. The further up you go, the more dangerous and unstable the land gets. It is very common during mud storms and bad weather for dwellings to collapse.

Homes in Favelas are actually for the most part constructed very well. So, living in a dwelling in a Favela, in and of itself is a marvel of necessity and innovation. Homelessness and poverty became the mother of invention.

He ran through the door and yelled, “Mom, do you know where your son is?

And what he’s doing?”

His mother replied, “Don’t yell at me boy. I’m right here.”

“Well, do you know about, Edwardo?”

“Yes, I know, some friends on their way to the Market saw him.” She replied in a very surrendered, conciliatory tone. Her tone angered Lucas even more.

“Well, what are we going to do? You know Daddy would not approve of this.”

“What can we do? Gotdamnit, don’t I have enough to worry about? Your father isn’t here to handle this. I have too much to handle by myself. Lucas, think about it. What else is there for Edwardo. You tell me? He comes from the Favela, shit. You know how hard it is finding work. You know how they hate us, and don’t want us to have anything. So you want him to sell fruit, or cook and clean like you. Maybe that’s not the life Edwardo wants. Not everyone can do that!”

“So, Edwardo is better than me and Dad? What, because he can’t live like an honest man, and earn an honest living? Was Dad wrong all these years, for being honest?“

“Oh please Lucas, who and what is really honest in this world? Your father was an honest and decent man, yes. But, did it get him, or us out of this damn Favela, no!

Honest is being hungry, and wanting some fucking thing to eat, that’s honest.

Not that fantasy philosophical shit, you‘re always talking about.”

Lucas was shocked, when he found his voice he said, "Ok then fine. Let him be a criminal”,

“Lucas, you need to see, see things as they are and know what they are.

Understand nothing more, nothing less. We really need the money. We can’t

survive off of what you’re bringing in. Edwardo is getting older. He has his life to live. You or me can’t live for him. I can‘t tell a hungry boy not to eat.

I can‘t tell him, not to want things boys his age want. I can‘t tell him not to be a Red.”

“He won’t be living his life long doing that, now will he?”

“Don’t say that. You don’t know that. You think because you do that Capoeira, that you’re so above the rest. Drop the act already.”

“You’re making excuses for Edwardo Mom, and not giving him options. The options that Dad always told us we have.”

Lucas stormed out, and walked a little further down the hill remembering how his father always told him, “Just because you live in Hell, does not mean you have to be a Demon. Don’t let what is outside of you, make what is inside of you. Ultimately we all choose who we want to be.”

Lucas just can’t understand, why his mother isn’t against Edwardo being in the gang. “Why can’t she understand; why can’t she see? Edwardo is going down a dangerous road.”

He so wishes his father were here. He would have stopped this from happening. He felt alone, and abandoned by his mother. “She’s selfish, only wants the money, that’s all. That’s all that’s really important to her, not Edwardo‘s future, or his life.”

the choice is always yours to make

Paid in full

Lucas had been unaware of Edwardo’s descent into darkness. His seduction had already begun, before he became a Red. He and some friends had been robbing tourist in the city. It all started after a friend begged Edwardo to help him. “Look man, you know how my family is hurting. My father is still locked up, even after he did his time. The fuckin faggot cops won’t let him go. I need some bread, and fast, we all do. I don’t want my sister to hook.”

“Well, how the hell are we going to do this?”

“Listen, we have a plan, we’ll get a girl to help us.” “Ok, go ahead tell me.”

“We’ll lure one of those foreigners into a trap, trying to get some pussy. I know a Hotel manager, he’ll work with us. We have to break him off with every job. The girl stands out on the road, or goes into the hotels. She gets one of these guys to bite, and brings him back into our room.

“We’re in there waiting, like fuckin Lions, and we get paid. We get all they got, and then set it up again.”

“What the fuck about the cops?”

“Edwardo, think, he isn’t going to the cops. What, after he was just trying to fuck some 13 year old. What is he going to say?”

The plan was a go. The young gang of boys and a girl set out to get paid.

’Wait until it gets a little darker. Sherry, will go stand by the corner.

Remember, don’t get in the car, tell them to meet you across the street in the lobby.”

Sherry went to the corner. A young 12 years old, with the body of a 20 year old. Nobody is surprised to see her standing there, this is Brazil. The boys went into the hotel and waited in the lobby. Sherry stood there for about 30

minutes, when a car drove up.

A European guy pulled up. He spoke some Portuguese, but not well. He probably only learned enough for sex tourism. He looked middle aged. He was slightly balding with glasses, and kind of portly.

A guy who is probably lonely back home, and uses these trips to ease his failures with women. Sexual tourism is therapy for some, and a nightmare to others. Sherry did as she was told, telling the guy to meet her across the street at the hotel. She told him, she could get a room cheap. He fell for it and went to park the car. She ran into the hotel, “I got a guy.” The guys jumped up, “Ok, shit it’s on.”

Edwardo felt a rush, and was actually excited. He really felt like a Lion, really to pounce on prey. The hotel Manager barked, “Ok, take him down to room, 108.” The Manager gave Sherry a key, and he gave one to the boys.

The guy came through the door, and Sherry was there waiting. “She looked ready to get fucked, or actually be raped.”

“Ok Pappy, I have the room set up. Follow me. You don’t have to go to the front desk.” The boys ducked out of sight, while the two walked down the hall.

“Ah shit, we really going to do this, one of the boys said.”

“Be quiet, of course we are. Now we got no choice. We cant leave her in there.”

They looked down the hall. And when the two had walked in and shut the door, they ran after them.

“Edwardo, take the key and open the door. Stay outside as we go in.”

Edwardo opened the door, and the two others ran in with pistols. 14 and 15

year olds, wielding guns instead of school books.

They screamed, “Hold up, it’s a hold up, give us the fucking money.” The guy who had already started taking off his clothes, was so scared. He started speaking in his native language.

“What the fuck is he saying?”

“I don’t know.”

Sherry ran out into the hall with Edwardo, and they both waited. They heard what sounded like someone being slapped. And after about 15 minutes of silence the other two boys came running out. “Ok, come on, lets get the fuck out. We got paid, so fuck, lets get back at the Favela.”

A life of crime can start so easy, and young life can become so hard.

Edwardo had chosen a path. He had chosen a new name for himself. The consequences are his, but in many ways, the reality belongs to all of us.

When one of the tribe fails, we all lose something.

Lucas, you must learn to be the Lion, but remember even the Lion is hunted by Man

Dear Merillie

Lucas was walking up the hill, still thinking about his brother. He was so mad, he looked as if he was talking to himself. He saw Merillie, but tried not to notice her. Merillie saw how upset he looked. She wanted to try and cheer him up.

Merillie is a girl Lucas grew up with. Merillie has a reputation. She had been with a lot of boys, and there were rumors about her being a prostitute. Early motherhood and prostitution are vices, and traps for girls from the Favela.

Brazil has one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and has been picked as a soon to be superpower. Brazil is also one of the leading sex tourism spots in the world, with plenty of American and European men from all income classes ready to satisfy an exotic taste. So, if you can’t find a job in one of the expanding industries in Brazil, you can suck some German guy’s dick.

Merillie has two kids, aged 4 and 2. She is very pretty, with brown skin, and long brownish hair. She is only 18, but has experienced a lot so far in life.

Her father died in prison, and her mother died in a mud slide. Her grandmother raised her, and her two sisters.

Her grandmother is very sick now, and unable to work. She needs expensive medication. People say that is the reason Merillie works the sex trade.

She dates some of the drug gangs leaders, and they have been helping her.

Many girls on the hill hate Merillie, they call her, “The Red whore“. The girls are just jealous, because Merillie can be, The Red Whore.

“Hey, why the long face? Come in and visit. It’s about to rain and the mud will start.”

Lucas was reluctant, but really needed someone to talk to. Merillie’s grandmother was in the other room sleeping, while the kids were playing on the floor. The kids looked well taken care of and were very happy to receive company.

“I know you guys have been upset about your father, is that what has you down?”

“My father is fine. I know this, he is working. Hey, did you see my brother Edwardo today?”

“No, why?” “He is working with the reds now, guarding the Favela entrance.

This is the reason I’m upset, I don’t want that life for him.”

“Oh, I didn’t go out today, but I’m sure things will work out for him.”

“What do you mean, “Work out?” How could that, “Work out”, for him? Are

you crazy? Oh, I forget what you are to them.”

She asked, in an angry tone,

“What do you mean, by that?” “Look, I’m sorry Merillie, lets talk about something else. Lets forget about my brother, and the reds, right now.” “Ok, just watch yourself. Well anyway, I have a nice drink, my kids love the stuff.

I’ll get you some.” Lucas, recognized the drink, it’s an expensive European import. Ellena drinks it all the time. He wonders to himself, “How she could afford such an expensive taste, maybe the rumors are true.”

“Hey, the last time at the dance, I saw you with a White girl.” “Oh, that’s just Ellena, I work for her parents.”

“You left the dance with her.”

“Stop it, I was walking her home.”

“You never walked with me after the dance.”

“You’re with the reds, do you think I want that beef with them.”

“I’m not with the reds. Yes, I’ve dated some, but they don’t own me. You could have walked with me, danced with me, or even stayed the night with me.”

“Is that something you want, Merillie?” “Yes, don’t you want the same?

Why do you act so shy, around me and the others girls in the Favela?

Sometimes we wonder about you, Lucas. You haven‘t been with anybody yet, and some people think you‘re gay.”

“Oh, what are you talking about? You know how strict my father is. I don‘t have to fuck every girl in the Favela to be a man. That is something an animal would do.”

“Ok, calm down Lucas, I always knew you just had your mind elsewhere.

You’re one of those thinker types, it’s kind of sexy, though.

“You just need the right girl to change your focus, somebody to turn you out.”

“Ok, turn me out? Wow, I don’t know, If that would be good, or bad.”

“Yeah, the right women to bring out the animal in you.”

Merillie started feeling on Lucas’s leg. “Lucas, you bring out the animal in me, stay with me tonight. You’re not scared are you? My kids are going to sleep over at my sister’s house, and we’ll be all alone.” “What about your grandmother?”

“She’ll be in the other room, knocked out on medication.” Lucas sees this as an opportunity to avoid his mother and brother tonight, so it’s an offer he can’t refuse.

“I’ve some great weed, and some new tapes from the dances. We can listen, dance and do whatever you like.”

Wow, this all seems familiar to Lucas, but he couldn’t refuse her, like he

couldn’t refuse Ellena.

They walked the kids over her sisters place, across to another hill. They walked thru a narrow pathway of self constructed bridges made out of whatever would work. On the way back, they talked about memories they had shared growing up together. They remembered a time when there was a police incursion on Christmas Eve.

His mind was still on his brother, so this memory, is really a fear of what might happened to Edwardo. “I heard all these loud bangs, and then the firecrackers started going off.” Firecrackers are used by the Drug Gang to notify everyone, there is a police incursion happening.

“My father grabbed me, and my brothers, and took us into the house. We were in a unit near the bottom then, so the cops were right there. I was so scared that one of us would be shot by mistake. My mother cried, as my father tried to comfort her. “Come on women, stop crying, it’ll be over soon.” “Fuck, I’m sick of this shit, these damn cops coming in here whenever they feel like it, and treating us like animals.”

The family laid on the floor with their father trying to shield them from any stray gunfire. After some time the shooting stopped, the police had what they wanted, and they left as quick as they had entered. They came to hit a money carrier, and they accomplished their mission.

We lay on the floor until the noise, and shooting stopped. When it was over, we were on our way to the markets to sell some holiday fruit arrangements my father had. I saw the bodies at the entrance, where the police had shot their way in. They just left the bodies right there, for everyone to see. It was like they were saying, this is what we think of you, and this is what you are.”

She interrupted, “Don’t even think about that, I know what you’re doing.

Lucas you’re worrying about your brother, stop it. You’re with me now, think only about me. Tell me how sexy you think I am, or how you’ve always been madly in love with me. Tell me about the dirty dreams you had of me, and how I arouse you instantly.”

“Boy, have you been smoking already Merillie? My father always told me, never let a girl know how much you want her.” “Oh, that’s bad, I don’t like your father anymore. Listen to me Lucas, if you want to be a women’s King, then treat her like a Queen. My father always said that, so there, tell your father that.”

They arrived home, and Merillie checked on her grandmother. Her grandmother was fast asleep, Merillie then got her stash of weed. They smoked, and listened to the latest tape from last week’s dance. As time went on, Lucas became lost in the moment. The weight of the world was now off of his shoulders, and he had a rare moment to relax.

“How many girls have you been with Lucas, tell me?” “Lots, that’s all you need to know, lots of fine ones.”

“Well, why don’t I hear about you from the other girls then?”

“These are girls you don’t know. They don‘t live around here.”

“Maybe, you’re pure, untouched, a virgin.” She laughed, and laid back on the floor in an inviting position.

“Well, I just might have to show you then.”

“Ok daddy, I’m waiting for a show. Lay down next to me, and get comfortable. I want to show you some things also.”

Merillie started kissing Lucas. She started taking off her clothes. Lucas was more then ready for what she apparently wanted. He wanted it also. He wanted to know her and feel her. The things he thought about her didn’t matter now. He thought about Ellena, she had been his first. He wondered how it would be with Merillie. They made love, talked and made love again.

Until they both fell into a deep sleep.

Amo Voce, yeah right, you don't love me you just love my doggy style

Running Late

Lucas woke up with Merillie’s kids running around, and laughing. He said,

“Good morning", and Merillie laughed. “Morning, ha, it’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon.” “1 o’clock“, he screamed. “Why didn’t you wake me for work?”

“I had left the house, to go get the kids. I told my grandmother to wake you, but I guess she forgot. I’m sorry you missed work.”

He got up and ran home. His mother was waiting. “You stayed out again all night, and I bet you didn’t even go to work. You still have the nerve to talk about your brother, Edwardo. At least he‘s on time to be a drug dealer.”

Lucas didn’t say a word. He went to the pipes to get a bucket. After washing and changing his clothes, he ran to Ellena’s house. Her father answered the door. “Where were you today son?” Ellena’s father always talked in his Judge voice. He is a distinguish, fair and decent man. A man who has sentenced many people like Lucas, but also recognizes the potential in all people.

“You better learn this lesson fast, never mess with a fat man and his food. I pay you to help cook for us in the morning, and that’s what I expect from you.” “I’m sorry Sir. I was up late and over slept. It won’t happen again.”

Ellena was coming in from school while Lucas and Mr. Vermone were speaking. “Hey, you come to cook breakfast now? You’re a little late don‘t you think? I had to make my own toast today, imagine that shit. Geez, it’s true, you just can’t get good help anymore.”

“Ellena it’s ok now, me and Lucas talked. It’s good you made some toast today honey, you might even learn how to boil an egg next.”

“Never Papa, I’m too sexy for that. I have other talents, aint that right Lucas, baby?”

Lucas just looked away, trying not to respond.

“Boy, sometimes I don’t know who’s worse my kids, or the people I have on trial, ha. Ok Lucas, go see my wife, and I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”

Lucas went to talk to Ms, Vermone. And after a few choice words, she gave him his earnings. “We’re doing you a favor by giving you this job. So, remember that, me and my husband expect you to be here, when we tell you, ok. So, take the trash out on your way out, and remember this conversation.”

Mrs. Vermone loved to be condescending towards Lucas, and Black people in general. She knows what a Nigger is, and expects them to be that. Niggers are supposed to be lazy, dumb and hypersexual.

Lucas had always surprises her. She was baffled by his work ethic, polite

demeanor and apparent lack of sexual interest in her. When Mrs. Vermone talked to him, she was taken back by his quick mind, and ability to learn things. She had expected him to miss work, come late, and even steal.

Up until now Lucas had done none of that, so the day he didn’t show up for work, was a saving grace to her. “Oh, they’re all the same, totally worthless.

Outside of kicking a soccer ball, or giving you a nut, we would be better off living with trained monkeys.”

On the way home, Lucas heard someone calling him. It was Ellena running down the street after him. “Hey wait up, what were you doing last night to cause you to miss work, ok?” She asked in a hurt, angry and aggressive tone.

“What is it to you? I had some family things, I had to deal with.”

“Ok, sure I had something to tell you. I told my mother that I was staying over a friends house, but I have the keys to my grandparents. We can both stay there instead. My friend drives, and can pick us up, and bring us back.”

Lucas was kind of excited by the offer, to stay in a nice house. He could sleep in a real bed, and not some mat on the floor. The time spent with Ellena was not the draw, but he knew the sex would be good again, so he didn’t refuse. “Go home and meet me back here in 3 hours. Pack for the night.”

He arrived back home, his mother and brothers were eating a nice cooked meal from the Shoppes. The Shoppes are where people with money go to get quality food. The Shoppes are a lot different from the Market, so today the poor were living like the rich.

The reds had paid Edwardo his weekly allowance. Edwardo was happy to be a provider. “Just in time, we saved you some. Its your favorite.” Edwardo said this to Lucas with a big smile on his face.

His mother said, “If we had to wait for you, we would have starved.“ Silence sometimes speaks louder than words. Lucas didn’t want to argue. He knew they would all gang up on him. Even his youngest seemed happy to be eating some expensive, and decent food today.

“No, I have to go out.” “Ok, big brother, you’ve been spending a lot of time away at night, you must have a girlfriend.”

Everyone in the room laughed. His mother said, “You see, I told yawl, he had another Favela kissing him. So, tell us, who is she? What hill does she live on?”

“Look just let me get some things, and I’ll be out of here.”

“What you don’t want us to know?” “Yeah, you ashamed of us, or her?“

Lucas didn’t say a word. He did take a second to eat with them, as he changed the subject. The family ate and talked about many things, especially Father.

“I can’t wait for Dad to get home.”

“Yeah he’s going to have a lot of money, and gifts for us.”

Lucas’s mother said almost crying, “He’ll have to deal with me first for leaving, and if he lives, then you all can have a go.” They all laughed and finished eating.

After eating, Lucas got his things and started to leave. Edwardo offered to walk him to the entrance. It’s almost time for Edwardo’s entrance duty, so he’s heading that way.

“Look I’m sorry, and I know how you feel. We need this. We can’t keep depending on you for everything.”

“You know how Dad would feel about it, Edwardo. He always said, “Don’t live by what is really killing you.” He never wanted any life like the one the reds give you, for any of us.”

“Dad isn’t here right now. I know you think he’s working, and will be back soon, but we have no way of knowing that for sure.

“You’re not Dad either. Let me do, what I have to do, for now at least. Mom was happy to have the money I gave her today. You know how we‘ve struggled all these years, I can buy Momma some nice things now, we might even get Salvador into some kind of school. And, if I can get a piece of a big score, hell, we might be able to move out of the Favela all together.

“In the real world man lives on bread alone, cash money. That’s all everything really comes down to. So, big brother don’t worry about me dying in a raid. I could die just as easy crossing the street. So, I don’t fear death, when life is a hell for me.

“And the police are taken care of, the reds have it now. It’s the whites that are under the gun, bro. We got it covered.”

“Ok Edwardo, two men stand in the middle of the road, one goes one way, the other goes the other way. I just hope they can meet again, and end up in the same place one day.”

“So now Lucas, tell me about your girlfriend, is she hot?”

“Hot like fire and loves to fuck.”

“Does she have a sister, c’mon hook me up.”

“Yeah, she has a sister, but somehow I can’t picture the two of you together.”

“Oh please Lucas, tell me why?”

“I know you’re secretly a Homo, Edwardo.”

Lucas laughed and ran, as Edwardo started to chase. Lucas proved too fast for him.

“Ah, you got jokes Lucas, real funny. Just tell me about her when you get home, and tell her sister about me.” “Ok I will, and keep an eye on Mom, and your brother. Try not to get shot also.”

will their roads ever meet?

More of you means Less of me

Lucas arrived at the spot, he and Ellena agreed to meet. He waited for about 10 minutes, then Ellena, and her friend pulled up. Her friend was driving a very nice, new model car. The girls laughed as they got closer. Lucas didn’t understand, what was so funny. Maybe the girls were talking about Black people or was he just being paranoid.

He felt odd, as if something wasn’t right, and he really didn’t belong there.

He brushed it off and got into the car. Ellena introduced him and they drove off. Ellena’s friend seemed nice, they had time to talk, because it was about a 30 minute drive. They talked about the Favela funk dances, and soccer.

He almost felt like a star, a celebrity, because he was from the Favela.

Ellena’s friend was a big fan and hungry for details. She was a regular at the dances, and has many of the bootleg tapes. She was the typical suburbanite, attracted by the allure of the ghetto, hungry for a taste of something wild and dangerous.

They arrived at the house, a quaint old style German home, in an Italo-German quarter. The house was built in the early 19th century. Brazil is home to many people of German descent, almost 5 million. Most Germans arrived in the 19th century, after being chased there by Napoleon.

Lucas was amazed to see such a place. He had only seen such homes on TV.

The land around the house, the quiet and serenity, it was nothing like the Favela or the city. “So, do you like my grandparents house?”

“Of course, it’s nice here. Did you grow up here?”

“No silly, my mom did. Way before she married my father, and they got their own place. I’ve spent some summers here, but that’s it.”

Ellena had packed a meal, it was what the family ate for dinner the night before. She warmed it up, and served herself and Lucas. “Wow, your mom is a good cook, I see why your father is fat now.” “Oh stop it, my father is fat, because he thinks everybody’s cooking is good.” “Maybe one day I can come over for dinner, and your mother can cook for me then?”

“Maybe not”, Ellena said quickly trying to change the subject. She got up to clear the table, and Lucas walked into the living room.

She walked over to him, as she came out of the kitchen. The late day sun was shining bright off of her olive skin through the living room window. He grabbed her and said, “C’mon, lets go into the bedroom. I want to fuck you on the bed.”

He led her to the bedroom, up a staircase decorated with family pictures. He laid her on the bed, on her stomach. Later in the night, they sat up and

talked. Lucas started doing some Capoeira moves and Ellena, laughed.

“Why are you jumping around like a monkey?” Ellena asked him that laughing. “What do you mean, saying that? Don’t you know about the art, Capoeira?”

“I’ve heard of it, before, its some kind of dance”, she answered with a very comical disdainful look on her face.

You think, I’m a monkey? Is that how it is?”

“I said like a monkey. Don’t try and twist my words, Lucas. I don‘t need you, or your over sensitive Black complex tonight.”

“Ok, so what do you really need from me, some dick?” Ellena smacked Lucas, as she yelled, “Don’t you talk to me like that, what the fuck do you need from me then?”

“I don’t need anything from you, Ellena.”

“Oh yeah, you need a job from my parents, or maybe you don’t eat, aint that right, Mr. Capo-whatever?”

Lucas looked at her, not really knowing what to do, or think. “I want to go home, now”, He said. He was not angry, he just understood he didn’t belong there anymore.

“Well, you can’t, my friend is not coming to get us for several more hours.”

“Well, I’ll walk home then.”

“Don’t be stupid, you can’t walk.”

He just looked at her, as if to say, (I should have known). He started to collect his stuff. Ellena, now screaming, “I can’t believe you’re leaving, after all I did for you, cooking for you and taking you away from that zoo you call home. You ungrateful, Black bastard, go ahead, run back to your Monkey hill.”

true colors, what color are you? eventually I'll see the color that is you

Time to cut the leash, freedom to get out to the ghetto, no sell out Lucas left the house in the dark, with no thought about how he was going to get home. He was upset and hurt. A cloud of disgrace hung over his heart, and a rain storm of emotions showered him also. He felt disrespected and embarrassed. He saw a window open, and a door closed. The real Ellena he now knows. He knows what she is, and what she could never be.

“I was such a fool to mess with that girl. She could never love or respect me.

It was never about us, but about her. I was invited to the party, not as a guest, but as the help.”

He walked about a half of a mile in really nice weather. The temperature was warm, but not humid. It was nice enough at least to attempt a journey to nowhere for Lucas.

He didn’t see a soul on the roads, and that was good. Lucas most certainly would not draw positive vibes in this area.

Blacks don’t live in this mostly farming community, and the locals have a fear of crime, the Favelas and the City. A car was coming down the road, and he walked over to the side, giving it room to pass. The car stopped and a man yelled at Lucas . “Boy, what are you doing out in these parts? You want to end up in a world of trouble? You‘re asking for the cops to lock you up, just for being Black out here.”

It was an older Black man driving a small truck, yelling at Lucas. “Are you from the City, or Favela, boy?”

“Yes, Providence Hill, and are you going my way, Sir?”

“Yes I am, so then you are really far away from home. What are you doing out here, especially at this time of night? Get in, and I’ll take you near the City, there you can walk home.”

“Well, why are you out here Sir, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I’m working on a farm out here. I take the truck home, so I can make pick ups on the way in, and deliveries on the way home.” “Hey, do you think you can get me a job working on this farm?”

“I don’t even know you boy, and you still haven’t answered my question.”

A police cruiser passed by, and the old man waved at the officers. The officers see him all the time running his routes from the farm. “Damn coppers, never trust them for a second, they’ll steal the color out of paint. I have to give those guys free produce, just so they wont pull me over, and take the truck. Now tell me, why you’re out here?”

“Well, I was out here with this girl, and I got mad and left her place. So, I just started to walk, not knowing where I was going. I was hoping to find my

way home.”

sometimes the journey starts and you don't know where you're going but you know its time to move

The Wise Old Owl

“Ha, that sounds like all of us, in some way, trying to find a way home. You got mad and left? To start walking all the way back to the Favela, ha. You got mad, but not smart, haaa.” The old man had a bottom heavy laugh, that made Lucas a little uncomfortable. “Well, she said something that upset me and I just couldn’t stay there.”

“This girl must have been white, if she lives out here, true?”

“Yes, she’s white. She lives in the City, and her grandparents have a house out here. I work for her parents in their home.”

“Boy, you’re messing around with some dangerous shit now. Don’t fuck and work in the same place, be careful with that.

“Be careful with them also, understand what they’re really after. They don’t see the Man in you, but the Animal. They think, they’re entitled to whoever, or whatever they want. They really want a slave, a slave to their beauty aesthetic, then you become a victim of their ego, and ultimately lose yourself.

“A women has needs also, and will use you the same way. They think we’re all so sexual, ready to fuck like rabbits, and just dying to dig into them. So called White beauties, looking for the Black brute to ravish them, don’t feed into that fantasy of theirs.

“Look for a friend first, before she becomes a lover or wife. When a women is attracted to you because of money, or your looks, don’t expect much good out of it. Looks fade, and money will fly away, relationships built around sex, fizzle in time. Shallowness causes deep and profound injury in the end, to all involved. Look for somebody you have important things in common with, someone you can talk to. It will last longer than a good fuck. You want a girl that can mind fuck, haa..”

The conversation drifted from such a heavy topic to lighter ones like soccer, and the up coming Carnival. Carnival is a busy time for the farm hand, as local restaurants need the extra stock. “Boy, I’ll be running around like one of the chickens in the yard, but the money is good, and will hold me and the wife for some time.”

“I think, I’m going to need another job. I wish I could come work with you.

It’s so hard trying to find work. You know, something legal and enough to survive off of.”

“Yes, it’s hard, but you just have to be determined to look, and determined to stay legal. Boy, never resort to crime, it only makes things worst for you in

the end. I’ll talk to the Farmer, and see what he can do, but don’t expect much. Meet me here next week at the same time, and I‘ll tell you the Farmer‘s decision.”

The Old man dropped Lucas off . Lucas was happy that he made it home, or at least near home.

Lucas started the walk home. As he came near the Favela, he saw police cars at the entrance. The police will close off the entrance to the Favela right before, and during an incursion into the Favela.

wow, sometimes heaven is just being able to go home

The Raid

The drug gang cannot call for reinforcements, and it’s hard for them to escape also, with the entrance blocked. The only way is up on the hill. Lucas knew what an incursion meant, dead gang members, and a harrowing time for the Favela. An incursion can last for days, or even weeks.

The police come looking for drugs, money and guns they can re-sell. They come to settle scores, and to remind the gangs who really is in control. Lucas worried about Edwardo, and he ran to see if his dead body was at the entrance.

He saw some dead reds, but not Edwardo. “Please let me though”, Lucas said with a painful anguish. “Get back kid, can’t you see the Favela is under a Police Operation?” “Yeah, move back, the entrance is closed. Get the fuck out of here.”

“My brother, just let me look and see, if he’s one of the dead.”

The cops knew Lucas, and his father from seeing them selling fruit. Even crooked cops will show a decent, honest, man respect sometimes. The cops let him look, as an act of kindness. Lucas did not see Edwardo, but he did see a couple of dead reds, shot while trying to hold their ground. Shot by the cops, as if their lives were worthless. Born in Brazil with no name, and died just the same, these young boys died where they lived, even though it was a long way from home. Black blood still spills, as the hills still stand, strangers still lost in a strange land. Dying so young, living so short, they are really reds now, as their blood stains the ground.

Lucas’s relief gave him a high like a drug, but he would not be sure until he actually saw Edwardo. He walked over to the side of the road, waiting for the police to drive away.

“Fuck these incursions shit, they always happen at the wrong time. I don’t see how Edwardo could have escaped, I know he must have been at the entrance when they came in.”

The police hurried down the hill into their cruisers, and started slowly to drive off. Lucas ran up the hill, hitting each step like thunder, until he got home. Lucas yelled, “Where’s Edwardo?”

It was early and everyone was a sleep.

His mother said groggy, “Oh, shit boy, it’s you making that noise this early.

We just got to sleep after the raid last night. Damn cops almost went unit by unit, terrorizing us all. Edwardo is over that girl’s house. You know the one right down the hill, where they hang out sometimes.”

He knew his mother was talking about Merillie’s place. Edwardo went there

with another red, Lemme. Lemme had been injured during the incursion.

Lucas rushed there, and yelled as he got close, “What happened last night, tell me?”

“It’s obvious, the fuckin police hit us. I was at the entrance, and they snuck up, smoking us first. We couldn’t see, or breathe.” Edwardo’s eyes were still red from the smoke grenades. “The fuckin smoke was so thick. I ran, and hid under some trash, then in the bushes. Some of the other guys started shooting, and that’s when the police fired. I couldn’t see shit. I just heard screaming, people running and gun shots. Then the firecrackers started going off, and I tried to stay hidden.

“The police made their way up the steps, dropping more smoke grenades, and shooting at anybody they thought was a Red. Some cops stayed at the entrance, blocking it. I dropped my gun, and ran like I was a civilian. I saw Lemme. He couldn’t breathe, and he was laying on the ground. I dragged him into a unit, and we waited. The police left once they had scooped up Morello, and some of the other guys.”

A Policemen had been shot at a gun drop, and the police wanted some answers. The police are known to sell guns, and ammo to the gangs. It’s the main way the gangs get their weapons. The gun exchange went sour, a dispute over the price. An argument ensued, then shots were fired. The Cop was hit, and the Red ran into the Favela.

The police came looking for the kid, they wanted the reds to give him up.

Morello refused, and was taken off instead.

In the car ride from the Favela, the police yelled at Morello. “So, this is how you do business? Maybe I need to call your father, and tell him? You try and drop the price at the exchange, when we agreed already.”

“I didn’t drop no price, what the fuck you talking about? Yo man, get these guys off of me.”

Morello was trying to speak, while two cops in the back seat held him down.

The heated discussion lost in the shadow of the other nights events, as they drove down a busy street. Their sirens screaming, while the night life on the street acted as if nothing out of the usual was going on. Street kids begging, hookers walking with their foreign customers, and the usual business of the City was business as usual.

“What are you talking about? I told you, I gave him the cash for the price you asked for.” “Well, then your man must have been trying to pocket the difference. He popped one of our guys, and ran. Maybe you think we’re stupid, and you’re trying to put this on him. This is bad business, Morello, really bad business. I got a guy shot and he’s laying in the hospital. I didn’t get my money for my guns, and it seems you have no control.”

Look, you take care of this, or we’ll be back. We want that kid dead, or hand his monkey ass over to us and we‘ll handle him.

when your ass gets hot, then your ass gets got - scarface

Through the eyes of a Child

Morello is only 25, and he’s the top red in Providence Hill. He is short, but built like a truck. He carries himself with a, “You will respect me attitude”, so his height does not hinder him. He started like many did, very young.

When Morello was 11, he watched his father rob and kill a man. The man owned a store, as cover for a drug business. Morello’s father, and his gang, after watching the store owner planned a hit.

“He keeps his stash in the back, in a safe under the floor. The hard part is getting at him, because he has bullet proof casing, and hand guns under the counter. Here’s the plan, we wait until he’s alone, then get him out of the store. We stick a gun in his face, then he does what we want.

“Morello will go in, and tell the shopkeeper, some other kids are spray painting his wall. He comes out and we got him.”

“Dude, you sure you want your kid involved in this?”

“Do I want him involved? Real niggas do real things, even when they are young. He has to learn sometime.”

“You ready boy?”

“Ok, Papa.”

Morello ran into the store, “Hey Mister, Mister, I’m sorry but I told them to stop. They’re spray painting all over your wall.”

“Ah fuck, do I need this shit now? Where are the police when shit like this happens.”

The storekeeper ran out, leaving the protection of his bullet proof hide away, and without his guns. Morello’s father, and two friends were waiting just outside the door. As the store owner got just outside they grabbed him and brought him back inside.

“Morello go to the door, and wait to see if anyone is coming.” “What the fuck are you guys doing, get off of me.”

“What the fuck we doing?

"Like you don’t know, already.”

“You want the money in the register, go ahead take it, and leave.”

“Fuck, man you aint getting off that light. We know what you keep under the floor, hidden under the rug. Open it up, or you start bleeding.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Ok, you gotta play me like I’m dumb. Right here bitch, this what I’m talking about.”

Morello’s father had pulled back the rug, hiding the safe in the floor. He

started smacking the man’s head against the door of the safe. They let him go, and all pointed their guns at him.

“Yeah bitch, So, what’s it going to be, then?”

The man opened the safe, and just about passed out. They grabbed what they could, and by this time Morello had walked to the back of the store. He arrived just in time to see his father shoot the man several times.

“What are you doing back here? I thought I told you to stay at the door.”

Morello was speechless. He just watched as the blood poured and the man moaned.

Morello’s father didn’t stop there, and he eventually ended up in prison on a murder conviction. As the Red Command started to form in prison, Morello’s father was able to get him in. “Look my kid is in Providence Hill, he has run with me since he was about 10. He knows the business and he knows how to be hard. He knows how to be real in this game. I showed him that when he was young. Let him run the operations there, and we’ll have somebody we know we can trust.” They all agreed, and Morello was given the post as head red, in Providence Hill.

the child becomes a man, but never loses that little boy he once was

Meet the Major of Hell

Morello sees himself like a Mayor, the Favela belongs to him. The police don’t respond to emergencies there, the city Government forbids it. The Favela is treated like it isn’t there, so the demons rule, because the gods walk away.

For Morello, if the money comes in right, he won’t be challenged by the Red Elite. The money keeps flowing, he can pay off the cops and keep the peace.

C.R.E.A.M, cash rules everything around me, for Morello and the Favela this holds true. The drug business is really all the Favela has. The drug business is all they are allowed to have.

It works well for Brazil, recreational users and tourist can be supplied, and the nasty results of the drugs can be kept contained to the Favela. The criminalization of the Favela and its residents, helps to create a barrier, that closes the Favela off from true Brazil.

Once back at the Favela safe house, a hidden home only the reds have access to, Morello needed to know things. Morello wanted answers. “What the fuck happened to us? Why this shit, had to go down, like that? We had the drop planned. I had it all planned. C’mon, talk to me.” “Fuckin Sereno, just got loose, and tried to go solo on this one”, one of Morello’s lieutenant stated the obvious.

“That‘s all we can see, all we‘ve been able to figure out,”

“Yeah, that’s what it’s looking like to me. Why else would that bitch be hiding from us then? Fuck, I guess it’s my fault for putting him on it then.”

“He never did anything like this before. I don’t know what he was on, to fuck us like this. I thought he was ready to handle more shit for us.”

Morello just looked bewildered, as he really liked Sereno, and thought he could trust him. There is no honor amongst thieves, or drug dealers.

“Where’s the kid? He has to be somewhere on the hill. Go get him, and then we see. We find out what the fuck he was on.”

“I’ll get some crews together, and fuck if we have to go unit by unit, we’ll flush him Morello.” “Ok, do that, and let me know as soon as you got something.”

The kid, Sereno was hiding on the top of the hill. He hid in an abandon unit, abandoned because of mud slides, and it‘s chance of falling. He knows what will probably happen to him. The cops, and the reds both want him. When you live by the sword, you die by the sword. When you live with the gang, you most certainly will die with, or by the gang. He sat in the corner of the unit, looking out the window and trying not to be seen at the same time. He

was nervous at the sight of everything he saw move, clutching his gun like a child would a teddy bear.

“Fuck man, I’ll just wait here until it gets dark, then try and get off the hill, out to another Favela.” Sereno was tired, and he was scared. He tried to believe everything would be alright, as he still had blood splatter on him from the Cop at the drop.

“Maybe see what’s up the whites, tell them, “Yo, I know shit on the reds. I know how they operate. Yeah, they going to feel me then, feel me real easy then. I can still send my peoples some bread in Providence, once I get settle on another score.”

Running from the reds, and the cops is kind of like hiding from God, and the Devil, but not knowing which is which. He has nothing to eat, or drink, and can’t risk being seen. He knows they will be looking for him, and making it off the hill, will be like running from Hell, trying to get to Hades.

Lucas was still over Merillie’s house with his brother. “I just hope everything calms down, and the police chill for a while. If the police keep this shit up, like they do sometimes, then we have a war in the Favela.”

“Yeah, they love this shit, it’s like doing training exercises to them. Little boys like playing with their guns like toys. The Favela is a place where the police come to take a shit. They can shoot, and kill whoever. They can fuck up whoever, and no ones gives a shit about the people on the hill.

“Maybe the White Command is putting them up to this. I guess their price is the right one now”. One of Morello’s lieutenant came looking for Edwardo, and Lemme,

“You guys know where, Sereno is?” They both answered, no.

“Well, we think he did some slimly shit, and that’s why he’s hiding. He tried to stash some of the cash from that gun buy, and that’s why the shit went foul.

“The Cop wanted the full price. He got mad and pulled his piece, but Sereno hit him first, then spilt.” “Yeah, then the coppers came in here and shitted all over us.” “Like fuck they did, so now, we got to get that cat. We got to teach him, you don’t fuck family, and bring down this shit on the whole Favela.

You cats, dig me?”

“Yeah, of course, we’re all drinking from the same bottle.”

“Ok, good stay here until I come back, keep an eye out. If you guys see him, take him down, don’t fuck around with the kid, that’s Morello’s orders.”

Lucas was shocked to know his brother was involved in such a mess.

“I told you things would always be crazy in this shit. Gang life is a death sentence. You could have been killed today, and now you’re trying to kill one of your own people.”

“Shut up, Lucas now isn’t the time for your shit, stop preaching. It is, what it is, what it always will be. We know this from the start.”

Lemme chimed in, “We do, what we do, you know what living in the Favela is about. The cops have it in for us, no matter what. Drug dealer, or civilian, we’re all the same to them. Nobody gives a shit, so what the fuck.”

“Shouldn’t we give a shit about ourselves, and find something else, even make something else? You‘re putting the control and destiny of your life in another man‘s hands.” “C’mon what control do we have? Open your eyes, see the real world Lucas. See what being from the Favela really means.

There’s no escaping this shit, sometimes I think God doesn’t even care about the Favela.”

“Of course he does, why would you say that?” “What Lucas, why would I say that? Look at how we live, and the foot that’s been up our ass, for so long. And then you answer the question for me, Lucas”. “Before you take a man’s foot out of your ass, first you must take out your own foot.”

Lemme laughing hard, “Wow, that’s a good one, is that in the Bible? Jesus must have preached that to the multitudes. What kind of god creates man, and then steals his humanity”? “Does God steal it, or is he offering something more? You need to learn to look at the possibilities.”

Merillie who had been silent up to now, “Lets not talk about this now, until all this blows over. Go to the Pharmacy and ask him what we need for Lemme, and stop at the Shoppes, bring us back something to eat.”

Lucas walked down to the Shoppes, as he thought to himself, “You can’t solve the problem by being a part of the problem, then the problem never goes away.”

“Ok, let me see, I can go to Mr. Pedro’s pharmacy. He is very nice to Favela residents. At least he doesn’t call the cops as soon as you walk in. I think when he was young, he lived in a Favela. I remember him telling my father something like that.”

Medical care is not easy for people living in the Favela, there are some free clinics and doctors that volunteer, but many things go untreated. Lucas really wants to enjoy the weekend, because he knows the show down with Ellena will be Monday. He’s not sure what she’ll do, but he expects she’ll do something. The police incursion, the fight with Ellena and his family, has Lucas looking to escape.

Lucas wants to find a place to hide, all of this conflict has him feeling trapped inside. It seems the soul that wants peace is always at war. The bleeding heart becomes sore and it wants no more. His father used to always tell him, “You may bleed, or even cry, but you can’t let what’s inside of you die. Learn to smile even when you cry, and remember your tears, even when

you laugh. Stay even on your path, and the journey will last.”

Lucas described to the Pharmacist Lemme’s symptoms. The Pharmacist had seen it before with smoke grenades in the Favela. “Those cops, when they go in, they don’t care who they fuck over. They’ll shoot an old lady like a dog.

They walk around like gods cause they have a badge.”

He gave Lucas some inhalant for Lemme. “Hey, I haven’t seen your father around lately. How is he doing?”

“My father is not at home. We have been told he is working on a Cruise Ship, and will return soon.” “Ok, great, he’ll make good money on that ship.

As soon as he gets home, have him come see me.” “Ok, I’ll tell him, and thanks for your help today.”

Now, Lucas must find something to eat. Merillie had given him a decent amount of money and he didn’t want to disappoint her. He knows a man from the Capoeira studio. He’s a retired African American Police Officer. He opened a Philly Steak Shop in Rio, with his savings and retirement money.

they don't care, that's why you must

Philadelphia’s Finest

“Hey, it’s the little Beetle“, a nickname given to Lucas in memorial of a great Capoeira legend. “Hello, and you sir, have you been practicing your moves?”

“No, I’m to old for that. I chased too many kids back home in Philly. My knees won’t allow it, and my body would sue me for pain and suffering.

“So, you’re coming for some steaks?”

“Yes, my friend is sick, and we’re babysitting him. We need something to hold us over the weekend.” “Ok, I got you, sit down, while we get them right up for you.” The Shop was very busy, but Lucas found a seat after two tourist got up.

“So, what’s up Young Buck, how‘s life on the hill?”

“Well, there was an incursion, my stupid brother is working with the reds. I had an argument with a girl at my job, oh boy, everything is wonderful.”

“Yeah, as Fred Sanford once said, “You never thought a Blackman could be so happy, right? Well, I heard about the incursion. It reminds me of when we would go into the Housing Projects, back in Philly.

“It’s tough in there, you have to be careful. I’ve seen some crazy things in Philly, but it’s a lot different here in Brazil. It’s more like an actual street war, almost like real guerilla warfare. I feel sorry for the cops and the people who live in the Favela.”

“You feel sorry for the cops, they’re the biggest criminals in Brazil.”

“Cops are people too, and no more corrupt than anybody else in any other profession. Cops have limited options themselves, there’s a thin line between becoming a cop or a criminal. Cops and criminals usually come from the same social-economic class. I became a cop and watched many of my friends become criminals.

“Many of them were not bad people, but had some bad breaks, and made some bad decisions. For many people, sex, drugs, violence and crime is what they use to fill the void. A hole in their soul, that keeps eating them alive.

“You see, we’re already lost in an Alien culture, that will never accept us.

The basic foundation of the system never really changed, the Corporations became the Slave Master. The Plantations are everywhere, and the Plantation mentality also.

“The West will always define us inferior. We allow the pillars and foundations of our individual selves, community and sub-culture, to become the very things that are destroying us. From the music we listen to, all the way down to the clothes we wear, all represent our demise in Western


“We lose our family concept, for the selfish self centered Western perspective. We see ourselves through their eyes, and we forget how to look through our own. You know a person will go blind, if you blind fold them. If you never uncover their eyes, eventually they will lose their vision, even if they had perfect sight. The nerves die, and they’ll never see again.

“The system sits back, and laughs at you, because you just don’t see. You can’t see, your vision has been taken. You’re blind, and you can’t see, you need to wear some glasses like DMC, ha. You become what they want you to be, what they need you to be.

“It can be really sad, because life starts before many people realize it, and people make choices early that affect them their entire life. I remember this kid killed a fellow cop from my precinct, in a robbery. He was only 19, and was trying to support his daughter. He couldn’t find a job, and became frustrated. He was a high school drop-out, with a drug conviction. He really had little chance to find a good job, with no diploma and a record.

“Why would anyone in that situation have a child? He was digging a hole deeper for himself, and now another. Where was the guidance, and discipline he needed to understand that? You see, it’s the blind leading the blind. He had no one to show him, nobody there to tell him to stay in school, and be responsible.

“You should raise your kids from day one, with high standards and expectations. In the hood making the wrong choices, becomes the right ones.

The abnormal becomes the norm, and the standard becomes, we have no standards. And if someone there tries to live above that, many resent it.

“The ghettos and slums are a mother fucker. Many people fall into its trap.

They get caught up in a cycle of sex, drugs, violence and crime. The powerless trying to empower themselves over each over. They never realize what a power house they could be together. The hard working, and decent, who happen to be the majority, are the ones that suffer the most.

“The others don’t really see, they have us right where they want us. Crime, violence and dysfunction are what drives the economic, social and poltical systems. The friction of this divide is what powers the American Cultural machine. Human degradation and exploitation ignites, and exposes the West.