My name is Lucas by Harry Davis - HTML preview

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“Left versus right, White versus Black and the class warfare. It all has us choosing sides. As blacks we’re born criminals of their culture, political and social structure. We’re born bastards in the West, refugees of our lost selves.

The biggest crime we commit is to try to have dignity, or some respect.

“You see, you need someone to be niggers, so everyone else can, not be niggers. The hierarchy is set. They need the poor, so others can be rich. You

need the outcasts, so there can be an, “incast”. You need the weak, so others can be strong. Everyone has a place, some run, and others chase.

“Brazil is really the same. It has many of the same divides and issues. You have here in Brazil the same shit, only a different location.”

“Well, my father used to tell me a man could have an ocean, but would hate you for the drop of water you have.”

“Yes, he’s right, the competitive nature of mankind will always divide us.

That divide is on an individual level, but at the institutional level is where it’s introduced and replicated.

“The system needs you to be second class, second rate. Western institutions function that way, that’s why they brought you here in the first place. They needed strong African backs to walk over, but many people settle for that, and bend their strong African back right over for them. The system is set up perfectly to function as it does. The teenage pregnancy, crime and dysfunction are all vital parts of the machine. You try and do the right thing, and it pulls you back wrong.

“Social services, prisons and other programs like welfare are there to perpetuate the system, not to help. All I can tell you is stay strong and proud, just do you. The pains of the young, becomes the wisdom of the old, the struggles of the weak, becomes the strength of the bold. Hang in there Young Buck, the final story has yet to be told.

“Use your head and learn to navigate through it, be a real man and not the animal they expect. They’ll accept your physicality easily, even admire you for it, but won’t accept your intellect. You’ll always be a Nigga to them, but that will keep them surprised and upset when you better them.

“Live well and be successful, they are your best weapons against the lies and hate. You can’t wait for unity, or fairness, because neither will ever exist in this world. People will always define you, based on their own needs, and how they want you to fit into their world. They’ll want you to be stupid, so they can feel smart. They’ll want you to be ugly, so they can feel beautiful.

They want you to be, “over sexed“, so they can get a fuck out of you.

“Many times, it’s the people close to us, that do the most harm. You can’t expect civil rights in a world that’s not civil. We are all individuals, before we are nations, races or families.”

“I understand what you mean. My father always told me, be accountable for myself and make sure your life counts.”

instructions for the Buffalo soldier

Be still and you will hear them whisper Lucas took what the American said to heart, he felt the truth in it, and realized the power of it. “Thanks Old Head, see you at the studio.” His order was ready, and he grabbed the heavy bags of steaks and fries making his way back up the hill. He arrived at the house, and everyone was just sitting around.

The small clustered room, decorated by Merillie’s grandmother when she was young, still identified her. Edwardo was messing around on a guitar that Merillie had laying around. Lucas laughed, “Hey, I bet you guys didn’t know, Edwardo is the musician and singer of the family. Play and sing something, like you do at home sometimes. Sing the song I wrote for you, do you still remember it?” “Yeah, I remember it.”

Merillie and Lemme had a “Ready to laugh, expression on their faces”, they couldn’t predict how they would be touched and amazed at his ability. “Ok, here goes he started strumming over a E cord: Whispers on the wind:

We hear your whispers on the wind

Where have you been

Our Ancestors our kin

Stay strong and proud

We’ll always tell your story

Long and loud

We’re still living up on these hills

Where we can feel the wind, even when it’s still We know you’re there

We feel the love and care

Flying in the wind

We hear the songs you sing

with all the wisdoms you bring

You gave us, everything

You are the whispers in the wind, and the song in the rain The joy and the pain

The screams in the thunder

Even the rainbows tell us of your wonders We are your children and the same

Because of you

We can remember our African names.”

“Oh, my goodness that was really good, where did you learn to play and sing

like that?”, Merillie wondered in amazement.

“Hey, I taught him that song.” Lucas chimed in, trying to recover some of the glory for himself..

“Whispers on the wind, what does that mean”, Lemme asked.

“Whispers are how the Ancestors talked to the living in traditional African culture. If you would come down to the Capoeira demonstrations you would learn stuff like that.”

“Hey, what did you get us to eat, lets get back to the important shit”, Lemme interrupted.

“Your history is important, just as important as what you put in your mouth.

Just because you don’t go to school, doesn’t mean you can’t learn.”

“Oh goodness, there you go with the preaching again.”

“I got us some Philly steaks and fries.”

“Ahh, that’s my shit, wow, we go there sometimes with the crew after a shift at the entrance. The American who runs it is a former copper, but cool never the less.”

Lemme and some of the bosses will hang out at the Shoppes, in order to deal to foreign tourist. They don’t have to come near the Favela, and they feel safer there. Tourism is what really drives the Brazilian demand for drugs and sex, and the gangs, and the Favela are there to supply them.

They had a very happy weekend while tending to Lemme. The Favela was in an uproar, as the reds looked for Sereno. Morello was intent on bring him Favela justice, and paying him back for the trouble he caused. Lucas and his gang created their own world away from it all.

listen to those whispers, somebody maybe trying to tell you something

Eat Drink and be Merry

“Ok, everyone has to dance to this one, even you Lemme, so get up”, Merillie barked out orders ready to show off her sexy funk dance style. She can grind her hips enticing arousal, like no other. She was dressed in tight fitting pink lace pants with a white halter top.

“You dance for us, go ahead show s how it’s done”, Lucas said, because he was afraid to get up first.

“Ok, if you guys are going to chicken out, then watch me.” They laughed as she showed her stuff. The couple beneath them, started to shout out their window. “Come on, this isn’t the funk dance hall. Let us have some peace on this hill today.”

“Oh, the hell with them. They stay up all night fucking, or fighting, keeping my grandmother and kids up, then have the nerve to complain about me.”

“You want me to take care of that, huh?” Lemme was ready to flex some of his red muscle.

“Yeah, we’ll have a little talk with them”, Edwardo said, wanting to display his muscle also.

“No, no it’s ok, they’re still my neighbors. I don’t want you guys shooting them or anything.”

“Yeah, c’mon guys just relax, and lets keep the party going”, Lucas said, trying to get the good vibe back.

Even in hell, you can find a slice of heaven, they played some more funk and smoked grass. They joked, and played like the kids, they really still are.

Edwardo even tried to teach them some cords on the guitar. Lucas and Merillie even managed to sneak off and make love. Everything was going easy, and peaceful until some reds came busting in.

And Justice for all

“How you feel, Lemme? You ready to go back in to this?”

“Yes, I feel strong now, what’s up?” “Well, we have Sereno. We’re all going to be there as it goes down, c’mon.”

Lucas was silent and afraid of what was going to happen. He couldn’t go with them. He was not a Red, but the whole situation had him feeling like he is the one in trouble.

Sereno had been hiding out in a unit, way on top of one of the hills. The unit was not used, because it might easily collapse during a storm. The reds had been going unit by unit looking for him.

“Yo, I think he might be in there, I saw something moving.”

“Walk up to the window, and I’ll kick in the door.”

He kicked in the door, and Sereno was there ready with his gun drawn.

“What now you going to shoot me? After all this shit you brought down on yourself, you want to make this shit even worse?“

Sereno could not shoot one of the reds, he dropped his gun with a look of exhaustion. “No, wait a fuckin minute, why you guys looking for me?”

“Tell us, why you’re running? Maybe you did some fucked up shit, huh?”

“You wasn’t there, you don’t know what went down.”

“Well, I think it’s late for you man, but lets walk. We’ll take you to Morello, and you tell him your side.”

The other Red came through the window, and grabbed Sereno.

“Yeah, maybe we wont tell Morello you pointed at us. That shit will just make him even madder, and that’s the last thing you need right now.

Lucas asked Merillie, “What do you think is going happen?”

“Don’t be silly, it’s obvious.”

“What do you mean? What’s so obvious, Merillie?”

“They’re going to kill him.”

“No way, they can’t. Maybe we can talk to them, come on.”

“Are you for real?” “They might beat him a little, but kill him, why?”

“Sereno grew up with all of us, I mean, I know he fucked up, but fuck man.“

Lucas sat on the ground with his hands on his head.

“My father always said, “The war fought against us, is fought mainly by us.

They pull the strings, and we pull the triggers. Little really changes, I see.”

“Lucas, you need to open your eyes, and stop living in your world. This is not, Lucas world, but the real one. Realize, it is, what it is.”

“So, you’re saying it’s ok, right? It’s not bad enough the fuckin cops come in the Favela and kill us, but we help them by killing each other? The World is

what we make it, we can’t just let it happen around us. We can change things, but first we need to know that we have the power to do so. Well, at least my father thought that way, and so he taught me.”

Merillie laughed and smiled at Lucas. “Oh, Lucas you are a special one. You don’t belong in this world, and you certainly aren’t human. And that father of yours, well he is certainly the Prophet of the people on the hills.” She was delighted, and yet puzzled by his way of thinking. Naïve can be cute sometimes, but pessimism is always ugly.

“There’s a song I like, I heard it on the foreign channel. Somebody translated the lyrics for me. It said something like, (we’re crazy because we all can fly, but some of us don’t know we have wings). You see only some people, even want to fly. Some guy with the name of a fish sings the song.”

“Well, if you’re held down how can you fly?” “Merillie, no one can hold you down, really, that’s why it’s so crazy not to end up soaring like an Eagle.”

Lucas walked home. He hadn’t checked on his mother all weekend. And he wanted to see how his youngest brother was also. “Where the hell has everybody been? Did you forget about us over here?” “I’m sorry Mom, a kid with the reds got hurt, and we were tending to him.”

“So, your brother is there still?”

“No, he and the kid left with the rest of the reds, there’s something heavy going on.

“This one kid, well he tried to take some of the money from a gun buy. The cops wanted him bad, so that’s why they went crazy and raided.”

“Those fuckin cops, let them keep it up. Somebody is going to get the nerve to kill a bunch of them one day. A war is going to happen, right in the Favela. You wait and see.

“Well, you better get to sleep, you have work tomorrow. You did remember that I hope?” Lucas lay next to his brother and tried to sleep, but he could only think about tomorrow.

He woke after a night of little sleep. He went to get some water from the pipe. He had no appetite, and was up early. He washed, and got dressed while his mother and brother tried to keep sleeping.

Edwardo still had not come home, but he had other worriers right now. He walked slowly trying to eat up some time, trying to run through possible scenarios in his mind. “What will she say? That bitch is going to get crazy on me, I just know it. She doesn’t understand me, who I am, or where I come from. I am just the cook to her, yeah Johnny Nobody. Cooking food, or sex, whatever Ellena needed at the moment.”

in the court rooms, there is no Justice, just us, look around

The Showdown

He rang the door bell, and Ellena’s sister answered the door with a nasty grin. It made Lucas feel nervous. He walked into the kitchen and was greeted with cheer, “Oh, somebody is early today, ok start making the coffee while I cook the eggs.” Lucas went right to work trying to make himself busy, to work away the anxiety.

He stopped for a moment and looked up, Ellena was staring at him from across the room. She came in the kitchen and barked. “I need my breakfast served in my room, so bring it to me there. Hello, did you hear me?”

“Yes, miss we’ll have that for you shortly“, replied Ms Lissette. Ellena gave her orders, and marched out with a look of disgust on her face.

Lucas was unsure what to think about Ellena’s actions. He quietly hoped things would settle down with no hassle. “She seems agitated, the young lady.”

“Well, she’s no lady, if you knew her like I did.”

“Oh Lucas, watch your mouth, why would you say that? I wonder what has her in a bad mood?” Miss Lissette asked, while Lucas knew why but dared not to say.

“Monday’s are hard for everyone, I’m sure she’ll be ok.”

Breakfast was ready, and Miss Lissette asked Lucas to take Ellena her plate.

Lucas feared the encounter, but had no choice. Ellena was waiting, sitting on her bed. Her legs crossed and very obvious. She had a very devious smile, that turned to a look of disgust.

“Oh, I see you made it back safe from our little holiday. The one that you ran out on me, remember?” “Look, Ellena lets forget that and forget you and me.

We would be better off just friends.”

“Friends ha, do you really think you could be a friend of mine? You idiot.

Well, I guess it’s true, you ca

n never tame a wild animal. You started this, and I’m going to finish it, now put my food down and leave.”

“You don’t have to talk like that, Ellena.”

“Did you hear me, leave!”

Lucas left the room and went back into the kitchen to do some more chores.

He wasn’t surprised by her behavior, just annoyed with himself for getting close to her. “I should have known better to trust her, and them like that. She could never respect someone like me, just fuck and suck me. The Master lost her Slave and now she rebels, a Master rebellion. Well, even sometimes the gods have been wronged.

once again, hell have no fury like......

The Shot heard around the Hill

Back at the Favela, the reds were up all night, dealing with Sereno. They had the money he had taken, and they were slowly waiting to deal him justice.

Morello woke up, and made his way to where Sereno was being watched.

“Thought you could just fuck me like that, fuck us all, huh?”

“It’s fucked up dude, I know. I’m sorry I needed the money for my sister.

She got in some trouble, and I needed to pay some dudes off. I’ve been telling the guys this all night.”

“What trouble your sister in, who does she owe?”

“She stole something, where she worked.

The owner said he wasn’t going to the police, but he would get some guys to really do her in. Maybe, even make her hook for him, until the debt was paid off, she‘s only 16.”

“So, you couldn’t just ask me, huh? Like I’ve always tried to be family with you guys. This has always been about family and the Favela, well at least for some of us. I‘ve always told you all that. We’re family in this shit. We’re Reds because blood unites us now, and you went against our blood.

“You see, it’s always the same story, whenever brothers try and come together on something, some niggas gotta go solo, and fuck the shit up. So you, trying to ride solo, just had to steal our shit, and then cause the incursion, and deaths of some good kids. You wasn’t stealing from the cops, but from me, us.

“You then got the cops all up in my face, hauling me around like trash. You think I needed that shit? You think the Favela needed that shit?”

“Fuck, man I’m sorry, I was afraid you‘d say no.”

“You could of came to me, and we could handled those guys, or at least put the coppers on them. You know they’ll do anything for the right price. So, sorry isn’t good enough, the damage has been done, So now the reds are about to lose another son. Yo, go get Edwardo in here.”

Morello commanded the others to go out of the room, and bring Edwardo in.

“Ok, seeing that you are one of the new kids, it’s time for you to join us, and be in this thing for real. Ok, like now, you have to do what needs to be done.”

“Ok man, what’s up?”

“Put a bullet in this bobo’s head, then take him to the top of the hill and dump him there. After that, stop by his peoples unit, and give them this bread. Morello gave Edwardo a wad of bills, just to hold over the family, as they were about to lose their only bread winner. Edwardo was afraid, but not

willing to show the fear. He leaped up grabbing Sereno, like he was about to take out the trash.

They walked Sereno up the hill with him begging them to just let him run.

They put him up against a tree,

“Hurry the fuck up, lets do this, You ready Edwardo? You heard Morello, you got the shot.” Sereno was crying and screaming louder, and louder.

Merillie having heard about it from another Red, ran to the top of the hill to see it happen.

“Yo, man we grew up together, what about my mom and sister? Who the fuck is going to protect them now?" Sereno said that, like he was singing a sad song.

Merillie said in agony, “I’ll make sure they’ll be ok.”

Edwardo didn’t say a word, first just an aim then bang, bang, bang, bang. He hit Sereno in the chest, and then emptied the clip. The bangs caused an echo chain heard on the hill, and an echo chain of emotion through every one there. Sereno had been one of them, it was not like killing a Cop, or a rival gang member.

Sereno had been getting older, he grew up primarily with the gang leaders, but he had remained a follower. Sereno felt like he should have been more than a runner now. He thought his years of service warranted a big piece of the action.

It was hard, because they had been friends since they were young. They all joined the reds together. They had lived, and would die for one another, and now he’s dead by their hand. The truth comes down to this, if they had not killed Sereno, then they would have been killed. Sereno’s body was left to rot, an example to others of their fate, if they go against the gang. An example to all, of what life is worth in the Favela.

what is life worth? it seems for some all that matters is who pulls the trigger and who will get shot first

The scorn of a Princess

Lucas returned home. He didn’t know what had happened to Sereno yet.

“How was work today”, his mother asked. His mother seemed a little more contented lately and Lucas knew why. The money Edwardo was bringing into the house had eased her concerns, but it had increased his.

“It was as usual and I stopped by the Capoeira studio on the way home. We are working on some new moves and techniques.”

“Boy, you really love all that flipping around, don’t you. It all looks silly to me.”

“Silly, it’s our history and culture here in Brazil. We have to keep it alive, and plus you know how much Dad thought of it.”

As they spoke, Ms. Lisette came to the door screaming, “Lucas, Lucas are you there?”

He jumped up running to the door.

“Yes, I’m here what’s the matter?”

“What happened with you and Ellena this morning, tell me?”

“What do you mean, nothing happened.”

“Well, the girl went to school upset. And at school she told a counselor, a boy that works in her house tried to touch her.

“She said you grabbed her and felt her all over her. They informed her parents, and the police. You better not go back, because I don’t know what they’ll do to you.”

Lucas was shocked and afraid. He could not, and at the same time, “could”, believe that Ellena was capable of this. He feared how it would play out. A Black boy from the Favela accused of assaulting a White girl. Lucas knew this was dangerous. The police probably will not come into Favela to look for him, but he will have to be careful. His worst nightmare came true. He lost the job, he needed so badly.

“Wow, that spoiled little bitch. She was intent on trying to fuck me somehow. I don’t stand a chance against her, and whatever she could say.

Who would believe me over her?”

“Lucas tell me the truth, did you touch that girl?”

“Well, we did have sex before, but she wanted it. She pursued me Momma.”

His mother now in a rage. She does not want to see Lucas locked up over this. “Oh boy, you fool, just like a man to think with his dick. You then have the nerve to accuse your brother of bad judgment. You know how much we depended on you, well at least Edwardo is still here for us.”

“I know Mom. I messed up big time and I let you all down.”

Miss Lissette said, “I’ll try and talk to her parents for you, maybe I can get them to not press this. Remember what I said, don’t go near that place again.”

Ms. Lissette had a good relationships with the family. Maybe she can stop this from going insane. Lucas walked outside to get some air. He felt fear, anger and trapped at the same time. “So, Ellena if you can’t own me, then you’ll sell me.”

Merillie walked up. Lucas was curious about what had happened with Sereno.

“What went down, tell me?”

“I told you before to stop being silly. They killed him.” Lucas was heart broken, something inside of him just did not want to believe it. Sereno had been a kid of the Favela like them all.

“Fuck, they could have worked something out. I mean ok, I know he made a bad mistake. Sereno was family, shit one of us.”

“You know Edwardo was the trigger man.”

“What, don’t say that, shut the fuck up. He would not do that.”

“Don’t you talk to me like that Lucas. You don’t believe me? Then go see for yourself.”

Merillie was so mad, and she wanted to slap Lucas, but she felt his pain and understood. Lucas ran down to the Favela entrance to find Edwardo.

Edwardo was not there, but at the safe house. “Where is my brother, Edwardo?’ “As, you can see he isn’t here.”

“Well, tell him to come home as soon as he can, it’s important.”

Lucas went home waiting for his brother, so many things crashing down on him. He waited just outside, not wanting to expose his mother and brother to a loud argument. Merillie walked down the hill to his unit, she was still upset,

“Boy, I should slap the African out of you.”

“Look, I’m sorry, it’s been an awful day for me. A girl at work told the police, I tried to rape her. So, I can’t go back, this means I lost my job.

Sereno is dead and you tell me Edwardo did it. I mean, what the fuck. The whole world is crashing in on me.”

“I’m sorry I had to break the news to you about, Edwardo. I thought you should know. The gang life does that to you, it makes you a killer. Edwardo will not be the brother you knew. He’ll become what the gang, and its effects make him. I saw my older cousins, and brothers go through the same thing.

Gang life is hard, and you have to be harder to survive it.” “Well, then he has already killed himself. He murdered Edwardo with Sereno.”

“Lets go smoke some grass, I got some good shit from Morello personally.

We can relax and take the edge off.” They went to an empty unit. Merillie uses it sometimes to entertain her guest away from her grandmother and kids. They started to smoke and Merillie got a real serious look on her face.

“Lucas tell me why that girl said that about you, maybe you were fucking her?” Lucas was shocked. Merillie had figured it out. He’s to young to know how perceptive women are.

Merillie being a girl, thought of reasons why Ellena would do it. Merillie read his, “How did you figure that out expression.” “Well, it was a mistake. I knew, but I guess sex sometimes is stronger than what is right.” I should have never gotten close to that girl, little spoiled bitch.”

“So, you like White girls? Is this the reason its been so long to get you to talk to me.”

“No, she pursued me. It was what she wanted. Ellena is a nymph.”

Merillie laughed then talked through a smirk, “So, a women can't like sex, Lucas? So, I guess she raped you all those times yawl had sex? Poor little Black boy getting raped repeatedly by a white women. Wow, you just like a sister was on the plantation.

“It must have really been horrible for you, Lucas.”

“Well, you don’t understand, a man can be used also. I was the victim of an,


Merillie looked at him in amusement and bewilderment. “What is that?’

“Yes, a person who seeks blacks for sexual exploitation.”

Merillie laughed hard, but she wanted to cry. She understood more than Lucas really knew at that time.

“Did you just make up that word?”

“Look, I don’t want to just be someone to fuck. I’d want a girl to love and respect me too. All she saw in me was sex, like a lot of them do.”

“Well, does she fuck better, than me?”

As they spoke Edwardo walked up.

“You’ve been looking for me, they tell me. Lucas what‘s on your mind?

What’s so urgent that you had to come get me?” Edwardo looked defiant and aggressive.

Love will help me know my name - Seal

It gets real on the Hill

Upon seeing his brother, Lucas simply stared at him and instantly Edwardo felt his shame.

“Is that you now? A killer, a murderer and the Red Assassin? Where is the little boy I grew up with? Has he been murdered also? Tell me Edwardo, who are you now and what can you ever be?”

“What I am now, is what I choose to be, my fate. I do what I have to do, trying to survive this shit. I do this, for me and mine. Lucas that still includes you, and that’ll never change. Sereno was a dirty Nigga. He fucked us, and he got fucked in the end, the way it should be. A bullet had his name on it, and I had to give it to him.

“Fuck that Nigga, and fuck you too, if you got a problem with it. Lucas this is real life, not a game. I keep telling you that. We’re in the Favela, so you know how it goes down. It goes down real hard. I got to be harder if I want to survive, and I got to keep it on the real to survive even longer. This ain't play fighting, or kicking like you dancing or some shit, its called reality.”

“So, now you know what’s real, huh Edwardo? You think you’re living, but remember this, what keeps you alive today will kill you tomorrow. You killed Sereno, you also killed a piece of yourself.” Edwardo laughed, “Shut the fuck up, just shut the fuck up. Lucas that Capoeira is going to your head.

I’m so sick of your preaching and self righteousness.

“Who the fuck are you, huh? You live here in the Favela, just like us. So, Lucas what makes you so pure, so decent? The Prophet, the Preacher, or maybe just the Fool. Do you think just because you slave in some White people’s house, cooking their food and kissing their asses, that you’re special? You think everyone wants to do that shit, and be what you are?”

“You know what Dad always said, “A honest dime, beats a dishonest dollar.”

“Oh yeah, not when you need a dollar, it doesn’t for me. Lucas please, pick up a gun, and join me on the front line, learn how the reds do it, and learn how we grind. Like Morello‘s father told him when he was young, “Real niggas do real things.”

“Lucas, you know Dad never really lived, selling fruit, or begging people to buy his shit just to survive another day.”

“Don’t talk about Dad like that, Edwardo just don’t!”

“Yeah, you right, but all I’m saying is, what kind of life is that? I want what’s real, what they have off of these hills.”

“What’s real is something different for us Edwardo. We are not like them, nor were we ever meant to be. You don’t need to be like them, to have what

is real. You don’t need what they have to live. Don’t you see, we keep dying trying to live and be like them.”

Lucas walked away with Edwardo and Merillie just looking. They didn’t really understand, but deep down they felt his truth. You can lead a horse to water, but some horses only drink poison.

when a lie can become a legend and our legends turn into lies, what can ever be real

He lives on the street - the Park

Lucas walked to the park in the center of town. The park is a place where workers during the day take their meal breaks, and young lovers walk showing care. Wealthy apartment owners descend from their towers of privilege and luxury, to walk their dogs and to socialize. The park is also a place where musicians, painters and dancers display their talents. Homeless children sleep there at night and beg there during the day.

The park is a place where everyone and almost everything is accepted for what it is. He spent several days going to the park, trying to clear his head and place things in perspective.

Lucas feels a healing, a wholeness there in the park. He feels like a refugee now from the Favela and wanted to sit and write some poetry in his head.

“Sometimes I feel so miserable, invisible like no one cares. Life seems so unfair, but if I keep screaming and dreaming, one day they’ll know I’m here.

“I have it all in the midst of nothing, I can claim my fame. I found it when I learned my true name, Lucas. No matter what they call me, no matter what they say, like a hidden Ancient prophecy written in the sands of time, My legacy is here to stay.

“My father told me my name when I was young, it was like a bullet being shot from a gun. He said a name is more than letters, because you only truly have one. As mighty as the Sun, and as old as the Earth, your name tells you your worth. My name is Lucas.”

Lucas watches some of the street kids, and it harms him to see kids living like this. Street kids often come from the Favela, and leave home when life with their families becomes too much. They are often victims of violence, rape and exploitation.

“In whose name, who can we blame for this shame, kids living on the street, where do they go to get warm and how do they eat? When a little boy, or girl lives on the street, for the cruel to rape, exploit and beat. I wish, I could save you all. I wish, I could keep you warm and fed, and you could have a loving home instead.”

As Lucas was thinking, a kid walked up. He was about 11 and he saw Lucas sitting there, and wondered what he was doing.

“Hey man what’s up, you living on the street with us now? C’mon lets go beg.”

“No, well at least not yet, I was just here thinking, trying to enjoy the park.

You live on the street?”

“Yes, hey you got any food, or money?”

“No, I’m sorry”.

“It’s ok, me and some of the other kids will try and hit up some tourist, or maybe go down to the Shoppes, and get some stuff out of the dumpsters.

They throw away some really good stuff sometimes.”

“What’s your name?”


“Well, Manny I’m going to keep you in mind and I’ll be back with anything I can get for you.”

“Ok, see you around.”

Lucas sat in the park, thinking of many things, while he rattled off poetry in his mind. He suddenly remembered the old man who gave him a ride home from his holiday with Ellena gone bad. “Oh shit, he told me to meet him at that spot where he dropped me off. If I hurry, I can still meet him there.”

Still Grinding

Lucas ran to the spot, hoping, praying the old man had not already passed.

“Shit, I think I’m early enough, I hope he remembered me.”

A truck came barreling down the road, making a sound like it should have died a while ago. Lucas jumped up and down shouting to get the drivers attention. He is sure, it’s the old man coming from the farm. The old man looked. “What is that fool doing?” Then he recognized, Lucas. He started slowing to make a stop, and upon reaching Lucas, he screamed out the window, “Hey little grasshopper, how’s it been jumping?”

“Hey, what’s up, you remembered me?”

“Yes, the boy wandering on the side of the rode, waiting to put himself into a world of trouble.”

“Hey, did you tell the Farmer about me?”

“Yes, good and bad news, one of his farm hands is going back to Japan for a job, so a spot is open, but you’ll have to work only for lodging and food at first. The farmer says, he can start to pay you when Carnival is near, but afterwards he wont need you.”

An honest man of virtue works not only for money, but because it’s the right thing to do. The Bible say’s, “There is profit in any kind of work“, Lucas understands this and will not let this opportunity pass. He is thankful of the opportunity and will try and make the best of it. “Ok, fine, when can I start?”

“Wait until the start of the week, and meet me here. Bring some clothes, you’ll be with us the whole week.”

Lucas ran home. He was so happy to have another job, if that’s what he could call it. He ran past the Red guards at the entrance.

“What the fuck is eating him, isn’t that Edwardo’s brother.”

“Yes, that’s him, he’s kind of flakey, a real nut job.”

He ran up the steps and burst in the door,

“What the hell”, his mother yelled.

“Boy, have you lost your mind?”

“I’m going to be working on a farm, out in the country, starting next week. A man I meet who works there, got the job for me.”

Lucas was enthusiastic and his voice was filled with emotion.

“What, are you crazy? They going to work you like a slave. Oh boy, you’re going to be working from dawn to dust. What are you going to be doing, cutting sugar cane, or maybe picking cotton?”

His brothers looked surprisingly hopeful, and happy for him.

“Can we come and see the Farm, Lucas?”

“Sure, and no Ma, it’s a small farm, run by an older Japanese couple. They need the extra help for Carnival coming up.

“I’ll also be staying there during the week.” “Where you sleeping at, in the slave quarters?” “Stop it Ma, be happy for me and us. I’ll get to bring a lot of food home.”

“Well, this time, don’t fuck the Farmer’s wife and get yourself in trouble. I don’t want to, have to tell people my son was killed by some old Ninja.”

Lucas ran to tell Merillie the good news. She was sitting at home watching the kids. Lucas busted in without knocking.

“You sure make it a habit, busting in on people. You have a real talent for that.”

“I got another job, I’ll be working on a farm.”

“Are you for real? Cool, when do you start?”

“At the beginning of the week. I’ll have to stay there during the week, but I‘ll be home on weekends.”

“Ok, well we better make sure you enjoy yourself before you go, and when you come home.”

“Do you think you can handle that for me Merillie?”

“Come back tonight, the kids are going back over my sister’s and my grandmother will be asleep. And be ready for me.”

They had time to enjoy themselves, before Lucas started his new job. He also was starting a new relationship with Merillie. As he allowed her to get close to him, but will he regret this in the future? They had always lived on the same hill, but in different worlds. Will he be able to bring these worlds together, or will they collide the way his world did with Ellena?

Lucas was ready and met his new co-worker on the roadside. He spent the time with Merillie, and was happy about the prospects of a future with her.

He was happy about the new job, and was in the best mood of his young life.

“Boy, you look like a million bucks. Tell me what is her name?”

“Ha ha, how did you know?” “The Old owl is the Wise owl, because wisdom comes with age. Never forget that lesson, young sir, and I had that same look on my face when I met my wife.”

“Her name is Merillie. She is from the Favela, on the same hill as me.”

“Ok, well I see you have something to look forward to when you go home on the weekend.

“Well, I also have to tell you that, I’m proud of you boy. Many of the young men in the Favela would never take a job like this. They rather sell those drugs, and run with those gangs. An easy life and fast money, usually means a hard and quick death. The system is set up for you to live like that. Just taking the easy and obvious way out, you beat them by the way you live. A

honest man with a honest job, maybe he's just a Peasant, but he deserves the respect of a King.”

“Well, thank you Sir. My father raised me to be proper and I strive to be the man he wanted me to be.”

“Where is your father? You haven’t told me about him.”

“My father is working on a cruise ship, we think.”

“You think?”

“Well, he left without telling us, but I think he feared my mother and brother’s sorrow at him leaving. A friend of his, a man he met selling fruit got him the job. He liked the man my father was and wanted to help him support his family.”

“Well, after meeting the boy he raised, I like him also.”

“When you meet the Farmer, don’t say much. Your work will speak all you have to say. Show the Farmer your work ethic, and then he’ll respect you.”

“Yes I know this. My father always taught me, wherever I go the races goes with me. Show the world how an African can shine, and how the color Black can glow.”

“Well that was a good lesson from your father. Whatever you do, take pride in it, it’s a reflection on your whole self. The Farmer gave you this job, based on me. They naturally think we are a lazy, and untrustworthy people.

Show them what you got kid, because they prefer to hire their own. You will have to show him, the man you are. And don’t worry, I had the same battle.

He really didn’t want to hire me when I went out there looking for work.

“Me being a Black and from the Favela. He had little choice, he needed the help. His kids were away at school, and other Japanese were else wise employed. I worked my way into his heart, and now that old Jap loves me to death, haaa! We are like brothers now. One of the dearest friends, that I’ve ever had. Bridges can always be built between any two people who are willing.”

They arrived at the farm ready for a hard week of work. The Farmer and the workers meet at the breakfast table. Laughing and joking, the small close knit group of Brazilian Japanese show the respect and honor of their culture.

Lucas was an outsider, so nobody said anything to him, but he was respectful and polite anyway.

The hard cautious stares at him didn’t bother Lucas, or at least he refused to show that they did. He sat down in way, as if to say, “I belong here.” His old friend spoke some Japanese, he had learned from his co-workers and now friends.

The Farmer’s wife brought the food, with a special loving smile for Lucas.

“Eat up boy, you’ll need the energy. We usually don’t stop until dinner, so

expect to be moving non-stop. The Farmer started barking out orders,

“When you guys get done eating, take the boy and start packing up the stock. Then you guys can go and set up the irrigation systems. Then…”

“Hold up man jeez, don’t kill the boy his first day.” Lucas’s Old friend spoke up trying to save his back. “No, it’s ok, we are here to work. So lets do it.”

As Lucas interrupted the Farmer just looked at him and smiled.

The Japanese in Brazil came on an invite, after slavery was abolished and subsequent labor shortages existed. The majority of the first to come were farmers. After working in near slavery like conditions on coffee plantations, many Japanese were able to buy their own small farms. Lucas’s new boss was born on a farm, first owned by his grandfather. The family comes from a long line of farmers in Japan. In many ways now, they are more Brazilian than Japanese. For them home is where the Farm is.

The Farmer is a proud dignified man lost in his farm, and the world of running it. The farm is his honor, and the honor of his family’s legacy. He has never been to Japan. Japanese is a language he speaks and a culture he lives thousands of miles away from Japan. His wife also comes from a nearby Japanese farming family. She wanted her kids to be educated professionals. So they both worked the farm hard, in order to send their kids to college.

The Farmer and his wife had three boys and a girl. They all live in the City with high paying jobs. The Farmer and his wife are quick to brag about them to friends and family. They come back to visit when their schedules allow, but have their own children now. The grandkids will soon start spending the summers on the farm, in order to learn the family’s heritage and hard work.

The week went fast and Lucas took his friend’s advice. He didn’t say much, and did

more than his share of work. At night, he sat up before going to sleep thinking of seeing Merillie, and writing poetry. “Friend lover and maybe one day my wife, Merillie is the sweetest spice. Heaven was down the hill from me all along, you never know how lovely a bird is, until it sings its song.”

The work was hard and back breaking. Lucas hung in there, not wanting to give up.

“Boy, my mother was right, this is back breaking. My body hurts all over.”

“Ha ha, just give it time, your body and muscles will adjust. It’s a good workout, keep you sexy for that Favela girl.

“We‘ve worked these field, and fed the peoples since our Ancestor‘s stolen descent. They did it, and under a lot worse conditions then this.” “Yes, I know, we’re a strong people, not many others would have even survived to be here today. Africans were enslaved because of their strengths, and not


“They had natural immunities to tropical diseases, and farming expertise in harsh climates. I learned a lot of this, down at the Capoeira studio and from my father.” “You’re a smart boy, because you listen well, got a mind like a sponge. You just soak everything in.”

The Rooster (You know he aint going to die) The Farmer walked over to Lucas, after watching him work all week. He was impressed by his quiet, dedicated demeanor. He almost reminded him of a Japanese. “Let me tell you, the story of the Rooster.

“When I was young, I worked on my uncle’s farm. It was a Dairy and Poultry farm, and I worked mainly with the Chickens. Deformed eggs and chicks were discarded, thrown away, trashed. So, as the eggs were laid, and hatched, we watched for this. Some of the older people had the job of destroying the deformed hatched chicks.

“They ran them down a belt where several people with mallets mashed them.

One chick, who looked perfectly healthy to me, was considered deformed, because it came out black. Don’t ask me how, but this chick came out all black, like tar. So, ready for the mashers he was.

“I watched him and felt sorry for him, but I also understood the cruelty and harshness of life, even as a child. He went down the line passed the mallet mashers and into the trash, and I thought his life had ended. It was my job to put the trash out, and after dumping the trash. I saw something. I turned around and looked, that chick was running away from the trash.

“I laughed and felt a joy. He made it pass all that was against him, on his sheer determination to survive. He made it pass, being considered deformed, based on his appearance. He made it pass all the mallet mashers, and being thrown in the trash, to live.”

Lucas felt good, the Farmer was talking to him. So maybe this meant he could keep the job. The work week was done and now it was time to load up the truck, and head back to the city. His old friend would make deliveries, then would have two days off back at the Favela. The Farmer went around paying everyone, and when it was his time to pay Lucas, he gave him a bag with lots of vegetables, some farm made cheese, and some poultry cuts. He also gave Lucas some cash. Lucas was surprised, and he thanked the Farmer.

The Farmer smiled and said, “Have your mother cook up that food, and be well fed for next week.” Lucas told his friend about the pay. “Wow, boy that old Samurai must like you, ha ha. Well, I’m glad you work hard, makes me look good for bringing you out here. What are you going to do with the money? Maybe take that Favela girl out?” “Wow, that’s a good idea, maybe Saturday night I’ll surprise her.”

The Rooster goes home

Lucas arrived home after being dropped off at the bottom of the hill.

Edwardo was there, on shift guarding the entrance. “Hey farmer boy, you made it back. We missed you, how did it go?”

“It was hard, but the peace and quiet out there was unreal. After living in the Favela, it took me some time to get used to.”

“Mom was worried, thought you might say, “Forget it”, and come home.”

“Real niggas don’t quit, well at least the ones with that true grit", Lucas said this flexing his tired muscles.

Edwardo laughed. “Silly, I’ll see you when my shift is over.”

“Hey, you seen Merillie this week?”

“Why, she your girl now, or something?”

“I didn’t say that, just asked have you seen her around.”

“A few times walking with her kids, she’s seems to be a home body now.”

“Ok, thanks.”

“What’s in the box Lucas?”

“Just some stuff from the farm, I’ll have Momma cook it up for us.”

Lucas walked up the hill. He was happy to be home. His mother and brothers were happy to see him.

“My little farming boy comes home. I missed you. That was the first time you ever stayed away from home. How did you like it?”

“It was hard, boy they almost broke my back. We worked from dawn to dust, but towards the end my body started to adjust. The Farm is small with dairy, and growing some crops also. Our customers are mostly restaurants in the City, and some locals who come by to pick up food supplies, instead of going into the City.

We’re a small crew, and they really didn’t say much to me. I think maybe they were scared of me. You know being Black, and from the Favela. I just tried to work hard and stay to myself. I spent most of my time with my friend who got me the job. I really enjoyed the night time quiet, and the feeling of peace out there.”

Salvador asked, “When are you taking me to see the farm?”

“Hold on, hold on little G, geez. Wait until I’ve been there a while, and I’ll ask the Farmer. I brought home some food for you to cook Mom.” “We have enough food to eat, your brother has been feeding us well.”

“Feeding you, yeah with his dirty money. Sure eat his stuff and not mine.”

Lucas thought to himself. “Ok, well I’ll see if Merillie and the kids needs this stuff.”

Lucas was upset, he is proud to be working and wants it to mean something.

The family is being feed by Edwardo, it’s like they don’t need him. He wants to provide for his family, and have them take pride in his honest lifestyle. They just don’t see it. The hungry only want the hunger to go away, even if the food they eat will kill them another day.

Lucas walked up the hill to Merillie’s place. Merillie was sitting outside with her sister, and their kids.

“Oh no, is that Lucas walking up here?”

“Yes, it’s me.” The kids ran to greet him.

“We missed you Lucas”, they yelled. “And we wanted to practice some more Capoeira with you.”

“Ok, cool well we have the whole weekend now, so get ready.”

Merillie was happy to hear Lucas’s voice. She wondered all week how he was making out, and when he was coming home.

“Wow, you’re home. I missed you.” They hugged and kissed. Her sister smiled and got up, she was ready to take the kids to her place. She knew the two of them wanted to be alone. Merillie has been talking to her sister about Lucas. She had talked about how she is attracted to him, and how she admires his character. She told her sister,

“Lucas might be the one. He’s a honest man, you know, a brother about something real. I’m tired of the drug boys, and the tricks. I need more now, for me and my kids.”

Merillie had not met many men she considered honorable, or worth her respect. They only wanted sex, and they only saw her as an object. Lucas was different to her. He listened to her. She can feel him emotionally and spiritually.

“You must know what a women is, before you know what it is to be a man.

Understand her as a women, and she will love you as a man. What they really want is to feel safe, and to be loved. They want to feel like, they‘re the only girl in the world.” Lucas’s father told him this, and Lucas remembered.

“Tell me, did they work my lover boy to death? Well, I see you made it back.

So, it couldn’t of been that bad.”

Lucas laughed, “It was hard at first, but I really like it out there. The peace and calm is to die for. The workers and the Farmer will warm up to me in time. The Farmer already told me a wonderful story about a Rooster, and his wife is really nice to me. What has been going on around here? Did you keep an eye on my mother and brothers?”

“The Favela has been on edge. The reds had some beef with the whites. The whites shot up a couple of runners leaving the Favela going to a drop. The kids were on bikes trying to blend in, but the whites picked them out. Some

cops must have pointed them out by dropping the Intel to the whites.

Morello thinks it maybe just one, or a small group of cops acting alone.

“He thinks some rogues are going against the pact the reds have with the coppers. Some rogues on the white’s pay roll. He felt like he had to respond, but first he talked it over with the leadership. The leaders said they would handle their business, and do it at their end. So, they had a couple of the whites in prison done. A couple of top guys doing long bids.

“So, now people in the Favela have been worried about the whites on a hit-back against our boys in prison. We don’t know if it’s coming at one of the Favelas, or the reds in prison. My cousins are in the, Bastile, it’s in a White area. My Aunt is so worried for them. They’ve already had several skirmishes, and my cousin Alfredo killed two whites already. You see, so they’ll be gunning for him. I’ve asked Morello, if there’s anything he can do to protect them.

“He said he’ll see what he can do for all the guys that might be a target, but the leadership really only has real influence.”

The heat is on

Morello is in a tight position now. For him running a Favela can sometimes be as hard as running a country. Just like a famous rapper once said, “When your ass gets hot, then your ass gets got.” The heat is on him, and he is about to burn.

He has a war with the whites escalating, and he is unsure who to trust. The cops are bought and paid for by the reds, but maybe the whites have upped the price. He must protect the Favela, and his guys, while keeping the money flowing. He also must prevent the whites from taking territory. It’s playing out just like national and international intrigue for Morello, and it’s all in the Favela. Bill Clinton in the USA, might be the only one who understands how hard his job is.

“Fuck, this shit is heavy and getting thicker now. I have to make sure no more drops get had. I got to get this product out. This is on me, no one else.“

Morello talking with his lieutenants in the safe house, as they try and sort things out. “Try and keep all this on the low and tell no one. I’ll decide who’s making the drops at the last second. Maybe we have to come up with another method of transport? Fuck, if we gotta use some old ladies to get this product out, we will.”

“Morello, nobody is going to want to take that chance, who the fuck are we going to get for the next drops coming up?”

“Yeah, that job has a bullet written in blood, with somebody’s name on it.”

“Let me worry about that, and whoever I put on it, will just have to do it, or get it by me. Lets wrap this up for tonight and see you guys in the morning.”

The Safe House located in the heart of the Favela, is basically the red’s center command. The house is constructed with the finest materials, and has every amenity for good living. The Safe House is just that, a three story house, not the usually one or two room hill unit. The house has expensive furniture from the living room to the bedroom upstairs. The Safe House is a palace in the slum, a piece of heaven, in hell. New recruits are always shown the Safe house, as a lure to see what luxury the drug game can bring. The Red leaders stay there when they’re passing thru, and the house is shelter for any of them who need to hide out.

Morello thought about his problems all night, as he lay in bed. He was almost afraid to get up and face the day. He worried all night about the drops coming up, and how to protect them. “Where the fuck is the leak coming from? Who can I trust? Those coppers are two faced as hell, never could they really be on my side. They never would give a fuck about the niggas in

the Favela. We’re all the same to them, always.”

Morello’s girl was up cooking and his two sons running around.

“When you getting up baby, they waiting for you. I told them you hadn’t gotten up yet. I don’t know what’s hitting right now, but seems like something’s up.”

“Fuck, they just going to have to wait, I’ve got Lucky and Pimp watching things.

“I aint even taken a piss yet, damn. Can’t a mutherfucker have the peace, he needs to take his morning piss?”

Morello has the responsibility of distributing product to other Red Favelas, once the drugs have been smuggled to him. The cops only ensure safe passage to him, it’s then up to him to make sure the other Favelas stay fed. If Morello loses a drop, big money is lost, and the leaders start thinking.

Lucky screamed outside the window, “Morello get the fuck up, it’s important.”

Lucky a kid who ranked himself up from entrance guard, runner and now top Favela command. He is only 19, but 19 is an age of distinction in the Favela. Many kids in the Favela never get to see it. Death comes quick in skirmishes with the police, other drug gangs, or death comes slow after doing a long prison sentence.

“Your old lady keeps me from coming in, but we have to talk.”

Morello dragged himself to the window and hung out. “The cops want to talk. They said they’ll be here tonight, or tomorrow night, so expect them soon. They want to talk about the hit on the drop and what we can do about it.”

“Those fucking two faced crooks, they think we stupid or something. I know the info on the drop, fell on us from them, fucking crackers.”

Lucas hates all this drama, and can’t wait to get back to the farm to avoid it.

He maybe working there, but the place really is working for him. The chance to escape the drama, congestion, and usual Favela atmosphere for Lucas was a saving grace. The Farm reminded Lucas of the Park, a place he finds healing.

“Hey, lets go out tomorrow night. Lets go out late to the park. We can have a late night picnic with the other lovers there.” “So wait, are you officially saying that I’m your girl now?”

“Well, umm, only if that’s ok with you.”

“Well, just wait, and we’ll see how things go.”

“Are you still messing with the guys from the reds?”

“I got tired of them coming around whenever they felt like it. My sister is getting me a job in a hotel where she works, so I don’t need them. I’m tired

of them whoring me whenever.”

“So, you’re ready to be a lady now, or maybe even a wife?”

“Yes, do you know a gentlemen, or husband for me?”

“Yeah, I think I might know a guy for you, well we can talk more about it tomorrow night, as we sit under the moon.”

“Wow, a romantic man in Brazil.”

“Hey, you never told me what’s in the box.”

“Well, it was some stuff the Farmer gave me, part of my pay. My mother and brothers don’t really need it, and I just thought maybe you wanted it.”

“Sure, my grandmother can cook anything. She enjoys getting out of bed and involving herself now days.”

“Cool, well at least somebody needs me.”

Lucas went back home waiting for a special night with Merillie. His section of the hill was a buzz, because of a fight between two groups of teenagers.

Some reds had come through, to break it up. It can be hard for the teens in the Favelas, when they have no school and have no positive activities to pursue.

“You heard what we said, everyone go home. We have some older people around here who need their peace. Stop this shit now, before we bring Morello up here.” The teens had been fighting over their support for different funk crew groups.

“Momma did you see the fight?”

“Yeah, those fools arguing over those damn funk dances. They need to stop having those dances altogether.”

It’s about a Girl

“Come on Momma, you don’t like anything. You don’t like Capoeira, the Funk dances. What are we supposed to do here then?”

“Don’t talk to me like that, well is that how you plan on sending your days off?”

“Well no, I was going to go out with Merillie.”

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with that girl, you know the things they say about her?”

“Shut up Momma, just stop it. I won’t let you talk about her like that. You don’t know her really, now do you?”

“You have some nerve with that girl, after you criticized your brother for being with the reds. Is it ok what she does? Is it wrong to sell drugs, but ok to be a whore?”

“Maybe she did what she did, now that does not matter to me, because she’ll just be my whore. It’s not about where you’re from, but where you’re going.

Even a man that is walking crooked, should still be able to see straight. I understand why some people do the things they do sometimes. I’m not naïve like you all think. Merillie wants something different now.

“You only get out, when you want out, that’s the problem, some people want to stay in. They want the Favela, and the drugs and violence. It’s who they have allowed themselves to become.”

“Now, you’ve really lost your mind, talking to me like that.

So, Merillie is different, huh?”

“Yes, she will be different because of me.”

“Wait a minute, maybe my little baby is in love? You really feel something for that girl, don’t you?”

“Well yes, I think she’s special. Dad always told me to love a women thru her past, love her thru another man’s kids. Even love her if she has big feet.”

“Ha, he better not be talking about me with big feet. My mother told me to love them even if they have smelly feet. Well, that sounds like my man, your father, can’t wait to have him loving my big feet again.

“Well, anyway the love bug has finally hit you, I thought you were always concerned about other things, and girls were only a nuisance to you. She must be special to get my baby to talk to me like that. Well, I hope you two have a good weekend together, and maybe I’ll have my first big head grandbaby soon.”

Merillie’s Story

What are the things they say, what is Merillie’s story? Well, Merillie and the other girls from the hills would meet in a café near the Favela. An ex-Cop would pick them up. Hector is retired now, but still works the street. He runs a service, not really a pimp, but the girls need protection. He also has contacts in different locations, feelers looking for anybody looking for a date. They call Hector. He rounds up some girls up, and sex is delivered. He picks the girls up, and then they cruise spots where tourists are known to be.

They hit spots like the airport, hotels and other tourist points of interest. He only brings enough girls that’ll fit in his car, and only enough to keep good watch over. The girls hunt for punters, they sell sex, their bodies, and souls.

In return the girls hope to get enough money to feed their families, and survive another day.

Merillie is only 18, but that is a ripe old age for the streets. She has to compete with 12 and 13 year olds breaking into the hustle. It’s sad and sick, but for a lot of sex tourist, the younger the better.

She has two kids of her own, and an elderly sickly Grandmother to support.

She doesn’t know what else she can do, especially to make the money she needs.

She stands on the corner and a guy drives up. He barks out dollar figures in her native tongue. She nods her head in agreement and gets in. They drive to a nearby spot, one he has used before. He motions her to get in the back seat.

He opens the door, she gets in on all fours with the door open. Standing outside the car, He excitedly pulls up her dress, and pulls down her panties.

He starts fucking her, he feels the pleasure, she feels the pain. It’s over soon, he closes the door. He gets back in the front seat, and drives off.

He passes back the money to her, at their first stop. He pulls up to the corner where he saw her, she gets out, and he says, ”Thank you”.

Merillie has about 5 or 6 more encounters like this, before she has had enough for the night. It’s always the same story, but a different guy. The girls meet back at the spot, and Hector picks them up. They all give him a respectable cut of their earnings. She comes home tired and sore, but has to wake the kids up for breakfast. She also has to give her grandmother, her medicine.

Just keep on loving me

“I want to tell you some things about me. Its about my past, you need to know.”

“Stop, I don’t need to know. I see this young lady before me today, and that’s all that matters. What matters is who you are today, and the past should only be a picture of where you were, not a judgment of who you are.” Lucas was afraid Merillie was going to tell him, she had been a prostitute. He has grown to care more and more for her, and he won‘t let her past change that.

Loving somebody means yesterday is gone, and today is what you share.

Even though she didn’t say it, Merillie knew that Lucas knew. He accepted it and was willing to see past it. She just fell a little more in love with him.

“Well, ok Lucas write me a poem, here right now.”

“Ok, she is like a sparkle, lighting the dark. We’ll walk together and loving her is my part. I’ll marry her and that is only the start. To a life of love, Merillie. Cupid has hit me with an arrow, and a dart.“

“Haa, that was so nice, you’re so sweet and corny.”

“Corny, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis couldn’t use words like me.”

“Well, tell me who is that?”

“He was a great Brazilian writer. My father would read some of his stories, and poems to us. I want to learn how to read and write. So I can also become a writer one day, like him.”

The two had gone to the park after getting some Philly cheese steaks from the Shoppes. Lucas brought an extra one for a homeless kid. “Hey, kid come here.” “Hey friend, you came back and with your girl?”

“Yes, did you eat today?” “Yeah I had a little something, some fruit I got from a shop owner, that’s all.”

“Well, here is something for you.”

“Wow thanks, what is it?”

“It’s called a, ”Cheese Steak.” It came all the way from America.”

“Ah, no way.”

“Just enjoy and be safe tonight kid.”

Shake down up on the Hill

Morello was in the same park, at the same time talking business with the crooks, I mean cops.

“You had a hit, and a lost shipment at the Favela, we’ve been trying to figure out who. But, maybe you boys can’t handle delivery, maybe you need us, for that, huh?

“That’ll mean double the price, if we have to make more deliveries.”

Morello could not believe what he was hearing,

“Are you crazy, I can’t authorize that, fuck no.”

“Fuck no, did you say fuck no? Maybe you don’t understand me, well you better understand one thing.

“You keep losing shipments and shit comes down on you. It‘ll come down on you real hard. So, don’t act like you got this under control, because you don‘t.”

“Tell me something Captain Crook, how the fuck don’t I know it wasn’t you guys on this?” The Captain got very angry.

"Aw fuck you, Monkey Brains, you don’t question us, or accuse me. You’re not in the position to do that. We’re trying to help and you’re fucking saying shit like that.”

“Yeah like a good neighbor, you’re always here for us in the Favela, right?”

“Shut up, remember one thing, I never have to explain myself to your monkey ass.”

“How was the shipment known, tell this monkey that, huh? The time it was leaving, and the kids on it? How did the White Command know? Seems like an inside job to me. What you boys think?”

“Yeah, it was inside alright, inside right from the Favela.”

C’mon Morello, you’ve been drinking the water we pipe up there again. Not smart, I wouldn’t wash my dog in that shit.”

“Yeah don’t drink that shit, It’ll kill you”, The other officer in the car interjected with a smirking laugh.

“Now talk to us like you have at least a little sense, Morello. Living up at that high altitude is wearing on you.” Morello’s tone became softer,

“No, look, what I’m saying is, this could have been a lone wolf. A badge going solo, who hit the shipment, and didn’t give you guys a piece.” The Captain quickly responded, “It also could have been set up by one of your people also, Morello. Lets not us forget that kid Sereno, but we’ll look into this, and see if we have any lose ends, you better do the same.”

As the cops drove off, the two officers spoke about the hit. Pedro Alahdro

the precinct captain, and 20 year veteran of the force is the high ranking badge. He learned early if a Cop was going to make a living, he better be crooked. If a Cop wanted to stay alive, he better be crooked.

“That young kid, last week after the hit was going around buying people lunch. Some guys saw him partying at all the ho-water spots late, almost every night. You know the kid, the kid who’s uncle brought him in a few years back.

“Lacey, you mean?”

“Yeah, Lacey.” “So, what you trying to say Cap?”

“I’m going to keep some eyes on him.”

“You don’t believe that monkey shit, coming from Morello, do you? Lacey’s a good kid. Morello needs an excuse to feed the leaders, as they fall hard on his ass for losing that drop. You know the leak has got to come from the Favela. They can never work together on anything.”

“Look, that kid Lacey, rubs me the wrong way. If he’s stealing from them, then he’s stealing from us. I just want to be sure, now like I said, I’m going to keep some eyes on him, and you do the same.”

Officer Lacey was talking to some fellow officers at the end of their shift.

“Shit its going down tonight. I got some tricks coming by, and I’m going to fuck them all night. It’s going to be freak show.”

“Yeah, you getting naked is a freak show. I’ll seen you in the shower. Do you have horse in your family?” Everyone laughed, then his friend tried to get serious.

“But seriously kid, you ever slow down?”

“Yeah, you staring to get a reputation around here. We’re hearing talk about you.”

“Yeah, what they saying?” “You got some hustle going, some dirt flying in your pockets. Giving you all this play money to party with.”

“Ah, that’s just jealousy. I’m young, sexy and having a good time with my life. The guys are just mad. Beside, who the fuck has the nerve to call somebody dirty in this filthy department. I mean even the mechanics have their side hustle going on. When was the last time you got a patrol car that actually drove? But, if you need some work done on your personal vehicle, it’s a done deal. Fuck man, it’s the Brazilian way.”

“Well, you watch your back, because your front is attracting attention.”

“No worries, the kid is here to please, be pleased and enjoy it all. They can’t stop my train, and if they do, I’ll just take the bus.”

At point Blank Range

Morello was walking back to the Favela from the Shoppes. He enjoys being able to walk alone, having some peace from all his business. Then as he walked, a police car drove up. “Get in, hurry up.”

“What is this? What the fuck I do?”

“I’m not going to tell you again, or we can get the cuffs and do it like that, now get in." Morello got in and thought to himself,

“This must be the lone wolf.”

“So, you must be the one, huh? The one who hit the drop, an ambitious man trying to do his thing, huh?”

“You know me. I am your daddy.” The other Cop in the car laughed as they pulled behind the Shoppes, in the alley. “Hey kid, looks like you got a problem.”

“Don’t call me a kid, Cracker, I’m a man.”

“Ok you got balls, always like that in a man, no homo. Look man, I’ll need some help from you, if I’m going to help you.”

“Oh shit, and how’s that, how you helping me?”

“Well, if you want to see your drops get to their destinations, then I suggest you destine me about 5000 a month, kid.”

“You a funny boy, a real comedian with a badge.”

“Oh, funny am I? Look it isn’t going to be funny, when I hit your fuckin drops and loot that shit for myself. So, you better understand real quick what’s going down. Come up with my money and play nice. And don’t try and get cute, by running your mouth. I know your people, your family. Even that cute little sister of yours, that works in the Doctor’s office. I see them all leaving the Favela, accidents can happen on purpose.

“Shit can go down anywhere, on anybody, Morello. You know that.

Everyone is a target in my war.”

“So, you think it’s that easy, right? Just break you off 5000 a month and everything is cool in the world?”

“Life is really easy, we make it hard. Confucius said that, but I doubt you read much, or can. Life is as easy as you want it to be. If you want to stop a war from coming, take the easy way out, and pay me.”

Morello feeling a sense of immediate rage grabbed his gun. He starting shooting and screaming. Before he knew it, he had hit both cops in the head.

“Fuck war, my life is war, it’ll always be, and this is how I make war.” He had hit them at point blank range. The blood, and brain matter sprayed him, and he was loving it. “Who’s a boy now? You dead bitch.”

Two of Morello’s lieutenants who had been walking when he got picked up, followed the car into the alley. They were standing there, when they saw the flash, and heard the shots.. “Oh shit, what the fuck, they tripping.” Morello got out of the car and they ran up to him.

“What the fuck happened, Morello? Why you pop those coppers like that?

You got blood and brains all over you.” Morello was silent, like he couldn’t believe what he just did. They looked into the car and saw the cops laying there bleeding. Blood was everywhere, and it looked like the cops were still breathing. “Look, lets just be out, c’mon.” Some workers from the Shoppes, looked in the back alley, after hearing the shots.

“What the fuck happened?”

“Look man I had no choice, I had too, I had too.”

Alahdro’s dilemma

The call came into the precinct, two cops had been shot near the Favela.

Captain Alahdro made sure to get there as soon as possible. “Lacey and Servilla were both dead when the first car got there. We have witnesses from the Shoppes. They saw some kids looking like reds running from the scene.

They said they ran towards the Favela.

“Shit, this was a Red hit, but why the fuck would Morello do something like this. Surely, he’d have to know how hard we’d fall on him for this. Fuck, the kid must have been shaking him down. So, Lacey was the lone wolf, and a shake down attempt went bad, fuck.”

“Hey Captain, we’re going in? The guys are ready to rip the hills up.

“No”, the Captain said with a distant look on his face.

“No, what? What the fuck? We got two dead cops and witnesses on this.”

“Shut the fuck up, and wait for my orders. Tell everyone to stand down for now. Get the hell outta here and let me think.”

Alahdro has to put a spin on this. He really feels no remorse that Lacey got done. Lacey was walking on some bad ground, free lancing like that, and that ground gave way on him. If Alahdro brings Morello in and hit’s the Favela, that slows down the money train. Alahdro's pockets then take a hit.

Division is going to want swift action on two dead cops. So, he’s going to have to spin something fast. On a call to divison Alahdro informed his superiors the investigation was moving along, and his detectives believe the hit was carried out by the White Command. He told them the whites were trying to make it look like a Red hit.

He also told them, they believe the same crew was responsible for a recent hit on some Red runners. No way would the reds do this, it has the White Command’s name all over it. The whites are trying to start a war. They need to capture more territory, and cause a rift with the cops and the reds.

The spinning was spun and Alahdro spun it like a top. The heat was off, for now, but he still needed to deal with the reds and Morello. “Ok, I’m going to have to send a message, a hard one. Morello wont fuck with us like this again.” The Captain told himself in no uncertain terms.

The Police district was still on edge over two dead cops. Even if these guys were dirty, the savages on the hill have no right to justice anyway, so fuck em. The official spin of the White Command doing it, didn’t spin for the district. Alahdro was losing ground with his man, and fast. So, he acted with a plan.

He called four guys he trusted, after making it clear to all his officers at the

precinct, the situation would be dealt with. “Meet me near the Market at the Favela entrance. Wear plan clothes and only bring hand guns, with no identification.” He gave the same direction to all four guys.

“Shit what the fuck the Captain got planned?”

“Fuck if I know, but we must he hitting somebody.”

“Yeah, retribution for our dear departed, killed by those monkeys.” The four talked amongs themselves while they waited for Alahdro. Their adrenaline level was rising, as they knew blood was about to spill.

Alahdro pulled up and motioned everyone into the his car.

“Ok Cap, its your call.”

“My call is going to be a message. A hard lesson in who’s really the boss.

We can’t let the animals run the Zoo.”

“Yeah, right Cap.”

Alahdro had looked weak to his guys, and now he was ready to show how strong he could be. The Market is an area right outside the Favela entrance.

Mainly food is sold there, but you can find just about anything there. The Market is a makeshift labyrinth of home made display tables and booths.

The Market is how most people in the Favela eat, only buying enough food to get them through the day. Favela residents can come down the hill buy their food, and eat right there, while socializing with others.

The Market is also a major part of the Favela economy, and one the drug gang leaves to run itself. As soon as the sun comes out, the Market is busy until the sun goes down.

Back to the Grind

Lucas enjoyed his weekend off, and was headed back to the Farm. He met his friend, and co-worker by the road. “Well boy, you ready for another week?”

“Yes, I had a good weekend off, and I really can’t wait to get back to work.”

“Boy, you’re a glutton for punishment, ha. But, just hang in there, and it’ll pay off for you in the long run. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. How’s that sweet Favela girl of yours?”

“Merillie is fine and doing well. We had a nice weekend together.”

“Of course she’s fine and doing well, she got herself a man now. And, a good one at that, if I had a daughter you’d be a fine catch.”

“Ah, well thank you Sir.” “People expect back what they give, but why not give more. If she is worth it, give her more than she can give you, that is how you build a strong lasting relationship.”

The two talked about many things during the almost 2 hour ride to the farm.

When they arrived at the Farm, the Farm was ready to be worked. The Farmer greeted them with a smile, and a look on his face that said, “Lucas I’m happy you came back.”

Lucas greeted the farmer with a traditional Japanese bow. The Farmer laughed, grateful of the show of respect. After eating, the two, and the other workers got right to work. This is going to be a busy week for the Farm. A lot of orders came in, and the Farmer is getting nervous.

He barked out orders, and everyone ran to their jobs like marbles going down hill.

“Ok, the quicker we work, the quicker we’ll get done. The quicker the boss wont have a heart attack.”

“Ha, is he always this way when it’s busy?”

“Yes, his pride doesn’t want him or the Farm to fail. He might have to commit suicide, or something, but pushing yourself is always good for results.”

The week was going fast, every day Lucas went right to bed when work was done. He was so tired he usually fell right asleep. One night he wasn’t as tired, and a fellow farm worker stopped in his room. The kid hadn’t said anything to Lucas yet, and decided to break his silence.

Black and Yellow(Ah yeah)

“Hey, it’s Wednesday, we only have two more days before the weekend.”

“Right, hey what’s your name? My name is Lucas.”

“My name is Akinori, and it means, “Shining rule”, in Japanese.”

“Cool, well nice to meet you, Shining rule. That sounds like a good title for a song.”

“You are a good worker Lucas, a good man for the Farm. I hope we can keep you around.”

Lucas laughed, “Yes, I hope so too. Well, my father always told me, laziness was just like cowardliness, and never be known for either.” “Ah, this is true, Lucas.”

“So, Akinori what do you do when you’re not farming?”

“I fix and race cars. I’m trying to save up enough money to get me a shop in the City. I love cars, and of course Japanese ones are the best.” “Ok, well I’ve never driven a car, hardly even ridden in them, in my life time.”

“So, what do you do, when you’re not here on the Farm Lucas?”

“Wow, outside of Soccer, and Capoeira I guess not much.”

“What do you want to be? You know when you get older.”

“I thought maybe about being a writer, but I better learn to read and write first.”

Akinori smile, “Yes, that would help a lot Bro. Well, my father always told me, a man needed a dream, or he would sleep his life away.

“Dream of something Lucas. A man’s dream will save him from the nightmares of life.”

“Hey, you’re right. I’ve been caught up in a nightmare, my whole life. And I think I’ve forgotten to dream, or have a goal for my life.”

“Well start today, and just like we plant these crops, your dreams will grow.

Good night and see you in the mourning.”

Lucas lay there, still thinking about what his new friend, Akinori told him. “I think people like me are afraid to dream. Always been taught to think they couldn’t be much, or have much in life.“ Dreams give a man power, power to protect you from the stereotypes they shower you in.

The Massacre - the message

Back near the Market, Alahdro and his posse were getting ready to send their message.

“We in and out fast. Put on these ski caps, but they’ll know who we are.

Fuck’em though, you kill cops, then you suffer. Walk don’t run, two around the back, and two to the front. The Red guards at the entrance wont come right out.”

“Yeah right Cap, they’ll wait to see who’s shooting first, before they’ll shoot back.”

“Right, gives us time to get back in the car, and drive off, but be quick.

Unload your whole clip. Drop it and it’s done. We remember our dear departed.”

“Cool, I’ve wanted to go hunting for a while, never could get the time off.”

“Well, today is your lucky day, and theirs also.”

“How do you mean Cap?”

“Their miserable lives up on these hills are about to end. We’re doing some of them a favor actually.”

“Ha, yeah like putting a dog to sleep.”

The shots started, and even though Favela residents are used to hearing gun fire, each time is different. As they talked, ate and socialized, the chaos started. People started hitting the ground, and the screaming started to echo up the hill.

“Oh shit, what the fuck, is it the cops?” Red entrance guards started to react.

Usually the cops bypass the Market, going straight to the entrance when they raid. So the guards were confused.

“Just hold up, that’s someone in the Market, hold your ground, and I’ll see if I can see who’s shooting. An entrance guard yelled,

“Run and tell somebody quick.” Carlos then ran to see who was shooting.

The kids at the entrance reacting like hardened war vets, while the casualties of war started to mount. A young teenage girl was hit, a middle age man hit, and more. Miguel another guard, slowly walked up, trying to peak around and see. All he could see were some masked guys shooting. “Who the fuck are these guys?”

The cops kept firing moving toward the center of the market. As directed, when their clips were empty, they dropped them and headed back to the car.

“Piece of cake, told you it’ll would go smooth.”

“Yeah, just hope they understand what we said today, and what we meant today.”

As Carlos ran up the hill, a group of leaders were coming down the hill, ready with assault riffles.

“You know who it is, did you see them?”

“No, all we heard were the shots, and Miguel told me to run and get somebody.”

“Ok, come on.” They all ran to the entrance, but suddenly the shots stopped, but the noise didn’t. A flood of people ran up the hills, as a flood of blood ran from the wounded. The loud screaming also flooded the air.

On my day off

About 20 minutes before the shots, Edwardo had been asked to run to the Market, and get them some fruit.

“Damn, Mom it’s my day off, I didn’t want to go near the entrance today.

Send your baby boy, he never has to do anything.”

“Hey, I asked you ok. Just because you run with the reds, doesn’t mean you don’t do what I tell you.”

Edwardo after getting some money from his stash, made his way down the hill. He walked past the entrance guard, and was in the Market. On the way, he thought of Lucas being home soon. Maybe he could get his older brother to go hiking with him, like they did when they were younger. Their father would take all the boys, and they would walk for miles.

Here he would teach them many things, and answer all their questions of why.

“Dad why are frogs green?”

“That’s the color God wanted them to be.”

“Well why not red?”

“I don’t know the answer to that one, you better ask him yourself.”

“Edwardo, why are you always asking Dad these stupid questions.”

“It’s not stupid Lucas! Well, I don’t think it is.” Edwardo laughed when he remember that. “Wow, can’t wait for us all to be able to hike again.”

“Ok, give me some apples, and some grapes would be nice. My mother loves the big red ones.“ Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his neck, then he heard a gun shot. He started to stumble and found it hard to breathe. Then another sharp pain in his chest, and he knew he had been shot. He fell to his knees, only with enough time for a tear to form in his eye. He hit the ground the same time as the tear, and Edwardo was dead.

The news of the shooting spread fast up the hills. When she heard about the shooting in the Market, and realizing she just demanded Edwardo go there, she fell to the floor. As people outside gave more details, she started to shake. “Somebody shot up the damn Market, killing lots of people. Don’t believe me, go see the blood and the dead bodies for yourselfs. They hunting us like animals.”

“The whites did this? They’re getting fucking bold.”

“What the whites, are you kidding me? It was the cops for sure. They wanted blood for blood, for those two cops Morello did.”

Crying and screaming became contagious on the hill, as the reality of the massacre hit on the hills like a bad storm. She said nothing, but in her heart

she knew. Call it a mother’s intuition, or a women’s guilt, but she knew he was gone.

They tried to make quick sense of this on the hill. The reds stayed out of sight, still unsure of what was really going on. If the cops had hit, maybe they’ll be back for more.

“What we going to do Morello?”

“Fuck if I know. Just go to the safe house and chill, let things settle down right now.” Morello felt a sense of guilt and responsibility.

"Damn, if I had kept my head in the game, well fuck.”

“Grab the bodies and line them up. Lets show the world what they did.”

An older man wanted the world to see, because news crews were starting to arrive.

“You see this? In the Favela even the innocent are punished.” Some patrol cars had arrived also, but crimes don’t happen in the Favela. Some people got shot in there, oh well, just make sure it doesn’t spread to a patrolled area.

"What the fuck, you guys come back to kill some more of us? You want some more dead little girls?” Somebody shouted as the people of the hills became angry. Some kids started to throw rocks, and one Cop grabbed his gun, ready to shoot. Another officer yelled,

“No, stand down. Look we don’t need this getting more out of control. We just back off and let them vent. Stand behind the cars and call in a possible riot.”

The Officer in charge realized the potential for mass chaos. People were already running and screaming. Demanding a war on the police for this.

“Fuck the Police, we know they did this. Fuck those two crooked cops we killed.” The anger also turned towards the reds.

“Where’s Morello and the reds, huh? They caused this shit and they hide while we take the hit.” “Morello, Morello”, was chanted by more and more people, as they mourned the wounded and died.

The tensions grew even more as the cops arrived in riot gear. They arrived with dogs, shields and tear gas ready to calm things. The City is a tourist attraction and tourist must not be scared off. Priorities are priorities, there may have been mass murder today, but we have to keep things in proper perspective.

The bodies of the dead were lined up on the ground wrapped in blankets.

Young girls, Old men and even a baby caught by the unrighteous anger of some cops. Edwardo’s bodies was near the front of at least 21 killed, so far.

The tears had dried on his cheek.

Back on the Farm

Lucas was near the farm house when Akinori walked up.

“The Sun is strong today, Lucas.”

“Yes, today we have a mighty African Sun.”

“An African Sun? And how would you know this? Have you been to Africa to feel its Sun?"

“Well no, not yet anyway. I know it’s very hot there, though. Have you been to Japan?”

“Umm, well not yet.” "Ok then, we must agree, before we die I’ll travel to Africa and you’ll see Japan.”

“Ok it‘s a deal, lets go in the house for a quick cup of tea?’

“Tea, hot tea”?

“Yes, drinking hot tea cools you down.” “Ok, if you say so.”

The two walked around the back of the house into the kitchen. A television was turned to a breaking news story of the mass shooting at the Favela.

“Today at Providence Hill gunmen killed at least 20 people in the Market area, near the entrance. Police are attributing the shooting to rival drug gangs, and the continuing drug war plaguing Brazil. The police have sealed off the area, and have the situation under control. A spokesmen for the police, Captain Alahdro, gave a statement assuring the public, that his department is working hard on the scene to protect any further loss of life in the Favela. He went on further to say, now the public sees the importantance of the Police Department’s anti-drug task force.

“Oh my god, did you hear that? That’s where I live.”

“I’m sure everything is fine Lucas.”

“What are you crazy? My brother would be near the entrance. I need to go home, like now.” Lucas’s heart was on the floor and his mind was back at the Favela. The Farmer and his wife walked in. They spoke in Japanese, while Lucas could only look down at the floor. “This shit never stops, even out here the drama catches me.”

“It’s near the end of the week, we’ll be ok. Go see about your family. It’s the right thing to do.” The Farmer reached in his pocket and gave Lucas some wages. His wife looked at him with sad, caring eyes.

“Lets go Bro. I got you in the Akinori mobile. I’ll have you there in no time.” Only being there a short time Lucas felt like family in his moment of need. Maybe it’s true bridges can be built between anybody who is willing.

Akinori and Lucas raced to the city. Traffic rules are made up on the fly in

Brazil, so if you need to break the speed limit, you do. Life went on as normal, while tragedy was unfolding in the Favela, but tragedy in the Favela is normal.

Lucas jumped out when they got close enough for him to walk, but he ran.

He ran past all the Police cars and News vans, and the people from inside and outside the Favela there to witness the aftermath.

The bodies had been placed in a line, and Edwardo lay near the front. Lucas pushed his way, and saw Edwardo’s body. Now starting to bloat, the physical signs screamed the horror of his death. A pain hit him, that was unreal, it was like indescribable. He felt anger towards everyone, he even felt God was wrong for allowing this to happen. He whispered as he knelt beside his brother, "Father once told you to ask God why frogs are green, now you can.”

Lucas ran to the beach, not wanting to go home. He cried and laughed sometimes thinking about his brother. His father always told him. “Every tear you cry, God saves in a bottle and is worth a ton in gold. So, don’t be afraid to wash your soul sometimes.”

He couldn’t even think about what his mother was going through. He was afraid to see that.

“I should go home, but I already saw my brother dead. I don’t want to see my mother cry. Wow, this is the nightmare I feared, and what a nightmare.

He remembered something Akinori told him, “Dreams will save you from the nightmares.”

“I have to make a dream reality. I have to try to turn my life, and our lives in the Favela around. How long are we going to be victims of this madness, and ultimately victims of our lack of action?

His Dream

“Hey, why can’t we grow some crops in the Favela? We can’t we clear some land and work for ourselves. We work for others, why can’t we work for ourselves? We can grow crops, then sell the produce to other City residents.

We can build a fund to support the Favela. We could even get enough money in time to build better housing, schools and buy clothes for the children. It would be clean money, honest money and a step toward independence.

“We need to start producing, and not always be producing for someone else.

Many of our problems are economic, so our solutions need to be economic.”

We could also try to keep the kids busy and out of trouble. Let me see, we could maybe start music schools. Yeah, teach kids music and keep them busy, and away from the drug gangs. We have to make options, and no more excuses.”

Lucas felt life running through his veins, after feeling the coldness of his brothers death. Wow, it’s amazing what an idea can do for you.

Just as he ran away from the Favela and the reality of his brothers death.

Lucas ran back to the Favela with his idea, his dream. Now one young boy with an idea, felt like he was an army marching to conquer the World. This way they'll never forget Edwardo, we''l do it all in your memory and our other dear departed on the hills.

The Pot and The Kettle

“We’re even now Morello, you did what you had to do, and I did what I had to. Hopefully now things can be business as usually.”

“Business as usually? You mean you guys sucking the life out of us?

“Look in the mirror Morello, you’re a blood sucker also. So, don’t be a Pot, and call the Kettle black. You want to be in this game, then sometimes you’re going to lose. Like I said, we’re even for now.“

“Even, you call this shit, even? You killed over 20 people!”

“And you blew the brains of two cops out. Tell me, you don’t think that they were worth 20 Favela residents? I do. I think so. I had to do something. The guys at the precinct were ready to do me. So, I needed to send a strong message. You should thank me, you’re still alive.”

“Alahdro, the kid was shaking me down. He was stealing from you also.”

“You could have come to me Morello. We could have done something about him.” “He threatened me not to, said he would kill my family and shit.”

“Morello, what’s done is done, we can’t go back.”

Keep Moving

A few weeks had passed, but the blood stains still remained. Lucas stayed home, as his mother was too sick, and depressed to look after young Salvador.

“Mom, it’s not your fault. I know it hurts, but we have to move forward at some point.”

“Until you have a child die, then maybe you’ll understand. Until you carry a baby for 9 months, and watch him grow, then die, maybe you’ll understand.”

“You still have me, and Salvador. We’re still here and we still need our mother.”

Life is always going to be cruel, but the cruelest thing we can do is to give up, while we still have life."

Lucas was intent on moving forward, and making his plan a reality. Lucas went to see Morello. He wanted to ask his help in developing his idea. He was unsure how he would be received, but he was determined to see his plan a reality. He really needed Morello’s help, without the reds little can go down in the Favela. Morello was hanging down by the entrance and Lucas approached him.

“You in the line of fire, you better be careful Morello.”

“Hey, it’s Farmer boy. Are you still out there kid?”

“Yes, I had to take a little time off, because of Edwardo. I plan on going back.”

“Ok, ok cool.” “I need to ask you something, Morello.”

“What, you want a job? You can start now, grab a gun and get on post.”

“No, I want to start a music program in the Favela, and a farm.”

“What come again?”

“A program where kids can get involved and learn to dance, sing and play instruments. We can even have shows and contest. A farm also, where we can grow our own food, and have products to sell.”

“Wow, that sounds really cool, Lucas.”

“Look, I can’t blame you for Edwardo. He made his own choices in life. I’ll blame myself, if I don’t try and stop this madness. At least give the kids in the Favela an alternative. You’ll still have your people, I’m sure of that. But, I just hope to have as many doing something positive instead.”

“No matter what you think about me Lucas, I do care about the Favela. My kids are getting older, and I would love for them not to be Red. I watched my father kill a man when I was a kid. I guess any chance of a normal life died with that man. I love my father, but damn. He lead me down the same

road as him. What next for me? I do a life long bid like him? I don’t want that life for my kids also.

“You see my father got me into this, it seemed like it was my only real choice.”

“We have to make better choices for ourselves at some point.”

“You’re right, I mean how long is this shit going to go down like this? So kid what you need? We’re going to do this.”

“Well, we’re going to need instruments, I can get some voluntars to teach, and help us organize. We’ll have to clear the some land, wherever we can on the hill, and beneath. We’ll need seed, and some other tools, but the Farmer will help me.”

“You know something, Edwardo really admired your spirit, and courage.

You wanted to walk a straight path, and wouldn’t let yourself be set crooked.

He loved his big brother. You know that right?”

“Yes, I just wish he had more time, and we had more time together.

They just didn’t jump the broom, they leaped over the Moon The next morning Merillie came looking for Lucas.

“Hey, here you are. You didn’t come home last night. I checked everywhere.

Is that the boyfriend you’re going to be, huh?

“Look I wanted to get started on the Favela farm.”

“Yeah, I knew as much. I had to fall in love with a hard working, determined ambitious man with a dream.”

“Well I had to get the land ready for the wedding.”

“What wedding?”

“Yours, and I’m invited as the Groom.”

“Silly people in the Favela can’t legally get married, we don’t have documents.”

“We don’t need documents, all we need is us. That‘s why the slaves would jump the broom, it was away for them to acknowledge their union. So, go home get ready, because tomorrow your ass is jumping the broom with me.”

Lucas had it all planned, and the day came. On a small plot of land, that he cleared himself, the wedding was on. Morello had some reds carry Merillie’s grandmother, all the way down to the spot. Lucas got Salvador to bring his mother out the house finally after Edwardo’s death. He told her, they had a surprise for her.

Akinori picked up the Master Capoeira teacher who was going to lead the ceremony. The Master teacher had a broom made in Africa, and was ready: This is how it starts. Once we can love ourselves again, and remember our names, we can reclaim ourselves. Once we can come together, as man and wife, families and neighbors, cities and countries, all in the Diaspora can be reconnected.

The two jumped, and so started a new journey.

The Start:

Miracles will happen as we Dream



All my life I’ve been trying to open a door that was closed As I was treated like a weed, but was a rose.

As I was given a name that nobody knows

Black is the color of the crows

Black is as strong as the wind that blows As old as the trees that grow

Black was first as everyone knows

From a boy to a man

No longer a slave in another land

Lucas opened the door

His freedom gave him more

When I knew my name

When I knew my name

The world was mine

The days shined and the nights were kind

I could see in the mirror

I could see my face

I never had to run

No more demons at chase

"We spend money with the wrong people We are looking for love, with people who don't love us What's wrong with us loving each other and making sure that we are protected?"

Immortal Technique

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