Quarterback Queen by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Later that night, Jake and Red sat around on some benches near the dormitories.

A few minutes later, Mindy walked up to Jake and Red.  “What’s going on with this urgent meeting?  I have a test tomorrow,” she asked while she sat down on the bench.

Jake and Red looked at each other to see who would be the one to break the news. 

“You should since he’s your roommate,” Red told Jake.

Jake looked at Mindy who looked irriated.  “What's going on?”

“Well, Rocky has been acting a little strange today,” Jake said.

“Strange?  What the hell does strange mean?” Mindy said getting more irriated.

“Well,” Jake said then hesitated to finish his sentence.

“He’s been acting gay,” Red blurted out.

Mindy looked at Red and Jake unsure as to what she heard.  “Did you say gay?”

Jake and Red both nodded in agreement.

“You expect me to believe that Rocky is gay?” she asked a little pissed.

They both nodded in agreement again.

“Why are you doing this?” Mindy asked, and was getting a little pissed.

“Mindy, he felt up my crotch during practice,” Jake told her.

“And he had a hard-on in the shower after practice,” Red told her.

Mindy shot up from the bench and glared at Red and Jake.  “I don’t have time for your fucking jokes.  Assholes!” she yelled at them then stormed off furious.

“That didn’t go like I hoped,” Jake said while they watched Mindy storm off into the darkness of the campus.

“What if we are wrong?” Red said having his doubts.

“I hope we are,” Jake said while they walked off toward their dorm building.

 “I wonder where Rocky is now?” Red asked.

“I heard he headed off campus,” Jake said.

“Let’s go get some beers,” Red offered.

“I could use a beer right now,” Jake replied.

They turned around and headed toward the front entrance of the campus.

Meanwhile, Rocky pranced around the Bellwood Mall.    He just came out of the Pretty Curls hairstylist where he had his hair styled and dyed to a bleach blonde color.  He also bought some new clothes at a fancy men’s clothing store.  He now wore tight black leather pants, a purple silk shirt and purple sneakers. 

He walked down the mall and stopped outside the Fancy Shoes store.  Rocky smiled and liked the shoes they offered.  “That’s exactly what I need,” he said then walked into the store.

He entered the store and checked out the designer shoes.

He picked up and admired a pair of wooden men’s clogs.

A salesman with a “Rick” nametag walked up Rocky.  “Those are very comfortable shoes,” Rick told Rocky.

“They do look comfy,” Rocky replied.  Do you have this in a size twelve?” he said.

Rick looked down at Rocky's big feet and Rocky noticed.

“I like big things!” Rocky said with a girlish giggle and a wink.

Rick stepped back a few inches a little nervous with being too close to Rocky.  “I'll, ah, check and see,” he said then rushed off.

Rocky sat down in a nearby chair.

“Why me?” Rick asked himself when he entered the backroom.

Rick returned in a few minutes with a shoe box in hand.

“Must be your lucky day.  I found a pair in your boat size,” Rick said while he handed Rocky the box.

Rocky removed his sneakers.  He opened the box and slid his feet into the clogs.

Rocky got up and walked up and down the aisle like a fashion model.  “I look dashing, don’t I?” Rocky said while he modeled in those clogs.  

Rocky’s face cringed in pain.  “You fucking fag!”  Rocky yelled at himself in his normal macho voice. 

Then he shook his head while that strange tingling sensation filled his whole body.  “But I like them.  Don't be so mean,” Rocky scolded himself.

Rick looked at Rocky thinking he was loony.

Rocky looked over and his eyes lit up when he saw a display of sneakers in various colors from white to green to blue to pink.  “How lovely.  Can I get one of those in a football shoe?  Preferably pink,” Rocky asked the salesman in his gay voice. 

Rocky’s face cringed in pain.  “Fucking pink?  You are going wear fucking pink shoes. You fucking pansy!  I should kick your fucking ass,” Rocky yelled at himself in his normal macho voice and tried to kick his own ass.  Then he stopped and slapped the side of his head.  “You can be such a bitch!” he cried at himself.

Rick moved five feet away from Rocky thinking he was indeed loony.  “Should I find some pink shoes?” Rick cautiously asked.

“Yes please,” Rocky replied in a sweet voice while he primped his hair with one of his hands.

“Okay,” Rick replied while he walked off to the backroom and rolled his eyes.

Rick returned a few minutes later with a box in hand.  He walked up to Rocky and handed him the box then stepped back a few feet.

Rocky slipped off a clog and removed one of the pink football shoes from the box.  He slipped on one of the shoes and walked up and down the aisle like a fashion model.

“I’ll take them,” Rocky jumped up in joy while he clapped.

“Okay, I’ll meet you at the register,” Rick replied happy that Rocky would soon be out of his hair.

Rocky grabbed the two boxes and swished his hips while he walked to the counter.

Rick rang up the shoes and Rocky paid with a personal check.  Rick placed the boxes in a shopping bag while a fellow salesman, named Howie, watched nearby.

“Thank you for shopping at Fancy Shoes,” Rick said while he handed Rocky the bag.

“Thank you sweetie,” Rocky said and winked at the salesman.

Rick looked stunned while he watched Rocky walk out of the store.

“You know, that guy sorta looks like that quarterback star of the Panthers,” Howie said while he walked up to the counter.

“No way.  That guy was a queer as a three dollar bill,” Rick replied then got curious.  He opened up the cash register and removed Rocky’s check.  He looked at the name.  “I don’t fucking believe it,” Rick said in disbelief.

“Maybe it’s just some type of college prank,” Howie said while he thought about it some more.

Rick thought about Howie’s comment, and then his eyes lit up when it dawned on him.  “That’s it!  It’s one of those college pranks,” Rick said then they both chuckled.

Meanwhile, at the Italian Stallion, Sal was happy that he had a profitable night with most of his patron being kids from the college. 

He drank a glass of red wine while he glanced at the some kids at a nearby table.

“I can’t believe how Rocky played like a girl,” Kenny told the two girls and guys at their table. 

Sal almost spit out his wine when he heard Kenny’s comment. 

He got up and walked over to the table.  “Excuse me, what did you just say about Rocky Malone?” Sal asked while he stood near Kenny.

“Oh nothing,” Kenny replied.

“No!  You said something about him playing like a girl!” Sal said and he looked threatening.

All of the kids at the table looked intimidated by Sal.

“He was just fooling around at practice and pretended he didn’t have his superstar skills,” Kenny replied.

Sal looked very interested while he walked back to the bar.   “Johnny, get that turd on the phone,” Sal told him.

“Yes boss,” Johnny replied while he walked over to the phone and made a call.

“Sal wants to talk to you,” Johnny said into the phone then he walked it over to Sal.

“When is that practice game?” Sal asked Ernie.

“Tomorrow afternoon at two,” Ernie replied from the phone.

“I’m showing up so you better be there,” Sal said with a threatening tone.  He hung up the phone and took a drink of wine and started to smile while he thought about Ernie’s plan.

Later that night, Rocky walked into his dark dorm room.   He flipped on the light switch and noticed Jake was not in the room. 

Rocky tiptoed around the trash on the floor like it would give him some disease.

Rocky dropped his shopping bags on his bed.   He turned around and looked back at all of the trash on the floor.  “Pigs,” he said while he shook his head in disgust.  He emptied one of his shopping bags and dumped out more designer types of clothes on his bed. 

Rocky spent the next 15 minutes cleaning up the trash off the floor and removed all the nudie women pictures off the wall on the wall by his bed.  He looked over at Jake’s bed and shook his head in disgust at all the nudie women pictures on his wall.

 He quickly stripped down naked and reached in one of bags and removed some items he bought at the mall.

Fifteen minutes later, Rocky finished his shower and came out of the bathroom wearing a silky purple bathrobe and purple slippers.  He had some Olay nighttime face cream caked on his face. 

He removed the robe and removed some light blue silk pajamas (PJs) and silk underwear from another shopping bag.  He got dressed in the PJs then removed some red silk bed sheets.

He spent the next 10 minutes removing his old standard white bed sheets and replaced them with the new red silk sheets.

Ten minutes later, Rocky was in bed in his new silk PJs and underwear.

An hour later, Jake cautiously entered the dorm room.  It was dark but there was enough light to see Rocky asleep in his bed. 

Jake was quiet as a mouse while he got ready for bed, as he didn’t want to wake up Rocky.  He stripped down to nothing but his boxers, and climbed into his bed.

The second his head hit the pillow he silently prayed that tomorrow would be back to normal.

The morning sunlight peeked through the blinds of Rocky and Jake’s dorm room.  It was a beautiful morning and the birds sang a beautiful song from the trees on campus.

Rocky’s bed was empty. 

He got up a few hours ago and climbed into Jake’s bed.  They were spooning but Jake didn’t have a clue.

Jake’s alarm clock rang from the bedside table. 

Rocky squeezed Jake a little tighter and gave him a light kiss on his shoulder.

Jake’s eyes slowly opened, he yawned, and then he felt something on his leg.  He looked down and saw a leg wrapped around his leg.  Then he felt an arm around his body.  He looked down and saw another arm around his chest.  He closed his eyes and didn’t think anything about it.  Then his eyes widened in shock with it dawned on him that Rocky was spooning with him in bed.  Then a second later, he felt Rocky’s crotch pressed against his ass crack.  Is that a boner? He thought to himself and wasn’t going to stick around to find out. 

Jake jumped out of bed in a panic.

He ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Inside his bathroom, Jake almost fell flat on his face while he got out of his boxers. 

He got in the shower and turned on the water, and he furiously washed his body and backside.

Then he heard a tap tap on the shower glass door.  He stopped washing his butt crack and feared the worst.   He slowly looked over at the door and saw the opaque shape of Rocky, naked outside. 

“Can I some in?  We can wash each other's hair!” Rocky called out while he tapped on the glass door.

“Ah, no.  I just finished,” Jake said while he waited.

Then a few seconds later, Rocky walked away with pouty lips.

Jake slowly opened up the shower door and peeked out into the bathroom.  The coast was clear, so he stepped out and quickly dried off with his towel.  He wrapped the towel around his waist and looked at the door, and was scared to go into his bedroom.

He slowly walked into the room where Rocky sat on his bed in his light blue silk bathrobe.   He walked over to his bed and kept a cautious eye on Rocky.

“It’s my turn!” Rocky said while he jumped up and pranced into the bathroom.

Jake kept his towel around his waist while he slipped on a fresh pair of boxers.  He waited a few seconds until he heard the shower.  Then he quickly got dressed in some jeans and tee shirt.  He quickly slipped on some sneakers and rushed out of the room.

Rocky finished his shower and walked into the room a few minutes in his silky bathrobe.  “Jake?” he called out when he noticed the room was empty.  “I guess he had class,” Rocky said while he walked over to his bed. 

He removed his bathrobe and got dressed.

Rocky left his room and headed for some breakfast.