Quarterback Queen by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


The next morning, Rocky woke up, and he looked around his room in a little bit of a daze.  He sat up, stretched and yawned.  He looked over and saw Jake was still asleep in his bed.

He got out of bed and walked the bathroom.  But his walk was a little different this morning.  He lost his macho strut and it was replaced with a girlish swishing of his hips.

He walked into the bathroom, walked up to the sink and brushed his teeth. 

He lowered and stepped out of his boxers.  He stepped into the shower stall and closed the opaque glass door.

He turned on the shower.  “Ahhhh!” he cried out in a girlish cry and tiptoed back in the stall, as the water was too hot.  He adjusted the water and made it tepid.  He grabbed a bar of soap and started soaping up his naked body.

“You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen,” Rocky sang out part of the lyrics to Abba’s Dancing Queen, and his voice was so sweet.

Back in the room, Jake woke up to Rocky’s singing, and he found that to be odd. 

“Dancing queen, feel the beat of the tambourine,” Rocky sang out louder from the shower stall.

Jake's eyes widened in disbelief hearing Rocky sing.  “What the fuck?” he said in disbelief while he sat up in his bed.

In the bathroom, Jake turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.  He grabbed his towel and dried off then wrapped the towel around his waist.

 He walked over to the mirror and combed his hair.  He then blew himself a kiss in the mirror.  “You are one pretty boy,” he said then walked toward the doorway and suddenly stopped when he felt a bit queasy.  “What the hell?” he said then felt better.

He walked into the dorm room swishing his hips.  “Hey baby,” he said to Jake the second he saw him awake in his bed.

Jake was taken aback by Rocky’s peculiar greeting.  He watched while Rocky swished his way to his bed.  

“Now, don’t you peek,” Rocky said with a feminine tone in his voice then dropped his towel and stood bare ass naked.

Jake lay down in bed and pulled the covers all the way up to his chin for protection.  What the fuck? Jake wondered to himself while he avoided watching Rocky get dressed.

“Don’t be a sleepy head.  We have practice this morning,” Rocky said while he slipped on a tee shirt and saw Jake still hiding under the covers.

“I’m going to get some breakfast.  You want to come with, girlfriend?” Rocky asked.

Jake stared at Rocky in disbelief for a few seconds.  “Ah, no thanks,” Jake replied leery of Rocky.

“Suit yourself.  I’ll see you in the field,” Rocky replied then walked to the door.

The second he left the room, Jake sat up in bed.  “Baby?  Girlfriend?” Jake said while he pinched himself making sure he wasn’t dream.  It wasn’t a dream.

Jake got out of bed and while he walked to the door he started laughing.  “What a jokester,” he said while he entered the bathroom.

Then he stopped at the mirror and started to have doubts.  “I hope he was joking,” he said while he grabbed his toothbrush, toothpaste and brushed his teeth.

Two hours later, the Panthers were on the football field warming up.  They were all there except for Rocky who always showed up fashionably late.

Some players had a catch to warm up their arms.  Some players performed some stretching exercises while some jogged around the field.

Jake and Red jogged around the field.

“Did he say anything about his meeting with that scout from the Steelers?” Red asked.

“He came into the room pissed about the meeting.  Saying something that it took place in a gay bar,” Jake said. 

“In a gay bar?  Wow!  He must have been furious,” Red responded.

“You bet.  But then something strange happened this morning,” Jake said.

“What was that?”

“He sang a disco song in the shower.  Then he called me baby and girlfriend,” Jake replied.

“What?” Red said then stopped in his tracks.

Jake stopped and looked at Red who looked bewildered.  “Was he joking?”  Red asked.

“I think he was,” Jake said then he saw Rocky do his normal strut to the field.  “There he is,” Jake added.

They both walked to the field to join Rocky.

“Hey Rocky.  Did you sign a contract last night?” one of the players asked while Rocky walked to the bench.

“Not yet,” Rocky said while he placed his helmet on the ground with the other helmets then he started some stretching exercises.

“Hey Rocky,” Red greeted him when he walked up to the bench with Jake.

Jake cringed thinking that Rocky’s response would be weird like this morning.

“Are you ready to kick some ass?” Rocky replied in his normal macho tone.

Rocky glanced over and saw Stefon while he walked up to the sidelines with a tray full of bottled water.

“Fucking fag,” Rocky said while he looked pissed with Stefon.

Jake felt relieved and knew Rocky was joking this morning.

Coach Kennedy walked up to the sidelines in his baseball cap.  He blew his whistle to get everybody’s attention.  “Okay ladies.  Let's start practice,” he yelled out.

All the Panthers rushed over to the benches and grabbed their helmets. 

They split up into defense and offense teams and got in huddles by the 50-yard line then they discussed their strategies.  They broke up and got in position at the 50-yard line.

Jake got in position to hike the ball.  Rocky walked up and stood behind Jake then he looked up and down the line.  Then that strange tingling sensation jolted throughout his body.  He felt light headed, and he shook it off.  He looked down at Jake ass that was pointed up at him while he was ready to hike the ball. 

“Mmmm.  Look at that those nice firm and round cheeks,” a sweet sounding male’s voice sounded in Rocky’s head.

What the fuck are you doing? Rocky quietly said to himself while he shook that nasty thought out of his head.

“But it looks so delicious!” that sweet sounding voice came back inside his head while he looked down at Jake’s ass.

You fucking faggot!  Rocky yelled at himself in his head.

He raised his eyebrows up and down while he ran his tongue across his upper lip.  He liked the look of Jakes ass and decided he was going for the gold.

“Hurry up Rocky,” one of the team members yelled out anxious to start playing.

Rocky ran his hands on the inside of Jake’s thighs and lightly rubbed the crotch area.

Jake's eyes widened in shock over being groped by Rocky.  “Ahhhh!” he screamed out and immediately ran through the line.

The Panthers all looked at Jake wondering why he did that stupid move.

Coach Kennedy blew his whistle.  “Noone, what the hell are you doing?” Coach Kennedy screamed.

“Sorry Coach,” Jake replied while he jogged back into position.

“Let’s play football girls!” Coach Kennedy yelled.

Jake got in position and cringed that Rocky’s hands would be in the wrong place again.

 Then just as Rocky's hands got near Jake’s crotch area, he anticipated another feel and he dashed off through the line.

The Coach blew his whistle louder.  “Noone! What the fuck are you doing?  Don’t start fucking this up now!” he yelled and sprayed spit.

The other Panthers got pissed with Jake’s performance.

“Come on Jake.  Let's get it together!” Red called out.

“Yeah Jake,” Kenny yelled out from the line.

Rocky winked at Jake while he got back into position, and placed his hands on the football. 

Jake was nervous on what to expect by Rocky.

Rocky got behind him, and placed his hands near Jake's crotch.  Jake closed his eyes and cringed in anticipation of another groping, but Rocky left him alone.

“Red sixty-nine. Red sixty-nine,” Rocky called out in a sweet voice.  “Hut.”

Jake snapped the ball to Rocky at the same time the Panthers on the line did their thing.

Red shot off like a rabbit down the field and dodged the players that tried to get in his way for the long pass.

Rocky got in position to throw the ball.  He saw that Red was open, and then his body tingled and he felt really strange.  He shook his head, and he squinted his eyes.  He cocked his arm back for the throw.  He threw the ball and it was a wimpy throw.  The ball landed five feet from Rocky and bounced off the helmet of one of the defensive players.   Another defensive player quickly caught the ball and made a mad dash toward the goal line. 

The offensive players ran after the player but he was too far ahead and soon scored a touchdown.

Stefon witnessed the whole play by the benches.  “Wow.  That's interesting,” he said quietly to himself with a smirk that mister hot shot finally screwed up.

Coach Kennedy was furious while he ran up to Rocky.  “Mister Malone. What kind of fucking throw was that?  You throw like my wife,” Coach Kennedy screamed at Rocky.

Rocky looked like he was going to cry any second.

“Get your shit together!” Coach Kennedy yelled again then stormed off to the sidelines.

The Panthers get back into position. 

Rocky walked behind Jake and he stared at his ass and the temptation to rub it was strong, but he fought it.

“Blue eighty-five.  Blue eighty-five,” Rocky called out in a sweet tone.

All the players on the line looked at each other and wondered what the hell was wrong with Rocky.

“Hut,” he called out and Jake hiked the ball.

Rocky did a tiptoe kind of dance backward while everybody scattered in position.  He looked around the field and saw Red was open again.  He cocked his arm back and did another wimpy throw, and the ball landed six feet away. 

Coach Kennedy became furious and blew his whistle loud and threw his hat on the field.  “That's it.  Practice is over.  Get the fuck off my field!” Coach Kennedy screamed out with a red face about ready to explode.

The Panthers ran off the field toward the locker room.

Rocky skipped off toward the locker room.

Some of the players behind Rocky noticed and looked baffled.

In the stadium seats, Ernie and Mitch watched the whole practice.  Ernie had a huge grin on his face while he high-fived Mitch.  He opened up his cell phone and punched in a phone number.

Around 12 other students also watched the short screwed up practice while they got out of their seats and left the stadium.

Meanwhile, Sal sat at his bar and sipped on a glass of red wine and ate a ham and cheese hoagie.

The phone behind the bar rang.  Johnny walked over and picked up the receiver.  “The Italian Stallion,” Johnny answered the call.  “Okay,” he added then walked the phone over to Sal.  “It's that shit head Ernie again,” Johnny said while he handed Sal the phone.

“What do you want?” Sal said with a mouthful of hoagie.

“Remember my plan?” Ernie said from the phone.

Sal thought for a few seconds.  “Oh yea, that hair brained idea,” he said then sipped some wine.

“Well it worked!   He drank that potion and today at practice, Mister Rocky Malone threw like a girl,” Ernie said.

“If you saw so,” Sal replied.

“Come to the practice game tomorrow and see for yourself,” Ernie said.

Sal thought about Ernie’s offer he looked pissed thinking he was trying to weasel his way out of his debt.  “You have five more days!” he replied then slammed the phone down.

“Jerk off,” Sal said while he took another bite of his hoagie.

Back at the stadium, Ernie looked worried while he closed his cell phone.

“I take it he didn’t believe you?” Mitch said when he saw Ernie’s long face. 

“Nah.  He just said I have five more days,” Ernie said worried that his days were truly numbered.

They got out of their seats, walked down the stairs and out of the stadium.

Down in the locker room, the whole team looked a little leery of Rocky while they all undressed. 

Jake and Rocky sat by their lockers with nothing on but a towel. 

Jake leaned over to Rocky.  “What the hell was with you touching my crotch?” he asked Rocky in a low tone.

Rocky looked a little dazed and confused at Jake.  “I don't know.  I've been feeling a little strange since I woke up this morning.  It comes and goes,” Rocky said with a lost look.

“Tell me about it.  You were singing Abba songs in the shower. You really spooked me,” Jake replied with a concerned tone.

Rocky tried to speak but started having difficulty, so he cleared his throat.  He spoke but his voice had a feminine ring to it.  “I don't know. I just felt like a little Abba this morning,” Rocky said.

Jake suddenly felt uncomfortable being around Rocky.  “Ah. I'm going to shower,” he sad then quickly got out of his seat and headed to the shower.

Rocky watched him then his eyes gleamed when the towel opened up and Rocky had a view of Jake’s butt cheeks.  His mouth salivated at that sight then that strange tingling feeling filled his whole body.  This time the strange tingling feeling was stronger and painful. 

He got up with a smile and rushed to the shower after Jake.

The shower was a big rectangular room tiled from floor to ceiling, with numerous shower heads coming out of the walls about three feet apart on both walls.

There were six other Panther showering including Jake and Red.

Rocky entered the shower naked and saw his naked teammates soaping up their bodies.  Rocky’s heart raced at the sight of his naked buddies, and got a horny grin.  “Anybody want to drop their soap?” Rocky asked sweetly and silently prayed they would respond.

Everybody in the shower saw Rocky standing six feet from away with a boner.

“Shit!” one of the players yelled out the second he saw Rocky standing with love in his eyes for his teammates.

They all ran out of the shower covering their crotches with their hands for protection against Rocky.

Rocky’s feelings were hurt over being rejected.