Quarterback Queen by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Later that night, Sam’s Sports Bar was packed while folks celebrated the win earlier.

Ernie and Mitch Bowman sat across from each other at a booth. They both drank Miller beer and ate a cheeseburger with fries.

“How are you going to pay Sal the two grand you owe him?” Mitch asked then took a sip of beer.

Ernie thought about his dilemma for a few seconds.  “Man, I don't know.  I've got to come up with something soon,” Ernie said with a nervous tone.

“For your throat's sake, I hope you do,” Mitch replied.

Ernie rubbed his throat with his right hand and looked extremely worried they he might not last another week on his planet.

The front door of the bar opened and Rocky, Jake, and Red walked into the bar wearing their standard blue jeans and tee shirt attire.

All the customers in the bar looked and smiles grew on their faces the second they saw Rocky, and they clapped. 

“Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!” half of the customers chanted.

Rocky strutted with his arms in the air through the bar.

“Yeah! I'm pumped, I took a dump and now I'm ready to hump!” he sang out while he walked around some tables.

Everybody continued to cheer while Rocky strutted in close vicinity to the booth Ernie and Mitch occupied. 

While Rocky strutted around his adoring fans, Jake, Red sat down at the table where other teammates already ordered four pitchers of Budweiser beer.

Rocky finished strutting and sat down at the table next to Jake.

Some hot girls rushed up and sat down at the table.

At the bar, a sexy Italian girl, named Bianca, about 19 years old with long silky black hair and beautiful brown eyes, glanced over at Rocky.  She wore tight designer jeans with a white blouse that revealed her cleavage of her C-cup breasts.  She wanted him in the worst way and in fact, she only popular guys. 

Rocky looked in the direction of the bar and saw Bianca checking him out.  “I feel like Italian tonight,” he said quietly to himself while he poured some beer.  “I gotta pee,” he told Jake and got up.

He headed to the restrooms and took the long way and stopped off at Bianca.

“Hey beautiful.  I’m Rocky,” he said in the sweetest voice he could muster up.

“I know who you are.  I’m Bianca,” she replied then ran her tongue around her lips seductively.

Rocky leaned over and placed his hand on her thigh.  “I feel like eating a little Italian tonight.  So, do you want to spend a little time with a future NFL superstar?” he whispered in her ear while he ran his hand down to her inner thigh and up to her crotch.

“I was wondering what took you so long to ask,” Bianca replied with a smile.

“Want to meet me outside the library at midnight?” he asked while he nibbled on her ear.

“I’ll be there and I hope you don’t mind that I’m spicy?” she replied with a sexy smile.

“I love spicy,” he said then walked away feeling like a stud knowing that he could get any woman he wanted.

Rocky went to the bathroom then strutted back to the table while his friends. 

He sat down next to Jake and leaned over.  “Hey roomie, you need to sleep somewhere else tonight, like your car,” Rocky said in a hush hush type of tone.

“Why?” Jake asked.

“Well, I’m going to eat Italian tonight,” Rocky replied while he winked at Bianca at the bar.

Jake saw her and didn’t like it when Rocky cheated on Mindy, but knew he had to keep his mouth shut.  He turned to Becky, a freshman, who sat next to him. “What do you say?  You, and an great football player tonight in our bed?” Jake whispered in her ear and tried to look like a stud.

Becky inched away from Jake with and looked disgusted.  “Not in a million years, hands solo!” Becky said then got up and walked away.

Jake got depressed then looked at Andrea who sat across the table.  He winked and opened his mouth to offer his love.

“I don't think that will ever happen,” Andrea said.

Jake looked sad and defeated while he drank his beer. “Man. I never get the girls. I only get the car seat,” he said while he filled his glass with more beer.

He looked across the restaurant and saw Sadie Brooke who worked part-time at Sam’s cleaning tables and washing dishes.  She was a 20-year-old student with pale white skin and crew length black hair.  She had body piercing and a Witches symbol around her neck, as she loved to study the occult.  Jake had always had an interest in Sadie but felt she might be out of his league.

Red stood up and raised his glass of beer.  “Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to propose a toast to Rocky Malone,” he addressed the table.

Everybody at the table raised their glasses in the air.

Ernie and Mitch watched the toast from their booth.

“To Rocky.  Without him, we don't stand a chance in hell to win the State Championship game and I hope that scout from the Pittsburgh Steelers signs our man to a million dollar contract,” Red addressed the patrons in the bar.

“Hip hip hooray!” everybody at the table yelled out in unison.

Ernie stared at Rocky then he got an evil smile on his face. He suddenly got an evil idea!  He leaned across the booth table at Mitch.

“I got it!” he said at Mitch.

Mitch moved farther back in his seat.  “I hope it ain't contagious,” he said a little fearful and covered his mouth for protection.

“No you dope.  I know how I can pay Sal back,” Ernie said.

“How?” Mitch replied curiously while he uncovered his mouth.

“We make sure king jock here can't play worth a crap during that Championship game,” Ernie said proud of his idea.

They glanced over at Rocky who loved the attention he was receiving.

“I not sure I'm following,” Mitch said a little confused.

“Listen closely you dummy. They can't win without Rocky.  So, we make sure his playing ability sucks during that game. Since there's going to be some major betting action on that game, we place bets on the other team, then clean up big time.  I can pay off Sal and have tons of money left over to party,” Ernie said.

Mitch thought about Ernie’s plan then it finally sunk in and he smiled and loved the idea.  “Fix the game a little.  I like it.  But how do we make sure his playing ability sucks?”

“I'm thinking we could drug him or something,” Ernie blurted out when the first idea that popped into his mushy brain.

“With what and how do we do it?” Mitch asked.

Ernie thought for a few seconds then looked unsure.  “I haven't gotten that far yet.  But I'll figure something out soon,” he said.

The front door of the bar opened and Mindy walked into the bar with Stephanie and Lynda.

They stopped at the door while Mindy scanned the bar over.  He saw Rocky at the long table and walked over to him.

She gave Rocky a hug and kiss on his cheek.  She pulled up and chair and sat down next to him.  She reached across the table, grabbed his glass of beer and took a drink.  She leaned over to his ear.  “I was thinking of giving you a victory gift in your room tonight,” she whispered in his ear.

Rocky discreetly glanced at Bianca at the bar.  “Can I take a rain check?  I'm beat from that game and I need to get a good nights sleep,” he replied while nasty thoughts of being with Bianca filled his head.

“I understand,” Mindy said a little disappointed.  She took another drink out of Rocky's glass of beer.  “I love you,” she said while she placed his glass on the table, and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

“Yeah, I know,” he replied with very little interest with her affection.

Stefon walked by the Rocky's table. 

Rocky stuck out his foot, Stefon tripped and he fell face first on the floor.

“Homo spill on aisle three,” Rocky called out in a humorous tone.

The patrons in the bar laughed while Stefon got up off the floor embarrassed.

Mindy slapped Rocky on the back of his head.  “Leave the poor guy alone,” she scolded him.

Rocky quietly snickered proud of his behavior.

It was midnight and Rocky slipped away from Sam’s bar and headed back to the campus.

Rocky walked up to the darkened entrance to the library and saw Bianca waiting in the shadows.

“Hey,” Bianca said with a sexy tone while she walked up to Rocky.

Rocky just smiled at her then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his body.  He kissed her passionately.

A few minutes later, they walked in the shadows over to his dorm.

Rocky and Bianca walked down the hallway of his dorm.  He wasn’t afraid of anybody noticing him since they know they better keep their mouths shut. 

Rocky and Jake’s dorm room looked like your typical college dorm room.  There were numerous clothes thrown around the floor, sports posters on the wall, numerous pictures of naked women were on the wall by each of their beds.  The floor was a mess with empty potato bags, cookie bags, candy wrappers and beer cans.

Rocky escorted Bianca through his room where she had to step over some boxer shorts.  He got her over to his bed where he immediately kissed her.

They both removed their shoes and stood there bare footed while they kissed.  He removed his shirt.  She removed her blouse.  He removed her bra then felt up her C-cup breasts and sucked on her nipples.  He quickly unzipped his pants and dropped them to the floor.  She wiggled out of her tight blue jeans and stood there in frilly pink panties.  He removed his boxer shorts and they stood there naked.  She ran her hand along his six-pack abs and slowly slid it down to his crotch, where he was hard.

He pushed her on his bed, jumped in and joined her.  He immediately climbed on top of her and she wrapped her legs around his waist.  She moaned the second he slid inside her and immediately started pumping.

 She moaned louder and louder while he pumped faster and faster. 

“Come on Rocky! Send me in for a touchdown!” she moaned out loud.

Rocky saw a cockroach crawling up the wall while pumped. Without missing a beat, took his one hand and smashed it.  He wiped the smashed roach on his bed sheets.

They Bianca legs shot up in the air.  “Yes, yes,” she cried out.  “Ahhhh!” she screamed out while she was on the verge of having an orgasm.

The hallway was empty while the sound of Bianca having an orgasm filled the air.

“More! More! Faster! Faster!” Bianca yelled from Rocky’s room and it resonated in the hallway.

Hallway doors opened and three nerdy students, Stu, William and Lewis stepped out of their rooms in childlike pajamas.  Bianca’s screaming woke them up from a sound sleep.

“Is that what I think is?” Lewis asked his two buddies.

The three nerdy students looked in the direction of Rocky's room while more screams of ecstasy from Bianca filled the hallway.

More students stepped out of their dorm rooms after they heard Bianca.

“Touchdown!” Bianca screamed the second she had an orgasm.

The three nerdy students looked at each other and giggled like ninth graders.

“I think someone else is getting a piece of the rock,” Lewis told everybody in the hallway.

They all nodded in agreement while they looked over at Rocky’s closed room door and yearned to be able to seduce women like the way he seduces them.

In his room, Rocky and Bianca lay on his bed while they tried to catch their breath.  She rested her head on his shoulder and ran her fingertips all over his muscular pecs.   

A few minutes later, they both fell fast asleep in his bed.

In the parking lot of the dorm, Jake tried unsuccessfully to find a comfortable position to sleep in the backseat of his Toyota Corolla.

The sun rose the next morning in Bellwood.

Jake got out of his Corolla with bags under his eyes.  He didn’t sleep a wink and decided to get at least a few hours sleep before classes.

He walked to his dorm building.

Jake walked into his dorm room.  His eyes widened in shock the second he saw Bianca get out of Rocky’s bed bare ass naked.

“Hi,” she greeted Jake while she slipped on her pink panties. 

“Ah, hi,” Jake replied with a little nervous squeal in his voice.

Jake got an erection while he watched her slip on her bra and the previous sight of her naked body would remain vivid in his mind for hours.

He heard Rocky peeing in their bathroom while he watched Bianca peeled on her jeans.

Rocky, in his boxers, walked out of the bathroom without flushing. 

“Hey Jake,” he said while he walked up and stood next to him.

They both watched Bianca while got dressed in her white blouse.

She walked up to Rocky and kissed his lips and stuck her tongue deep into his mouth.

“Will I see you again?” she asked with a loving smile.

“Of course baby,” he replied with a fake smile.

She walked out of their dorm room.

“Are you going to see her again?” Jake asked Rocky while he walked back to his bed.

“No fucking way,” Rocky replied while he jumped back in his bed and closed his eyes.

Jake got undressed down to his boxers and got in his bed.  “Ah!” he said, as it felt so much more comfortable than the backseat of his car.

They were both asleep in five minutes.