Quarterback Queen by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


It was later that morning and Rocky, Jake and Red ate breakfast with, Chrissie, Becky and Sandy at the cafeteria.  During breakfast, Rocky thought of a funny joke to play later that morning.  He told everybody of his plan, and they chuckled and agreed to help him.  But in order to pull off this joke, he needed one of the toys that he knew Chrissie had in her room, and she agreed. 

After breakfast, they hung around campus near the history building and waited until their class started.

Rocky saw Stefon walking down the sidewalk.  “Get ready, here comes that Jackson fag,” he told everybody.

He reached down to his backpack at his shoes and removed a piece of paper with tape on it.  He winked at Chrissie who reached down in her backpack and removed her toy, a rubber dick with balls.

Jake poured some quick drying glue on the end of the toy then Chrissie discreetly hid it behind her back.

Stefon walked by them and cringed on potentially being harassed by Rocky. 

Rocky looked away from Stefon and he felt relieved.

Rocky handed Sandy the paper with tape. 

Chrissie, Becky and Sandy rushed up to Stefon.

“How are you doing today Stefon?” Chrissie asked with a fake friendly tone while Becky discreetly taped the paper on his back.

He looked a little suspicious of the three girls.  “Ah, pretty good.”

“Great.  I was wondering if you could help me with a calculus problem,” Chrissie asked while they walked.

Stefon looked surprised with her request, but math was his strong points, and it wasn’t his nature to turn down anybody that needed help.  “My pleasure. Just let me know.”

“I will and thanks,” Chrissie replied while she discreetly stuck the rubber dick on Stefon’s back above the paper that Becky discreetly applied.

The girls turned around and chuckled while they ran back to Rocky and the guys.

Stefon was clueless that he had a rubber dick stuck on his back above the “I’m A Rump Ranger,” paper.

Rocky, Red, and Jake busted out laughing while they watched Stefon walk and the rubber dick bounced up and down.

Mindy walked up to Rocky and everybody and got curious, as to why they were laughing.  “What's so funny?” she asked.

Chrissie pointed in the direction of Stefon while she laughed.

Mindy looked and saw Stefon walking with the rubber dick bouncing above the “I’m A Rump Ranger” paper.  She glared at Rocky with look of disapproval and slapped his shoulder.  “Why can't you leave that guy alone for once in your life?  You know, turn about is fair play,” she scolded him.

“Man, I'm not worried about that pussy.  Fags don't scare me,” Rocky said while he high-fived the three girls for a job well done.

Mindy shook her head knowing it was useless to get Rocky to mature.  “I beg to differ,” she said.

Rocky and his cohorts in this joke stopped laughing.

“So, did you get a good night's sleep?” Mindy asked him.

Rocky looked at the guys with a shit-eating grin on his face.  They looked the other way biting their tongues to remain silent.

“You bet. I slept on my back the whole night,” Rocky replied.

Jake rubbed the back on his neck.  “Not me. I got a stiff neck from sleeping.”

“I'm glad you're rested up.  You needed a good nights sleep after yesterday’s game,” she replied with a loving tone.  “Maybe Jake needs the same type of pillow you have,” she added.

“I wish,” Jake replied while he thought about seeing Bianca naked this morning.

Mindy looked at her watch.  “I gotta go to class,” she said then gave Rocky a quick kiss on his cheek.

She rushed off down the sidewalk.

“We’ll be late if we don’t get going,” Jake added.

Chrissie, Becky and Sandy all walked away.

Rocky, Jake and Red walked away in the direction as Stefon.

Other students pointed and laughed at Stefon while he walked toward the History Building.

Stefon entered the History Building where numerous students laughed at him while he walked down the first floor hallway. 

Then the rubber dick bounced and fell off his back and dropped to the floor.  Students behind Stefon walked around the toy while they walked down the hallway.

Then his “I’m A Rump Ranger” paper fell off and floated to the floor.

Stefon walked into Professor Ruby’s history classroom never knowing about the cruel joke.

He sat down around the middle of the room.

A few minutes later, Ernie and Mitch entered then sat down in the back of the room.

A few minutes later the room filled up fast with only three seats opened.

Rocky entered the classroom with Jake and Red.  They laughed over seeing the rubber dick and paper that fell off Stefon in the hallway.

While Rocky flirted with a sexy girl at the back row, Jake and Red immediately took two of the open seats. 

“Take a seat,” Professor Ruby said while he walked into his classroom with his leather attaché.

Professor Ricky Ruby was a 60-year-old history professor that had been with at Bellwood College for the past 35 years.  He always wore a tweed jacket with blue jeans, and kept his hair long in a ponytail.  He was a hippie from the 1960s that never grew out of that era.  In fact, Ruby’s ancestor’s date back to the 1690’s here in Bellwood.   

Professor Ruby walked over to his desk and opened up his attaché.  He sat down at his desk and quickly reviewed the lesson he wanted to present today.

Rocky saw Professor Ruby and walked away from the girl.  He looked and saw an opened seat around the middle of the room.

He went through the aisle then sat down.  His eyes widened with disgust when he saw Stefon sitting in the seat in front of him.  He stood up and looked to his left then to his right.

“Hey dude, I want you to sit over here,” he said to the guy three seats to his right.

The guy shook his head refusing and opened up notebook for today’s lecture.

Rocky got pissed over someone refusing his order.  “I said. I want you to sit here!” Rocky said a little louder and with a pissed tone.  “Are you fucking deaf?”

The guy looked the other way ignoring Rocky.

“Get your fucking ass over here!” Rocky yelled a little more bossy.

Professor Ruby looked up from his desk and rolled his eyes the second he saw that Rocky was the source of all the commotion.  “Mister Malone.  Please sit down,” he yelled.

Rocky looked at Professor Ruby.  “But,” he said while he pointed at Stefon.

“I don't care.  Sit down!” Professor Ruby yelled a little louder.

Rocky reluctantly sat down and was pissed.  He leaned forward toward Stefon’s ear.  “I hate the smell of fags in the morning,” he whispered in Stefon’s ear then flicked it with his fingers.

Professor Ruby noticed what Rocky did to Stefon and rolled his eyes in displeasure.  He knew if he tried to discipline Rocky, Coach Kenney would run to Dean Winston Harvey who would reverse things.  “That boy needs to be taught a lesson,” he said quietly to himself.  “Okay class, let’s get started with today’s lesson,” he said while he got up from his desk and walked over to a podium. 

About fifteen minutes later, Professor Ruby was deep in his lecture. 

Rocky nodded off, as he did in the majority of his classes.

“It was during the 1690s Salem witch hunt that drove two peculiar witches to Bellwood in 1694.  Besides being witches, these two women were also lesbians,” Professor Ruby addressed his class. 

Sadie Brooke sat in the row behind Rocky and while she listened intently to the lecture, she occasionally snuck a peek at Jake.  She raised her hand up in the air.

“Miss Brooke?” Professor Ruby said the second he saw her raised hand.

“Did these witches by chance make any potions?” she asked.

“Why yes.  Story has it that they made all kinds of strange potions.  They even made one called the "Witches Brew", which reportedly turned people gay if they drank it,” Professor Ruby replied.

That answer caused Rocky to wake up.  Gay potion?  He thought to himself and wondered if he heard correctly.

“Did you say a potion that turned people gay?” Sadie asked to make sure she also heard correctly.

“Yes.  They had a potion that turned people gay and changed them profoundly.  Meaning someone that was a bully turned into a weaker man.  Story also has it that those witches made a batch of this potion and used it on the leader of Bellwood back in 1695,” Professor Ruby addressed the class. 

“No wonder we have all these humping rump rangers around today,” Rocky said out loud then he slapped the back of Stefon’s head.  He then wiped his hand on the student to his left.   “I don't want his cooties on me.”

A few of the students laughed.

“That’s enough Mister Malone,” Professor Ruby yelled.

Ernie sat up in his seat, as this was the first time he was interested in Professor Ruby’s lecture.

“Story has it that the leader of Bellwood at that time was the son of the founder of our fair city.  His name was Edward Bellwood and he and Judge John Bradstreet planned to burn the two witches at the stake.  When the witches learned of their potential demise, they poured some potion into the water pitcher on those two gentlemen.  A day later and those two turned gay and had a change of heart.  They decided to let the witches live.  They even married the witches to make it easier to hide their sexual orientation,” Professor Ruby told the class.

Ernie’s eyes widened, as he loved that story.

After Professor Ruby’s lecture, Ernie hung out in the hallway outside the classroom, and waited.

Professor Ruby walked out behind the last of the students to leave the room.  Ernie saw Ruby and rushed over.

“Professor Ruby. I would like to ask you some questions,” Ernie said.

Professor Ruby looked at Ernie and his eyes widened a little surprised.  “Why Mister Sobers. I'm shocked to finally see you showing an interest in something I'm teaching.  Ask away.”

“It's about that potion you mentioned in class.  You know the Witches Brew.  Does that stuff still exist today?” he asked curiously.

“Of course it does,” Professor Ruby replied while they walked down the hallway.

“How can I get some?” Ernie asked with a smirk.

Professor Ruby stopped dead in his tracks.  “Why would you want such a potion?” Professor Ruby replied.

Ernie looked around making sure nobody was listening.  “It has something to do with that macho asshole Rocky?” he replied in a low tone.

Professor Ruby showed a spark of interest, as he hated Rocky with a passion.  “Tell me more,” he asked curiously.

“Well, I think it’s time Rocky gets what’s coming to him.  I mean he’s always picking on poor Stefon.  I don’t mind gays and I feel they should be respected just like a football star should be respected,” Ernie bullshitted the professor.

Professor Ruby looked to make sure the coast was clear.  The hallway was empty except for those two.  He leaned over and whispered in Ernie’s ear where the potion could be obtained.

“Will you help?” Ernie relied.

“Sure, I’ll make sure he gets the potion,” Professor Ruby replied and loved the idea of teaching Rocky a lesson.

“Thank you.  I’ll let you know when,” Ernie replied with a smirk while they went their separate ways.

Ernie left the history building and ran through the campus with a spring in his step because he believed he had a sure fire way out of his troubled financial situation.

A little while later at a three bedroom, two-bathroom house in the neighboring city of Summerville was Cecil Sobers a 54-year-old slob.  He was skinny with a small pot belly, black greasy hair combed with an Elvis style, long sideburns and a pencil sized moustache. 

He sat in a worn lazy boy chair and watched TV with bad reception and wore a dirty tee shirt and old faded blue jeans.  The inside of his house was a mess just like the outside, where he rarely mows his grass and weeds have pretty much taken over the front and backyard.

His phone rang in his kitchen. 

He got up and slowly and walked to the kitchen.

The kitchen was a mess just like the rest of his house.  The sink was piled with dirty dishes, which may need a sander to get them clean.

“It’s your quarter?” he answered his phone.

“Uncle Cecil.  It's me Ernie.”

Cecil looked excited as he always thought of Ernie as his own son.  In fact, he helped raised Ernie after his brother, Gus died while driving drunk.  “My boy.  How's it hanging?  Mine is to the left.  Whoa!” he replied in an Andrew Clay Dice type of impression.

“Listen. I really need your help.”

“Need a chick?  I know this hooker, fine piece of meat.  Since you're kin to me, she might give you a discount.  You know since I have frequent laid her miles accumulated.  Whoa!” Cecil replied.

“Not now Uncle. I need you over here in Bellwood for a little job,” Ernie requested with a serious tone.

“No problem. What's the urgency?  Are you in trouble?” Cecil asked concerned.

“I'll fill you in when you get down here,” Ernie replied.

“I’ll be there,” Cecil said.

“Meet me at the Wal-Mart parking lot and park at the far end in one hour,” Ernie instructed.

“Wal-Mart, far end of the lot in an hour.  I got it,” Cecil replied.

“One other thing, wear your best suit,” Ernie added.

“My best suit?  I don’t get it,” Cecil said.

“It will make sense when you see me,” Ernie replied then disconnected his end of the call.

 Cecil hung his kitchen phone.

He rushed out of the kitchen and headed toward his bedroom.