Set Sail: What Are You Waiting For? Klajo Who Rode Against The Ocean by Abdullah H. AlFadhli - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 : The Establishing of a new ally


Klajo,Padlo,Callidus, and the royal archers while they were on their route back Padlo suggested to Klajoo “ if we were to go back to the island now with knowing that the Mountain army will be following us in few days to come, while we still have few defenders but nobody to muster in the island, I suggest we seek aid from the Fire people as they are  known for their ferocity and the love for battles.” Klajoo replying “that’s a really wise choice, but the Fire people don't have compassion as they will be willing to hear an offer out of their help what can we offer to them?”. One of the royal archers came in front saying “ we can offer them lands in the Mountain city, but not all as they might get greedy and come for our lands next, so we will split it between us and, them plus we shall offer them a plenty of gold, and pearls from the treasury we have far more enough than what we need.”Klajoo stated “then we shall go to the fire people.” off they went toward the fire city. When they came close they saw a wooden gate without a castle nor walls beside it to protect the city, the gate had no doors but a sign held from top of the center of the door, symbolizing the fire icon. When they entered the city they saw the beautiful yet sophisticated design,  the bright gigantic torch held in the hands of a status which is the same as the status that was in the Mountain city that really made Klajo more curious about the background of this status, and people are dancing beside it,So he asked Padlo what does that status  means, as Padlo wanted to answer, a man approached them he had a muscular body with long hair and medium orange size beard. He looked at them with a flare in his eyes as he is coming to attack, not to have a conversation at all. Quickly Klajoo said “I'm the new  king of the Water island I wish to speak to your king.” the man replied with a surprising yet daring face to them stating “ I know the Water King he has a  big body which does not belong to this continent but belongs to a giant” Klajoo showed him the crown. The man put his hand on his chest to show his sorry,Klajoo liked the Fire people integrity that they don't bow,which means they think highly of their dignity,  turned to take him to the Fire people King, he is smart he didn't want to tell them, the king is dead because if he said that knowing the fact that the fire people are greedy he know they will go for a strike in order to gain control thus he made the man dazzle in his mind wondering if Klajoo is a strong being, because he doesn’t look like a fish-man who is second in line to throne, maybe he who jailed the king or executed him.The man replied “ what’s your name King of the Water island?”, He said ”Klajoo”. He entered the tavern king hall, the people were already gathered that day to feast, celebrating the birth of the king son. As they entered the hall it looked pale yet filled with dark hearted mood yet spirit drinks are filled.Klajoo went up to the king table, the bearded man introduced Klajoo to the king. The king laughed saying  “that old depressed lonely fish died at last.” Klajo replied, “ I have not come to celebrate the new king ritual, but I came to you asking aid in a plan to execute, in order to gain hold of the Mountain Kingdom”. The Fire King was amused “ indeed, the time has come, but why do I need your help?” Klajoo replied “you don't need my help, but hear this for if you made that move be sure that your army will come back floating in the river, Mountain people are a people of great schemes, for I'm a man who witnessed that but, I came to you as a king, in for a diplomatic ally, lower the risk, loss of any chance”.The Fire King was astonished by how the way Klajoo talk’s he was convinced with what he said, he told Klajoo “you shall have my support, but first you shall stay here for the honor of my newborn son.” Klajo told Padlo to go back to the island and take one of the royal archers bring the gold and pearls, so we can secure this man royalty.Klajoo wanted to test the fact if the fire people are a people of materials like he heard, or men long waiting to spread their wrath for their passion for it.  The royal archer and Pedlo went fast to bring a pot of gold, and pearls.They celebrated in King Hall. Klajoo was still curious about the status so he asked the king whom that status represent, who hold the big torch,he replied “that’s the man who ruled all of this continent under his regime he was kind but harsh on punishments was a justice man even to his family, and friends but the dragon killed him, and divided the land, made borders in the four kingdoms as you see, made us hate each other, for not fighting the dragon, every kingdom looked for its own prestige, with the dragon scrubby maggots I would say especially those mist and, the Mountain tribe.” Padlo came back with the gold pot in a golden treasure chest decorated with pearls full of gold and jewels in it. He gave it to the Fire king “that’s the will of our King Klajoo, honoring your newborn son”. The fire king got furious and mad. “What do you take me for Klajoo, a rat who seeks gold which i have no use of nor respect it, I'm a man of feasts and swords” Klajo was surprised for he thought the fire people were a greedy peoples, he learned a lesson not to judge people about what has been said about them, nor by their looks, and admired the Fire king for his words.