Set Sail: What Are You Waiting For? Klajo Who Rode Against The Ocean by Abdullah H. AlFadhli - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: People Of The Mountain, And their Literature


 When Klajo woke up he saw himself hovering above the ground rose up panicked and saw humans but not like him. Their males had big heads stretching from the back narrowed eyes, some had hair but most of them were shaved, their women are gorgeous, absolutely not like his race they were tall, not very tall, medium size heads, with black hair covering their backs.   They were holding him, with the leaf that he was sleeping on, he shouted 'who are you ?', but they ignored him and were kinda like singing but in a shouting style. where they took him up the mountain to their elders. On the way to the mountain top, he saw a city, on the mountain, it  was magnificence, with high towers and, buildings, streets were well constructed all on the mountain, something he has never seen before in his world. when they got to the top of the mountain their lied, a huge palace but not shaped like a palace but as a religious house where people dressed white. Klajo was put down and an old man came to him with a white beard dressed in white, stood with his shoulder straight, a noble stand, indeed, and, a long stick he held looked covered with gold,veiled by a brownish color . The old man asked Klajo "who are you? you're not like us, you look different than us." Klajo replied "I'm from the Klajo land somewhere not in this world, and my name is Klajoo" ,the old man told him "we have a custom if a stranger came to our land, we shall treat him and not ask him, comfort him and not disturb him for which this hospitality will stay for three days, then we shall meet , where you will know of this world more than any other land because of the books, and rich literature we have stored inside this city, fill your cup Klajoo".

Klajo went into the city, and started exploring the city, he saw the city building, skyscrapers, the streets, were well engineered, with ceramics. Trees attached to houses, and there in the middle of the city stood a flourished, big  fountain very well designed had four lions pouring water from their mouths, beside it to the right  stood a big building that had a book shaped entrance , he knew that was his destination and, went to the door which was painted with gold , big handles circle formed , and little words of foreign language all over the door, he opened the door , and there he found a three-level floors filled with hard covers books , every book was categorized according to its knowledge,and how accurate is the knowledge, there were books from plants till health, from health till science, from science till religion, from religion till law. They had stairs that went zig-zigs in both sides left of the library and right of the library. He roamed the library, at the end north side of the building there was a lady, he asked "where is the history of this land ?", she replied, "in the third level where you will see the book". He went upstairs and when he reached the third floor he found a stand for the book it was in the middle of the floor, wrapped with the brownish leather hard cover, he opened the book, where the first page of the book says, "Wisdom of The Tribes". That sentence sent, an excitement to Klajo made him want to dive into this ocean, with his curiosity Klajo the cursed ship started sailing, until he reached a page which said people of the Fire , he read how these furious people lived and their principle which stood in one sentence "kill or be killed", and their ways of teaching their kids, when they reached 15, they threw their kids inside a cage with a bear with only one bread, and a rock to kill the bear, if the boy died they would celebrate, no matter the cost or the gain, if the boy killed the bear they would celebrate too, truly they made men of iron skins, where the boy was given a women and, a golden bucket filled with rum to honor him and welcome him to the tribe . One Chef who rules's them his name is Shula, their land consisted of one province's, and six territories the main city where the king lived is called Scintillation but under the regime of the dragon.Klajo continued sailing with his cursed ship ,and after a day of reading he found the Mist tribe where it says they don't have a king who rules them but a tribal chief for each village they had five villages, how these people are praying to the dragon and would sell their souls for the love of the dragon, and how strange ways they gave birth to their children's. But it says there were peaceful, loveable people who were changed after the dragon controlled their lands their atmosphere became dark and gloomy and the sun wouldn't enter their lands. He flipped the page and saw, the people of Water, were half fish, half humans, they had an entrance to all the four kingdoms, which was a river stretched from the ocean beside their islands, an archipelago. The book says how strong but, humble, and generous to their people but, tyrants to strangers. They are beasts with water shooting arrows and how magnificent moves they would pull to win a battle, Flipping the page, met the people of the light, who are smart, and they had a religion they followed which states that there are no gods but one God, and a person will come to bring salvation to them against the vicious dragon, but people were slowly converting to the dragon religion . They would use traps to win a battle because they are weak with defense and, attack, for they were not a fearless people like the other kingdoms but they had superior chemistry, and technologies than the other kingdoms, intelligent in guerilla warfare. After finished reading the book Klajo, enthusiastically looked in the chemistry, and war books when he was full of reading he went out of the library to explore the city, saw their culture and, their religion more. Klajo stepped outside the library to look for a restaurant, he was so starving, from the two days reading, while he was walking he saw so many people gathered and shouting, he went to see what was there , he saw a man who wore a long jacket head to toe, was making fire from his fingers,made the fire dance around his fingers,made fireballs, shooted for the lamps,he lit the street, made a little spectre come out from his back, the spectre was smiling in an unpleasant way staring at Klajo, took him by his hands and threw the spectre up, as the man took off his hat bowed, and vanished into thin air. Klajo heard a man from behind him saying "these dogmas of the dragon teaching, are becoming crafty," he was chilled with the performance, especially the spectre smile, though his stomach was killing him, Klajo didn't have the energy to talk or ask why you hate them. He asked the geezer beside him, for a restaurant nearby ,he was guided to a restaurant that was small compared to the buildings beside it, had two lamps in front of it , the place had an antique touch of a wooden old restaurant , Klajoo loved the design , went inside the restaurant was a gloomy restaurant with nobody inside, he went to the bartender, and asked him why is this place empty, the guy laughed and told him that these people boycotted the drinks . Klajo wondered how did a whole city boycott a drink, but he liked the idea and asked for a nice meal from the restaurant specials, the bartender smiled and stated that it was a long time that someone has come to my bar, so I will serve you a nice meal on the house. He went inside the kitchen started cooking and preparing a nice steak , smell of the spices was coming out of the kitchen that even Klajo stomach couldn’t hold back started making sounds, smell was so good that people outside the bar smelled it, and came inside wondering with joy who is cooking, he finished  cooking the meal and, came outside with jubilation to serve Klajo, but he was surprised of the overcrowding that filled his bar, asking Klajo is this your magic , klajo laughed and said "your passion brought them", he gave Klajo the meal and started taking orders from the people everyone wanted a piece of his cooking no one could’ve hold back from the cooking smell so they had a banquet , it came about midnight when Klajoo looked at the clock was amazed how time passed very fast and he still couldn’t finish exploring the city ,he was quite a bit dizzy so he. Took himself and went outside the bar stretched out and , continued walking north of the city saw a small group of young men with strange haircuts, hair brushed to the left or right side of the face cut from the back only middle and sides left , he truly didn’t like the haircut , I believe because of his culture and his principles that didn’t like the haircut , but he didn’t make a comment to them nor gave a speech about it, to them but from his eyes you can tell that he didn’t like it. while he was roaming, saw a strange status of a man holding his fist tight in the air, that they held in the edge highland of the city didn’t know what or whom it represented so he asked , the reply he got was this status was their savior who took them to the mountain  to live in peace, so he was twisted that it wasn’t written in their history books so he asked an old man  who was passing by, where can I read about him, he told him only from mouths but mouths have been sealed long time ago  and walls have ears, where the secret have been buried even I don't know what's his name or his background but heard from my father when he first showed me the status that this man took us to the mountain, and just continued walking , Klajo was stunned by the answer he got. He saw a small hut which had a sign of a hotel but not like a hut was more toward a small building shaped like a hut, went inside it saw an old lady sat behind a desk in a chair looked pale but, smiled at Klajoo and welcomed him , and he took a room to stay for the night up he went with the stairs saw a hall with two room one on the left and, one on the right , entered the one on the right, the room was a bit small with only one small bed and, a red  carpet small  rugged one with different shapes in it people praying to the sun, pyramids shapes on the sides, and a dragon shaped figure in the center of it,with no lights to turn on only the moonlight granting him vision went inside his bed covered himself, and was thinking about the old man answer while falling asleep. The third day came to meet the king of the land, two guards came to wake Klajo up, knocked on his room door, and took him to the king. There he sat in a large golden chair in a temple both sides had the same status he saw in the city, the king asked him "did you like our city?". He replied I did, you have a marvelous, superb city, with nice people . the king asked, "where are your people ?" Klajo replied," I have no people in your continent but my people come from another world". the king was amazed, and asked "where is this world on the map?" , Klajo said, "far behind your eyes can reach sire." The king told him "if you wish to settle in our land, you will have to meet the dragon", Klajo was shocked and scared but that was in his stomach looked calm on the outside replying "how can I meet the dragon?". the king said, "my guards shall take you there it’s five days walking trip." Klajo went and packed a bag from the bartender food and, steak which he liked.