Set Sail: What Are You Waiting For? Klajo Who Rode Against The Ocean by Abdullah H. AlFadhli - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: Tough times, to make solid mens


Went with the guards outside the castle, after a one day walk Klajo didn’t think this was right, for it was too early to meet the dragon, and he knew the dragon was a scary and an evil creature where he shall show no mercy. He waited for the night to dress up the air for the guards to sleep and, ran downstream the river to look for the land of water. He reached the limit of the river where he saw a group of islands not far away in the ocean where he can swim to it , and that’s what Klajo did swam to the island at night, the islands were filled with lights, not white lights, but blue and green bulbs not too sharp but calming rays . There he saw a water path inside the island, Klajo had the courage and boldness to enter but lacked the brain that he might put himself in danger in this land of unknown charismas. Klajoo entered bravely through the water path as he entered two mermen were in the entering route with long metal sticks with a spear on top of it, they looked strong. They pointed their weapons on Klajoo with a surprised look on their face asking "who are you ?" , he said, "I'm Klajoo from the Klajo people I have news to your leader great news that might perish your dragon, or vanquish a kingdom". they took Klajo through the water route, the only way to enter the palace of their King was a gate beneath the war room, they had to catch Klajo by the hand and dive into the gate as it had a strong stream to the King mansion.  there he saw a giant gate with more than 15 guards guarding, they had this tight uniform they all wore with strange weapons on their back and a long spear in their hands. they opened the gate to Klajo, as he entered, he heard a universe sound as Klajoo would say, asking "what news you have for me ?". as Klajoo moved forward he saw a merman with a golden spear, red beard, gigantic muscles, blue eyes. Klajoo said " I heard that your Kingdom doesn’t like the great dragon who controls all the kingdoms, I came here to seek for your aid", King laughed and said, "we tried that for centuries we failed what do you think you will do". He replied  "I have a plan now to unite all the kingdoms, Mist, Fire, Mountain, and your people". King replied with ivory "why should I unite my great people with the other kingdoms what use are they to me ?, they are greedy who eat everything, they have devoured on the land’s that’s why I took my people and lived in these rich islands". Klajo said "they won't enter your kingdom, I only ask for your aid to perish the dragon with your strength and tactics we can have victory, serenity, and peace throughout the four kingdoms . "where is your army Klajo ?", I have none for I come to help, I'm not from this universe but we have a strict leader in my universe, if I could establish peace in your holy continents I might be able to return to my kingdom" , the king looked deeply in  Klajo eye's , ordered the guard show Klajo to his room , they took him to a cell . Klajo was shocked and scared that they might take him to the dragon shouted "I mean you no harm merman's house for, I only came to seek your aid", he kept shouting until his body collapsed suddenly, he heard an explosion strong one, that he thought he was dreaming, heard people shouting. Klajoo got up to look from the circle small cell window he saw a fire. He backed slowly toward the corner of the cell, body shaking, hands sweating. Cell door opens two guards came in took Klajo to the king, the King was extremely upset, grabbed Klajo from the neck, up he threw him to the roof of the palace and shouted, "you shall die before your plan complete, you little rat". Klajo shouted in a desperate way "I'm innocent, I'm innocent, I'm innocent I came to seek help from you ", while Klajo was going down, the king caught him when his head was one cm above the ground. King asked him "who wish to make a coup in my islands other than those pathetic mountain people that look like you, they are the cowards, the Fire people will not think like this, at least they have the balls to take it themselves if they wanted something , the mist won't make a move without the dragon call" . Klajo replied,  "I can't tell you anything at the moment for whatever comes out of my mouth, your mind is already narrowed, but please let me help you ". The king looked to his minister, looked back to Klajo told him to follow me, walked upstair out the palace balcony, where the king stood strong and still to his people, and roared "you wish to take me out of my throne then, you have come  on the wrong ship . for this ship will go to the deep with me if I ordered it . everybody strap up, we going to war.  

Out the balcony the king went downstair, straight to the war room, there was a long table with twelve chairs, the roofs and sides were decorated with swords and spears along the walls. the commanders were already there. Klajo was waiting outside, where he couldn’t hear them. The king came out of the hall, looked to Klajo told him “strap up you will join us to see how you're kind uses the brain a lot how the muscles lose their respect .” Klajo replied fast “please honorable king don't rush hear me out”. The king said, “speak you have one minute if I don't like what you say, you already lost your courage in my eyes no use for you to speak, your head will be decorated in the resting room”. “King of the mermen, I suggest not to rush for there might be a big plot, the mountain people are not stupid this might be a trap to kill you, they know your people,  they know you , they wrote books about every tribe  , it's an obvious plan to get you of water, to their field where traps are already laid out” , king laughed hard , said “if they made a plan like this, that would be the day I retired from this world . but your head will stay for I shall bring you the mountain people heads to your cell and, a sword to cut your head and put it beside it.”  Ordered the guards to take him to prison.

The king took his army up the river stream they went relentless moving fast attacking for revenge.They reached the end of the river, it's time to climb the mountain to reach the Mountain City,while they were climbing one of the old commanders said this is a strange mountain I'm climbing today. Mountain people set for them a trap they knew they couldn’t get the mermen while they were in the river ,so they paved the path for them now their open-targets in the mountain,the mountain people started shooting at them killing some and capturing some, poor Merman King, he was wise but his anger blinded him from an obvious trap.They took the King and, His captured men to the Mountain people King. they reached the temple there the Mountain king sat beside him his generals, and the crown of the merman in his left hand, which was on the island to show the merman king, that we have divided and conquered your lands, the mountain king said “and here I was scared with my advisors from Klajo. Seems he is of no use to mind games after all" and laughed. The fish-men King asked, “what faith my people have you laid to them ?” , he replied “what is faith? , take this fish to his new chamber.”

Klajo is hearing screams, of pain, sadness, and smells burning, saw smoke from his cell window, started shouting “Guards I can help, let me out” nobody came, second time shouting louder, nobody came. Klajo knew nobody will come to rescue him if I don't rescue myself. He started kicking the cell as hard as he could still cell doors are standing as a timber tree. He started analyzing the situation what to do, how to get out. Broke the chains of his bed which were holding his bed, now he has two chains and four broken nails. I will not say how he opened his door thus, let your imagination flow, but keep in mind Klajo read chemistry in the library, the man is no fool. Klajoo broke the cell took the two chains with him off. Opened the cells of all other criminals, and shouted, “ Your Country is on fire, where the water lays within you, either you run and forget this land which will be remembered as once was , or go out there and splash that pipe you have in you with maximum patriot.” Klajoo the Cursed ship as his people would say, has an army now of 668 strong men rallied up with the passion of anger, fighting for a strong cause, and that’s what it all matters. They all broke their beds and took the nails, chains, and sticks  to arm themselves by putting the nails inside the stick,and wrapping the chains around the stick , took the bed cotton and, the bed sheets wrapped it in their upper body that was Klajo strategy appointed three men ,Mucosa  , Padlo , Callidus each to control 167 men, gave them objectives to follow Mucosa objective to secure the outside of the island , Padlo to take control back of the river , and Callidus to get the centre of the city back with Klajo. Off every man followed his general, of every general, followed to their objectives, off Klajo went to secure the center of the city, of every weak soul turned to a flaming soul. They went charging with a fearless roar every ant in the island could hear which brought a sense of fear for the Mountain people soldiers, and generals. One of the generals who is, highly regarded in the Mountain people army send a man with a message to the King. when the king saw the message he laughed.  Klajo, Callidus, and the 334 men entered the city center square they saw the Mountain army already lined up facing them, with wizards that threw at them flaming balls that they have never seen which scared the men, thinking that the Mountain people are righteous beings. Though that didn't move a sense in Klajoo, sent Callidus, and his men to charge in a straight path before, the men dispatch out of fear. Klajoo scattered his men to move fast from both sides, but behind the buildings so they have low casualties, to cut the throat of the snake, before its poison manifest in the fear of the soldiers. The commander of the mountain people saw the trick being played, but his army was already mobilized to fight Callidus didn't leave some for situations like this he surely underestimated Klajo, but he is brave he will not run, he ordered his army to form a square and to keep pressuring Callidus, Klajo fast ordered his army to attack before they complete the square. The battle was finished fast, the Mountain army Commander surrendered, to save the lives who are left, he shouted to Klajoo “who are you, I have never fought a man with these tactics nor any tribe in the world have the knowledge you just executed, what’s your purpose in helping these fishes who have isolated themselves and, cared nothing about what’s happening in the world”. Klajo replied “I seek for a higher purpose”, the commander said, “ what Purpose are you talking about?” , ‘ The purpose is not for you to feed your curiosity, but the purpose has a divine purpose”. The commander, Colossus  looked strangely in Klajo and said ”Let me ride under your wing, with my army for they are  most loyal  to me.”, Klajoo took the commander by his hand gave him his stick, and ordered all his army to lay down your swords and, told the commander if you wish to strike please strike, my hands are free. The commander threw the stick.Klajoo stated, “it has been concluded then you shall be my right-hand advisor since you have a highly regarded name follows you”. Mucos had no problem with securing the outside of the island. Padlo when he reached the river he saw an army more than his own by triple, he said “ Every mole will die, but definitely not this fate beside a cursed city who sentenced me “, and some of the men followed him, but most of the men went to warn Klajoo, they stated that their Commander Padlo ran off, and there's an army coming toward us near the river. Klajoo looked at the Colossus, Colossus “ Yes, that's the 2nd division, the Commander is greedy who’s Commanding them let's bait him, by sending your division Klajoo, when he sees his army is outnumbering you he will make a full attack, I'll take my men and Callidus men to surround them from both sides we will lower the casualties.” Klajoo clapped, and said “well played”. They marched toward the river, the Mountain army 2nd Commander was truly greedy for he fell for the trap exactly as Colossus said he will. The fish-men island is now secured. Klajoo is a wise man, and indeed humble, as he gave the ruling power back to the King family and appointed the second in line of the last King as the Temporary King until the old King is back. He won the army loyalty even though most of them are criminal’s , the people of the island threw a celebration honoring his victory. The celebration was big held in the center of the island where all the people of the island came, all brought gifts or food. They danced, eat, and drank until they fell asleep.