Soul Journaling/Lessons from the Past by Karen Valiquette - HTML preview

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About a year and a half after the unfortunate exorcism event, Dominique and Henri welcomed their child, Pierre, to their little family. Dominique, while still a little concerned about Nicole, never again mentioned demons or possession and she began to believe that perhaps Henri was right. Perhaps her behavior could be explained by her sad childhood, dealing with loneliness and bullying. Still completely unable to connect with her on any level, Dominique and Nicole reached a kind of detente. All in all, though, Nicole seemed quite pleased at the prospect of a sibling.

The baby had been named Pierre after her mentor, Father Pierre, who had given her the treasured gift of gardening and herbalism. He had passed away, at the age of 54, just before the baby’s birth. For years, baskets of vegetables, goat’s cheese and bunches of herbs had appeared on her doorstep. She was so very grateful for the bounty and had always assumed that the Abbot was responsible, but had chosen to give the gifts anonymously. It was only after Father Pierre’s death that she realized who had actually been the generous benefactor, when the baskets abruptly stopped arriving. But that was how Father Pierre was, a gentle giant not given to outward displays of affection but with a heart filled with the purest of intentions.

Now as Dominique looked down at her baby’s little round face and tiny, pink lips still puckered from nursing, she felt a bond that filled her heart to capacity. This baby was the flesh and blood embodiment of her love for Henri. This was so different from her experience with the birth of Nicole. Her resentment for the Abbot and in turn, the resentment she felt for the child he fathered, was so painful. She had no idea that she could love as much as she did when she looked at Pierre’s face. Dominique was ashamed that she had never been able to feel the same about Nicole but try as she might, there was no connection.

This baby boy meant that they were a real family. Henri was as happy as she had ever seen him, stopping people in the street to tell them their delightful news. The delivery had not been an easy one and Henri had worried about Dominique, knowing that so many women lost their lives during childbirth. After many hours of unproductive labor, the doctor had been called. Monsieur LaColle arrived giving everyone the comforting sense that he was in charge, calling for towels and boiled water, he set about the task of bringing this baby into the world.

Pacing in the sitting room, Henri could hear his beloved’s screams from the bedroom. Despite the difficulty she was experiencing, Dominique’s faith never wavered, so sure was she that her baby would be safe. Finally, Henri could hear the first tentative cries from his son. Dr. LaColle was concerned about Pierre’s breathing, as it was labored and wheezy.

Dominique held her baby and whispered prayers over his tiny warm head. She could hear the doctor speaking to Henri in hushed tones about his concerns. “Honestly, Henri, his breathing is much too labored. Perhaps it is due to the length of Dominique’s labor but all we can really do is watch and wait. Keep a close eye on him over the next 24 hours, he may not even survive but if he does then we will look at the health issues he may face moving forward.” The doctor held Henri’s shoulder warmly as he delivered his grim news. “Please send word for me any time, I will come right away.” He shook Henri’s hand and with a final check of Dominique, took his leave.

“Henri,” Dominique said, “we will not lose our little Pierre. He is having trouble with his breath but I know I can help him.” Her faith was unshaken. She could not imagine losing this child who held her heart firmly in his little hands. Henri was hopeful but did not really believe that she could affect much of a change.

A month later, Henri’s guard unit was called on assignment and he was forced to take his leave of his brand new family. Pierre had survived his first month, and while he was not strong, the doctor said that Dominique’s remedies had shown some promising benefits for her infant. As Henri made his preparations to leave, she made him a promise.

“Have faith, my love, you will return to find our son stronger and healthier. I love you more than you could know and I love our little Pierre. You will see there is a reason that God has blessed us.”