Soul Journaling/Lessons from the Past by Karen Valiquette - HTML preview

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It is said that there is nothing quite like the feeling of meeting a soul-familiar for the first time—again. It had struck me when I met Stephen, and I am sure that the feeling of “love at first sight” is the soul’s recognition of that person with whom you have spent many lifetimes. Haven’t you all met someone and felt instantly comfortable with them, like you’ve known them forever? It’s your soul saying, “There you are, my beloved, I have found you.” It’s proof of our connection.

When my first son was born, I experienced this intuitive sense of connection. There was a moment in the hospital when I had him in my arms, looking down at the soft red fuzz on top of his head as he nursed. He stopped nursing for a moment, looked back up at me and shared a gaze that spoke of many lifetimes together and a link that could never be broken. It was electric and brought me to tears, as it does to this day, thinking about it. That same baby had been Pierre in the 1500s.

Knowing how deep our connection was, it was not surprising to me that he was my child then also. But what has been astonishing is how parallel that incarnation has been for us. I am not referring to actual events but the reminiscence of past events—almost like little echoes. The Universe gives us whispers to remind us of our connections.

When my son was born, he suffered from a pneumo-thorax condition. My labor had been quite long—almost 30 hours—and began when my water broke at 6 am. The process of childbirth, even at the best of times is hard on the baby. But when labor is induced and still takes that long, it is a struggle for the baby which puts a strain on their lungs. The exertion caused small holes in one of his lungs, allowing air to escape and fill the cavity around the lung. This created a situation where he could not expand his lung fully. So, he was having trouble breathing, not altogether unlike what Pierre had experienced. With today’s medical knowledge, however, the problem was alleviated immediately, thankfully.

Couldn’t this have just been a coincidence, you ask? I don’t believe so. When a series of “coincidences” happen, even the most doubtful starts to believe there is more significance. At the time, I certainly wasn’t aware of how closely the situation imitated a past life experience. But now having been shown this story, I find it amazing that the Universe gives us clues and connections to our past experiences all the time. I am blessed to have had my awareness opened to the point where those reminders all make sense to me. I am grateful that I can embrace those around me with the love and knowledge that we have shared many lifetimes and will continue to do so. For me, it gives me a sense of peace that we have more experiences ahead of us, and that we will greet those experiences together.

The bottom line is your soul wants you to remember. Your soul wants you to be conscious of its existence—and in that consciousness to embrace your immortality. We return to this earth plane again and again and each time when our earthly lessons are done, return to Source or heaven or whatever you want to call it. I find such great comfort in this knowledge because it means that as Dominique, I had to say goodbye to my beloved child but as Karen, I was able to hold him again and watch him grow to be the amazing young man he is today.