The Day God Came to Earth by Aileen Friedman, Javonne Cupido - HTML preview

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Jonathan’s personal assistant amidst all the chaos of show resigned, claiming “personal reasons” of which she refused to discuss with anyone. Everyone at the studio was shocked as who wouldn’t want to work for the most popular TV show in the world and even more so who wouldn’t want to work with Jonathan Bale?

It was down to the last five interviews after undertaking hundreds of hopeful candidates. During the add break of the following show, an interview had been set up for Jonathan to attend. He did, after all, have the final say.

Linda Fulton, a beautiful woman for twenty-two years, with rich black hair and aqua blue eyes, porcelain skin and red lips – almost a mirror image of Snow White, arrived to watch the show while she waited for her interview. She sat in the guest lounge and felt the intensity filtering through from the studio audience. She phoned her mother ‘Mommy it’s insane, you cannot believe the atmosphere here, it’s incredible. And the studio is so huge it’s so hard to describe, and there are so many people working here. I’m so nervous; I don’t think I will get this job, I really don’t. I think I might faint when Jonathan walks in the door.’ Linda finally took a breath and stopped talking when her mother interrupted her non-stop sentence.

‘Now Linda, just calm down, you cannot make Jonathan or the show bigger than you. Remember your Faith. Remember you are a child of God and you must not let the world rule your decisions.’

‘Oh I know mom, I know how much I need this job to get me out of my financial situation. I know it will be such an opportunity for me, but I also know I have to keep God first. We have prayed about this so often I know I will make the right decision. I think I am just letting the moment get to me. It is so high profile – you know?’

‘I know dear. I will say a prayer for you now.’

“Thanks, mom, I’m going to say a prayer now too.’ Linda ends the call and is about to say a prayer when the door opens.

She almost faints when Jonathan Bale, the TV show icon, enters the room and is formally introduced to him. She looked at him; he was almost larger than life itself.

For a few seconds, she loses herself in his aura then checks back into reality and recollects herself. ‘Hello Mr. Bale, it’s a pleasure to meet you.’ She extends her hand in greeting.

He takes her hand in his firm handshake lingering before letting it go not taking his eyes off her. ‘Please it’s just Jonathan, and it’s wonderful to meet you. Suzette, you can leave us now, I’d like to conduct the interview in private please.’ Suzette nodded warily and left closing the door behind her.

‘Please sit Linda.’ Jonathan motioned to her to sit on the couch and not the armchair.

Linda was completely awestruck and was having a raging battle with the enormity of the moment and her faith.

‘Linda I must say your CV is most satisfactory, and I think you and I will work perfectly well together.’

‘You’ve read my CV? Is there anything you want to ask or anything you need to know?’

Jonathan sighed and moved closer to Linda, never for one moment taking his eyes off of hers. He completely drew her into him as he milked her every urge to turn away.

‘No, I think you’re perfect.’ He almost whispered without a trace of his lie.

‘I am confident I will be efficient at the job and will not disappoint you.’

‘Jonathan edged closer to Linda on the couch, he held her eyes in his ‘Linda, you will never disappoint me I’m sure of it. The job is yours if you will just ..’ He implored her still further with his eyes creeping nearer to her face ‘just… you are so incredibly pretty.’

‘Mr…Jonathan, what are you doing?’ Linda was so intoxicated by the closeness of Jonathan and tried with all her might to resist him to hang on to her high morals and pride.

‘Don’t fight this Linda; I knew this was meant to be the minute I laid eyes on you. The job is yours; we can be so good together. Please, Linda, I can’t resist you.’ His nose touched hers; his fresh breath flavoured her lips. ‘Please, Linda. I want you.’

‘I can’t Jonathan; I can’t …this is so wrong. I have never..’

‘Never what Linda?’ He touched her lips with his – ever so softly. She groaned a little.

‘I’m a virgin. I don’t want to do this, please.’ She tried futilely to stop his reaching arms wrapping around her waist, tugging her toward him.

‘You want to Linda. I know you do.’ Then he kissed her, opening her mouth to his. She tried to resist, but he held her tightly and continued to kiss her until she responded in kind.

‘I’ll be your first Linda and your last. I promise you.’ He whispered into her ears as he caressed her neck until she squirmed wanting more but still trying to hold onto the last bit of her resisting will.

His hands moved all over her body; he whispered little nothings to her keeping her under his spell. He swooped her down until she was lying on the couch and he was on top of her ‘Linda we must do this, it is right, please Linda.’

She moaned through his kisses and could resist no more and gave herself to him completely

Virgin she was no more!