The Day God Came to Earth by Aileen Friedman, Javonne Cupido - HTML preview

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The celebrations of the pre-empted success of the show flowed over at the studio in high spirits. The celebratory champagne waited patiently on the melting ice until the rating results were released.

The wine flowed, and the beer guzzled as the party swung swiftly into momentum. Cassia and the children stayed close to Jonathan amongst his continued appraise and adoration.  However every so often Jonathan was whisked away to chat with the main dignitaries and the like, and Cassia with her children sat like pretty wallflowers against a backdrop of intertwining vines.

‘Can I have your attention, please? Please, people just for a second quiet down. Your attention please.’ A man holding a few sheets of paper bellowed above the din of the party. He repeated himself several times and assisted by several people dishing out the same instructions.

A few minutes passed until finally a hum was hovering waiting for Mr. Eckenberg, the owner of Channel SA9, to speak. ‘Ladies and gentleman, Jonathan,’ he looked around for Jonathan and so did everyone else ‘where is Jonathan? Someone find him he must be here for this.’

A few men disappeared into the hallways calling out his name. Cassia stood looking slightly embarrassed when asked where he was. ‘He left with a gentleman a few minutes ago.’ She could only reply.

A few more minutes went by before Jonathan came rushing into the studio ushered by those that went looking for him. His face hot and flushed, although he was expert enough to recover quickly. ‘Sorry about that people, had to find a moment to answer a call of nature.’ He smiled, blushed and everyone laughed.

‘Jonathan stand here by me my boy,’ Mr. Eckenberg continued to make stridently his announcement ‘I have with me the ratings for tonight’s pilot episode of “The Bale Show.” He paused for dramatic effect as the people called for him to stop teasing them. ‘It’s way outta here! Beaten any record that ever existed! We have a hit! We have a hit!’ He held the papers in the air and cheered. Everyone went wild, raising their glasses, spilling the contents and cheering, hugging each other, shouting at each other in excitement and mostly everyone was trying to get Jonathan’s attention to congratulate him.

If one did not know better, it could have been said that Jonathan had just won an Oscar for best performance.

Sometime after the announcement Cassia, with their children who were extremely tired by now, managed to get to speak to her husband. ‘So proud of you, congratulations to all of you.’

‘Oh, babe I’m so happy. Wow, can you believe those ratings. I hoped for good ones but what we got – WOW.’ Jonathan was still hardly able to contain himself.

‘I know you need and want to stay for longer, but I must get the kids home, so I will see you much later I presume.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Don’t be silly. Of course you must stay, this is your moment. I won’t wait up. Love you and well done again.’

‘Thanks, babe. Love you.’

Cassia left with the children and Jonathan was free to be adorned. It was easy to disappear now and then with someone that was willing to show their admiration for him in more ways than one. The alcohol flowed in abundance that no one knew who was coming or going in whichever direction.

By later that morning when Jonathan finally straggled into his bed, no one would remember half of what happened in the latter hours of the party and those that did keep mum.

When he floundered into the living room late the next morning, the sun shone so brightly he felt his head was going to explode and covered his eyes for protection. Cassia giggled and drew the blinds closed in sympathy toward him. He sat gingerly in his leather recliner groaning in agony. ‘Never again.’ He moaned clutching his stomach and his head at the same time.

‘You not feeling well daddy?’ Willow asked holding his hand.

‘No baby girl. Not at all.’

‘Willow, you and Zayn please play in your rooms. We can give daddy his celebration cake later tonight.’

‘Oh babe, I’m sorry you made something special, and I ruined it.’ He noticed through the squint slits of his eyes that they had redecorated the lounge for a hero.

‘Its okay later is also fine. Drink this and I’ll have something for you to eat in a few minutes.’

Later that evening Jonathan was treated as if royalty by his devoted family. The Bale family had been escalated from the A-list to the A+ list if one even existed. 

Show after show, the accolades rained down on the production and, in particular, Jonathan. The debates on religion, in particular, raged on as the media pounced on the discussion of each episode, creating more and more hype. Religion had never been so widely and openly prevalent across the universe as it was at this specific moment in time.

After five episodes, the big surprise was announced. The audience went berserk when they discovered they were the lucky ones to be filmed live during this announcement.

After a relatively calm first half of the show Jonathan had revved the hype monitor up a few notches ‘Who remembers the “big surprise we promised?’ The audience squealed.

‘Here it is,’ dramatic pause, smooth smile and a crazed audience ‘from this show onwards we will be giving every person in the audience a gift. We shall call it “Jonathan’s most wanted things”, this could be a simple voucher, or it could be as huge as a Porsche. But whatever the gift you will not go home empty handed and nor will the gift be less than R50000.00.’ He abated the audience with his charm; they were hysterical. Just then designer envelopes were dropped from the ceiling attached to a ribbon and floated in front of each person. ‘Those envelopes are for you, but wait for my go-ahead to open them, and, by the way, this gift will never be revealed the same way in any show.’

Jonathan smoothed his showmanship smile, shining his white teeth enjoying the audience’s eagerness to snatch and rip open the envelopes.

‘Okay,’ He paused dramatically ‘Get them!’ He shouted.

People scrambled to unhook the envelope from the ribbon. Some were standing, others stretching while there were a few that pulled the ribbon into them almost pulling the structure from the ceiling down. Then they settled back into their seats and waited for the go-ahead to open their envelopes.

Jonathan teased them for a second longer and then gestured with his hands ‘Open.’ Is all he said and the audience ripped and tore open the envelope, pulling out a card and screamed with sheer delight?

“Congratulations on your gift of a brand new Kia, sponsored by Masterson Kia, Cape Town.” The news of this episode went internationally viral.