The Day God Came to Earth by Aileen Friedman, Javonne Cupido - HTML preview

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Great expectation hung electrified amidst the walls of the network studios, the stage and editing/recording rooms, the people scurried from one point to the next fearing the time will dissipate before they accomplished their designated task. From the high perches of the network owner to the low stance of the janitor, they all positively knew this breakout live TV entertainment talk show was going to be the greatest success of all TV talk shows.

To their credit the network – SA9 – had snapped up the most sought after and highly paid TV show host of all time, Jonathan Bale.

A self-made story of success and wealth, Jonathan started his career as a journalist for a small town magazine in the Midlands of Kwa-Zulu Natal. His stories covered the desperate times of the rural families trying to cope with the modernization of teenage ideals. As luck would have it, a copy of the magazine was laying on a coffee table in a doctor’s consultation room and was read by an editor of a leading newspaper in the big city of Cape Town. How the magazine got to that coffee table, no one will ever know, and yet that was the making of Jonathan Bale. The editor contacted Jonathan through the magazine, set up an interview and within a short period Jonathan was headlining the front pages of the newspaper with riveting articles in brilliant journalism.

It was not long before he became a household name and his attractive face spread across the advertising billboards.

Jonathan was handsome, and the camera loved him even without the use of photoshop. It was no wonder that he was head hunted by a TV channel that eventually changed his course of vocation. One network after another stood up and noticed this man that was making waves and increased the ratings no matter the show.

Along with his stride into fame came the A listed lifestyle. A small one bedroom flat was no longer good enough. A second-hand Golf was too unreliable, and it had to be traded in for a more modern, more expensive car. That in turn also became mundane - speed, style and sporty replaced practicality.

He met and married a beautiful model (naturally) during this time of the high life, setting up a home in a penthouse of a luxurious five-star apartment building. His son and daughter wanted for nothing, relishing the limelight holding daddy’s hands while cameras flashed up the perfect, rich modern family.

On all accounts, Jonathan had kept his image squeaky clean, the perfect doting family man, righteous, kind, generous, giving, never forgetting his roots. The all-around perfect human being.

When the announcement of a new show by the TV networks, and that Jonathan was to host it, the world went into a wild frenzy as the countdown to the pilot episode began. No one except those involved naturally knew the form or fashion of the expected show. A talk show yes, but what kind of talk show no one surmised. The public were exhausted with what they believed it would be.

And so when Jonathan stood in the shadows of the studio, the lights were dimmed, the live studio audience (that had paid a fortune to sit in those seats) hushed with a good deal of difficulty, everyone backstage held their breath. This moment was it. The start of the biggest thing in TV talk shows.

The music blared out the theme song, Jonathan walked to the center of the stage – the audience saw a movement and unable to contain the excitement any longer began to cheer – a single light hit the center of the set and Jonathan.

The perfect smile of the perfect host in his navy blue Armani pinstriped suit lifted his arms wide in welcome to all those watching all over the world. Minutes ticked passed before the audience calmed down enough for him to speak.

‘How you doing?’ he called out to the world.

It wasn’t only in the audience that he got a resounding cheer of “Okay!” in response to his question, it was people in their seats in their homes, their places of work, restaurants and anywhere in the entire universe that this show had begun its walk of fame.

‘So thrilled you could join our exciting new show. It has sure been an exciting ride to here hasn’t it.’

The audience, the world, yelled their replies.

‘Okay, so are you all curious as to what this show is all about? Do you want to know?

He teased, baited, and tickled the audience until the microphone in his ear told him it was time. It was all about the timing. Get the audience to a point of hysteria then satisfy their curiosity because at this peak of enormous hype they’d buy anything.

‘This show is going to be greater than any talk show ever in the history of TV; our guests will be leaders from all spectrums and from all over the world. We want to debate, argue, discuss, and argue every angle of every topic imaginable. Among these worldly issues we will also look at different religions – now I’m sure that will be heated debates.

The audience for a second considered what was said and then burst out in a combined cheer of approval.

Now it is without a doubt that if any other host had announced this, it would have been received with animosity rather than enthusiasm.

Religion would become the new fad, the new fashion, the new issue of the world thanks be to the smooth talking, convincing, lovable Jonathan Bale.

Just before he ended the pilot show, he held a carrot out for all to try and catch, ‘After a few episodes we will be announcing some super exciting news that will make every person sitting in these seats ecstatically happy. So get those tickets you never know if it will be your turn. Thank you all for watching our very first episode of “The Bale Show”. Take care and goodnight.”

He bowed slowly and gentlemanly never ceasing to smile, stood up slowly bringing his arms out wide in an embrace to the universe. He was the master of the networks. He was the master of the world. Everyone would listen to his every word and believe it. He was that first-class, and he knew it. He bowed again still smiling. The cameras faded, the audience exploded in rapture.

Every show for the entire season sold out by the time he walked off the stage.

He walked into loud applause from every crew, staff, management, owners and dignitary waiting in the wings. His back ached from the congratulatory slaps he received as he made his way to his dressing room where a bottle of the best Champagne, flowers, chocolates and caviar waited.

Cassia, Willow and Zayn Bale eagerly and proudly welcomed their husband/father in the privacy of his dressing room.

‘We are so proud of you darling. You did a most fantastic job out there. I love you. So proud of you.’ Cassia kissed and hugged Jonathan swelling with pride.

 ‘Daddy, the people clapped so much.’ Willow said hugging her father’s legs filled with pride.

Zayn in his father’s arms hugged him around his neck tightly, not exactly aware of the enormity of the occasion at only two years old.

Jonathan released his family and sat in a chair breathing heavily. His elbows rested on his knees while he rubbed his face in his hands smearing his stage makeup. He looked at his little family beaming with love and adoration ‘We did it. It was a success.’ He breathed out slowly.

‘You did it. You were brilliant.’ Cassia corrected him.

Jonathan glowed in the realization of his accomplishment.