The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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Arjun and Hazel just finished with all the setting up when Anam and the rest arrived. The place was one of the best looking apartments in the suburban area and in the night with all the lights and fittings, it looked better than ever. 

The party was in full swing. It helped almost everyone to cool down from the day’s tiresome events. There was music, drinks and good good food.


“Huh? Oh Anam! No! Not really.”

“Then missing Shark, eh?”

She laughed before adding, “I always miss him when he isn’t around! Well, that’s not the thing. Chloe didn’t come. Where in God name is she!? I have called her a zillion times. I feel something is wrong Anam. She always keeps in touch! “

“Hey! Calm down! She must have been tired and gone home. Don’t be paranoid.”

She nodded, but it was pretty apparent that she wasn’t satisfied with the answer. As she looked across the room she found Divya sitting cross legged and toying with some of the knives at the counter. Though they were just for show, they were razor-sharp and could cut through skin like butter.

“I am not the only one sulking in here!”

“Yeah! I can see that. Well…Divya and Sameer would have made a better couple than Chloe and him. But well, who am I to pass such a judgment!”

“You are absolutely right Anam, and that’s the reason I find this entire shit fishy! It is impossible for Chloe to have said yes to Sameer.”

“You never know…Hazel!”


“Care for a dance Hazel?”

“Uh…” She looked at Anam and motioned with her eyes to give Krish company.

“I actually have something to look after.”


“I’ll give you company Krish!”

As they walked off to the middle of the dance floor, Hazel mouthed a quick thank you to Anam and made her way upstairs. She realized that Arjun was nowhere to be seen.

The door to his room was slightly open just as it had been before. She didn’t bother to knock and barged in.

“Shit Hazel! I really should teach you some manners!”

“What are you doing Arjun?”


“What is that in your hand?”

She eyed him suspiciously.

“Aspirin! You want it? I have got such bad headache and all this music is killing!”

Her expression immediately softened and she said, “I am sorry. I’ll tell everyone..”

“That the party is over? Are you mad Hazel? I’ll be fine in a couple of minutes!”

“Hmm…Chloe didn’t come.”

Though he tried to put a straight face, his eyes betrayed his feelings. Her very name almost opened his wounds which he was trying hard to conceal.

He finally sighed and said, “Maybe you should ask Sameer about it.”

“I couldn’t get him alone.”

He stood up immediately and volunteered for going and asking.

“Don’t be silly. You’ll go start another fight! I’ve had enough for today!”

“I’ll be civil. I promise.” And without another word he marched off towards the stairs.