The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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“Sameer, I need to talk to you.”

“Can’t you see I am busy?”

“Where is Chloe, Sameer?”

His face changed color, but he refused to budge any information about her.

“Why do you care? She is mine remember?”

“I’ll ask you one last time, WHERE IS CHLOE?”

Sameer laughed at him and that ignited Arjun.

He screamed, “I’ll kill you!” and once again bounded over Sameer.

The fight bought immediate attention of others. Once again Vinay tackled Sameer while the others managed to get hold of Arjun.

“Can’t you both speak without getting at each other’s throats? That is enough! You are coming with me Arjun. And Divya, take him upstairs. Let these people not come even at a feet’s distance from each other!” said Anam

Divya obliged immediately and accompanied Sameer while Anam and Arjun went to the verandah to get some fresh air. The party was as dead as a graveyard.

“Hello…Hazel? How is the party going?”

“Party is dead Sebina! They got into a fight again. Where are you? When will you come Sebina?”

“The program just got over. I am heading to the CSE department. I can’t find my bottle. I think I left it in class. I’ll see if it is there and then I’ll start from college. I’ll be there in about 20.”

“Alright. Umm…”

“What happened Hazel?”

“Chloe didn’t come Sebina. I am worried.”

“Hmm…me too. I hope she is fine. If she doesn’t call back by the time I reach, maybe we could go to her place and check out.”

“Hmm…alright. I’ll see you soon then?”

“Yeah! Bye Hazel.”

The walk up to her classroom was not very pleasant. She was one person who always avoided horror flicks. With a lot of creaky noises from here and there and the wind whooshing by, she felt far from comfortable. The third floor where her class was, was deadly quiet. She could hear the noise from her stilettos very clearly; she could almost hear her own breathing. Shivering a little not only because of the cold but also because of the fact that the only light came from her Lumia and the place refused to brighten up she made her way though not by light but by a sense of familiarity.

She showed her phone towards the door handle and realized that it was firmly bolted. As she was trying to unlock the door, she heard a feeble breathing. Scared out of her wits, she backed off. When she didn’t hear it again, she mustered as much courage as she could and shouted, “Is anyone in there? Speak up!”

“Sebina? God is that you? Please! Open the door! It is me Chloe!”

Just the voice of Chloe, drove away all her fears, she doubled her efforts of opening the tightly bolted door and soon was rewarded with a whining noise and the door kicked open.

Chloe almost jumped over Sebina, firing away words of gratitude; she broke down in her arms. Sebina comforted Chloe who was almost hysterical; she waited for her to calm down before she asked what everyone had in their mind…

“Chloe! Were you locked in there? Who did it?”