The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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“Baby! You always calm me down.”

When Divya didn’t reply he continued, “Are you angry darling? Cummon! Give me smile!”

“Arjun was right!”

“What are you speaking about, darling?”

“Don’t! Don’t call me darling! How dare you use me? How dare you say that you love me and ask Chloe out!”


“Shut up! I am not your play thing Sameer! I love you…I always will! But you can’t be anyone else’s and am gonna put an end to all this!”

“Darling listen…”

Before he could utter another word, she closed the distance between them and kissed him hard.

When she finally, let go, he smiled and said, “Baby…ch….”

He couldn’t complete his sentence because he felt pain sear up his chest. He felt at his chest with his left hand and felt something solid. As he slowly looked down he realized that a blade had gone right through him and that Divya was still holding one end of it.


He was getting disoriented and soon fell with a thud on the floor. His breathing was becoming labored. She removed the knife slowly, the damage was already done.


“I love you Sameer.”

Chloe and Sebina raced out of their block. Though tired and hurt, Chloe took the keys from Sebina and drove her car at break neck speed to Arjun’s. They had a lot of explaining to do and hoped that they would reach there before things changed for the worse.

Just when they entered the house, they saw Divya walking down the stairs. She was still holding that knife and her dress was stained with fresh blood.

“Divyaaa!” Sebina screamed.

The music was cut off after someone pulled the plug. Everyone stared at her. She was shivering but finally managed to say, “Someone had to do it, right Arjun?”

The rest of the night was a blur with the cops and forensic team arriving almost immediately. Divya was arrested for murder, which she easily confessed to. Inspite of everything, Chloe cried when they took Sameer’s body away. After questioning everyone, and taking their numbers for further contact, the cops gave a green signal for everyone to go back to their places. Almost all of them decided to stay at Arjun’s, but Chloe insisted on driving back to her place. Not wanting to leave Chloe alone, Hazel decided to accompany her. So Chloe and Hazel bid everyone goodbye and left.