The Final Kiss by Honey Kiron - HTML preview

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The doorbell rang two more times before she finally managed to run all the way down and open it.

“Hazellll! Finally…you are here. Was there traffic? What took you such a long time?”

“No traffic. I had a thing or two to take care off at home! Am sorry! So how is your prep going on, huh?”

“Prep? I haven’t done anything! Dude, I didn’t even do my nails!”

“You have to do mine too…remember!?”

“Yeah! Well…common in…it is gonna be a long night!”

“Well…I had a feeling”, she said smiling.

They made their way to her room. Her usually messy room was messier, and Hazel wondered silently if she would ever manage to clean up!

“So Shark is coming right? Don’t tell me he has come up with some shitty excuse!”

She laughed. Sean aka Shark, her boyfriend for about a year had almost an inhumane ability of coming up with excuses so apt for the situation that one would almost believe what he is saying is true.

She nodded her head sighing, “Yeah! He is coming. I managed to convince him.”

“Good for you. So before we do anything else, take a look at my wardrobe! I think we might as well have to do some late night shopping. I don’t really have a dress to wear, you know!”

“Are you shitting me? You have that pretty white frock with polka dots! And didn’t you buy that violet wrap for this event?”

“I did but...”

“No buts Chloe…wear the white one!”


“What? Are you mad?”

“I won’t wear that, no matter what!”





“Oh god! Fine, wear the violet wrap then. It is way too plain though!”

“We could go shopping maybe!”

“Yeah! Right, all shops are open at 11 in the night! Don’t shit me!”

“Hmmm…I’ll have to do with the violet one then! So what about you? What have you bought for yourself?”

“Well…” she cleared her throat.

“You are blushing? What’s going on, huh?”

“Well, take a look yourself”

She handed over the little carry bag she was carrying. Chloe eagerly opened the bag to reveal a beautiful baby pink dress with little shimmer.

“It is sooooo pretty! Wow! Where did you buy it from?”

“Ask him!” she said smiling.

“He bought it for you? Wow! How sweet! Well he has got good taste”

“That he has” she said nodding.

“Well then Chloe; let’s get started!”

“Yeah! Why don’t you go get two cans of soda from the refrigerator while I set stuff up?”

“Sounds good” she said and made a dash to the kitchen downstairs.

Chloe and Hazel had met on the very first day of college; it had been two years since they met. They had more in common than not, and over time had grown into besties. The next day’s event was an annual fest of their engineering college. They being third years had a lot on their head. Other than voluntary work, they had the sole responsibility of organizing the entire program.

Though they thought of turning in early, their little beauty treatment turned into a gossip night with a romantic movie and tons of soda and popcorn. It was way after four when they finally managed to get their asses on the bed and doze off!